CEO'd By Him Complete Series Box Set
Page 55
“All of you have your own individual skills and talents. But you shouldn’t squash yours if someone wants to acknowledge them. Not everyone can do what you do. Embrace your talent and allow others to show you the love,” he said. He reached across the table to grasp her hand. He squeezed it gently. She smiled tentatively at him. He returned her smile then pulled his hand back.
They talked about a myriad of things as they ate. And laughter flowed easily between them. Drake realized that he liked Meg immensely. She was intelligent, lighthearted, funny, and kind. She had a caring heart and wished only the best for people. He liked having that kind of person in his orbit. She was easy to be around and didn’t place any demands on him.
She cleared the table and took the dishes into the kitchen. He admired her greatly in more ways than she knew. And he especially appreciated her body. She was curvy in all of the right places and it had taken every ounce of his will not to approach her last night. She had turned in her sleep and her leg ended up across his groin. Her knee nestled on his penis and he’d almost exploded with desire. The memory caused him to go into the kitchen to stand behind her. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Is there something you need?” she questioned.
“You.” He pulled her back against him and Meg felt his hardened penis. “Let me love you, Meg.”
She could hear the passion in his hoarse voice. He bent his head to suckle her throat and her knees went weak. All doubts flew out of her mind when she turned to look into his gleaming eyes. She slowly traced her forefinger across his smooth lips. He opened his mouth to catch the tip of her finger. She pushed it further into his mouth and he clamped onto it tightly. His tongue circled her fingers as his eyes told her all that he wanted to do with her. She sucked in her breath at the silent communication. She knew without him having to speak what would happen if she said yes to him. She slowly nodded her head.
“Yes, Drake. Love me,” she whispered.
He scooped her into his powerful arms and carried her to his bedroom. Laying her gently on the bed he quickly divested her of her blouse and bra. He pulled back and stared down at her in wonder. He had seen a lot of bare chested women before but never had they ignited his blood as Meg had. Her breasts were upright and full, just begging for his attention. He stripped his shirt off then came down beside her to cradle her breasts. They were heavy in his palm.
“Your breasts are so lovely,” he murmured.
“They are small,” she sighed regretfully. She was a B cup and had always wanted to be bigger. But it wasn’t to be.
“No. They are perfect. And they are now mine.”
He took one of her dark-pink nipples into his mouth to circle it with his tongue. The feel of her hard nipple and ridges surrounding it sent shockwaves coursing through his body. He wanted to strip off her panties and plunge into her. But he kept an ironclad check on his urges. He would take this slowly and send them both spiraling into space.
He moved to her other breast as he felt her unbutton his pants. He felt the zipper go down and his cock want to jump into her hand. He prayed that she would hurry and pull his sex out of his pants. He helped her along by pushing his pants to his ankles then kicking them off. He wanted to drop his briefs, but he would let her remove them. He settled above her and kissed her deeply as he grinded against her. She groaned in pleasure. Excitement was racing through her and she felt the urgency to touch his most private area. Her hands trailed down his back until her fingers touched the waistband of his briefs. She slipped her hands underneath them to cup his buttocks. He nearly jumped from the bed. She chuckled.
“This is not a laughing matter,” he rasped.
“It’s just nice to know that I can affect you,” she whispered.
“Keep affecting me, baby. I like it,” he grinned.
She squeezed his firm buttocks and he pressed into her apex. She gasped at the feel of his hardened cock. Her hands quickly pushed down his briefs. He rose to allow them to drop to the floor. Meg stared in awe at his burgeoning manhood. He was big—very big—and she wondered if she could accommodate him.
She held out her hands and he moved to her. Meg clasped his jutting organ and ran her hand up and down the length of it. He closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation. Soon she sat up and brought the tip of him to her mouth. She seldom sucked Doug because he wasn’t overly endowed and preferred the act of sex rather than foreplay. Apparently this was not the case with Drake and she was glad. She licked the tip of his thick penis and he sucked in his breath. She then trailed her tongue over the entire length of him. When she tongued his testicles, he howled with pleasure. He pushed her onto her back and stripped her of her red panties. His eyes were greedy as he stared where her legs met. He parted her legs and dove into her aching haven. His tongue felt so good on her hot, damp G spot. She bucked as his tongue massaged and suckled her.
She had never felt this kind of passion in all of her life. Doug had been her first encounter with sex and he’d never gone down on her. The pressure was building and she couldn’t prevent a ragged whimper from escaping her lips. He then rose above her position himself to enter her. He looked in her glassy, green eyes and saw the hot desire raging in them.
At that moment, he plunged within her. This time a cry burst from her. The feel of him nestled inside of her was overwhelming. Waves of pleasure were washing over her and he hadn’t moved yet. Then he began thrusting forward slowly, but Meg’s need for fulfillment grew rapidly. She bucked beneath him and Drake could hold back no longer. He pushed into her at a ferocious pace. He could feel his explosion coming and wanted her to come with him.
“Come with me, Meg,” he panted.
Meg felt like she was spinning out of control and she couldn’t contain herself a second longer. She clutched Drake’s arms and felt herself stiffen just as she screamed in exhilaration. She heard Drake yell his release as well and was extremely pleased that they climaxed together. He fell onto the bed beside her and they both struggled to catch their breath. After a minute, he pulled her into his arms. She snuggled next to him completely sated and content.
“That was extraordinary. Utterly amazing,” she whispered.
“You were wonderful. Where have you been all of my life?” he pondered.
“Our coming together was orchestrated by the universe. It had to happen in his time,” she smiled.
“Well, I’m glad that time is now. You are incredible, Megan Mahoney, and I’m not about to let you go.”
His words made her heart sing. She knew that giving herself to Drake had been the right thing to do.
Megan entered her suite and set her overnight bag on a chair.
“Is anybody here?” she called out.
There was no response. She looked through to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper attached to the stainless steel refrigerator door. She moved into the kitchen and removed the note from the door. It read:
We’re on the beach. Straight down from our suite. Come join us. Beni
Meg decided that relaxing on the beach sounded like a good idea. She could take her sketchbook and start working on the design for the Kid’s Zone. Hopefully they were under a cabana; she would need to be in the shade to draw on her iPad.
She put on a red and white swimsuit. It wasn’t what you would call a string bikini, but it was a nice, two-piece suit. The girls would be surprised that it was in her suitcase and totally shocked that she was wearing it. But Drake had made her feel more comfortable with her body and she wasn’t self-conscious anymore. She then put on a white cover-up, a wide-brimmed, red, floppy hat, and shades. She put her iPad kit in her bag and exited her room. She left the hotel and reached the beach in no time. It was sunny and hot and Meg was glad that she wore her hat and shades. It didn’t take her long to find her friends. They were sitting under a cabana sipping Mai Tais.
“Hi, guys,” Meg greeted them as she entered the tent.
“Whoa! Look at you. Wearing a two-piece swimsuit? You are hot,”
Ashlee exclaimed.
“Very classy, Meggie,” Beni approved.
“Thanks,” Meg smiled.
“Does Drake have something to do with your newfound courage to look like the hot mama you are?” Ashlee grinned.
“A little,” Meg hedged. She saw the open disbelief on their faces. “Okay. He had a lot to do with it. He told me I had nothing to be ashamed of and that I should show off my figure.”
“And he was right. Strut your stuff, sista!” Beni advised.
“Drinking Mai Tais I see,” Meg grinned.
“Absolutely. The waiter insisted and we gave in just to please him,” Beni grinned impishly.
“Somehow I doubt he had to twist your arms,” Meg said dryly as she reclined on the lounge.
Ashlee and Beni giggled.
“He didn’t have to twist them too hard,” Ashlee smiled.
“So tell us. How was your night with Drake?” Beni asked coyly. “Was it all that you hoped for?”
Meg played dumb.
“What are you talking about?” she asked in bewilderment.
“Spill it, Meggie. Don’t make us beat it out of you,” Ashlee warned.
Meg laughed.
“Oh all right! I spent the night with Drake,” she began.
“As we suspected. And?” Beni prompted.
“And we listened to the ocean then fell asleep,” Meg finished.
“That’s it?” Ashlee asked in astonishment. “Nothing else?”
“Nothing else,” Meg declared.
“How disappointing,” Beni frowned.
“It was lovely,” Meg corrected.
“Well there will be other nights,” Ashlee sighed.
“There was this morning,” Meg said casually.
“This morning?” Beni looked at Meg keenly. “Wahoo! It happened this morning!”
“You made love this morning, Meggie?” Ashlee wanted confirmation.
Meg nodded affirmatively.
“Yes. And it was fabulous,” Meg grinned.
“Yay!! I knew it would be,” Ashlee laughed.
“I know you’ve been hesitant to take that step. What made you change your mind?” Beni asked.
“Drake. I looked in his beautiful eyes and knew it was right,” Meg answered honestly.
“We know it’s right too,” Ashlee sighed. “Drake is a wonderful man.”
“And he’s meant for you,” Beni said knowingly.
“I just had to come all the way to Hawaii to meet him. I’m so glad you talked me into coming on this trip,” Meg said.
“You mom said it was a good idea,” Ashlee said.
That comment reminded Meg of what her mom had said just before she flew to Hawaii.
“In the beginning, she thought it was a good idea,” Meg mumbled.
“You speak as though she didn’t at the end. Did she have a change of heart?” Beni asked.
“The day of my flight she asked me to come by the house,” Meg began.
“What did she want?” Ashlee inquired.
“She was greatly concerned about my coming here. She wanted me to cancel my plans,” Meg stated.
“What! Why?” Beni said in shock.
“All she would say was that she had a bad feeling about it,” Meg said in low tones. “I dismissed her concerns as those of an over-protective mother. But now I’m wondering if her worries were not spot on.”
“I always thought that your mom was a bit clairvoyant. What if she is on to something?” Beni asked.
“Well, all we can do is practice vigilance. Now I wish I had pressed mom for more details,” Meg mumbled.
“Should you call her and ask for more details?” Ashlee ventured.
“No. That would only worry her more than she already is,” Meg answered.
“There you are. We’ve been looking for you.”
Noah and Kai came into the cabana.
“Hey, guys,” Ashlee greeted. Each man bent to kiss his lady’s cheek.
“Hi, Meg,” Kai bent to hug her. Noah greeted her with a hug as well.
“Hey, fellas. Are you here to pick up your ladies?” Meg smiled.
“If they want to come,” Noah said. He turned to look at Beni. “We thought you might want to hang gliding with us. It’s really dope. What do you say?”
“Oh my God! I would love it,” Beni exclaimed.
“What about you, Ash?” Kai asked.
“So would I. I’ve always wanted to try it,” Ashlee said excitedly.
Noah turned to Meg.
“What about you, Meg?”
“It sounds like fun. But I think I’ll take a raincheck. I need to work up Drake’s specs,” she said ruefully.
“Aw, Meggie! Come with us. This is no time to do work. You’re on vacation,” Ashlee admonished.
Meg chuckled.
“But this is not work. I love doing this. And I’m so happy that Drake wants me to work on his project,” Meg insisted. “Go off and have fun. I’ll be fine here on my own.”
“Drake will probably show up as soon as we leave,” Beni said sagely.
“Maybe. I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter. I am happy and content right where I am,” Meg smiled.
“If you’re sure. I wish you would come with us,” Ashlee sighed.
“I will be fine. Go. Have a great time,” Meg insisted.
“All right,” Beni sighed.
Both Beni and Ashlee stood and moved to hug Meg.
“See you later,” Ashlee called.
Meg waved them off then pulled out her iPad and turned it on. She beckoned for a server and ordered a strawberry margarita. Settling back on her lounge chair, she looked about her environment for ideas. She looked out to the ocean and immediately an idea came to mind. She smiled as she lifted her stylus pen and began drawing. She knew the fluidity of the moving water had to be incorporated into the Kid’s Zone space. Children were creative and that same sense of creativity must be present in their play space. She became engrossed in her sketching and did not bother to look up when she felt a presence standing next to her. Assuming it was the server with her drink, she gave instruction for him to set it on the table beside her.
“Aloha, Megan. It is good to see you again.”
Meg’s head shot up to stare at Peleke. He stood smiling at the foot of her chair, holding her drink.
Chapter Ten
“Peleke! Where did you come from?”
He waved his arm toward the ocean.
“From out there,” he smiled.
For a moment Meg thought he literally walked straight out of the sea. But he had to be speaking generally. The man couldn’t have walked from the depths of the ocean into her cabana. It was a ridiculous thought and she shook it from her head.
“There are so many questions that I want to ask you,” she said.
He set the drink on the table beside her.
“I do not know how many of them I can answer.”
“Do you know anything about the drawing that is depicted on the cave wall at Likeke Falls?” she asked.
“I know it is there.”
“What can you tell me about it?” she asked
“It would be wise for you to become familiar with the Winds of Fire.”
“What is the Winds of Fire?” Meg was confused.
“It brought forth some of the darkest days that Honolulu has ever faced. In July of 1910, Honolulu was engulfed in the greatest fire of the islands’ history,” he said.
“How is that event connected to the drawing?”
He shook his head sadly.
“I haven’t any more answers for you. I can only say that it is meant for you and your friends to find the key. It will lead to the resolution that you seek,” he said.
“You know about the key under the blue rock?”
“Is that where it is?” he smiled. “You must be sure to find this blue rock.”
“Why won’t you tell all that you know?” Meg snapped irritably.
“Perhaps I do not know as much as
you think I do. Aloha, Meg. God speed.”
He turned to leave the tent.
“Wait! Come back,” Meg called.
He continued walking away. Meg scrambled from her lounger and ran out of the tent. She frantically looked around for him, but he was nowhere in sight.
“He’s done it again. Vanishing into thin air,” she mumbled silently.
She sighed heavily and moved back into the tent. She looked at her iPad lying on the lounge and knew she would not be able to get any work done now. She needed to talk with Drake. She pulled her cell from her straw bag and called his number.
“Hi, beautiful!”
“Drake. Where are you?” she said anxiously.
“I’m meeting with my attorney at the hotel. What’s wrong?”
“I need to see you. Can you come to the beach when you’re done? I’m in a bright-yellow cabana,” she said.
“I’ll find you. I’m about done here so I’ll be there shortly. Are you all right? Are you hurt?” he asked worriedly.
“I’m fine … physically anyway. But I’ve just spoken with Peleke and he said some strange things. I just want to talk to you about them,” she explained.
“I’m on my way,” he said then hung up.
Meg tossed the phone back into her bag and sat on the lounge chair to wait.
Ashlee and Kai floated over the water then drifted to the sand. Kai pointed to the left where he wanted them the land the kite. They steered the control bar toward the vacant beach and within seconds their feet hit the sand. Kai unlocked his harness and moved to prop the kite in the securely in the sand. Ashlee removed her harness and laughed gaily.
“That was wonderful. It was as if I was soaring like a bird. I’ve never felt such freedom and exhilaration,” Ashlee laughed.
“It was really cool being up there with you. There is no other person I would rather fly with. Thank you for coming with me,” he said softly. He tilted her chin up and kissed her tenderly. Ashlee leaned into him and returned his caress.
He pulled back and slipped his arm about her waist. He looked up to survey the sky for Noah and Beni.