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A Guardian's Touch

Page 8

by Stein Willard

  “Everybody step back, the floor is doused in gasoline.” She had barely uttered the words when bright flames engulfed the warehouse, surrounding them all. Tahlia heard a collective growl from the hunters standing guard outside the building. She sensed them as they filed as one into the warehouse disregarding the flames that engulfed the building. This is why they trained and what they were prepared to die for.

  Tahlia heard Pierre hiss as he pulled her and Jonas to him. Together they dissolved into tiny molecules as the corrugated iron sheets of the roof pulled away allowing them to slip through the opening. Once outside, Tahlia took a deep breath as they all took on human form again. Pure rage filled her body. Visible for all to see, her eyes shone an unholy red as her anger and hatred escalated. Our haste in trying to get to Drake almost cost us our lives. She had to change their approach and their strategy. She knew that whoever set the trap was still in there. She recalled the movements she’d spied earlier and only now understood their presence. Distracted by the fire made them easy prey for Drake’s abominations. Tahlia wanted to know what he had up his sleeve, and she was going to find out now.

  She snapped a mental order to the hunters to retreat and waited until everyone had joined them outside. She made a quick headcount—everyone was there. Drake’s scent still hung in the air. Tahlia, leading a small group of hunters, reentered the warehouse.


  Jemima’s blue eyes jerked open and wildly scanned the interior of her room. Tahlia! She tried to sit up but felt as if something was weighing her down, limiting her movements. She tried again to swing her feet off the bed, but an intense pain pierced her back. Jemima gasped as waves of pain radiated through her body. She looked down and saw no blood. Slowly, she sat up again, her breathing rattling through a chest that felt painfully tight. This meant only one thing. Tahlia was in grave danger and injured, too. What should I do? She scanned the room again. Whom can I ask for help? .

  Chapter Nine

  James answered the door in his pajamas and frowned when Jemima walked straight into his arms. Alarmed, he held the shaking body of his daughter. His thoughts went wild with possible reasons for what could’ve rattled his usually stoic daughter. Oh, please don’t let it be something I can’t fix, he pleaded softly.

  “I’m scared, Daddy.”

  James pushed the door closed behind her and led her over to the bed. “I know, sweetheart.” He planted a gentle kiss on her crown. “Tahlia will take care of us, just like she’s been doing for the past twenty-two years. We are safe here.”

  Jemima lifted her head. “She’s a vampire.”

  “And a very dangerous one too, honey.”

  Jemima snuggled deeper into his arms, and James tightened the embrace.

  “What do you think will happen to us if something should happen to her?”

  He pulled back slightly so he could look into his daughter’s eyes. “What makes you think of that now? Tahlia is not in danger, is she?”

  The blonde head nodded. “I think she must be hurt. I…I kinda felt it earlier.”

  “Is it bad?” James knew his voice reflected his concern. “Maybe we should go to her.”

  “I don’t know the extent of her injuries, but I doubt she’d want us to go out at night without an escort.”

  James pulled Jemima closer and she hid her face against her father’s shoulder.

  “Can’t we just leave? Sell the house and move far away from here? Move somewhere where there are no vampires or any other creatures for that matter?”

  James tightened his embrace. “I know, sweetheart, but our only hope for survival is to stick with Tahlia. I doubt if she would allow anyone to separate you from her. She will never allow anything to happen to you.”

  “Why me?” Jemima frowned in confusion.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I did ask her once, but she only told me that one day she would disclose the real reason. That was on the day you were born.”

  “Tahlia was there when I was born?” Jemima asked, her expression incredulous.

  “Maybe even before that. I can almost swear that I have sensed her around while you were still in your mother’s womb.”

  “I was hoping this was a dream I’d wake up from, but now I find I’m not dreaming. And I find out that Tahlia was present at my birth and before that. I don’t understand.”

  “We’ll talk in the morning, sweetheart. Let me go tuck you in. I’ll wait until you’re asleep before I leave.”


  The air exploded out of her lungs at the piercing contact of the arrow. When she lifted her hand to the area of impact, it came away stained with blood. The burning sensation following the cold steely pain in her chest was an indication that the arrow was made of silver. The metal was extremely toxic to the younger of her kind, and in many cases resulted in a slow painful death. For someone with her power, the silver was irritatingly painful, but not deadly. I am bleeding like a stuck pig.

  By carefully scanning the interior, she spotted seven renegades hiding in various spots in the warehouse. They must’ve been posted there as a guarantee that if the fire didn’t kill the Royals they would step in and finish the job. The moment the arrow struck her, the hunters stepped in front of her to prevent more arrows from finding their target. The pain was paralyzing, but Tahlia knew that if she were to find serenity later, she’d have to get rid of her frustration and anger inside of her. Slowly, she came to her feet. After steadying herself for a few seconds, she exploded into action, startling even her own hunters.

  The first victim was the one who’d shot her. Hidden behind a pile of crates, the renegade hadn’t seen her coming. When she materialized in front of him, he was stunned to find her bending over him, eyes glowing blood-red and sharp fangs glinting menacingly. Not able to lift the crossbow in time, he died with a horrified expression on his face, his decapitated head flying through the air landing with a thud against the wall behind him.

  The second renegade, seeing the fate of his comrade, started shooting a salvo of arrows. Tahlia slapped the crossbow out of his hands before her sharp fangs tore into his jugular. With the blood of the renegade pulsing though her veins and her lips and chin stained crimson, Tahlia turned glowing eyes toward the hunters. She was ashamed of herself and wiped her face clean. The brutality of the two kills had sickened her, and she wasn’t sure that she was up to killing the five remaining renegades. The last one had pumped two more arrows into her before she could dissolve. When the hunters took over, she supported herself against a wall. Thick warm blood oozed out of the deep wounds from the arrows lodged in her chest.

  Juan appeared in front of her, and she saw his dark accusing eyes. “Why did you not call for me?”

  Tahlia pushed away from the wall and groaned softly. “I am not a fledgling, Juan. These wounds are not mortal.”

  “But if we were to come under attack now, you would be in a disadvantaged position, my Queen. Let me get you out of here.” He wrapped his arms around her and together they transported back to the safe house.


  The minute her door clicked shut behind her father, Jemima slowly opened her eyes. Her father must have been tired after the night’s events, and she felt guilty for keeping him up, so she had feigned sleep. But she had underestimated him. He had stayed after she’d ‘fallen’ asleep; probably scared she might wake up after a while to find herself alone in the big strange bedroom. Her heart softened at the thought.

  She swung her feet off the bed and padded to the bathroom. She thought about how comfortable the other vampires were in this luxurious setting. They definitely were no strangers to wealth, and she knew that the luxury she’d grown up with was due entirely to Tahlia. As a writer and a successful one at that, her father never could have come up with that kind of money. The mansions, the holiday homes across the globe, the cars, private schools, you name it—it all came from Tahlia. Now it was her turn to pay Tahlia back.

  After washing her face, she exited the bathroom, pulled on
her dressing gown, and walked to the door. She looked down the hallway and found it deserted. Why the hell am I doing this, anyway? I bet I’ll regret this later. Softly, she closed her bedroom door before she rushed down the corridor. On the way, she passed a large grandfather clock—three a.m. After walking a bit she found herself in the foyer. Still nobody. Where is she? She walked to the lounge and pushed open the wide oak door only to wish she hadn’t.

  The three vampires who were with Tahlia when she came to pick them up from home were standing in the middle of the room. They must’ve heard her coming a mile away because they didn’t look surprised at her presence. Although they appeared intimidating, Jemima didn’t feel any menace coming from them. Cautiously she took a step forward.

  “I’m looking for Tahlia,” she said.

  The handsome blond vampire took a step closer and inwardly she cringed. With a few long strides, he stood in front of her. His blue eyes were soft and gentle. “Tahlia is not available now. Is there anything we can help you with?”

  He smiled, and Jemima felt herself relax a bit. His teeth were a brilliant white without pointy fangs.

  “She’s hurt, and I want to see her, please.”

  She saw the faint shock in his eyes, and the two other vampires stepped closer. She suddenly felt as if the room was becoming too crowded and cautiously took a quick step backward. The blond vampire held up his hand, and the other two stopped in their tracks. The soft blue eyes looked down into her eyes and she relaxed some.

  “You need not fear us, Jemima. We mean you no harm. My name is Pierre.” He turned to face the other vampires. “The dark one over there is Jonas and that is Juan. Juan is Tahlia’s personal guard. Tahlia, Jonas, and I are Clan Royals.”

  Jemima nodded nervously. “Nice to meet you all, but I really need to see Tahlia, please.” The longer it took them to take her to Tahlia the more worried she became. Is Tahlia’s condition worse than what I thought? Or is she…was she dead? No, I would’ve felt her spirit leaving this world. Stunned by that realization she blinked rapidly. How…how do I know that? Her body began to shake. This is all so confusing. The emotional overload of the day suddenly got to her and she swayed slowly. She quickly stiffened her spine when the blonde vampire’s eyes darkened in concern and he reached out a hand to her. “No…just take me to Tahlia…please.”

  The vampire known as Jonas stepped forward. She saw his serious face soften unexpectedly as he gazed down at her.

  “Come. I will take you to her.” He held out his hand and Jemima cautiously placed hers in his larger one. She was shocked to find his hand soft and warm. His touch was not at all repulsive as she’d secretly feared. Instead, it was comforting and gentle. Together they walked back the same way she’d come. When they came to stand in front of the bedroom Tahlia allocated to her, she looked up at Jonas. Why did he bring her back here?

  “I want to see her,” she said.

  Jonas nodded, and, pushing open the door, ushered her in.

  Jemima noticed that he had left the door open, as if he knew it would make her feel trapped in a locked room with a vampire. He briskly walked over to the cupboard in the corner of the room and opened the doors wide. When he crouched to enter, she realized that there was a hidden door inside. He turned back to her.

  “Follow me. There is little time left before the sun comes up and then you will not be able to speak to her.”

  A short flight of stairs led them into a huge, dimly lit room. The walls of the room were bare, giving it a very impersonal feel.

  Jonas pointed to the bed. “I will wait for you outside. Call if you need me.”

  She heard him leave and slowly made her way to the bed.

  In the center of the room was a big bed with black satin sheets. Tahlia was lying there…all alone…and still dressed in her blood-soaked battle gear. Jemima watched as the vampire stirred and slowly sat up. Her face was deathly pale, but the black eyes were sharp as they came to rest on her. Jemima took a quick step back when she saw a sudden red glow spring to life in Tahlia’s eyes. .

  Chapter Ten

  “What are you doing here, Jemima?” The voice was sharp, but Jemima could detect fear in the husky voice. Fear? Why? Is Tahlia scared that I would think less of her after seeing her in such a vulnerable state? She carefully stepped closer. “No, do not come any closer. Stay where you are.”

  Jemima stopped dead in her tracks. This time she heard a deep animal growl follow the husky voice. Maybe being there was not such as good idea after all. She turned to look at the stairs. Her bedroom was just a short flight away. When she turned back to look at Tahlia, she saw the intense longing in the black eyes. And behind the longing, she saw deep sadness, which further darkened the already ebony eyes.

  “I am badly injured, and I do not want you to see all the blood.”

  Jemima nodded and carefully took a step forward. “I was worried about you. I could sense your pain earlier tonight.” Unsure of her impulsiveness in seeking out Tahlia, Jemima averted her eyes. “Maybe I should come back when you are better.”

  Tahlia sat up straighter, and this time Jemima could see the grimace of pain on the beautiful face. A sudden wave of tenderness came over her as she looked at the woman who selflessly had done so much for her and her father. Tahlia had been there every moment of her life especially when she was in distress. Now was her chance to return the favor, as small as her contribution might be. She came to stand next to the bed.

  “Let me…let me at least help you get undressed and clean the wounds.” She saw the black eyes stare back at her, unblinking.

  “There is a lot of blood. Are you sure you will be able to do this? I will understand if you cannot, little one.”

  She remembered the endearment from her childhood, and a familiar warm feeling settled around her heart. “Let me try…please.”

  Tahlia nodded.

  With shaky hands, Jemima began to unbutton the leather breastplate. Tahlia was right. There was a lot of blood seeping out of the puncture wounds in her chest. To a human these wounds would’ve been fatal.

  “Rafina will be here soon to help me, but I would appreciate it if you could help me get out of these clothes while we wait for her.”

  With her hands still shaking, Jemima finished unlacing the breastplate. She found the breastplate to be quite heavy when she tried to lift it over Tahlia’s head. A soft laugh made her turn to Tahlia and she found the black eyes shining with amusement. “What are you laughing at? I’m trying my best not to hurt you and…and all you can do is laugh at me.”

  I am having a déjà vu. She took the breastplate in one hand, pulled it over her head and threw it into the corner of the room. “You used to help me out of my armor when I returned from battles, and you always had trouble handling it.”

  Jemima stood back and looked at Tahlia. “What are you talking about? This is the first time I’ve helped you take off your breastplate.” Alarmed, she lifted a hand and placed it against Tahlia’s forehead. “I think you’re becoming delirious. I’ll have to stop the bleeding.” With dismay, Jemima looked at the arrows lodged deep within the vampire’s body. Biting her lower lip, she looked at Tahlia. “I will have to pull them out, but it’s going to hurt like hell.”

  Tahlia grimaced. “We do not have a choice. I am ready when you are.”

  Jemima leaned closer and began to unbutton the blood-soaked shirt, only to stop when Tahlia jerked her head back.

  “Sorry, did I hurt you?” Jemima asked. “I’m trying my best to be gentle, but I’m scared that with dawn approaching we will be pressed for time to clean the wounds. When will Rafina be here?”

  “I can sense her coming down the hallway.”

  “Good. I would hate to be the one hurting you.”

  Tahlia reached for the slender hand resting on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. She brought the hand to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on the fingertips.

  A small tremor ran through Jemima’s arm.

  “Thank you fo
r being here. Having you here makes the pain bearable.”

  Footsteps on the stairs made Jemima step back from the bed. She saw a beautiful dark-haired woman enter the chamber carrying a black case. Upon closer inspection, Jemima noticed that the woman was older than she first appeared, but was carrying her years well. Jemima watched as the woman stopped and looked at her with a shocked expression.

  “Rafina, meet Jemima. Jemima and her father are our guests.”

  The woman came closer and placed the bag on the bed. Dark eyes held Jemima’s as Rafina held out her hand and gave her a warm welcoming smile. Jemima’s curiosity was piqued. The woman didn’t fit in with the rest of the housemates. Is it possible that a vampire can look so human? When Rafina turned to Tahlia and her dark eyes critically inspected the wounds, Jemima could tell that the time for niceties was over—Rafina now was all business.

  Jemima cringed when Rafina, without warning, tightened her small hand over a protruding arrow and yanked it out. No sound came from Tahlia, but her face turned even paler and tiny beads of sweat formed on her upper lip. The black eyes darkened even further.

  “This is too much for you, Jemi. You do not have to stay.”

  “I’m staying, Tahlia.” Jemima looked down into Tahlia’s dark eyes. She grabbed Tahlia’s hand when Rafina reached for the second arrow. This time, Jemima heard a soft groan escape and tightened her grip on Tahlia’s hand. When Jemima looked into Tahlia’s eyes she found them damp with unshed tears. “You don’t have to be strong for me, Tahlia. I know you must be in terrible pain, and I understand.”

  Rafina pulled out the third arrow, and Jemima gasped when Tahlia’s upper body lifted off the bed. Her eyes tracked to the worried look on Rafina’s face as a thick stream of dark red blood oozed from the gaping wound.


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