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A laird to Remember: Brides of Scotland

Page 5

by Andresen, Tammy

  Blake’s chest ached and he rolled his neck, trying to relieve the tension. She needed the one thing he’d never been able to deliver.

  Chapter Eight

  Daisy shifted in her chair only half listening to Fiona and Rose as they caught up on life. Blake had been about to speak with her before Tom had interrupted. What had he wanted to say? What was she going to ask? Unable to sit any longer, she started to push out of the chair.

  Rose stepped in front of her. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting up,” she answered, trying to stand. Her shoulder was sore but she’d live. “I’m not going to sit all night.”

  “You should be in bed still,” Rose answered, crossing her arms.

  Lord Price entered the room, looking fresh and rested. Clearly, he’d recovered from their walk. She wished she’d remained in her seat as he made his way straight for her.

  “Lady Daisy,” he called, waving his hand. “So good to see you.”

  She gave him a thin smile, suddenly wishing she were in bed. How had she ever found this man attractive? “Lord Price. I see the air didn’t do you too much harm after all.”

  He stopped, his lips pressing together. “No. I’m quite all right.” When he started again, he gave her a beaming smile his lips pulling thin. “May I take you for a walk about the room?”

  She nodded, her neck sore, as she placed a hand in his. They set off, neither starting the conversation. She only had one man she wished to speak with.

  Reaching a quiet corner, Lord Price slowed his steps, glancing over at her. “I’ve wanted to have a private discussion with you since I arrived.”

  “Really?” She shifted away, stifling a groan. A day ago, those were the only words she’d wished to hear.

  “Seeing you again has made me realize that I made a mistake all those years ago. I should have pursued you then.” He moved closer and she stumbled back. “But my future was uncertain and yours in such turmoil.”

  “So you did know?” she replied before she could think about it. “About my father. My cousin.”

  His eyes grew wider. “I learned of it later.”

  She shook her head, taking her hand from his arm. “Forgive me, Lord Price. I just don’t think—”

  “No. Please.” He grabbed her elbow. “I made a mistake but I wish to court you now. We could make such a lovely couple. I’ll have to return to England for bit. I’ve got some business—”

  She tugged her arm. “I don’t need your explanation. My home is here and I’ve no intention of leaving.”

  He gave her a rough pull forward, making her shoulder throb in pain. “But I wish to make you my wife. Can’t you understand?”

  “I reckon ye’d best remove yer hand from her arm,” Blake rumbled, his hand coming to her waist. She snapped up her chin to see him standing next to her. “The lady said no.”

  Tom stepped up next to Blake. “Besides, how can you propose, Lord Price, when you’re already married?”

  “Married?” she choked. “You’re married?”

  His face paled. “A widow who is at death’s door.”

  She shook her head. That was supposed to make her feel better? “How would your wife feel if she knew you were already proposing to another woman?” Her gaze narrowed as a detail clicked in her mind. “Earlier, you asked about my dowry. You did upon our first meeting as well.” She stood taller. “You married a widow for money, didn’t you?”

  His lips thinned to a razor-sharp edge. “You people can find a different piece of land to bring in your wool,” Lord Price said. “I’m done with all of you.”

  Blake’s hand tightened at her waist. “How disappointing,” he rumbled, sounding anything but disappointed. In fact, she thought she heard laughter in his voice.

  Daisy moved closer to his side. Once again, a man had let her down. Lord Price was exactly like so many she’d met before. Though, if she were being honest, the way Blake had stormed off today, he didn’t seem that promising either. Still, there was something about him that made her feel safe in a world that was often mad. Did she trust that feeling?

  * * *

  Blake leaned down, drawing in her intoxicating scent. She belonged this close to him. He closed his eyes. Every instinct in him yearned to pull her closer still.

  They both watched Lord Price leave the room once again. Daisy looked at him. “Is it your turn to leave?”

  She was referring to this afternoon and he deserved the barb. “Not this time.”

  “Lord Price had promised to walk me about the room. Why don’t you continue where he left off?”

  He started moving, his hip brushing hers. “I owe ye an apology fer storming off today. It’s not ye but my past that is the problem.”

  She looked up at him, her large blue eyes filled not with irritation, but curiosity and sympathy. That gaze stole the air from his lungs. “Tell me about it,” she softly whispered, the sound was so low, he almost didn’t hear her.

  He grimaced. He didn’t want to share, the hurt still raw but she’d been so honest with him. “I was engaged to a woman who was full of life and passion.”

  Pain flickered across her face and he realized she was jealous. He stopped, brought his other hand coming to her waist. “Wait for the end. What I first thought was zeal turned out to be selfish passion and irresponsible actions. I found her in a compromising position with my cousin.”

  She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth to cover the sound. “Oh, Blake.”

  “It’s all right. The worst part was my father had tried to warn me and he looked triumphant when he’d learned what had happened. Like he’d wanted me to fail.”

  Her brows drew together. “Your father. You’ve mentioned him before.”

  Looking behind him to make sure everyone was occupied, he snapped the door to the veranda open and led her outside. He needed a more private venue for the rest of this conversation. “He was a hard man. Strict, rigid. I went out of my way in my youth to defy him. He never forgave me. At least that’s what I think. He never explained. But he did tell me on several occasions how I’d never succeed as a laird. I’d marry the wrong woman, make the wrong business decisions, let our people down.”

  Daisy reached for his cheek. Shadows were falling about them, the near dark hiding them from the rest of the party. “He failed you. Know that. My father failed me too. So did my cousin. Until last night, I never wanted to let someone close enough to hurt me again. Rose says that I fall in and out of love, but the truth is, I’ve never actually fallen in love. I stop my feelings before I have the chance.”

  He stared down at her. Those words made the tight knot in his chest relax. “You weren’t in love with Price?”

  “Goodness no. I think I thought he might be different from the other men I’d met because I met him before everything happened. I believed I might be able to love him because I’d already opened myself to him before my life turned upside down.” She shook her head. “Even if he weren’t a married ninny, I was wrong.”

  He grimaced. They were both trying to heal from their pasts. “Do ye think ye might be able to love at some point in the future?”

  She moved closer. “I hope so. I’ve made great strides. Last night, for example, we kissed. I’ve never allowed a man such liberties. But I trust you and—”

  He let out a growl from deep in his throat. “Did ye just say that I was yer first kiss?”

  She nodded, a hesitant, jerky move but his limbs tingled with energy.

  She’d never allowed another man to touch him besides him? Every male instinct within him roared in satisfaction. Without thinking, he bent down and kissed her, a firm steady press of his lips to hers.

  If at first she hesitated, she soon sunk into the touch, her lips softening under his, their breath mingling. He kissed Daisy again and then again until he slanted her mouth open and brushed his tongue to hers. Blake heard her sweet moan as blood rushed from his head straight to his manhood.

  He deepened the touch, their bodies meldin
g together. He held her cheeks in his hands, as he kissed her more fully, wanting to both claim and console her.

  She wrapped her hands about his waist and he wished her skirts weren’t in the way. He longed to draw her even closer.

  Someone cleared his throat from just behind Blake. He swore softly to himself as he slowly lifted his head. Looking over his right shoulder, he saw Colin standing just behind him with his arms crossed.

  “We need tae talk,” Colin said, his voice low and deep.

  Blake didn’t know if Daisy was the best choice for his wife. Didn’t know if she’d escape her past or if he was repeating his, but he knew he couldn’t let her go now. “There’s no need. I’d like to formally request Daisy’s hand in marriage.”

  Chapter Nine

  The air rushed from Daisy’s lungs. Marriage? “Blake,” her voice came out a bit choked. She felt trapped and when she felt that way, her skin started to itch. She tried to back away but one of his hands had slid down her back and held her firm.

  He looked down at her, his gaze narrowing and she realized her eyes must look like tea saucers in her fear. Her breath was coming out in short gasps and she tried to slow her chest down.

  “Hush, love,” he said low and smooth. “No one will hurt you here. Not Colin and certainly not me.”

  She dug her hands into his waist. “It’s all too fast.”

  He nodded. “I’ll make ye a deal. We can be engaged fer as long as you like. Patience isn’t my best virtue, but I’ll wait fer ye.”

  “A long engagement?” Her shoulders relaxed. “Get to know one another?”

  “That’s right.” He brushed back her hair. “As long as it’s just me and ye, there’s no rush.”

  That made her smile. “There will never be anyone else.”

  His heart swelled and he turned back to Colin. “Ye heard the woman. When she’s ready, we’ll marry.”

  Colin gave his sister-in-law a gentle look. “Well, that all seems reasonable to me.” Then he raised a brow. “But how about we join the group?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, then held her waist as they made their way back inside.

  Dinner was a lovely affair, though neither she, nor Blake, nor Colin mentioned the engagement. She’d share with her family, of course, but somehow, she wanted to keep the information to herself a bit longer. She had only just realized why she’d been so distant with her suitors and she wasn’t quite ready to share all of her reasons why.

  But Rose gave her and Blake several long looks with her eyebrows raised up high on her forehead and Daisy was certain that her sister understood something had happened.

  The festivities continued and Blake remained close to her side. Something inside her was shifting with their quiet togetherness. It was as though strength filled her. No, that wasn’t right. It had always been there. And it often showed itself in her sassy behavior, but when it had come to love, she’d been hiding and suddenly, she didn’t want to hide anymore.

  Blake effortlessly made her feel safe. Even just a few hours since his proposal, she stole a glance at him and wondered why she’d hesitated at all. The way he touched her would only lift her up.

  Finally, after midnight, the men retreated to have cigars and Rose shoved her off to bed. “You need your rest,” she’d insisted. “You can see everyone again tomorrow.”

  Nodding, she’d trailed behind the men as they made their way up to the third floor. She could hear their deep voices, the baritone tenor of their laughter and that feeling of contentment made her feet slow. What a lovely evening it had been.

  “Daisy,” a voice hissed from the shadows. She stopped, then instantly realized that was the wrong decision, the men turned a corner, leaving her in the hall alone. Spinning, she started to retreat but her arm was terribly sore and it twinged as she tried to shift her weight.

  A hand shot out to grab her elbow. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  She blinked, looking over at Lord Price. “You frightened me, calling from the shadows like that.”

  “Apologies,” he answered, his face twisted into a frown. “I needed to speak with you when no one could interrupt.”

  She shook her head. The last thing she wished for was a private conversation with Price. “That isn’t proper, and besides, there is nothing to say.”

  “I’m in love with you,” he blurted, moving closer and putting his other hand at her waist. It was far too intimate and she tried to pull away, but he held her firm.

  “You are not.” She tugged again. “And in any regard, I’m not in love with you. Unhand me.”

  “No,” he said as he dragged her closer. “You will listen to me. I’ve thought of you constantly over the last three years. I shall die if I can’t have you as my own.”

  Daisy barely had a moment to contemplate how ridiculous the words were. Though she’d once hoped to hear them, they rang with falsehood. He hadn’t even recognized her. Then again, she’d been covered in mud.

  He began to lower his head toward hers and with sickening dread, she realized he was about to steal a kiss. She knew what this situation looked like, she’d seen her sister being forced, but she’d been afraid of what that might feel like for all these years. But in this moment, she wasn’t afraid, rather rage surged in his stomach.

  Daisy wrenched back and knocked into a table situated on the wall of the hall. She heard a loud thump and knew some object on the surface had fallen. Reaching back with her hand, she searched around as his cold, wet lips, pressed to hers. It was disgusting and vulgar. Nothing like Blake’s touch.

  She wrapped her hand around thin, hard iron. Maybe a candelabra? Whatever it was, she gripped it tightly and swung at his head with every ounce of energy she had.

  * * *

  Blake looked back over his shoulder, searching the hall for Daisy. She’d been following them, her lips parted in a grin. But suddenly she wasn’t there. He drew his brows together. Her room was on the floor above. “Is the music room on this floor?” he asked wondering where she might have gone?

  Colin looked over at him, stopping. “No. Why?”

  “Daisy was following us. I assumed she was going to her room. But she just disappeared. Where might she have gone?”

  Colin blinked. “There’s nothing of consequence in these halls. Guest rooms, a study.” Colin scratched his head. “I’m not sure where she would have gone.”

  Blake pivoted on his feet. “Do ye mind if we go back and look?”

  Tom gave an overly dramatic sigh. “Ah. New love. So endearing, so consuming.”

  Blake looked at the ceiling and then started back down the hall. It wasn’t just his constant need to be near the woman. His gut clenched. Something seemed off. As if to underscore his fear, a loud thump sounded from around the corner they’d just turned, and Blake broke into a run. He skidded around the corner and then stopped dead in his tracks.

  There, before him, was a repeat of his worst nightmare. Daisy stood locked in Price’s arms as he devoured her mouth in a kiss.

  Jealous anger and rage welled inside him. Blood throbbed in his veins. He should have known this would happen again. How could he have been such a fool?

  He opened his mouth to let out a roar as Colin skidded into his back. “What the…” Colin started but never finished.

  In a flash of dim movement, Blake saw her hand and a dark object, then heard Price’s absolute scream of misery as his hands flew to his head.

  What had just happened? But then he knew. She’d pummeled him with something and then several other realties pelted his thick skull. She hadn’t wanted that kiss. His own jealousy had filled in the wrong details.

  He dropped his hands to his sides. He had to let the past go. Daisy was not Ailish. Their marriage needed trust to succeed and he needed it be successful because he was in love with her.

  Every touch, every interaction had told him it was true, he’d just had a difficult time believing it until right this moment.

  He started running down the hall again, eve
n as Daisy lifted the candelabra to deliver another blow. “Daisy,” he called out. “Allow me.”

  Her head snapped up, her eyes wide, her breath ragged. “Blake?”

  He didn’t answer right away because Price had finally dropped his hands from his head. Without a word, he punched the man square in the nose.

  Daisy huffed. “I had the situation under control.”

  Price dropped like a stone and Blake, without hesitating, wrapped a forearm just below her rear and lifted her into his arms, carrying her away. “I ken ye did. Ye could kill a man the way ye wield a candelabra.” Then he looked into her blue eyes. “It was a candelabra wasn’t it?”

  “I think so,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “But whatever it was, I can handle the likes of Lord Price.”

  He chuckled, giving her a squeeze. They passed Colin without a word and Colin didn’t ask where they were going or what they were doing. “I never doubted that ye did, but I did realize that I love ye lass.”

  She caught her breath squeezing his neck tighter. “I love you too and what’s more…” She dropped her nose to his. “I’m not afraid anymore.”

  He stopped then, smiling. “I’m not either.”

  Tom ran down the hall to check on Price while Colin pivoted toward them. “Ye may take her to her room but ye are to stay on the other side of the door. I don’t want ye to enter.”

  Blake gave a nod as he moved toward the stairs again. “Don’t listen to him,” Daisy whispered. “I need to see you again tonight.”

  He kissed her lips even as he stared up the stairs. “I do too but I don’t want to upset yer brother-in-law now.” They reached the top of the stairs and he started for her room. “He’ll expect me to return for that smoke. Unless he’s busy tossing Price out into the night.”

  One corner of her mouth turned down as she stared at him for a minute. They’d arrived outside her door.


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