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A Guardian's Touch

Page 20

by Stein Willard

  “I have known for centuries what you have tried to do. But having your lies and fantasies put into print…what were you thinking? That I would never find out?”

  Tahlia’s voice was soft, but with her newly acquired super hearing ability, Jemima could detect the fierce undertone in her lover’s voice. Jemima was oddly proud of the restraint her partner was showing. However, that didn’t last for long. Tahlia moved so fast that neither Gillian nor Jemima saw her take a step closer. In the blink of an eye, Tahlia had Gillian pushed up against the door, holding her up with a flat hand against her chest.

  Startled, Jemima took a quick step closer and placed her hand on Tahlia’s arm. “Please, let’s leave now.”

  Gillian laughed. An ugly sound that almost made Jemima’s teeth rattle. This woman was stronger than her, and without Tahlia’s protection, Jemima knew she would try to destroy her. She remembered what Tahlia had told her about Drake’s plan. He was going to convert her and then destroy her, thus making it impossible for her to be reincarnated again—ever. She knew that, if given the opportunity, Gillian would execute Drake’s plan.

  “What is it that you see in her, my Queen? As a human she was weak and needy; now, as a vampire she is simply pathetic,” Gillian sneered. She turned her gaze to Tahlia and smiled gently. “I have been groomed to be your partner. I have trained well and am also well-schooled in the art of love. I am everything you need in a companion.” She lifted her hand to Tahlia’s face, but before it connected, Gillian’s eyes widened, and she gasped for breath. Her hands clawed at her neck as if some invisible hand was constricting her airway.

  Jemima looked around, confused and scared. Tahlia’s eyes glowed blood-red and her fangs were gleaming in the moonlight. Around them, the villagers huddled together in the shadows; some made a hasty sign to ward off evil. All too aware of the power of their immortal protectors, they tried to make themselves as invisible as possible.

  “You knew about Drake’s plan.”

  Tahlia was shaking with anger. Jemima quickly looked around for someone who could help her get Tahlia away from the other woman. The villagers were hidden in the dark shadows of their cabins, making an effort not to be caught eavesdropping on the conversation between the two vampires.

  “I picked it from your mind. You were working with him, a coward, a traitor…”

  Tahlia’s voice faded away, and Jemima genuinely feared for Gillian. Gillian's eyes were bulging in their sockets.

  Jemima once again placed her hand on Tahlia’s. “You can’t kill her in the presence of the villagers, Tahlia. They are already frightened. Please, take me home?”

  This time Tahlia turned her head to look at Jemima. Jemima felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up straight when she saw the look of death in Tahlia’s eyes. Her fear and panic must have registered in her eyes because Tahlia’s eyes softened a fraction, and she nodded.

  Tahlia turned back to Gillian. “I want you to leave the village now. You will never be welcome here again. Pray also that we never meet again because if we do I will finish what I have started here.”

  When Tahlia stepped away, Gillian fell to her knees, drawing gulps of air into her starving lungs. As she turned to leave, Jemima cast a quick look back at Gillian and felt her blood turn to ice. Gillian was staring back at her with intense hatred and her blue eyes glowed with the promise of retribution. Jemima suspected Gillian to be a very proud woman and embarrassing her in front of the villagers was the ultimate humiliation. Jemima stepped closer to Tahlia, and, with her hand shaking uncontrollably, reached for her hand.

  “I will not let her hurt you,” Tahlia said. “I have sent a message to some of the hunters to escort her out of the village. She will never be allowed here nor will she ever be able to find her way back here again.”

  Tahlia pulled Jemima against her tall hard body and Jemima could see that her black eyes were soft. “I should thank you for questioning the contents of the book. Otherwise, I never would have known about Gillian’s deceit.” With Jemima held tightly against her, Tahlia took two quick steps and propelled them into the air.


  Tahlia, stretched out on the bed, was following Jemima’s every move with fixated interest. Since their return from the village, Jemima had been very quiet. She had shut Tahlia out of her mind, making it nearly impossible for her to read her thoughts. What she could pick up, though, was her fear of Gillian and her increasing hunger. She hadn’t fed tonight, and Tahlia could see her lack of nourishment in the grayish complexion of her face. Jemima jumped a little when she felt Tahlia’s arm on her shoulder.

  “You are vampire now, my love. You need not fold your clothing before coming to bed. Your new powers can make your life so much easier. There are people to take care of that for you.” Her lips were very close to Jemima’s neck and she felt the tightening in the pit of her stomach. Tahlia groaned softly, knowing she first needed to ease Jemima’s fear of Gillian before she took her to bed. Her desire for this woman knew no bounds.

  “You need to feed, my love.” She took Jemima’s hand and led her to the bed. Once seated, she pulled her hair away to expose her neck. She didn’t have to look at Jemima to know she was staring at the throbbing vein in her neck. She could feel her lover’s eyes transfixed by the blood pulsing in her veins. When Jemima didn’t make a move, Tahlia resorted to begging. “Please, beloved. You need to feed. I do not want you to fall ill.”

  She felt Jemima’s warm breath on her neck, and she stiffened slightly when she felt her desire instantaneously flare up. Jemima softly touched her tongue to the pulse in Tahlia’s neck and Tahlia gasp at the sensation. Tahlia let Jemima gently push her back against the bed. Anticipation smoldered in her body.

  “Don’t get your hopes up, my love. I am simply getting ready to feed for now. Maybe later I might have another itch to scratch,” Jemima teased.

  Tahlia felt Jemima’s lips nuzzle her neck as her fangs lengthened. Her body stiffened and a deep growl escaped her lips when Jemima sunk her fangs deep into the vein and started to feed hungrily. After a few sips she flicked her tongue over the pinpricks to close them. When she lifted her head, Tahlia could see that Jemima’s eyes were still closed and her chest was heaving with every breath she took.

  “Do you want to talk about it now?”

  Jemima curled up next to Tahlia’s warm body. “I think I have made a mortal enemy of Gillian. I’m really frightened of her.”

  “You need not be. Anyone who gets close to you from now on will have to answer to me. I will rip Gillian apart if she ever tries to confront you. I will make sure that someone will follow her wherever she goes. I want to know where she is every second of every night from now on.” She turned her head to look into Jemima’s eyes.

  “But you will not be able to be with me every second of the night.”

  “Believe me when I say that any person who tries to hurt you will find parts of their bodies strewn to the four winds.” Tahlia sat up straight and looked down into the blue eyes. “I will not disappoint you again. I will protect you with my life this time.”

  They stared at each other in silence.

  “How is that itch coming along by the way? Do you need scratching yet?” Tahlia smiled.

  Jemima opened her arms, and Tahlia eagerly rolled into them.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Gillian was heavily armed. Forced to leave the village had been hard enough, but to be stuck in a twentieth century city, like New York, which was overrun by vampire slayers, she had to watch her back at all times. She hated living in this time period. People didn’t appreciate the supremacy of vampires, as was the case back in the village. She missed being there, having a young human woman or man in her bed every day as well as a steady supply of fresh blood from her bed partners. She was well-known for her sexual appetite and was sought out by potential lovers all the time in exchange for her protection or a few expensive baubles.

  Since Tahlia forced her out of the village a few weeks earlier, the f
ew times she had fed were very unpleasant. The taste of narcotics and disease she had tasted in the blood of many of her donors disgusted her. She was so appalled that she killed them afterwards, just to make sure she would never have to taste their tainted blood again.

  But there were matters that were more important. She needed an ally and quickly, before Tahlia came baying for her blood. Drake was an idiot for thinking he could just waltz in and destroy Tahlia’s lover, thereby forcing Tahlia to seek the dawn. The Queen was very dangerous and from what she heard, Drake had his head ripped clean off his body. She shuddered at the thought of the brutality of his death and looked into the dark eyes of the man in front of her. She hated the situation she found herself in, but he was her only hope.

  “I do not know anyone else I can trust.” Her voice was strained.

  “If you were ostracized by the Queen, then she must have had good reason. Therefore, I cannot have anything to do with you.”

  Gillian stepped closer and placed her hand on the muscled chest of the man. “I had thought that there was something significant between us, but I seem to have been wrong. How can you do this to me?”

  The man’s dark eyes stared at the woman with contempt. “What we had was sex. You are too ambitious, Gillian. You have always had your designs on the Queen and have used everyone who crossed your path to get closer to her.” The man turned his back on her. “Please leave now. I do not want you to be seen here with me.”

  Gillian voice was dripping venom. “I swear that one day I will make you pay for your betrayal.” She disappeared in a cloud of mist.


  James was sipping on his coffee and looking at his daughter as she paced up and down the living room. “Don’t you want to come sit next to me, honey? You‘re making us dizzy.” He smiled when she turned to look at him. Since he could remember, Jemima had never been one to panic easily, but after their return from Romania, Jemima had been edgy and Tahlia in turn never let her out of her sight. She was even more watchful than before, and those black eyes didn’t miss anything.

  “You will have to sit down, dear, because I want to discuss something very important with the two of you.”

  Jemima came to sit next to her father. “What did you want to talk about, Daddy?”

  James placed his coffee mug down and folded his arms. “When are you two planning on getting married?”

  The question fell into a deep pocket of silence. Even Rafina who was carrying in a tray from the kitchen stopped in her tracks. James looked around and saw the look of surprise on the faces of the other vampires in the room. Pierre and Jonas, who were busy playing chess, turned to stare at Tahlia, who in turn was staring unblinkingly at Jemima. Jemima was just gaping at her father.

  “I didn’t expect this reaction, but I would still like to have an answer.” He was looking at Tahlia and her unreadable black eyes stared back at him.

  “Our unions are so much more complicated than that of humans, James.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, James saw Jemima turning her head to look at Tahlia.

  “If we decide to get married our way, Jemima will forever be bound to me. If I am killed, she will be bound to a solitary life.” Tahlia turned to meet Jemima’s eyes. “I would like to leave that decision to her.”

  “I didn’t know that and I apologize for not discussing it with you first before bringing it up, Tahlia.” James turned to look in the direction of Jonas and Pierre. “Is that part of the reason those two are still bachelors?” He grinned when the other two men frowned at him. James picked up his mug and made his way over to them but not before he saw Tahlia extend her hand to Jemima.

  “We will be in the library, if anyone needs us,” she said. They left the room, taking the awkward silence with them.


  Jemima stepped into the library first and turned to face Tahlia when she heard the door close softly behind her. Tahlia came to stand very close to her, forcing Jemima to look up into her face.

  “I should have told you about our binding ritual and its significance, but I was not sure you would want to know about it so early.”

  “I’ve never been one for marriage, but my dad will have your hide if you refuse to make an honest woman out of me. Thus, I suggest, we go for a human ceremony, just a small gathering of friends and family. What do you think?”

  Tahlia smiled and gently touched Jemima’s cheek. “You should know though that my fear of binding you to me through a vampire ritual has nothing to do with the fact that I do not love you. I cannot stand the thought of you bound to me for all eternity even after my death. Imagine being alone and having to live through every second while the loneliness eats away at your soul. I refuse to let you live through that.”

  The black eyes became suspiciously damp and Jemima pulled Tahlia into her arms. Is that the kind of existence Tahlia had? She gently held Tahlia, pulling her head into the curve of her neck. “I understand, my love, and I never doubted your love.”

  They held each other in silence until Tahlia suddenly stepped out of the embrace. “Something’s wrong. Juan just arrived. I have to meet with him.”

  Jemima nodded and placed a quick kiss on Tahlia’s lips. “I will keep myself busy until you return.”

  “Promise me you will not wander outside alone. I will come for you and then we can go hunt together.”

  Jemima’s nodded and Tahlia left the room.


  Juan, Pierre, Jonas, and Joan were waiting for her in the conference room. Juan bowed low when she entered.

  “What news do you bring, Juan?”

  “Gillian is here in New York.”

  Tahlia nodded. “I have had her followed and my source informed me about her presence a while back.” The black eyes narrowed slightly. “There is something else you want to tell us, I presume.”

  “She came to ask for my assistance, but I turned her down.” The bodyguard looked uncomfortable. “It looks as if she is taking over where Drake left off.”

  Tahlia came to her feet slowly and closed her eyes as her hands curled into fists.

  It was Jemima. Over the past few weeks, Jemima became mentally attuned to Tahlia’s moods to the point that she could acutely sense her anger.


  There was a long silence before Jemima spoke again.

  Tahlia turned and saw that the others were staring at her with anticipation. “Gillian is after Jemima and that makes it my fight. I cannot ask you to risk your lives. Tomorrow night I will go out and look for Gillian. After I have dealt with her, I suggest we call a meeting at the village. We need to identify the rotten apples and root them out.”

  “We still have the hunters around, so we may as well put them to work, Tahlia. I will take them out tonight and try to find out where Gillian’s lair is,” said Jonas. “Are you coming with me, Pierre?”

  “Yes. I will be going to ground in a few years and might just as well make use of my powers now while I can.”

  “You are going to ground?” Tahlia asked. Pierre was always the one who exuded a zest for life. Even after his mate died, he still performed his duties and never once hinted that he wanted to take time off. Thus, it was a shock to her to hear him talking about going to ground. Jonas, she knew, had gone to ground a few times over the 2 000 years, but never Pierre. She had been so preoccupied with Jemima that she had failed her friends. Before, she had always made time to talk. But the last four hundred years had been demanding for her, especially with Paloma gone and the threat Drake posed. The loss of her childhood friend gutted her and made her more withdrawn. In the process she neglected her friends.

  She walked over to where Pierre sat and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Could I have a word with you later, my friend?”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Tahlia fo
und Jemima in their bedroom, leaning against the headboard, reading the newspaper. Her blue eyes flashed with pleasure when she sensed her presence. “I am ready when you are,” Tahlia said gently and pushed a strand of hair behind Jemima’s ear. They shared an intimate look for a few moments, before she moved closer for a long, slow kiss. Afterwards she just held Jemima.

  “Pierre is going to ground in a few years. I just spoke to him.”

  “Why is that?”

  Tahlia went to sit on the bed and pulled Jemima onto her lap. “It means that his loneliness must be weighing heavy on his heart and wishes to pass time sleeping for a few centuries. I went to ground for a few decades after you passed on. In most cases, I came up only when I sensed your conception or sometimes your birth.” She pressed a soft kiss against Jemima’s cheek. “Pierre was always so happy and full of life. I guess he must have thought about this for a while now.”

  “I thought that vampires could have any woman they wanted. He’s an incredibly handsome man. Doesn’t he have someone—a mate?”

  “No. He lost his mate about four centuries ago when a group of human vampire slayers attacked their castle and burned her alive. A vampire ceremony bound them, which means that he will forever be wandering the earth never knowing true love again. Because she was a vampire she could never be reincarnated.”

  “Isn’t there someone who can help him? Maybe someone who can lift the binding spell of the ceremony?”

  Tahlia shook her head. If only it were so easy. She came to her feet not even slightly burdened by Jemima’s weight. She gently placed Jemima on the bed and came to lie next to her. “There were rumors many centuries ago of a Druid priest who could undo almost every spell imaginable. We never paid much attention to the rumor then.”


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