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Mouser (Reapers MC Book 9)

Page 11

by Elizabeth Knox

  I slither my hands under his cut and allow it to fall back against the cushions behind him before I pick up his plain black t-shirt and pull it off his body. In hindsight, at least he already cut my shorts off.

  I look over his body, really taking in the details of his tattoos. Mouser has a full chest piece that spans over both shoulder caps and extends into full sleeves. The only color he has is red, while the rest is in black and white, done with incredible shading to show the depth of the objects.

  Here I kneel over his body, taking in every detail that is Mouser, realizing I don’t even know his real name. A little bit of comedic relief, I think. I’ll have to ask him this later. His nose is perfectly shaped, and boy, these eyes of his make me want to drown in them. In all reality, I can’t believe he’s the man who’s captured my heart at this club. He’s a typical pretty boy, the type you want to be with but you’re so fearful he’s a player. Ironic how Mouser is quite the opposite. He’s the settling down type, the one who doesn’t keep a jar of hearts on his bedside table.

  Bringing my lips back down to kiss him, I take my hands down to his jeans and unbutton them. While I’m bringing down his zipper, I feel him smiling against our kiss so I dip my tongue into his mouth, heating everything up just a tad but not too much.

  His cock pops out so I form a circle with my hand, running it up and down the length of his shaft. He moans into our kiss and that only serves to make me feel even better. I’m not trying to make this a hot and heavy fuck, because let’s face it, we know each other’s bodies very well when it comes to that. Now I want to explore his body in a slow and passionate way, granted he’ll give me the opportunity.

  Mouser pulls his lips from mine, “Stop taunting me, Dove. Fuck me like the nasty slut I know you are.”

  I take my head back a bit, taking the hand I was just palming his cock with and I use it to take my shirt off. “I can be a nasty slut but right now I want to make love to your body, Mouser. Let me be slow with you. I want to be with you in this way,” I state, dropping my pussy over his cock. He’s quick to fill me up and I know there’s no way he’s fully inside me. He’s just too big for that.

  “As long as I can unload my cock in your sweet cunt, I’ll do anything for you Dove.”

  Mouser pulls me into an embrace, wrapping his arms around me while I roll my hips over his and he thrusts upward. Together we work in sequence, bringing immeasurable pleasure to the other. “Goodness, I love the way we fuck.” I breathlessly admit, feeling heat generating at my core.

  “Great. I plan on fuckin’ you until you’re pregnant, Dove. I keep thinkin’ about your stomach growin’ all round with my baby inside you. Fuck. I want you so bad. I want all of you.” What he’s said should scare me, yet it doesn’t.

  It shows me that Mouser is just as vulnerable as I am when it comes to this relationship. We have both our hearts on our sleeves and I’m fully confident we can both trust the other to keep them safe.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  She had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart. Neither of which did she have the willpower to refuse.

  ~ JM Storm


  It’s hard to believe that over the last week so much has changed between Mouser and I. I went from a woman who was terrified of committing to him, to a person I hardly even recognize, blindly able to trust the man. Honestly, it feels peaceful to be able to not worry about being hurt. I attribute most of the way I’m feeling now because I can be honest with him. I don’t feel scared, or like I need to hold back any thoughts or feelings.

  Over the last few days, I’ve been able to have an in-depth discussion with both Damon and Amara. I needed them to see what the benefits of obtaining a piece of property we could renovate into a brothel off the club’s property would be. Especially, if we want to make this work.

  Damon made it a point to tell me he knows medicine is my passion as is helping people, so once I can get this brothel situation organized completely, he’d like one of the ol’ ladies to take it over as a general manager so to speak while I can find a job in town as a nurse practitioner. Within one conversation I felt my level of trust with him skyrocket. Not only trust, but respect as well.

  I’ve officially brought on two girls from the first round of interviews the other day. Fawn and Yami. Esme, Mirage and Cirque have been helping them get set up in their house and I officially hired two new girls yesterday. Tatiana and Lulu are the newbies.

  Tatiana is a woman of Russian descent and she’s beautiful. Looks like she came straight out of a Disney princess film. Lulu is gorgeous as well. She gave me a bit of background, stating she was in the adult film business through her early twenties until she hit thirty, but at that point she decided to make a career change. Now she’s thirty-one and she wants to get out of her job at the brothel she’s currently at. I can’t blame her. When she said the name I cringed, because in this area they don’t have the best reputation.

  Everything I’ve heard about them only makes me feel like they view their girls as livestock, not as humans. As of right now we have one spot left open, but I’ll leave it open for a while and fill it later in the summer. I want all of our girls to get situated and adapt to the changes.

  Meanwhile, Damon and Amara both gave me a hefty budget to find a property that will suit our needs so I’m going out with an agent to check a couple of the properties I saw online today. We have three to look at, however one is a complete fixer upper. It’s significantly under budget, but I’m unsure if I want to risk putting a bid in on the place and then going over budget with renovations and fixing things such as the roof, plumbing, and possibly even electricity. It’s been vacant for years, so of course issues always pop up after the offer has been accepted.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Mouser asks as he pours hot water into my cup with my tea bag. I don’t know why it makes me smile like a giddy schoolgirl, but I’m starting to love the way he’s doing sweet things for me. Even if it’s as simple as pouring hot water into my cup.

  Picking up the tea bag I douse it in the water a few times while we chat. “I’m going to look at a couple of properties for Damon and Amara.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you spoke with them about buying a property yet.”

  I nod, “Yeah, a few days back. Since I already hired Yami and Fawn I wanted to get on it. Especially if we’re going to be officially opened within the next month. There’s no point in wasting time.”

  “One of the things I love about you is how you always find some way to stay busy. I’m only wonderin’ what you’ll end up doin’ after you’re done with this brothel bit.”

  “Easy. Damon actually suggested I go back to practicing medicine and that one of the ol’ ladies will end up watching over the brothel. Personally, I think we should have two women for the girls to go to but Damon made it a point to tell me I’d still be the head honcho in charge of it.”

  “Hmm, which two women are you going to suggest help you with it?”

  “I was thinking about Raven. I know she’s the legal guardian of her two little half-sisters, but, she has a good head on her shoulders and I think she wouldn’t let anyone get away with some stupid shit.”

  “And the other?”

  I don’t want to tell Mouser this, but I’ve been having the worst time. I love Ivy, but there’s no way she could dedicate time to running this properly with twins. Amara is part of the club so she’s automatically out. That leaves Camila, and Kat . . . but she’s the Prez’s wife and already has so many duties because of that. Plus, she has a baby on the way. “I haven’t made up my mind quite yet.”

  Mouser nods, picking up his coffee and taking a sip of the black liquid. Goodness, I don’t know how he can drink it that way. “You know, I heard Widow saying Tania might be leaving the Jackals soon. She doesn’t have any commitments beside that . . . so, it might be worth looking into.” He does bring up a good point.

  “Thanks. Whenever she stops by the club again, I
’ll bring it up to her.”

  “Alright. When are you leaving to go look at properties?” Mouser asks as he starts to head over to the fridge.

  “I’m thinking in an hour. I want to walk over to the girls’ house and check in on how they’re doing before we go. It must be a big change for them, and I want to show them I’m here in whatever way they might need me to be. In my experience you can never offer too much support.”

  Mouser walks around the kitchen island and presses his lips against the top of my head. “I’m convinced you’re the sweetest woman on this Earth. Want me to come with you?”

  Shaking my head, I give him my answer. “No, I think I can manage. Plus, we’re on club property and I don’t feel like there’s any sort of threat here.”

  “Damon did say for me to be your bodyguard,” Mouser mutters, trying to convince himself he needs to stick to my hip like a Siamese twin.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m only walking a couple hundred meters away from the clubhouse. For fuck’s sake, I’m still on the club property. I’ll be fine. We’ll meet back here in an hour and you can take me around on the back of your bike while we look at these properties. How does that sound?” I ask, smiling away while I take a sip of my tea.

  Mouser caves in, “Alright. One hour though. No funny business.”

  “Funny business? What’s that supposed to mean!” I laugh, scooting off the barstool I stand and kiss him gently as I begin to walk toward the door.

  “It means, don’t do that thing where you end up getting over here thirty minutes after the fact. We have a date, woman.”

  Rolling my eyes, I blow him a kiss as I walk out of the house and trek along the stone pathway up to the house the girls are in. One of them must’ve been cleaning up the porch area because there’s a couple chairs out there with a porch swing on the end, making it seem a bit cozier.

  Not bothering to knock I place my hand on the door handle and twist it, opening the door and walking inside. Shutting it behind me, I head into the kitchen which has an open concept to the dining room and see if any of the girls are awake. It’s around seven in the morning so they might not be up quite yet, but I do spot one of them.

  Yami’s brewing her own tea right now, which automatically causes me to smile. “Traditional habits don’t ever go out of style it seems,” I say, walking up behind her. She jumps, obviously startled by my sudden arrival and turns around with her hand on her chest.

  “Sakura, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “Oh gosh, that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to come over here and see how you girls were coping with all of the changes. I’m sure it’s been a lot.”

  Yami smirks before her expression shifts to a frown, “Yes, it . . . it’s been a lot, but it will all get better soon, right?”

  I nod, giving her a bit of confirmation.

  Yami opens her mouth for a split second and shuts it. Something in my gut sends an eerie feeling coursing through my body, so I act on instinct. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I . . . I didn’t expect you to be so kind. If anything, I thought you were going to be a monster too.”

  Too? What does she mean? “I don’t understand,” I murmur, not catching what she’s saying. “You ladies are my responsibility, therefore it’s my job to make sure you’re okay. Whether it’s coming over as a friend, making sure you’re healthy in a mental or physical capacity or something else. I’d never imagine being a monster to you ladies. Not ever.”

  Yami’s chestnut brown eyes stare right into mine and I don’t mistake the way they’re shining over like she’s about to cry. I know people get emotional however, I don’t understand what’s happening right now. Why is she all of a sudden getting upset?

  Yami wraps her arms around herself and falls to the floor, “I’ve made a terrible mistake. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m so incredibly sorry.”

  I rush over and slide on the wooden floor, pulling Yami into my arms. “What’s going on? Tell me so I can help.”

  “I thought you’d be just like her. She . . . she and her men took my daughter. They took my daughter and said I had to get you back, that I needed to infiltrate this place and get you back for her.”

  “Who?” I ask, not meaning for my tone to sound so demanding.

  “Your mother.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop

  ~ Rumi


  “Hello?” I answer my cell after Farrah’s called for what has to be the tenth time today. Typically, I dodge her calls and eventually call her back in the evening. Considering it’s maybe seven ten in the morning right now, I’m not lookin’ forward to havin’ a full-on discussion with her.

  “Okay, let me be real with you. The fact I’ve had to call you eight times is ridiculous, especially since I can see you’ve read my texts too, asshole. The luxury of having an idiot brother who doesn’t know how to turn off his read receipts. Anyways, Lennox and I are about six hours out so we’ll see you later this evening.” Motherfucker, I can hear her smilin’ through the damn phone.

  “What?” I say, knowing very well what she’s just said. My sisters are comin’ to visit me here. Fuck.

  “I said, get ready to see your two favorite ladies on the planet, jerkoff.”

  “Oh wait, Nikki Bella and Heidi Klum are coming to see me?”

  “Smartass,” Farrah comments with a grumble.

  “You two know you’re supposed to let me know when you’re comin’ down so I can make sure I’m here.”

  “And I am, six hours before we arrive so you should really be thanking me. I could’ve waited until we were three hours out.” Farrah is the most stuck up little brat of a sister in all of existence. I’m sure of it.

  “Fine, I’ll get . . .” I start to say somethin’ to Farrah but when the clubhouse door flies open and I see Sakura with Yami’s hand in her own, lookin’ like a woman on a mission I know somethin’ is wrong. “I gotta go, sis. See ya when you get here. Drive safe and whatever,” I end the call and walk right up to the two women.

  “We need to see Damon, now.” Sakura spits, the second I get within a few feet of her.

  “Wanna tell me what the hell is goin’ on that’s got you so riled up?”

  “If I wanted to tell you, I would. Now where the fuck is Damon, Mouser? Don’t make me ask again.” Now, Sakura is the sweetest woman on the planet. Never has she snapped at me like this, which further confirms somethin’ is seriously wrong right now.

  I wave my hand and lead the two women back to where Damon’s office is, knocking on the door until I hear him call out that whoever it is can come in. I open the door and the three of us walk in.

  “We have a situation, Damon.” Sakura immediately says, makin’ sure she shuts the door behind her.

  Amara is in here with her brother, sittin’ on a chair in the corner of the room, furrowing her brows as she assesses the situation. “Alright, tell me what’s going on.” Damon instructs.

  “Yami is working for my mother. She was told to get me away from the club and notify her men of where we were so they could grab me and take me back to Japan. Now, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, Yami told me. I didn’t have to dig this out of her. She was honest and told me.”

  “What in the fuck is she still doing here,” Amara jumps up from her seat, stalking toward Sakura and Yami. She circles them, “I could knock all of her fuckin’ teeth out right now.”

  “No, you can’t!” Sakura defends the woman, and even I can’t figure this shit out. Why would she bother defending a girl who was sent here to practically cause harm?

  “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t!” Amara snarls at my woman. She’s my VP so I gotta just stand here and let it play out.

  “Because my mother and her men kidnapped Yami’s daughter. They have a four-year-old girl, guys. They’re using Yami’s daughter as leverage to get her to do what they want. She’s a pawn, just
like I was.”

  “Christ, we can’t ever catch a break around here.” Damon hisses, obviously displeased.

  “That would just make shit boring, brother. Look at the positive side,” Amara laughs.

  “Which is?” Damon asks.

  “Now we can get our hands dirty and cause a little mayhem. We can use Yami to lure the lowlife fucks out from their hole and give them hell.”

  “What about my daughter?” Yami shoots her question out, lookin’ straight at Amara with hope in her eyes.

  “Geez, let me finish. You’re going to offer a trade. Their daughter for your daughter. Only, we’re going to have our men planted around the meeting point and sorry Sakura, but you’re gonna be used as bait.”

  “There has to be another way,” I interject, not likin’ this plan one bit.

  “I wish there was, but I think Amara is right.” Damon agrees with his sister.

  Sakura releases Yami’s hand and comes over to me, taking mine in hers. “Mouser, I don’t like this either but my mother is holding an innocent little girl captive. One who’s probably confused, terrified out of her mind, wondering where her mother is. We can’t just sit back and let this happen. We have to get this little girl out of harm’s way.”

  Moments pass by of pure silence and I look to Yami, “What’s your daughter’s name?”

  “Mari, and she’s the only important thing in my life. Please help me. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t ever want harm to come to Sakura but with my own daughter’s life in jeopardy I couldn’t . . . I couldn’t say no.”

  I want to believe this woman and that she’s not lying to me, but I can’t fucking be sure. If I’ve learned anything these days it’s to not trust people. Because of situations like this. You can never be too safe, and unfortunately a lot of the time people are quick to betray you. “Why did she target you? The Yakuza members are those who give up their families and whatnot, right? So, how are you in the Yakuza if you have a child?”


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