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A Guardian's Touch

Page 11

by Stein Willard

  With her extra sensitive senses, Tahlia probed the castle to see who else was there with Aurora—a husband, perhaps, or a lover. That idea was extremely repulsive, and she felt a jolt of jealousy at the thought of someone else touching Aurora’s satin smooth skin. She must have made a sound because the blue eyes once again turned in her direction. This time Aurora didn’t look away as she slowly came to her feet. Tahlia felt like kicking herself. She had scared her and now Aurora was going to leave the garden and run back into the castle.

  What happened next made her obsidian eyes widen in sudden alarm. Aurora was coming straight at her. For a brief panic-stricken moment, she thought of concealing her presence using a cloaking spell, but the choice wasn’t hers to make. The blonde was just a few feet away from her, and the blue eyes fixed on her face. It was impossible. Even with above-average eyesight, it would be impossible for a human to detect someone hiding in the pitch-dark shadows where she stood.

  “Are you there?”

  Tahlia closed her eyes at the sound of the melodious voice. When she opened them again, she found Aurora staring straight into her eyes. She quietly shifted deeper into the shadows.


  At the sound of her whispered name, her heart skipped a beat. How was it possible for Aurora to sense her presence? Humans are not supposed to have such powers. She burrowed further into the shadows. No, she shook her head. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. She merely wanted to see her Aurora one last time before moving on. As powerful as she was, she had nothing to offer. Nothing except a life lived in darkness and—danger. She was a hunter and humans were her prey. She visualized the cloaking spell in her head so that even if Aurora came closer still, she would not be able to see. But before she could enforce the spell, Aurora spoke again.

  “I love you.”

  Tahlia staggered backward at the sound of the whisper. She slapped her hand over her chest. Those three little words had pierced the skin and burrowed into her cold heart, which now emitted a warm glow. She couldn’t walk away again. It would kill her.

  “I love you, too.”

  She saw the blue eyes widen and then she saw them fill with tears. Aurora’s lower lip trembled with the effort to keep her tears from falling.

  “Am I dreaming? Please, tell me, because I will die if it is just another dream.”

  Tahlia inhaled deeply and extricated herself from the shadows. She heard a low anguished moan come from Aurora, who slowly sank to the soft grass, her arms crossed over her chest. A deep guttural sob escaped Aurora’s lips causing Tahlia to quickly step closer and fall to her knees before gathering Aurora in her arms. She pushed her nose in the soft fragrant hair and meshed Aurora’s slim body against hers as sorrowful sobs raked the blonde’s body.

  Tahlia allowed herself the luxury of shedding one lonely blood tear, which rolled down her cheek and disappeared into the blonde hair. They sat like that for what seemed like hours before Aurora lifted her head. Tahlia saw the blue eyes glitter with unshed tears and noticed that her hands were shaking badly as they cupped Aurora’s face.

  “I made a promise to the gods that if I was granted one last chance to gaze upon your beautiful face that they could have my life and everything else of value I have to offer.” Aurora’s fingertips brushed over Tahlia’s lips while fresh tears ran down her cheeks. “Look at you. You are still perfect. Now that I have seen you again, I do not think I will be able to leave this world peacefully knowing that I will have to leave you behind.”

  Tahlia reached up and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. Aurora grabbed her hand and brought it to her lips.

  “I love you.”

  Tahlia swallowed the lump in her throat, and, with her other hand cupped Aurora’s damp cheek. She had to do what she came there for or she would never find the courage to do it again. She loved this woman more than it was possible and therefore she needed to be honest with her.


  “No more talking for the night. I just want you to make love to me before the gods decide to fulfill the promise.” With that said, Aurora came to her feet, pulled her by the hand, and led her deeper into the shadows.

  Tahlia stared at the woman who led her further and further from the castle. If only Aurora knew that she was leading a dangerous predator by the hand. Tahlia was glad they were going deeper into the garden where no one would hear Aurora’s screams when she finally found out what Tahlia was.

  She shook her head slightly and came to a stop. She couldn’t make love to Aurora, knowing that things had changed—that she’d changed. It would be making a mockery of their love. She saw Aurora turn to look at her. Confronted by the love-filled gaze, Tahlia lowered her eyes.

  “There is something I need to tell you.” Tahlia raised her head and saw the concern in the blue eyes. “I cannot make love to you unless I tell you this. I also do not expect you to make love to me afterwards.”

  This time Tahlia saw that the blue eyes held fear.

  “What can you tell me that will make me love you less, my Dark Angel?”

  Tahlia could read the fear in Aurora’s eyes and steeled herself before taking a few steps back. She held her hand out, palm up, to stop Aurora from coming any closer.

  “Something happened to me at the place where I was taken.”

  “Did they hurt you?”

  Tahlia almost smiled at the protective nature of the woman. Aurora always protected her when they were together, using her immense wealth and the backing of her bodyguards. There were no more beatings by drunken soldiers or other vendors. Everyone knew the washer’s daughter was under the protection of Caesar’s favorite and most beloved goddaughter.

  “No, but they changed me.” She looked away. “I am not human anymore, Aurora.”

  “What do you mean? You are here with me. I have touched you.” The confusion in her voice was unmistakable. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  “I am a monster…a very dangerous one.” The admission came out hoarsely. She’d thought monster so many times, but never thought it would sound so…so true. Indeed, she was a very dangerous predator. She shouldn’t be there and had no right tainting Aurora’s pure soul with her presence. Tahlia could smell fear when Aurora’s blue eyes widened.

  “What kind of monster, Tahlia?” she whispered.

  The silence stretched for a few moments. Oh, please, don’t reject me, her heart begged of the woman in front of her. It was now or never. “Nosferatu.”

  The dark quiet of the night greedily swallowed the word, but Tahlia thought she could actually still hear a faint echo in her mind. She had said it, and now she closed her eyes because she couldn’t bear to see the horror on Aurora’s face. She could handle anything but that. She kept her eyes closed waiting for Aurora to scream and flee. It was only now that she understood what Lecrac had meant when he warned her against possible ramifications.

  Lecrac had taught his students everything there was to learn about being a vampire. He put the most emphasis on the loneliness they would endure. He told them the loneliness would come because humans would never understand or accept them. Loved ones would turn away in fear, and some would even betray them out of fear. Maybe she should have listened to him and stayed away.

  She opened her eyes to find Aurora staring at her. The woman’s fear was so great that she shook like a leaf. Tahlia swallowed deeply and took another step away from the terrified woman. As a child, her mother had scared her with tales of the bloodsucking monster that wandered the earth after dark and ate undisciplined children leaving only skin and bones in their beds. Lecrac was the monster that the tales were based on. Now, she was one, too.

  “I will not hurt you, but I will feel better if you return to the castle. There are thieves lurking around at this hour.” Tahlia turned and walked into the shadows, her heart shattering in her chest. She shouldn’t have come back. Her only memory from then on would be of a pale, horrified Aurora. She would return to Transylvania immediately. Maybe the pain w
ould subside once she’d put enough distance between her and Aurora. She was about to blend into the darkness when Aurora called out.

  “If I should die, then I would want it to be by your hand, Nosferatu. I cannot live without you and your love.”

  Tahlia spun around and saw Aurora still stood where she’d left her. She looked so pale. This time, Tahlia sunk to the ground. Her heart felt like it would burst with love. She heard Aurora come closer and stop when she was standing a few steps away.

  “Monster or not, you have captured my soul, and I will die if you walk out of my life again.”

  Tahlia looked up and sensed the fear that still hung heavy in the night air.

  “I am terrified of what you embody, but I am willing to learn to live with it.”

  Tahlia stared at Aurora as streaks of blood tears ran down her cheeks. Acceptance—at last. Love finally defeated the most powerful vampire in the world.

  Aurora came to kneel in front of her, and, with badly shaking hands, wiped the blood tears from Tahlia’s face before clasping her arms around her, holding her tight.

  “You are wrong, Tahlia. You may be what you say you are, but you are far from being a monster. I would know if you were an evil being. My heart would have known; just as I knew that you were not completely lost to me.”

  Tahlia lifted her face and stared into the somber blue eyes. What had she done to deserve Aurora’s love? “Truth be told, I am not worthy of your love, Aurora. The only way I can repay you is by offering my undying love. I love you with every fiber of my being and I promise to love you until the day I leave this earth.” Her words were raspy and she saw the blue eyes become tender.

  “Be careful what you promise me, Tahlia. If the tales are true, you will live for hundreds of years…long after I have gone. No one can love someone for that long.”

  “I promise you that I will wander the earth in search of your soul in every human. Once I have found it, I will wait for it to recognize mine, and then we will continue our love.”

  That night, Tahlia let Aurora take her to her bed and they lay together, talking quietly just like they had so many years ago. It was only later—much later—that Aurora felt comfortable enough to try to seduce Tahlia. The blonde’s body was taut from fear as she cautiously began to kiss her. Tahlia made no sudden moves that might further frighten Aurora. Instead, she lay on her back and closed her eyes, making herself vulnerable to her beloved. It seemed to have worked because she felt the stiffness slowly leave Aurora’s body.

  Aurora became bolder, and she deepened the kiss. She rolled away from Tahlia just long enough to remove her clothes and then resumed kissing her. The feeling of Aurora’s naked body brushing over hers was so intoxicating that Tahlia let out a soft, tortured moan. With gentle hands, she started to caress her lover’s naked back. When Aurora lifted her lips from hers, Tahlia could feel her looking down at her.

  Tahlia, not wanting to startle Aurora, spoke softly. “I thought of you every moment of every day, craving your touch and your kisses. I never thought we would be together like this again.” Tahlia slowly opened her eyes to find Aurora smiling at her, her blue eyes warm.

  “I have missed you, too. I would sit outside every night hoping that you would show up one night and again sweep me off my feet.”

  “It happened tonight, did it not?”

  “Yes,” Aurora replied, “but I wonder if we will ever get to the lovemaking part if you are going to talk this much.”

  Tahlia threw back her head and laughed. For the first time in fifteen years she laughed. The melodious sound cast the shadows from her heart, and imaginary candles lit every dark corner of her being. When she looked back at Aurora, she found her lover looking at her with a tender expression, eyes bright with unshed tears.

  “Your laughter is still as beautiful as I remember. Everything about you is beautiful, my love.”

  Aurora did not wait for a reply but instead continued to make love to her. After they’d made love countless times, Tahlia did not fall asleep. There were still a few hours to dawn, and she simply lay there looking at a sleeping Aurora. Her lover looked so peaceful sleeping in her arms. After a powerful climax, which had made her chant Aurora’s name repeatedly, the blue eyes had stared into hers, radiating love.

  “Do not ever call yourself a monster, my love. Because you are not and never will be one in my eyes.”

  Aurora’s voice sounded unbelievably gentle, and, after she repeated those words throughout the night, a tiny part of Tahlia started to believe it. The only time Tahlia did feel like a monster was when she took a little blood from Aurora as she was sleeping. It was not to quench her thirst but to ensure that she would always be a part of her. No matter where in the world she found herself, Tahlia would always know where to find her mate. In turn, she’d pierced her own skin, and, after placing Aurora in a deep trance, helped her take a few sips of her blood, thereby blending their souls for eternity. Now they were two halves of one being, and no one would ever come between them. After a while, she gently woke Aurora and made passionate love to her that almost felt like their first time.

  Thus, their 2000-year love affair began.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jemima stirred lightly, and snuggled closer, cuddling deeper into Tahlia’s arms. Tahlia could feel her regaining consciousness, and she held her breath. When Jemima stiffened as she became aware of who was holding her, Tahlia smiled wryly. She waited for a scream to follow, but instead Jemima just lay there, seemingly holding her breath, too. Tahlia slowly disentangled herself from Jemima’s body. She’d been so lost in thought earlier that she hadn’t realized the blonde had wrapped herself around her tall frame. Jemima quickly turned away from her, her body taut with tension.

  “Before you faint again,” Tahlia began softly, “I want to apologize for startling you earlier. I did not expect you to come back. Having said that, I will now slowly get off the bed and leave.”

  She was halfway across the room when Jemima’s voice stopped her.

  “What do you want from me, Tahlia?” Jemima was still facing away from her.

  “I am not sure you are ready for the truth, Jemima.”

  Jemima sat up. “What is the truth, Tahlia? And this time I don’t want you to speak in riddles.”

  Tahlia slowly moved closer. “You are the ultimate price.”


  Tahlia came to sit on the edge of the bed, but she made sure to keep a comfortable distance from her. “I love you.”

  Jemima blinked. You…you…you love me? What does that mean? We don’t even know each other.”

  “Let me show you.”


  Before she could comprehend what Tahlia meant, Jemima felt Tahlia’s fingertips on both sides of her temples. Almost immediately, a stream of raw emotions and vivid descriptions poured into her mind. Jemima opened her mouth, scared of the strange images taking shape behind her closed eyelids, but no sound came. It felt as if she were in a dream looking at the scene in front of her. Where am I?

  At first, all she could see was a quiet clear stream surrounded by tall evergreen trees. Then the surface of the water broke and a blonde head appeared. The person turned, and Jemima gasped. She knew this person. In fact, she was looking at herself or an extremely close likeness of herself. The only difference was that the other woman’s hair was very long. She couldn’t help watching the scene as it unfolded…

  “The water is nice and cool. Why do you not you join me, my love?” She sounded so carefree and happy and her eyes were alight with love as she was openly flirting with whoever was waiting for her on the side of the stream. Upon hearing the response, the blue eyes changed almost immediately, darkening with desire.

  “I am in the mood for something else, little one.”

  Jemima gasped at the familiar endearment and the familiar husky voice. The other person came into view and Jemima stiffened as she recognized the tall, dark woman with laughing black eyes. Tahlia!

  She saw the
vampire wade into the stream, pull the woman into her arms, and share a long, passionate kiss. She heard soft moans come from deep within the woman’s throat as the vampire first licked her lips then plunged her tongue deep into the woman’s mouth. After a breathtaking kiss, she saw Tahlia swing the woman into her arms and leave the stream to lay her down on a thick bed of clothing.

  What followed was so beautiful; it brought tears to Jemima’s eyes. Tahlia, whispering soft endearments in her lover’s ear, made love to the woman with infinite tenderness. Jemima felt her own heartbeat speed up as Tahlia stroked the woman’s feverish body and kissed her naked thighs. When she saw Tahlia’s hand glide downward on the woman’s shivering body, Jemima quickly closed her eyes, not certain she wanted to see that part. But even with her eyes closed, she could feel the other woman’s pleasure.

  Jemima’s body started to throb as she felt the other woman’s body stretch to accommodate Tahlia’s fingers slowly entering her. Jemima tried to stifle a groan, but it slipped out; she was shocked to hear Tahlia’s answering moan in her ear. She opened her eyes and found the obsidian gaze locked on her face, then her lips, and then her eyes. She quickly closed her eyes.

  Jemima could feel Tahlia’s strong hand starting to move rhythmically between the woman’s legs, and Jemima gasped when she felt a shudder run down her own spine. She felt the pressure build, spreading from between her legs, and speeding up through her whole body. She screamed hoarsely as her body exploded in tiny sharp darts of pleasure. After having shared the other woman’s orgasm, Jemima slowly opened her eyes. With her breathing still ragged, she saw Tahlia slide over the limp body of the woman, covering the blonde’s body with hers.

  She saw a glint of sharp fangs and felt them sink deep into the woman’s neck. Jemima reached up and touched her own neck. When the fangs pierced the skin, there was slight discomfort, but then another orgasm rushed through both their bodies. Jemima gasped loudly.


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