A Witch's Destiny

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A Witch's Destiny Page 18

by Leigh Ann Edwards

  “I will not permit you to…”

  The witch turned around in a fury and Alainn was forcefully thrown to the ground though the lusting witch hadn’t gone near her. Ebrill beckoned to Killian once more and he began to walk toward her.

  As she lay on the ground, her head reeling, Alainn created a mist that enshrouded the circle so the witch couldn’t see the men. It was so thick Alainn could no longer see the witch or the trow. Alainn attempted to understand why Ebrill had such power over Killian. Sure it was her own jealousy that fed the witch’s power, but she also sensed she was able to draw from Danhoul’s magical abilities. She believed the witch had somehow controlled Danhoul’s mind and he was actually unwittingly encouraging Killian to enter the circle.

  The lusting witch blew into the air and soon the mist was gone. Alainn simply created more and the other witch began to grow steadily more enraged. Alainn used her own powers to see Killian clothed once more. The witch angrily used her hands to magically see the mist gone entirely. She began to walk toward Alainn with hatred in her eyes.

  Alainn looked to see Killian was about to step into the circle, and though the witch would remain held within the protective ring, Killian would no longer be protected from her. Alainn held her hand to him and he although he was mostly unaffected by her magic, she gazed at him, drew his gaze and soon his eyes met hers. It was their binding hearts’ connection that prevented him from stepping inside. Their eyes firmly locked and he stopped just short of the edge of the inner circle.

  The witch once more began magically removing Killian’s garments. After his tunic was removed, she stepped back so she could delight in Killian’s irresistibly appealing masculine attributes. Just as his trews were being slid down his firm hips, the trow scuttled across the circle and purposely tripped the witch. As she stumbled and fought to keep upright, the small creature shrieked loudly and Ebrill glared angrily at him, but it had bought Alainn some time.

  Alainn had gotten to her feet by then and she used her own magic to see the witch donned once more in her dark gown. She also glanced at Killian and soon his trews were fastened, his tunic once more pulled over his head and his belt securely buckled.

  “You are becoming more than an annoyance, white witch!” The witch picked up Trow by way of her powers and sent him furiously toward Alainn.

  She simply caught him and gently set him back upon the ground. The witch attempted this several more times till Alainn finally enabled the trow to be lifted high, high in the air and gently carried outside of the warded circle.

  The witch immediately flew high in the air clearly believing the boundaries must not be protected if she flew skyward. Alainn heard the frustrated screams of the lusting witch when she realized no matter how high she flew, the barrier remained impenetrable and she was indeed trapped by Alainn’s spell. She flew down in a vehement fury and as she glowered at Alainn and waved her hands, Alainn was soon knocked to the ground again.

  When she righted her spinning head, sure enough the witch was once more unclothed and to Alainn’s dismay Killian now wore entirely no garments and was in a certain state of arousal. The witch smiled at Alainn in triumph as Killian stood just outside the circle staring at the witch.

  Alainn came up behind the witch and began chanting in druid and fairy and the witch turned to her in enragement. She threw Alainn to the ground yet again and her eyes flashed and glowed red.

  “You should not rile me, white witch.”

  The witch looked toward her and held her hands toward Alainn and she felt her own gown being roughly lifted over her head. Alainn wasn’t certain what the witch intended for she was mostly confident it was only men she lusted for, although she wasn’t firm on that certainty. From across the circle, the witch tore at Alainn’s gown with unseen fingers and shredded it completely, leaving her standing only in her thin chemise and covered with deep stinging scratches.

  “Perhaps I might concentrate my efforts on calling the young druid within the circle. I see how he hungers for you. If you are to be his reward after lusting for you so long, it will not take much persuasion or powerful magic to have him ravage you. If the other men step within this circle I control them completely, what they do and with whom!” She eyed Alainn wickedly at what lascivious possibilities that might suggest.

  “Perhaps I’ll ensure they’ll both have you, the Scot and the druid. It is doubtful you’ve ever had two men at once, white witch, but you shall experience it soon enough. You think the worst occurrence that might happen this night is for me to mate with your man. I assure you it is not. It would not be the first time I have forced males of many species to take a female with such brutality they are irrefutably damaged, so that they can never again look upon a male without terror or repulsion. Of course, it is also a certainty many have died from the damage inflicted upon them during the violent mating.” She boasted with much satisfaction at her perverse deeds.

  Temporarily distracted by the witch’s threatening words, Alainn saw strips from her shredded gown slither across the ground as though they were snakes and although she attempted to use her magic to keep them at bay, several soon become wrapped around her throat. She felt them being pulled tighter so she couldn’t breathe and she gasped for air. She clawed at the fabric and grew dizzy. She dropped to her knees and once more called upon her magic. With much effort, the fabric was finally thrown free of the circle where it would not prove detrimental to her again.

  The witch’s piercing eyes glared once more and glowed from red to black again. The witch tugged at Alainn’s chemise and she fought to cover herself again for the witch had placed a strong enticement spell on Danhoul and Conner and they stared at Alainn in a way that left her uncomfortable and not a little afraid.

  In retaliation, Alainn moved her hand through the air and saw Conner, the man the least immune to her magic, lifted up and thrown far beyond the outer circle. It took all her will to set him down gently so she’d not cause him to be injured.

  She had underestimated Ebrill, for Alainn hadn’t known the witch could make the men desire anyone but herself, and Alainn hadn’t anticipated that. She saw Danhoul and knew by his thoughts he was attempting to fight the witch, but as Ebrill stared at Danhoul and then at Alainn she caused Alainn’s chemise to rise higher over her knees, up her thighs and over her hips. Danhoul finally pulled his eyes from her, turned away and placed his back toward the circle.

  The witch though nowhere near her, untied Alainn’s long golden hair and pulled it loose so it fell down her back and then twisted around her throat. She fought to catch her breath yet again. Alainn panicked for she realized she had spoken the words earlier that the witch could use her laces to strangle her, and now it was becoming truth, what she had said was being used against her. Conner had also spoken aloud the possibility of the trow being used as a weapon and it, too, had become truth. She must be ever careful not to even speak any further words that might be construed in a manner the witch might gain strength from.

  As she pulled herself from her thoughts, Alainn was aware Ebrill called to Danhoul and was at the moment directing all her magic toward him.

  Killian stood near the circle’s edge no longer completely enthralled with the witch’s spell, but obviously fearful for Alainn’s life. Once more she shook her head and silently cautioned him to remain outside the circle, even as she pulled at her own hair wrapped several times around her throat. She employed her magic and was relieved when her hair loosened and she gasped and took a long breath of the welcome night air.

  Alainn stepped toward Ebrill for the witch had drawn as close as possible to Danhoul and she was distressed to see him turn toward the witch, no longer capable of fighting her powerful spell. As Alainn used her own magic and forced the witch to avert her from staring at Danhoul, she turned with malice and Alainn’s hair wound around her throat and once again she felt as if she were being strangled.

  When she attempted the same magic with the witch’s lengthy dark hair, she was unable. Evidently
Ebrill must have placed a magical warding spell upon herself so that nothing belonging to her could be used against her. Alainn had done so many years ago with her own weapon, her anelace, but she hadn’t considered doing it with her own hair. That oversight would surely cost her dearly.

  She looked toward the hole in the ground she’d created for the trow to escape should they remain within the circle when the sun rose, and called toward the charmed anelace she’d hidden within. She saw it soar through the air toward her and was about to sever her long golden tresses that had been wrapped around her neck, when Danhoul turned toward her once more and used his own magic to finally untie the hair wrapped around her neck.

  Alainn called upon her powers to place her tresses in a plait, this time with a hasty spell so that her hair could not be used to harm her, and then saw Conner quickly returning to the outer circle. She watched him wildly clambering over the stones without thought for his own safety, as though a man possessed now being summoned by an eternal lusting witch.

  Danhoul’s eyes were now clear and he appeared in control of his magic, but when Alainn turned to determine where Killian was now, she saw he was about to step within the circle again. She glanced toward Conner, who remained the least immune to her magic, and she sent him hurtling toward Killian and they both crashed to the ground just shy of the inner circle. This appeared to momentarily break the control the witch had over them for they shook their heads and looked at one another as though they weren’t entirely certain where they were or perhaps even who they were.

  “Remove the spell on the trows and you will be free to mate with whomever you choose.” Alainn suggested again as the enraged witch pitched toward her at an unnatural speed. Alainn held up her hand and although it took all her effort she prevented her from actually being able to touch her.

  “I will have your man, white witch, mark my words, I will!” Her voice filled with such licentious promise, Alainn visibly shuddered.

  With that, Ebrill caused the grass inside the inner circle to be ripped from the ground and the dirt to fly through the air hurled toward her. Alainn held up her hand and was able to control the wind. Even now the dirt and grass swirled through the air at such a speed it was likely they would do much damage if they actually hit her or the witch. Alainn harnessed the wind and sent the whirlwind back to the witch.

  Knowing Alainn was completely engaged with controlling the dirt and grass, she leapt on top of Alainn and knocked her to the ground again. The whirlwind then picked them both up and threw them about wildly. Alainn finally dispersed the wind and they fell to the ground. Ebrill pinned Alainn to the ground and her eyes were filled with enragement, but Alainn was repulsed when the witch bent over and kissed her, a long and intimate kiss. Alainn attempted to pull away both physically and with her magic, but the witch persisted. Her hands went to Alainn’s breasts and she caressed them as a masterful lover might do. Alainn despised her touch, but could feel herself being drawn into Ebrill’s erotic control. Alainn fought her pull with her powers and her mind.

  “You are surely unaware of this, white witch, but males of all species do seem to attain great pleasure in seeing two women pleasure one another. Sure the three of them will become increasingly aroused when I hold you immobile by my powers and I pleasure with the great knowledge and experience of what creates much ecstasy for a woman. You may think yourself opposed to the notion at the moment, white witch, but soon it will be impossible for even you to resist me and my myriad of ways of pleasuring males and females alike.

  Alainn was further repulsed when the witch’s powers parted her knees and her fingers moved down Alainn’s abdomen and between her thighs. Alainn squirmed against the witch and sent out her own powers, but to no avail. The witch laughed again at Alainn’s futile efforts and the more Alainn attempted to prevent it the more determined Ebrill became. The witch’s hand found the part of her that would possibly cause her body to be pleasured despite the unabridged certainty she had never before been attracted to another female. Even with her mind despising the notion, her body had begun to respond to the witch and Alainn knew what a powerful hold the witch must have on men who often allowed their minds to be controlled by their bodies’ impulses.

  Alainn used all the power she could muster to fight the repugnant sensation, but she found herself becoming aroused by the witch’s experienced touch. Her hips had begun to arch, despite her loathing the notion.

  As Alainn dared to glance at the men outside the inner circle, their eyes were filled with unprincipled desire, and they watched on eagerly as the witch continued with her actions. When the witch dared to sensually move, and slid her naked body down Alainn’s own body, when she felt the witch’s mouth upon her, eagerly pleasing her, Alainn knew she would soon give way to climactic release, even though she was filled with utter repugnance at the very notion.

  Alainn whispered under her breath, and the witch’s control seemed to ease to a degree, and when she repeated the words, the lusting witch terminated her actions to look at Alainn with new interest, beyond that of a carnal nature.

  “You speak the language of fairies and druids, but of the ancient witches as well. There are only a handful of the ancient witches left. Tell me of your lineage!”

  Alainn took advantage of the witch, seemingly stunned, even though Alainn wasn’t certain what she actually referred to. She flipped Ebrill off of her and rose high in the air so she would avoid the witch’s pinning her to the ground again. The witch stared up at Alainn, but then noticed Alainn’s anelace lying on the ground beside her. She attempted to pick it up, but it burned her fingers and, in exasperation, she dropped it. She held her hands out clearly commanding the weapon to do her bidding, but charmed by Alainn on many occasions, it would not comply. All of this seemed to spur Ebrill’s rage even further and Alainn once more spoke.

  “Release the spell on the trows and I will take down the barriers.”

  “I think not, white witch, for you well know I will have your man as soon as the barriers are removed, but we needn’t wait for that, I can make him come to me. There is no way you will be capable of preventing me from having him this night.”

  With that, she flew up to where Alainn hovered in the air, and she glared at her with such loathing it caused Alainn to immediately fall to the ground. Once more the witch leapt upon her and with her powers she tore a strip from her own dark gown lying within the circle, and tied it around Alainn’s neck this time with her hands and not her magical powers. Now incapacitated by the cloth tightening around her throat, Alainn saw the witch held her hand out before her. Alainn observed the long pointed fingernails. Ebrill barely grazed her forehead, but in doing so caused unimaginable pain within Alainn’s head. Alainn couldn’t prevent the strangled scream from escaping her lips even though her throat hurt unbearably and she could no longer draw unrestricted breath.

  Through her intense nearly unimaginable pain, she was horrified to see Killian step within the circle to come to rescue her, and the lusting witch moved toward him at an extraordinary speed. The pain from the witch’s powerful excruciating touch became so overpowering it blinded her, and Alainn and no longer able to see or even to think, nearly fell unconscious.

  Instinctively she sent healing waves of light to her head and the pain gradually eased and she was able to see once more. Still barely capable of movement, Alainn looked to where the witch stood by Killian. Ebrill frantically ripped off Killian’s garments by way of her magic, and tossed them to the ground. She crooked her finger as her eyes blazed and she beckoned him to come to her. He was helpless to resist her spell and, when he came to her, she pulled his head down to her. He fell under her bewitchment completely and they shared a passionate kiss.

  Alainn had become so filled with fear and jealous enragement, her powers hummed through her veins. She managed to use her anelace to cut the ties around her neck, but the witch’s powers still prevented her from moving from where she lay. The witch’s gown lay upon the ground beside her and, as Al
ainn looked upon it, she sent it and the strip of cloth that had been around her neck to soar through the barrier. Far away from the outer circle they were now beyond the witch’s grasp even with her magic and would not be used against Alainn again.

  The witch had taken Killian’s hand and purposely led him closer to where Alainn lay trapped on the ground. She was almost close enough to touch either the witch or Killian, but she couldn’t move even with calling to her magic again and again. She closed her eyes and with as much control as she could manage, she fought the witch’s magic and she rolled over and coughed.

  Alainn felt the movement within her belly and although she had come to despise the evil, as the child moved and sent out his own magic, dark as it might be, it caused her own magic to grow and fight the witch. She pulled the witch from the embrace she shared with Killian. This seemed to temporarily jar him from his entrancement and he shook his head again.

  Alainn saw him entirely clothed once more, and she ran to him, stood between him and the witch and physically pushed him back outside of the circle. She used her powers to send the witch to the ground and this time she leapt on top of the eternal witch. She placed the anelace to the witch’s throat. This only seemed to amuse her and she easily threw Alainn off and she struck her head on the ground.

  Killian had retrieved his sword and was once more tempted to walk into the circle but he must have remembered Alainn’s words of warning and realized his sword could surely be used against Alainn. He looked toward Alainn in a moment of lucidity and nodded. But he quickly turned his eyes from Alainn and in gazing at the witch had already become completely entranced by her sorcery again.

  She smiled seductively at Killian and laughed as Alainn struggled to sit up as she was spinning from the blow to her head. She put her hand to her head and this time saw there was blood from a gash she’d incurred when her head had struck the ground. The eternal witch drew nearer to Alainn and held her hands out. Alainn was lifted in the air and then dropped roughly to the ground. Killian felt the need to come to her aid again, but she looked at him and shook her head.


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