A Witch's Destiny

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A Witch's Destiny Page 19

by Leigh Ann Edwards

  When the witch turned once more toward Killian, Alainn procured her weapon and threw the charmed dagger toward the witch. When it was nearly upon her, the witch averted it. However, the dagger caught the witch’s hand and it clearly wounded her for her blood dripped upon the ground.

  She pulled her hand back and stared at the blood in disbelief. She surely hadn’t considered Alainn was capable of doing her harm. But the pain had obviously induced further enragement and rendered her more powerful. She held her hands before her and caused Alainn to fall to her knees unable to move. As the witch drew nearer to Alainn yet again, with loathing in her eyes, Alainn attempted to shield herself from the witch’s dark magic, but it happened much too fast. She placed her hand on her head once more. Alainn screamed out with the intensity of the pain she felt, but this time she attempted to direct it back at the witch.

  Alainn sensed Killian couldn’t bear to see her in such obvious torment, and he believed it was likely the witch would soon kill Alainn.

  Alainn was terrified when she heard the witch capably speaking in what sounded like Alainn’s own voice and calling to Killian, begging him to come to her assistance and save her from the cruel witch.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alainn momentarily pulled from the witch’s power and screamed to Killian.

  “Stay where you are, it is her devious trickery.”

  The witch then turned her eyes to Danhoul and to Conner. She was attempting to control them with her mind.

  “Come in, young druid, and you, as well, Scotsman. When you take turns brutally mating with the white witch, it will surely keep her much detained while I have her husband.”

  Soon Conner and Danhoul’s garments were being pulled from them as well. Conner fought it fiercely, but Danhoul seemed to realize the more he fought, the more power the witch had over him. Although his eyes held distaste, the witch removed only his tunic and then put her efforts toward Conner again. When Conner was standing entirely unclothed, he glanced down at himself and his arousal. In his indignation and fury, he retrieved his sword from behind the rocks, and angrily hurled it at the witch.

  The witch cackled madly at this for surely that was her intention all along, and with her powers she forcefully threw Conner’s sword toward Alainn. Alainn dodged the sword clearly intended for her heart, but it deeply pierced her shoulder, knocked her down, and the large broadsword stuck straight through her and into the earth, capably pinning her to the ground. Alainn screamed out in torment and the witch smiled evilly.

  All three men stepped to the edge of the circle and Killian’s face was filled with terror.

  “Stay back, it is precisely what she wants,” she cried out to them through her pain.

  The sword was doing great damage and she looked to see it being twisted in her flesh even though the witch was nowhere near her and Alainn screamed again.

  Killian took another step toward the circle.

  Danhoul clearly attempted to use his magic against the witch as well, and Ebrill smiled as she stared at him.

  “For every time you employ your powers, druid, the white witch will be made to suffer more pain by the sword, for each magical feat the sword will turn. Should you continue or think to step inside, mark my words, I will see to it the sword destroys her beautiful face, slices off her nose, her ears, her lips, her eyelids, and even then, when she is painfully disfigured, I will ensure you will have the white witch, and the Scot will have her as well, and in anything but a gentle or pleasurable manner. Make the choice, druid!” she insisted.

  Danhoul lowered his hands and placed them to his side in defeat. Alainn sensed his helplessness and the witch fed on that as well.

  Alainn was being held on the ground by the sword, but even now she felt her under garment being ripped so that her breasts were nearly entirely exposed. What remained of the chemise was being tugged upward and over her hips and her knees being pried apart as though perverse invisible hands were upon her. She watched as Danhoul and now Conner both stared at her with unrecognizable burnished eyes filled only with lust. They both made a move toward the circle.

  “Do not step within!” Alainn screamed and she fought to pull the chemise back down to cover herself, but the sword sliced her as she moved and the blood flowed profusely from the wound.

  Alainn saw Killian staring at the unnatural salacious look upon Conner’s face and even Danhoul’s expression was one of complete unrestrained hunger and unsated desire. Alainn was certain Danhoul fought the urge to step within as she lay there in pain and now entirely vulnerable to indecency should the witch tempt Conner and Danhoul to step inside. As they both took one step forward she could not prevent them from entering the circle and she believed without a doubt they would brutalize her as the witch had predicted or commanded.

  She saw Killian glance from her to the other men. She cried out in despair when her always protective courageous husband, stepped inside the circle.

  The witch stared at her victoriously before she went to Killian and slowly began to remove his belt and his tunic this time without using her magic, but her hands. Alainn attempted to use her own magic to pull the sword from her shoulder, but the witch turned to look at her with fury in her eyes. She once more painfully twisted the sword even though she wasn’t near it.

  “Did you truly believe your magic could win over mine, white witch? I have existed for eight-hundred years and, in all those centuries, I have perfected my powers and my spells. And how long is it you have you lived on this earth witch, less than twenty human years? Though you may claim fairy and druid powers, and perhaps even possess some of the magic of the ancient witches, your goodness disallows you from embracing the potential you might achieve if you were given to darkness!”

  The witch went back to her previous actions and Alainn was infuriated when the witch removed Killian’s trews. She was further sickened when she saw the lusting witch roughly fondle him with her hands and then her mouth.

  Alainn attempted to use her powers against the witch again, but the witch now placed her hands together in a motion as though she wanted to strangle Alainn, and soon Killian’s belt flew through the air. By the witch’s magic, the belt was strapped around Alainn’s neck, tightened and buckled. It was choking the life out of her, not swiftly and mercifully, but slowly and agonizingly. She gasped and clawed at the belt which caused the sword to wound her even more severely. She wanted to turn her head or close her eyes, but she seemed incapable of doing either, it was apparent the witch was purposely forcing her to watch. She prayed if she could nothing to prevent this, she would soon lose consciousness.

  The witch used her dark magic to forcefully throw Killian to the ground upon his back, not far from where Alainn lay bleeding, trapped by the sword, and now gasping for air. Killian stared up at the witch no longer capable of pulling his gaze from her body. The witch clearly delighted in seeing his eyes upon her and she eagerly placed his hands upon her breasts and moaned in unbridled pleasure. She screamed out manically as she savagely mounted him and they were joined. She moved his large hands to her hips and she became frenzied. She moaned and screamed, panted and cackled madly, until Alainn thought she would be unable to bear the sights or sounds any longer. She felt on the verge of losing consciousness, but she was not allowed that kindness.

  Alainn knew Danhoul was distraught by what was happening. But every time Danhoul attempted to use his magic, the sword through her shoulder was twisted and blood now spurted copiously from the wound. If he stepped nearer to the circle, Alainn’s chemise was further torn until the garment was entirely shredded and she was nearly naked as well.

  Danhoul used his own magic to prevent Conner from entering the circle for it was apparent the witch had seen him filled with uncontrollable desire now entirely directed at Alainn. When he seemed unmanageable and it was clear he intended to walk through the circle to have Alainn, Danhoul knocked the unsuspecting man over the head with his sword, and then used Alainn’s shredded gown to tie his hands and fee
t and to blindfold the powerful Scot.

  Alainn finally managed to create a mist that kept Danhoul from seeing her lying there unclothed with her knees parted and her most intimate areas exposed, and from watching the witch and Killian as the carnal joining continued.

  But they were so close to her, the mist did not prevent Alainn from witnessing the lusting witch rake her pointed fingernails down Killian’s back over and over again so that trails of blood poured down and pooled not far from where Alainn lay pinned to the ground. She watched the witch viciously nip and bite Killian leaving her marks on his neck and his chest, his stomach, his thighs, and his manhood.

  The tears rolled down Alainn’s cheeks as she watched the witch doing any number of lewd acts with her husband and she was helpless to prevent it though she continued to attempt to employ her magic against the despicable witch and to remove the sword that trapped her. Her blood pooled beneath her, and the evil child within her began protesting as well, for if she died this day, his evil would die as well. She was pulled from the disturbing dark thoughts of the unborn child, by the witch’s taunting words.

  “Oh, white witch, it is little wonder you wanted to keep this one to yourself, he is most capable of satisfying me, the likes of few in all my hundreds of years. I will surely be keeping this one for my own. He shall remain forever enslaved as my lover. I shall make him immortal so he can pleasure me for all eternity.” She cackled once more and smiled at Alainn as her eyes glowed red.

  After much time listening to her loud moans and animalistic panting, and seeing them joined in any number of positions, the witch pulled Killian atop of her once more and Alainn saw she had purposely cruelly turned his head and forced him to stare at Alainn while he vigorously moved atop of the witch. By the pained, humiliated expression on his face, it was clear, even in his fervor and lust in having the witch, he wanted to avert his eyes from her. Alainn also used all her will to attempt to close her eyes or to turn away, but for all her efforts nothing worked, and the witch fed on her emotions.

  “Does he take you this way, white witch, does his body respond to you as readily as it does to me? Will he ever truly want you again once he’s had me like this, now that he knows what it is to be pleasured by pain?”

  The rage that simmered within Alainn had grown more intense, and as much as she tried to fight it, she felt incapable. The witch drew power from Alainn’s fury and the animalistic copulation continued.

  The trow had emerged unnoticed into the inner circle through the small hole in the ground. When he was unable to unfasten the belt and ease Alainn’s misery, he located Alainn’s charmed anelace and capably cut through the leather and allowed her to breathe without impairment. She rasped and drew in air and patted the trow’s hand in appreciation of his selfless deed even knowing he would be in peril himself. He touched the massive broadsword that pinned her to the ground, but the cross-guard alone was nearly as big as the trow’s arm, so there was entirely no hope he could assist in removing it. Instead, he curled up beside Alainn, buried his small head near her side and held tight to her hand during the entire ordeal. The tender gesture and his obvious empathy brought Alainn some measure of comfort.

  Alainn knew how greatly Danhoul desired to employ his magic but didn’t dare for he could see Alainn had already lost much blood from the sword’s wound. In truth her body grew unnaturally cold, her arms and legs were becoming numb and the blood did not flow freely as it had earlier.

  Alainn couldn’t discern how long it had been happening, but the primal moans and guttural sounds of perverse pleasure continued on and on, and she had long since released time in hope it would simply be over soon. The witch must have filled Killian with unnatural magical lust for no man, no matter how virile, was capable of continuing on with such intensity for such a lengthy time.

  The witch took greater pleasure in knowing Alainn despised her, and she taunted her often.

  “I had thought I would have my way with all three of these men, but since you seem so opposed to me being with your husband I think I will continue on with him for a few more days, perhaps weeks, then I’ll perhaps give him a brief reprieve, while I start on the druid virgin, and then the mighty Scot. Though you’ll be long dead from losing your life blood, or perhaps thirst or hunger. As you surely know by now a lusting witch and a shee will mate as often as possible, and I have seven hundred years to make up for. I do not require to eat or drink or sleep, only to mate.”

  Alainn inhaled deeply, slowed her erratic breaths, and focused intently on calming herself, dissipating her anger, her jealousy, and her fears. She remembered back to the time when a dark curse had been put on the animals and many had attacked and harmed her. She had dared to utter the curse of thirteen, though Danhoul had questioned her at the time.

  The curse of thirteen directed whatever pain and suffering the issuer experienced, to suffer the same malady. However, as with any magic the stronger the curse, the direr the results should it be directed back again. As she lay there cold and shivering and saw the pool of blood beside and beneath her, no longer capable of moving or evening feeling her arm or her fingers where the sword entrapped her, time was preciously short and she would surely die soon. She hadn’t felt movement within her in some time, so she reasoned the evil being inside her was gravely affected as well. Perhaps that was to be the only benefit of her death, but still she spoke the curse of thirteen.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three,” Alainn barely whispered for her throat was raw from the repeated strangulation she’d suffered.

  “You are amusing if nothing else, white witch.” The witch said as she turned her head to Alainn, momentarily distracted from her lust.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three,” Alainn repeated and coughed as she forced the words to be said aloud.

  The witch looked up once more.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three.” Alainn croaked over and over as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She could detect the witch’s powers lessening; her control over Alainn was steadily dissipating. The evil being within her gained power as well as she said the words. The trow had gone back down the hole in the ground and she could detect from somewhere beyond the outer circle, he was searching through the pockets of her shredded gown. When he returned, he wore a satisfied expression for he had come across her amulet. She couldn’t bear to have it against her skin or even within the pocket, for it burned her because of the evil child within her, but she had wrapped it in a holy cloth given to her and blessed by the priest at Castle O’Donnel. Now the trow unwrapped the amulet and, with some difficulty, slipped it over Alainn’s neck. It burned so fiercely she screamed painfully. But in her weakened state she wasn’t able to remove it. The amulet caused her powerful magic to surge, and once more she could feel her arms and her legs, she could move her fingers.

  With much difficulty and no small amount of pain, Alainn saw supernatural light flow from her fingertips and she managed to magically pull the immense sword from her shoulder. This caused considerably more bleeding, possibly so much, she might very well die. But how could she simply take that simpler path and leave Killian at the witch’s mercy perhaps for all eternity as she’d suggested. How could she permit the others to suffer torture at the hands of the unconscionable witch until she eventually ended their lives? Alainn gathered her courage and called to her healing magic, but with the sword removed and the wound bleeding again, she almost gave way to the dizziness and weakness that accompany blood loss. Regrettably, she began to feel resigned she was most certainly near death. The thought had barely entered her mind when she was stunned to see the bleeding terminate and the wound begin to slowly heal.

  She surmised the evil child within her was employing his wicked omnipotent dark powers to save her life, not out of the bond to her as his mother, for she sensed well enough she was no more than a vessel necessary to carry him until he could be born. This was solely for his self-preservation.

  The witch was so intent on her own plea
sure she appeared not to have noticed Alainn had moved. Alainn continued to repeat louder each time.

  “I curse you ten-fold plus three.” She rasped and saw the witch place her hand to her throat as though she was suffering the same pain in her throat as Alainn.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three.” Alainn saw the witch glance down at her shoulder for a large wound identical to Alainn’s had appeared and blood now flowed from it.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three!” Alainn repeated over and over, louder and louder each time although her throat felt on fire.

  She struggled to stand, stumbled and faltered, but gradually regained her strength and her will. As she stood directly beside the witch, Alainn furiously grabbed Ebrill’s lengthy hair and forcefully yanked her from atop Killian, ripping out a large handful of hair in so doing. This clearly took the stunned witch of guard. Her hand went to the blood pouring from the unusual wound on her shoulder and Alainn threw her to the ground by way of her own powers, then lifted her up as high as the surrounding trees and brought her back down hard on the ground, over and over, and still the witch was in disbelief. Then Alainn magically sailed through the air and forcefully landed on top of Ebrill, once more with the anelace at her throat.

  “What is it you intend to do, white witch?” The lusting witch asked this time with no humor in her voice.

  “I curse you tenfold plus three,” Alainn repeated and the witch herself became incapable of moving.

  Killian moved from where he’d being lying on the ground, and he painfully moaned as he attempted to find the strength to stand. She capably envisioned him clothed once more though she did not look in his direction.


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