This graphic arrangement focuses on the structure of magnolia’s branches. Placing them horizontally in a rustic, hand-thrown pot gives them an
earthiness reminiscent of the tree.
5 magnolia branches
1 Create a ball of chicken wire and push it into the (Magnolia x soulangeana)
pot, securing the top with a cross of tape. Then fill moss
the pot with water.
round pot with
2 Cut the branches to around 12–16in (30–40cm).
rustic glazing
Feed them into the chicken wire so they are near-chicken wire
horizontal—as they would be on a tree—and then pot tape
tape them in place. They should be well spaced around the edge of the pot.
pruning shears
3 Cover the top of the pot with moss
so that neither the chicken wire nor
the inside of the pot is visible.
If picked in bud, the magnolia will
open unblemished in the vase
and last for 7 days. Replenish
the water every 2 days.
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Magnolia 53
Using branches with flowers at
different stages of bloom adds variation
to this single-flower arrangement.
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54 Winter & Early Spring
Muscari are among the
earliest flowers to bloom at
the beginning of spring.
Muscari aucheri are native to
Turkey, and have distinctive,
bright blue flowers. This variety
is cal ed ‘Blue Magic.’
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Muscari 55
An easy plant to grow, muscari
has perfectly formed, conical-
shaped clusters of flowers.
Muscari’s common name, grape hyacinth,
refers to the flowers being similar in
appearance to a bunch of grapes. The blooms come in shades of blue, white, and sometimes pink, but few varieties have the stem length necessary for use as a cut flower. The best way to display them is to leave the bulbs
intact and plant them in small containers.
FROM THE FLORIST Flowering muscari can be
4–6in (10–15cm)
bought planted in pots. Ensure that the stems are firm, and that only the bottom third of the flowers are open.
1⁄2–11⁄2in (1–4cm)
IN THE GARDEN Plant the small bulbs three times LONGEVITY 2 weeks if
their height deep in the soil. This should be done planted intact; 7 days if cut
in fal , and in a position that gets full sun. They will flower in the garden during early spring, or earlier if FORM raceme of
spherical flowers
planted in pots and brought into a greenhouse or sunny indoor windowsill.
COLORS white,
blue, pink
CONDITIONING If picking from the garden, pull FRAGRANCE
or pluck the stems instead of cutting them, as this wil faint and musky
give you a little more stem length. Bunch and trim the ends, and condition in water overnight with rubber BEST COMPANIONS
bands at the top and bottom of the stems. This will narcissus, tulips, violets
ensure that the stems remain straight.
DISPLAY Their small stature means they are best arranged on their own. Keep them on the bulb so that they last longer. Alternatively, arrange them with other delicate spring flowers.
CARE They are thirsty flowers, so make sure that the water is topped off every 2–3 days. If they are still on the bulb, remove the spent blooms to encourage a second flower to emerge.
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Muscari 57
Fairy-tale Miniatures
The sky-blue clusters of muscari are small in stature, so I decided to leave the bulbs intact and plant them in this thrift-store find—a copper, footed vessel perfectly matched in proportion, color, and texture.
10 sprouted muscari bulbs
1 Place the muscari in a relatively shal ow vase, (Muscari aucheri
keeping them quite tightly grouped in the center,
‘Blue Magic’ )
but with gaps around the edges of the vase.
2 Fill the surrounding area with potting mix to secure shal ow vase or bowl
the plants in place.
potting mix
3 Cover the visible potting mix with moss to create a turflike effect.
This arrangement will last 2 weeks from bud stage, and the bulbs can then be planted outdoors. Water every 2–3 days.
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58 Winter & Early Spring
With its cheery colors and
gorgeous scent, narcissus is one
of the most popular cut flowers.
In the language of flowers, narcissus
symbolizes egotism. However, it is
Narcissus makes up for its limited selection more general y associated with
of colors with an amazing variety of forms.
the arrival of spring.
These range from the well-known trumpet
form of the daffodil, to the unusual split
corona—which looks more like an orchid.
Lending itself to informal arrangements,
narcissus looks lovely when a few varieties are combined in a simple pitcher or vase.
FROM THE FLORIST Choose narcissus that are 12–16in (30–40cm),
in bud, as these will open even when cut. The buds depending on variety;
should be a good size and color.
N. ‘Geranium’, 14in (35cm)
IN THE GARDEN Plant the bulbs three times their (5–10cm), depending on
height deep in the soil during early fal . They can be variety; N. ‘Geranium’,
planted either in a flower border or in grass. When up to 21/2in (6cm)
picking narcissus, pinch the stems rather than cut them. Leave all the foliage to die back and then feed LONGEVITY 7–10 days
the bulb so it will bloom again the fol owing year.
FORMS multiple, such as
trumpet, double, triandrus, PREPARATION Cut the stems at an angle and jonquil a, tazetta, poeticus, leave to condition overnight in water.
bulbocodium, split corona
COLORS yel ow, cream,
DISPLAY Narcissus exude a sticky sap that is orange, peach
poisonous to other flowers. Arrange them on their own to extend the vase life of any arrangement FRAGRANCE
they are in. However, narcissus do combine well strong and sweet
in a bouquet with other spring bulbs, such as tulips, BEST COMPANIONS
anemones, and muscari—just ensure the stems are anemones, muscari, tulips
well rinsed to minimize damage to the other flowers.
CARE Refresh the water every 2 days, recutting the stems each time.
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Narcissus 59
Narcissus ‘Geranium’ is a
tazetta-type narcissus, bearing
three or four flowers on each stem.
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sp; 60 Winter & Early Spring
Narcissus Cloud
I prefer to display narcissus on their own because they reduce the vase life of other flowers. They are great to throw together in a loose arrangement—this arrangement is a hand-tied bouquet held together by the rim of a mug.
30 narcissus stems
1 Pour water into the tankard. Then arrange the stems (Narcissus ‘Geranium’ ), or
in your hand as you would a hand-tied bouquet (see enough for the stems to fill
pp.26–27), ensuring that there is a variation in height.
the neck of your tankard
Stop at the point you would tie the bouquet.
medium-sized tankard
or large mug
2 Hold the bunch up to the tankard to judge where to floral snips
cut before careful y trimming the stems so that they create a flat base.
3 Place the narcissus into the tankard, retaining the slight twisting position of the stems.
Cut the stems every 2 days, refreshing the water each time. The arrangement should last for 7–10 days.
Narcissus ‘Geranium’ is a favorite
variety of mine as it has a great
scent and a good stem length.
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62 Winter & Early Spring
The Latin name, Pieris, is derived
from Pieria—the home of the
Muses in Greek mythology.
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Pieris 63
Pieris japonica
The beautiful, draping flowers of pieris add valuable texture and movement
to spring arrangements.
Pieris’ cascading sprays of tiny, waxy,
urn-shaped, white bells give the impression of hundreds of lily-of-the-valley backed by rosettes of glossy evergreen foliage. This
combination of foliage and flowers makes
it a useful filler, particularly draped over the edge of a vase. With its short flowering
season, pieris is normally only available
for 2–3 weeks of the year.
FROM THE FLORIST Check that the florets are cut branches to
not shedding by giving the branch a shake. The leaves desired length
should be glossy and in good condition.
¼–3/8in (5–8mm)
IN THE GARDEN Plant pieris in full sun or partial shade, in an area that is sheltered from wind; the soil LONGEVITY 7 days
should be neutral to acid. Harvest the flowers in late winter or early spring.
FORM stems of hanging,
urn-shaped flowers
CONDITIONING Cut 1in (2.5cm) up the woody
COLORS white,
stem as this increases the surface area for the plant red, pink
to take in water. Then sit in deep water overnight to FRAGRANCE honey
rehydrate them. Ensure that none of the flowers or leaves fal s below the waterline.
anemones, cherry or pear
DISPLAY Pieris’ arching, cascading habit works blossoms, hellebores
well as a col ar in hand-tied bouquets, creating a trailing effect. This effect can also be created by letting it fall over the edge of a vase in a mixed composition. Smal er pieces can be used to great effect in buttonholes and floral circlets.
CARE Refresh the water every 2 days to stop the florets from dropping quickly.
Pieris japonica is poisonous
to animals and humans and so
should not be ingested.
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64 Winter & Early Spring
In Chinese culture, cherry
blossom is associated with
feminine beauty.
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Cherry Blossom 65
Brief and beautiful, the eruption
of cherry blossom’s frothy petals
heralds spring like nothing else.
The Japanese name for cherry blossom is
sakura. In Japan, cherry blossom is revered, symbolizing the transience of life. This is due to the all-too-fleeting nature of its breathtaking beauty—it is not long before the pink and
white petals fall to the ground like confetti.
FROM THE FLORIST Buy cherry blossom
cut branches to
branches when they are in bud, but ensure that the desired length
buds are of a good size and showing good color.
up to ¾in (2cm)
IN THE GARDEN Cherry blossom is grown as an ornamental tree, so it may be some years before you LONGEVITY 7 days
are able to cut branches. Foraging in a mindful way may be an easier option.
FORMS single, double
COLORS white, pink
CONDITIONING Cut 1in (2.5cm) up the length
of each stem with shears—this will increase the surface FRAGRANCE none
area so that the branches can take up more water.
It is possible to force the branches, so they can be anemones, tulips,
enjoyed a bit earlier in the year. To do this, bring them ranunculus
into a warm environment with low light conditions and place in tepid water.
DISPLAY In mixed arrangements, cherry blossom branches can provide structure for accompanying flowers to be worked around. They also make striking and dramatic arrangements on their own. You will need a sturdy container to support their weight.
Prunus x yedoensis is a hybrid of Prunus speciosa and Prunus pendula f. ascendens.
CARE Refresh the water every 2 days, especial y It appears natural y in Japan, but is also if you are using a glass vessel, as woody branches turn widely cultivated around the world.
water murky very quickly.
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66 Winter & Early Spring
Cherry Tree Pitcher
To create a striking statement piece, I have arranged cherry blossom on its own—the stark, knobbly branches contrasting beautifully with the soft, marshmallowlike flowers. I selected these pieces for their arching lines.
6 cherry blossom branches
1 Place a ball of chicken wire in the top of the pitcher (Prunus x yedoensis)
and tape it in place. Then fill the pitcher with water.
large pitcher
2 Cut the cherry blossom branches to around two chicken wire
to three times the height of the pitcher. Position them pruning shears
so that the areas of flowers give the arrangement a denser core. Tape the branches to the chicken floral tape
wire to secure them in place.
3 If necessary, prune some of the branches so that the arrangement isn’t too dense. The arching lines of the bare branches should be visible as they extend out of the main body of the arrangement.
Refresh the water every 2 days and the arrangement will last for around 7 days.
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68 Winter & Early Spring
Composed of layer upon layer of
tissuelike petals, ranunculus is
one of my favorite flowers.
Ranunculus comes in an impressive arra
y of
shades that vary from vividly bright to soft and muted, so can be used to create a range of moods and aesthetics. As the hollow stems can sometimes struggle to support the heavy heads, place these flowers on the lip of the container or surround them with other
blooms so that they are well supported.
FROM THE FLORIST Choose flowers with
8–18in (20–45cm)
strong stems as the necks can be prone to breaking.
The petals should be in a firm, cupped shape.
11/4–2in (3–5cm)
IN THE GARDEN Plant the soaked claws (bulbs) LONGEVITY 7–10 days
in the fall in moist, wel -drained soil that has been prepared with plenty of organic matter. Mulch well FORMS single, double
if growing outdoors. Once they start flowering in the COLORS red, yel ow,
spring, keep picking and feeding them to encourage orange, pink, white
continual flowering for 4–6 weeks.
CONDITIONING Remove the leaves from the
stems before arranging. As the stems are hol ow, anemones, tulips, sweet
they need to be recut under water to ensure any peas, Icelandic poppies
air trapped within them is released.
DISPLAY As they have relatively heavy heads compared to their thin necks, it is general y better to cut the stems of the larger-headed flowers short.
This al ows them to rest their chins on the rim of the vase, or on other flowers and foliage. Use smal er heads as a finishing flourish, floating above the rest of the arrangement on their narrow, often-kinky stems.
Ranunculus ‘Pauline Chocolate’
CARE They are thirsty flowers, so keep an eye on the has a “double” form—this means
water level. As ranunculus will not tolerate debris in it has more petals than a variety
the vase, refresh the water every 2 days.
with a “single” form.
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Ranunculus 69
In the language of flowers,
ranunculus symbolizes
radiant charm.
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70 Winter & Early Spring
Picotee Petals
I particularly love picotee ranunculus’s painterly petals with their contrasting edges. To really show them off, I chose a wide bowl shape, allowing plenty of space around each flower. The raised bowl is an invitation for a wide, asymmetrically shaped arrangement—perfect for a centerpiece.
The Flower Book Page 4