sweet and earthy
DISPLAY The strong green foliage provides a peonies, ranunculus,
wonderful foil for the flowers and this, along with their sweet peas
small stature and exquisite scent, makes them a perfect In the language of flowers,
flower for arranging on their own in a small vase.
Lily-of-the-val ey are also a popular and traditional lily-of-the-valley symbolizes
wedding flower, often appearing in bridal bouquets.
Due to their small stature, they will need to be wired sweetness, humility, and
to be used in this way.
a return to happiness.
CARE Lily-of-the-val ey has a short vase life because of its strong scent.
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36 Winter & Early Spring
Little White Bells
Small and delicate, lily-of-the-valley led me to a simple, single-flower-type approach. I decided to use this glass, fan-shaped posy vase as it matches the flowers’ arching stems and vintage appeal.
25 lily-of-the-val ey
1 Fill the vase with water; then cut the lily-of-the-stems and 7 leaves
val ey stems to different lengths between two and (Convallaria majalis)
three times the height of the vase.
floral snips
2 Position the stems in the vase so that they fan out smal , fan-shaped vase
into a soft crescent shape. The different lengthed stems should be irregularly spaced within the vase, some overhanging the edges, while others are more upright in the center. You may want to trim some of the stems further to create more variation in length.
3 Slip the leaves between the flower stems and the vase. This will connect the flowers to the vase and give the arrangement a natural feel.
Display the arrangement in a cool position and refresh the water every day to prolong the vase life.
After 3–5 days, the scent will fade and the flowers will turn brown.
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38 Winter & Early Spring
Freesias are a symbol of friendship. Christian Echlon named them after his friend and
fellow botanist Friedrich Freese.
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Freesia 39
Freesias’ dainty blooms adorn
the top of their elegant, narrow
stems in arching clusters.
Native to South Africa, freesias have
a gorgeous, fruity fragrance. Their
Freesia lactea is a strongly
scented species. This variety
upward-facing trumpets come in a range
is cal ed ‘Double White.’
of bright colors, each color producing
a slightly different scent. Pair freesias
with rounder spring flowers as their
elegant, feathery outline works well
with more blousy globe shapes.
FROM THE FLORIST Choose stems that are still 4–20in (10–50cm),
in bud, but with the flower just beginning to open.
depending on variety;
F. lactea, 8–16in (20–40cm)
IN THE GARDEN Use prepared bulbs that have
been heat-treated to break their dormancy, planting 1–21/2in (2.5–6cm)
them in pots during fall and keeping them in a greenhouse over winter; they will then flower in spring.
LONGEVITY 5–7 days
They need full sun and wel -drained soil. Once they FORMS single, double
begin to flower, feed them with high-potash fertilizer and use canes to support their long, thin stems.
COLORS white, yellow,
orange, red, blue, green
PREPARATION Strip any of the bladelike leaves FRAGRANCE
that would be under water and then cut across the sweet and fruity
bottom of the stems at a sharp angle.
DISPLAY These highly fragrant and delicate blooms anemones, tulips,
are beautiful arranged on their own in a tal , fan-ranunculus
shaped vase that complements their natural shape.
CARE Use flower food to extend their vase life and enhance their gorgeous scent. Refresh the water every 3 days.
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40 Winter & Early Spring
Fritil aries are associated
with sorrow because of their
drooping heads.
F. meleagris, or snake’s head fritil ary, thrives in areas of uncultivated land. Once found across Europe, it is now endangered in many of the areas it was once common.
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Fritillary 41
Snake’s head fritil aries’ unique,
checkerboard pattern will add a
touch of class to any arrangement.
There are many species of fritillary used
for cutting. Some of my favorites are the
statuesque and dramatic Persian lily ( F. persica) and crown imperial fritillary ( F. imperialis), as well as the delicate and wild snake’s head
fritil ary ( F. meleagris). Because of this range in shape and color, fritillaries can be used both as a focal flower and finishing flourish.
FROM THE FLORIST Choose snake’s head
1–5ft (30–150cm),
fritil ary stems with flowers that are just starting to depending on variety;
open, and that have a clear checkerboard pattern F. meleagris, 1ft (30cm)
on their petals.
3⁄4–21⁄2in (2–6cm),
IN THE GARDEN Plant the bulbs in pots during depending on variety;
fal , then bring them into a greenhouse in early spring.
F. meleagris, 1¾in (4.5cm)
This will force the plants to flower earlier and with an increased stem length. Once you have harvested the LONGEVITY
flowers, put them back outside and keep them up to 2 weeks
watered through the summer months.
FORMS multiple, such as
snake’s head, Persian lily,
CONDITIONING Before arranging, cut the stems crown imperial
at a 45-degree angle and condition overnight in water.
COLORS orange, yellow,
If using Persian lilies, make sure that they are standing red, purple, brownish
upright in the bucket so that the stems remain straight purple, depending on
while they are conditioning.
variety; F. meleagris, pink
to white with purple-
DISPLAY Use fritil aries’ nodding, bel -shaped pink patterning
flowers as a beautiful, naturalistic accent in a small FRAGRANCE foxy
to medium-sized mixed composition.
CARE Refresh the water every 2 days so that the BEST COMPANIONS
flowers don’t develop an unpleasant odor. This ranunculus, tulips,
propensity to produce odor may mean it is best to place the arrangement in a wel -ventilated spot.
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Fritillary 43
Gothic Centerpiece
The slate-colored spires of the Persian lily fritillaries have a dramatic aesthetic that is intensified by the red shades of t
he ranunculus and tulips. The addition of the snake’s head fritillaries provides the arrangement’s final flourish.
10 Persian lily fritil ary
1 Roll up some chicken wire into a ball and push it stems (Fritil aria persica)
into the container. Then fil the container with water.
3 honeywort stems
(Cerinthe major)
2 Cut the Persian lily stems to around two-and-a-half to three times the height of the container; then 2 honeysuckle stems
place them into the urn to create the outline of the (Lonicera periclymenum
‘Serotina’ )
arrangement. They should be relatively spaced out so that the other flowers can be added between them.
3 eucalyptus stems
(Eucalyptus gunnii)
3 Cut the honeywort, honeysuckle, and eucalyptus 5 parrot tulips (Tulipa x
stems to around twice the height of the container. Use gesneriana Parrot Group )
their matte, green foliage to fill the space between the 8 ranunculus (Ranunculus
Persian lily stems.
‘Pauline Chocolate’ )
4 Intersperse the strong colors of the tulips and 4 black-leaf cow parsley
ranunculus around the Persian lily spires. Hold them stems (Anthriscus sylvestris
‘Ravenswing’ ) or Japanese
up to the arrangement to judge position and stem painted fern stems
length; then cut and slip them into place.
(Athyrium niponicum
‘ Pictum ’)
5 Push in the black-leaf cow parsley or Japanese painted fern stems and heuchera leaves beneath 3 heuchera leaves
(Heuchera ‘Pewter Moon’ )
the other foliage.
10 snake’s head fritil ary
6 Slip the snake’s head fritil ary stems into different stems (Fritil aria meleagris)
areas of the arrangement as a final flourish. This will chicken wire
lift the overall appearance by creating highlights.
dark urn or urn-shaped vase
pruning shears
Recut the stems and refresh the water every 2 days.
floral snips
Spring bulbs (including fritil aries, ranunculus, and tulips) have a long vase life of up to 2 weeks.
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44 Winter & Early Spring
Hellebores have an understated
air that suits the soft light of late
winter and early spring.
The flowers of the Lenten rose ( Helleborus orientalis) are the first cut flowers of the season, and one of the longest lasting in the garden.
Even after fertilization, the petals do not fall, but remain to protect the ripening seedhead.
Selective breeding has produced a range of
colors; some flowers have spotted centers,
and others have petals with contrasting edges.
FROM THE FLORIST Pick or choose stems that
up to 18in (45cm)
have some flowers showing seed pods—these are ripe and will last much longer in the vase.
up to 3in (8cm)
IN THE GARDEN Hel ebores enjoy moist, fertile LONGEVITY 3 days if
soil and semi-shade. In these conditions they are easy cut before seed capsules
to grow and will slowly bulk up and produce more form; 2 weeks if after
flowering stems each year. New hybrids are produced FORMS single, double
every year by plant breeders, and can even occur in your own garden when varieties are cross-pol inated COLORS green, pink,
by insects.
purple, cream, white
PREPARATION Sear the cut stems (see pp.22–23) in hot water and score up to the neck with a sharp BEST COMPANIONS
Helleborus x hybridus cultivars are knife. Once seared and scored, leave them up to their amelanchier, anemones,
bred by pairing H. orientalis with
necks in cool water overnight before arranging.
snake’s head fritil aries,
another species. This cultivar is
‘Harvington’s White Speckled.’
DISPLAY Hel ebores are great minglers; their muted colors and nodding habit provide a wild, garden-grown feel to more formal spring flowers like tulips. They work well in low arrangements, which make the most of their arching stems and elegant, bowing heads.
CARE Replace the water every 3 days. If the stems are looking floppy, cut and sear them again. If they do not recover, cut off the heads and float them in a bowl to enjoy their exquisite centers.
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Hellebore 45
Display hel ebore arrangements
on a mantlepiece or high shelf
so you can see the flowers’
hidden centers.
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Hellebore 47
Tumbling Hellebores
Here, bruise-colored, plum, and slate
shades of hellebore create a richly colored, yet somber composition, mirrored by the black fan vase and coppery amelanchier.
5 amelanchier branches
1 Make a ball of chicken wire a little tal er than the (Amelanchier canadensis)
vase and push it in so that it sits slightly above the rim.
3 pieris stems
Tape the chicken wire in place with floral tape, and (Pieris japonica)
then fill the vase with water.
5 pear blossom branches
2 Create the outline of the low, wide arrangement (Pyrus communis)
with the woody, branching amelanchier and pieris, 8 single hel ebore stems
and three of the pear blossom stems.
(Hel eborus orientalis
‘Harvington Hybrids’ )
3 Keeping the stems long, work in the single and 4 double hel ebore stems
double hel ebore stems between the lines of your (Helleborus ‘Harvington
woody framework. Ensure that some of these are Double Pink’ )
horizontal to show off their nodding habit.
3 anemones
(Anemone coronaria)
4 Highlight any darker areas with white anemones and the remaining pear blossom. Hold them up to 7 snake’s head fritil ary
stems (Fritil aria meleagris)
the arrangement to judge position and stem length, before cutting and placing them appropriately.
5 tulips (Tulipa ‘La
Belle Epoque’ )
5 Add the snake’s head fritil ary stems and tulips medium-sized fan vase
as a final flourish. Keep the meandering stems long so they extend out of the arrangement.
chicken wire
pruning shears
floral snips
Keep the arrangement in a cool position and replace the water every 3 days. If the hel ebores start to look floppy, trim the ends and re-sear them (see pp.22–23).
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48 Winter & Early Spring
Single hellebore
Double hellebore
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Hellebore 49
The twisting stems of the
tulips and fritil aries provide
a sense of movement.
Snake’s head
fritil ary
Pear blossom
; Pieris
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50 Winter & Early Spring
Magnolia is one of the grandest
ornamental trees, renowned for
its striking form and flowers.
Magnolia’s large, goblet-shaped flowers
are various shades of pink, purple, and
white, emerging on bare branches in early
spring to create a dramatic effect. Their
beautiful velvety buds, waxen flowers, and
sometimes lichen-encrusted branches are
best enjoyed on their own in a simple,
single-flower-type arrangement.
FROM THE FLORIST Choose magnolia branches
cut branches to 12–16in
that are in bud and showing good size and color.
IN THE GARDEN Magnolias are slow-growing
3–12in (8–30cm)
shrubs that prefer a neutral to acid soil. They need sun or part shade, and shelter from strong winds.
LONGEVITY 5–7 days
CONDITIONING Before arranging, cut branches FORMS saucer, cup,
cup and saucer, goblet,
down to 12–16in (30–40cm) so they are manageable star-shaped
to work with. Cut 1in (2.5cm) up the length of each stem with shears—this will increase the surface area COLORS white, yellow,
so the branches can take up more water.
pink, purple, green
FRAGRANCE evergreen
DISPLAY Magnolia works well in wide,
varieties have a strong,
asymmetrical y shaped arrangements in which the creamy, citrus scent
branches sit horizontal y. The flowers open before Magnolia x soulangeana is one of the leaves appear, giving the branches a strong, the most popular varieties, chosen for
its beauty and easy cultivation.
amelanchier, tulips,
graphiclike outline.
CARE If picked in bud, the vase life can be up to 7 days; otherwise the petals will drop earlier.
Top off the vase with fresh water every 2 days.
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Magnolia 51
In the language of flowers, magnolias
are associated with nobility.
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52 Winter & Early Spring
Magnolia Tree
The Flower Book Page 3