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Witch of Shadows (Shadowhurst Mysteries Book 1)

Page 21

by A. N. Sage

  I cleared my throat and the hunters turned to look at me.

  “We need the name of the last target and we need it yesterday,” I announced.

  Beside me, River shifted his weight uncomfortably. “But how? We don’t even know what to look for and if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have even known about Clay.”

  My spine uncurled and determination settled in my gut.

  “I know just the person to call.”

  Three hours later we huddled in a circle around River’s kitchen island again. My nerves were sky high and despite River reassuring me his mom was away for the day, I couldn’t help but glance back to the front door from time to time to make sure. I needed another awkward exchange with Evanora right now like I needed a nail in the eye.

  Across from me, Jayden tossed a chip into the air and caught it with his mouth before fist-pumping the air. Beside him, Morgan rolled her eyes and shook her head in my direction, to try making me smile. It sure as shit didn’t work. These kids were something else. There was a killer witch on the loose and they were joking around like it was nothing. Their self-assuredness was exhausting and I didn’t understand how they couldn’t see the gravity of the situation. If she gets her next kill, we’re done for. Even the High Coven couldn’t—

  Oh, sweet mother of Gandalf. The High Coven!

  In all my obsession with finding the witch, I completely forgot to fill them in on what I found out. I needed to call the high priestesses and I needed to call them now. My hands reached for the phone tucked in the waistband of my navy blue leggings but as I pulled it out, it vibrated in my hand.

  My eyes snapped to the screen and Peyton’s red-streaked hair and aggressive eyeliner popped into view. With a nod, I exchanged a glance with everyone at the table before answering.

  “B!” My best friend screeched into the phone and I had to lower the volume to keep my eardrums from bursting. “I don’t know what’s been up your ass with the disappearance acts but I’m glad you texted.”

  “Peyton.” I squirmed. “You’re on speaker. I got River and his friends here.”

  The other line went silent and I had to tap on the screen to make sure we were still connected.

  “Girl! The witch hunters?” Peyton shrieked. “Sweet!”

  Next to River, Savannah cursed under her breath and my face grew beet red. I really needed to put a muzzle on my friend before her enormous mouth ruined everything.

  “Speaker…” I whispered into the phone.

  “Right, sorry,” Peyton said. “What’s up, peeps?”

  The hunters grumbled hello and leaned in closer to the screen.

  “Okay, Peyton, you’re up. Tell me you found something.”

  “Um, excuse you! I’m like a freaking bloodhound; if there’s dirt, I will sniff it out.”

  River chuckled. “We’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”

  “You can take that as a ‘hell yes!’” My friend sang.

  “Wow, you two have this whole dramatic suspense down to a science,” Abigail said and laughed. “Spill the tea already.”

  The screen flashed as a burst of texts came in from Peyton and I swiped them off-screen.

  “I’m sending you the deets but long story short, I expanded the search. I figured we were hitting a dead end here in Shadowhurst when it hit me! Carriage Hill!”

  “What about it?” Everyone asked in unison.

  “Duh! It used to be part of Shadowhurst until, you know, the whole ‘burn, burn witch’ fiasco.”

  Knots formed in my stomach and my knees shook uncontrollably. I blinked and tried to keep my eyes on the phone so that the anger on my face didn’t attract attention. “That’s brilliant, Peyton. Did it work?”

  “Oh, yeah. Totes. Looks like one of the so-called witches the original founders kicked out was part of a fae line. I found a name but I don’t know anyone in town that matches it. Graves. Anyone know it?”

  We all shook our heads and exchanged looks. The name did not ring a bell to anyone but something about it clung to my mind. I felt like I’ve heard it before but I couldn’t place my finger on where or when. Maybe back in Stamwick? It sat just at the tip of my tongue and I hated that I couldn’t place it. This was important and I would let everyone down if I didn’t figure it out.

  “That’s a ‘no’ on our end,” River said.

  “Cool, cool, cool,” Peyton breathed into the speaker. “So what’s the plan now?”

  Everyone looked to me and I shrank in my seat. “Uh, we’ll see what we can dig up on our end.” I looked at the group. “You guys think you can hit the Google genie and see what you can find? Now that we have a lead, we should follow it. Peyton?”

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Are you home right now?”

  “Yep. Dad has me jailed until I get my math grades up.”

  “Great, stay there. I’m coming to you. Let’s see what else we can find from Carriage Hill on this Graves family in the books.”

  The group nodded in agreement and I shoved the phone into my leggings before bolting for the door. I could feel River’s eyes on my back as I receded but there was no time for goodbyes right now. We were so close I could taste it. Peyton found Clay and I knew my friend was the key to finding the next victim. She just needed a pair of fresh eyes and I was happy to lend them. Every gut feeling I had about Peyton being involved dissipated as I hopped on my bike and peddled out of the driveway. There was no way she was the witch and I felt stupid for ever thinking it. She was kind and smart and quirky, and she was my best friend. I pushed the pedals and sent the bike rolling down the steep slope of River’s street to Peyton’s house. Whoever this killer was, I was coming for her with guns blazing.


  It was already pitch black by the time I got to Peyton’s house. The street lamps illuminated portions of her street, making the surrounding trees look like they were on display in a museum. My legs were hurting from how fast I got there but when I climbed off my bike and hit the ground, I felt rejuvenated. Walking was a small blessing but one I appreciated at that moment.

  I shook off the needles in my toes and made my way to the porch. As soon as I stepped in front of Peyton’s front door, my pulse jumped to attention.

  The lights were off in the entire house and even the small, antique lamp that hung above the door was dark.

  Didn’t Peyton say her dad was home? Or did I make that up?

  My hand trembled as I reached for the handle and turned. The door swung open and I was met with the night that had settled over the Ling residence. It was quiet; eerily quiet. My gut told me something was wrong and I snatched the dagger from my boot before bothering to turn a light on. As I walked through the house, flipping switches in my wake, I realized that I was alone. My legs pumped as I raced to Peyton’s room but when I burst in—expecting to find my friend lounging on her enormous bed—I saw only darkness. My heartbeat skyrocketed when I turned on her bedroom lights.

  Peyton’s room was a complete mess.

  There were pillows thrown all over the floor and wind tore at the curtains through the open window. My eyes caught something sparkly and I moved closer to the window to find shards of broken glass under my boots.

  Something bad happened here!

  I parted the curtains to peer out, but it was too dark outside to see anything. My head pounded and my mouth felt drier than bone. Where was Peyton? And what the hell happened here? Closing the curtains, I darted for her desk and ripped the friendship bracelet she gave me with one quick tear. The pink string lay flaccid in my palm and I fought back tears as I fumbled to remove the amethyst pendant from my neck. I had to find her and I couldn’t do it without magic.

  As quick as I could manage, I slid the amethyst off the chain and tied the torn bracelet around the small, silver loop at the top of the crystal. My fingers curled around the make-shift pendulum and I pushed my magic into the amethyst to connect to its energy. Sweat beaded down my face and back as I closed my eyes and forced the pendulum to o
bey. If Peyton was nearby, I could track her. I just prayed she was close enough for the pendulum to pick up her energy through the bracelet.

  Come on, Peyton. COME ON!

  Tears streamed down my cheeks and I wiped them clumsily with my free hand before letting the pendulum drop from my fingers. It hung still at first but in moments, a dull purple smoke spread from my fingers and enveloped the crystal, forcing it to move. The pendulum swung in the window’s direction and I gasped.

  “She’s in the backyard?” I asked then cursed myself. Who was I even talking to right now? Crystals don’t talk, moron.

  I ran for the stairs, skipping two steps at a time to reach the bottom. My body burst through the front door and I rounded the house to the backyard. It was so dark, I couldn’t see a foot in front of me but the glow of my magic around the crystal illuminated enough of a path that I could run without tripping over something. The pendulum swayed aggressively forward and I darted in its direction. My chest heaved as I ran around the massive swimming pool in Peyton’s backyard and I couldn’t help but cock an eyebrow when I passed it. So she has a pool? Good to know.

  Cold air whipped around me and I was about to stop to check the pendulum again when I heard voices rise from close by. Somewhere beyond the tree line that blocked Peyton’s backyard from the rest of the world, arguing ensued. My ears perked up and I tried to focus on the voices. It didn’t take me long to make out my friend’s high pitched tone but I couldn’t place the others. There were three of them from the sounds of it.

  I pocketed the pendulum and stepped into the foliage of the trees, eyes widening when I crossed to the other side.

  There, in the middle of a small clearing, stood Peyton. She was still wearing her flannel pajama pants and her hair was a hot mess. Whoever dragged her out of bed must have been worth it because there was no way my friend would ever leave the house looking like that.

  I wiped my brow and took a few more steps forward. “Peyton?”

  My best friend’s head snapped in my direction and I saw her face pale when she spotted me. Her eyes were dark and though I couldn’t tell from where I was standing, it looked like she was pissed I found her.

  “Get back in the house, B!” She yelled, but I stood firm.

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on. Who are these people?”

  I peeled my gaze off Peyton and trained it on the three strangers in the clearing. They were older than us by at least ten years and I could smell their rage from where I stood. Two men and a woman with hair so pale it picked up the light of the moon.

  One man shifted his weight but his blue eyes refused to leave mine. He was slender in build but his white tank top clung close enough to his body that I could see every one of his taut muscles peek through. His hair was as dark as death and it shot out from his head in every direction. The second man, crouching low next to the first, was shorter, but I didn’t fail to notice that this guy was built like a refrigerator. His stumpy body was stacked with overgrown muscle and his bright blue hair hung down to his shoulders. He raised his head and I noticed the distinct yellow glow of his eyes. My attention jumped from one man to the other as my pulse raced.

  Shit! Shifters!

  Night air wrapped around me and I could feel the heat rise off the creatures to reach my body. Peyton, what are you doing out here with two shifters?

  “Well, will you look at that boys? We got ourselves a witch!” The woman growled and my eyes snapped to her.

  She was tall, not as tall as Savannah but still impressive for a girl. My gaze drifted up her long legs, past the hem of her leather skirt and to her wild, pale eyes. Her white hair was pulled into four braids at the top then spread to flow down her back and she flicked the strands off her shoulder when she turned to face me head-on.

  “Welcome to the party,” she purred and patted the shoulder of the dark-haired shifter next to her.

  “Get… in… the… house…” Peyton bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Not… a… damn… chance…” I hissed back.

  We exchanged glances and I tried to figure out where my friend’s head was when stump-boy lunged for us. He barreled through the clearing, using his arms to push himself until he was flying right at me. The shifter growled and his bones snapped into a million agonizing sounds that echoed through the clearing. When he landed before me, the man was gone and a large, black wolf stood in his place.

  I gasped and pulled Peyton back, stepping around her with my dagger pointing at the shifter. Spit fell down its snout as it breathed heavily and its wolf eyes burrowed into my soul. Shivers ran down my spine but I struggled against my fear and dug my hands into my jacket pocket. I fumbled around, digging deeper and deeper as realization crashed into me. Crap! I don’t have the amber.

  I cursed under my breath and dug my feet into the grass. The wolf snarled and stomped its paws in response.

  Behind him, the second shifter grunted and in seconds I was facing not just the wolf, but a bear larger than Peyton’s Jeep. I chuckled nervously, still pressing Peyton out of the way.

  Seriously? The scrawny guy is a bear? What in the actual hell?

  “You’re outnumbered, witch!” The woman screeched.

  And she was right.

  Without the amber, I had no connection to fire, and taking down two giant shifters with just my dagger would be difficult at best. I’ve had worse odds before but I still didn’t like this. My thoughts jumbled as I tried to think of a solution. Before me, the shifters grew impatient and I could see them readying to charge.

  Before they could move, I brought the tip of the dagger to my finger and sliced a piece off. I grimaced at the pain but as my blood streamed down my hand, a smile formed on my lips. I dropped to my knees, pushing my finger into the ground. My hands shook and the lines I drew resembled a kindergarten sketch, but it did the job. The shifters growled and I slammed my dagger into the earth and forced my magic out. Around us, the clearing shook and I could feel Peyton’s hand grab my shoulder to stay steady. My lids fluttered as I continued to push my power into the runes I drew to form a barrier around us. Death spread from my dagger and the grass withered as my magic crawled toward the shifters’ paws. Their wild eyes widened and they hissed but took a few steps back.

  “Clever girl,” the woman purred, her eyes locked on me. “But those tricks don’t work on all of us.”

  She walked toward me, not bothering to speed up her stride. Her self-assured grin made my heart race and I choked down the saliva that collected in my mouth. The woman reached me and I noticed she wasn’t wearing any shoes. I stumbled back, dropping my magic, and locked eyes on her. Slowly and viciously, she reached out a single finger and inched it closer to my forehead. My body shook but I could not move. Sweat poured into my eyes and I blinked the sting away. My thoughts jumbled and nausea overtook me. A mind reaper. I grimaced and squeezed my eyes shut. My head spun, but I fought against her pull; I could taste her need for me and my thoughts on my lips and I wasn’t about to let her succeed.

  There was a loud yell behind me and I snapped my eyes open to see Peyton jump over my crouched body to face the woman. My friend’s eyes were darker than the deepest night and her short hair whipped around her face as she screamed. The woman’s gaze landed on Peyton but before she could reach for her, my best friend crashed her palm to the reaper’s chest.

  “NOOOOO!” The woman screeched and doubled back.

  Her white hair turned even paler and her eyes rolled back into her head. She fell on her back, wriggling in the dead grass. Her naked toes curled and her fingers tightened into fists at her side. All around her, the air grew darker.

  My eyes widened and my jaw hit the ground as I watched the reaper take her last breath before her arched back relaxed and she grew still. In seconds, her skin charred and withered into ash.

  Peyton straightened her back and stomped a slippered foot into the grass. “Get the hell out of my yard!” She shouted.

  At her command, the two shifters w
hined and took off running. Away from us.

  “You’re a…” My voice hitched and I couldn’t force the words out. “A…”

  “A soul sucker,” Peyton finished for me. “Yep. Surprise?”

  And just like that, the world crashed around me.

  So Many Questions

  Somehow, the night got even darker and I couldn’t focus my eyes. Peyton towered over me, whispering something but her words didn’t reach me. My entire body was shaking so hard the ground beneath me trembled, sending jolts of energy into my blood.

  Peyton was a soul sucker. My best friend was a freaking shadower.

  Every muscle hurt and I tried to will myself to move but I couldn’t even lift a finger and as icy air rushed by my face, I could feel every tear that streamed down my cheeks. What was happening to me? How did I let myself get into this situation? Peyton was a shadower and the guy I couldn’t get out of my stupid head was a witch hunter. Who have I become?

  Everything I’ve ever known shattered around me in pieces until I didn’t know which one to pick up first. I had no idea how to put myself back together.

  “Billie?” Peyton whispered and knelt next to me. “Talk to me. Please.”

  “I… I…”

  “It’s a lot to take in, I know. But you have to know, girl, I wanted to tell you. I just, you know, was waiting for the right time.”

  The right time? Is she serious? There was no right time to tell me this! She was something I hated; something I had to kill. My heart ached and I rubbed my eyes with my fists until the skin around them felt raw to the touch.


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