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Page 30

by Sam Ryder

  She seemed to view me as an equal now, or at least a step up from the pawn I’d been when we’d first met.

  And she was still waiting for me to answer.

  Which was hard considering the flashes of endless tanned body I glimpsed beneath the water as she treaded to keep herself afloat. My lizard-brain could hardly string two words together, much less a whole sentence. “Fine. I’ll come to you,” she said, starting forward toward shore.

  “No,” I said, the wording coming out faster and sharper than I’d intended. If she’d emerged from the pond, her skin wet and glistening, I would lose all control of my actions.

  Why are you resisting her? I asked myself for the millionth time. When I’d first met Eve, I would’ve done anything she asked. For some reason resisting her temptations had become a personal test for me. It was like I was trying to prove I still had some measure of control over my libido-enhanced body. Yeah, that’s right, leveling up also increased my sex-drive, like a jalopy rebuilt into a Ferrari. And Level 4 was proving to have a powerful engine indeed.

  Since arriving on Tor, I’d had more sex in the five or so weeks than I’d had in my entire life on Earth. But not with Eve.

  She was staring at me, her eyes narrowed. “Still playing this game?” she said. “You want me. I can see it in your eyes. Do you deny it?”

  I shook my head.

  “Then come to me,” she purred. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me.”

  My erection was like stone now. No, more like diamond, a full ten out of ten on Moh’s hardness scale.

  What the hell, I thought. I didn’t need to train and the Three weren’t exactly sending me on any missions. Plus, Eve wanted this, and if anyone deserved to get what they wanted it was her. She’d been through a lot, if I could help ease her pain, I should.

  I stepped forward.

  She licked her lips, her eyes roaming up and down my body.

  Which made me pick up the pace, my feet splashing into the water, which was the perfect temperature, not too hot or cold. She was close now, drifting gracefully up and down as she moved her arms and legs.

  The water reached my waist and I untied my loincloth, flinging the saturated leather behind me and hearing it slap onto the stone.

  She moved toward me, until her feet must’ve touched the pond floor because she stopped moving her arms. As more of my body was covered by water, less of hers was.

  She emerged in slivers of wet skin, piece by beautiful piece. The hollow in her neck. The elegant lines of her bronzed shoulders. Her upper arms and chest. The waterline drifted lower until I could make out her dark nipples wavering beneath the surface.

  We were two waves that had been crashing toward each other for too long. This result had been inevitable, and yet I’d delayed it. In some ways that made the intensity of it all the greater.

  Her dark eyes bore into my gaze, which smoldered with heat as I drank her in, her taut breasts emerging from the water, dripping.

  The two waves crashed into each other and I picked her up, my hands grasping her ass, her hips, feeling every soft inch. Our lips collided with an urgency I’d never experienced before and then her tongue was in my mouth and I could taste her sweetness.

  One of her hands wrapped behind my head, gripping me to her, while the other slid down my back, around my hip and then penetrating the tight space between our bodies.

  She felt me and I groaned, my head naturally rolling back. She kissed my neck, nipping at my skin. She pressed my penis against her vagina, not maneuvering it inside, not yet, delaying, thrusting against me, rubbing her breasts and nipples against my chest as she continued to kiss my throat.

  I helped her thrust, my hands pushing from behind.

  This was not meant to be a slowly unfolding event, which Eve seemed to understand. She delayed only a moment longer and then forced me inside her, nerve endings firing along my shaft. I could feel every part of her as I slid in and out, drawing my hips up to meet hers, cupping her ass as we came together, two crashing waves colliding over and over again.

  It was her turn to rear up like a cobra, soft, breathy exhalations of pleasure arising from the back of her throat. One of my hands slid around to cup her breast, teasing her nipple between my fingers while my tongue found the other one, licking circles around it.

  All the while thrusting, each movement bringing us both closer and closer to the promised land. I could tell she was getting close and I was determined not to release too soon, gritting my teeth and clinging to the edge of the edge, my fingernails scraping toward falling.

  “Oh goddesses,” I said, my entire body tingling, resonating from the magical point where our bodies were one endless stretch of flesh.

  “No,” Eve purred, and I could hear the strain in her voice now. “This is all us. Harder,” she said.

  I obeyed, still kissing her breasts while my hand moved back to her ass, helping her thrust against me.


  I groaned with pleasure but held the tide at bay by will alone. I wasn’t so much clinging to the edge anymore, but over it, hovering in the air, looking gravity in the eye and defying its pull.

  “Fuck me harder,” Eve said, every word an effort now. She was close, so close, but defying gravity the same way I was.

  It was…un-fucking-believable.

  She screamed and I groaned as we orgasmed at the exact same moment, coming at once. Still thrusting, but slower now. Softer. In perfect rhythm.

  Holy shit. If anything, it had been even better than my romps with the goddesses. Even better than the foursome, which should’ve been the crowning event of my adult sexual life.

  Eve looked at me with her captivating eyes. So dark. So sexy. “Finally,” she said, reaching down to pull me out of her. “What took you so long?”

  “It was worth the wait,” I said.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Maybe you were right. But let’s not wait so long the next time, agreed?”

  I nodded, feeling numb. “Deal.”

  That’s when I noticed how much darker the gully had become, filling with shadows as I’d filled Eve with my sperm.

  The Black was upon us.

  Coming soon!




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