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Christmas All Around Us ; The Perfect Time for Love ; Playing for Keeps

Page 17

by Carla Kincaid

  "You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Julie whispered while her Aunt Candice read her question out loud.

  "What was the most important thing you've learned this year?" Candice read. "Oh, that's easy!" Candice said as she launched into a story about waking up one morning to discover a brand new can in her driveway.

  While Candice was describing the shiny new sports car she'd assumed was an early birthday present from her husband Steve, Rachel leaned over and whispered in Julie's ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt a family moment," she said softly. "Would it be possible for us to go somewhere and talk -- privately?"

  Julie was about to suggest that they go upstairs but before she could utter a word, her aunt finished her story to thunderous applause.

  "And that's how I discovered for the past 27 years my husband has thought my birthday was on the 3rd of April instead of the 15th!"

  Uncle Steve playfully snatched the stocking from his wife and tossed it across the table. "I think I'll skip my turn," he said rolling his eyes as if he was irritated by his wife's revelation.

  The stocking landed in front of Julie's niece, in the seat next to her. Julie bit her lip knowing her turn was next, and it was too late for her and Rachel to slip away now.

  "What made you happy this year?" Kayla read from her slip of paper.

  Everyone in the room giggled expecting Kayla's answer to involve the birth of her four-month-old little sister.

  "The new shoes Daddy bought me last week made me happy!" Kayla said enthusiastically causing the family to burst into a fit of giggles.

  Now it was Julie's turn.

  "What was the most unexpected thing to happen to you this year?" The words scratched Julie's throat as she spoke them and the trickle of sweat that had been inching down her back turned into a river.

  Julie kept her eyes focused straight ahead. Of course, the first answer that popped into her mind had to do with getting to know Rachel but she didn't know if she had the courage to admit that at the moment.

  "I never thought I'd start my own business," Julie said choosing the safe route instead of sharing her true feelings.

  Julie looked over at her mother who was beaming with pride, probably reflecting on yesterday's news about how popular Julie's dance lesson certificates had been in the silent auction.

  Julie handed the stocking to Rachel and felt her heartbeat quicken as she waited to see what Rachel's question was. Deep down she hoped whatever was written on the piece of paper would give her a hint about why Rachel was there in the first place.


  Rachel stared at the piece of paper she was holding and then dropped her hands into her lap to mask her trembling hands. She silently repeated the question to herself. Who is the person who's had the greatest impact on your life this year? Rachel glanced around the room wondering if she could utter the answer out loud. It was one thing to show up at Julie's parent's doorstep prepared to deliver a speech to Julie in private but baring her soul in front of the entire Peterson family, Rachel wasn't sure if she'd ever had that much bravado even in the courtroom.

  Rachel closed her eyes as she flashed back through all the special moments she'd spent with Julie last week. There wasn't anything that had happened in her life this year -- or ever -- that had impacted Rachel as much as the past few days with Julie had. Her first feelings of being trapped in a Christmas snow globe had melted away and been replaced with a level of holiday enjoyment she'd never experienced. That was how it was with Julie. She hadn't brought anything Rachel expected but everything Rachel truly needed.

  "What does your question say?" Mrs. Peterson asked interrupting Rachel's daydreaming. Julie's mother's voice was sweet and nurturing just like Rachel imagined it would be from all the family stories Julie had shared.

  Rachel turned her head in Mrs. Peterson's direction and smiled but she couldn't hold the woman's gaze as she answered. "It said, who is the person who's had the greatest impact on your life this year?" Rachel paused and stole a glance at Julie. Then, riding a wave of courage, she answered. "That person is sitting right next to me."

  There was a collective inhale from everyone in the room but Rachel wouldn't allow herself to be distracted now that she'd taken the plunge.

  "Julie," she continued. "I don't know how you did it but just being around you has opened my eyes to a kind of joy I never thought I'd find in life."

  "Aww," came an utterance from somewhere in the room.

  "Rachel. I..." Julie stammered.

  Rachel reached out and touched Julie's hand. She could see tears forming in Julie's eyes but she didn't want Julie to speak until she'd finished everything she'd come to the house to say.

  "That's why I had to come here this afternoon. I had to tell you -- before it was too late -- that I'm so grateful for the time we spent together last week and..." Rachel paused and took a deep breath. "And, I can't imagine moving to California if there is even the slightest chance that I could spend next year experiencing more of the same."

  Chapter 16

  Julie pulled her scarf up around her ears to keep warm as she stood in the middle of the snow-covered landing. The weather was a lot colder than it was this time last year but Julie was willing to endure it just to see the look on Rachel's face when she came around the bend in the road.

  "I'm so happy for you, Darling," her father said as he slipped up beside her and put his arm around his daughter.

  It seemed like Mr. Peterson was going to say more but the walkie-talkie he was holding squawked to life.

  "They're on the way!" Julie's cousin Ben said through the device.

  Julie couldn't help but smile as she looked at Ben standing behind a tree on the top of a nearby hill. Next to him was his new girlfriend, Heather. The girl Ben had been waiting for last Christmas Eve never did show up at Julie's parents' house but a few months later he met Heather at a school party and the two of them had been inseparable ever since -- much like Julie and Rachel.

  "Was she upset when you told her you couldn't go on the sleigh ride with her?" Mrs. Peterson asked with a conspiratorial giggle.

  "Yeah," Julie said with a smile remembering the look on Rachel's face when she gave her the news.

  Misty had begged Rachel to come with her and her mothers to Christmas Villiage and up until yesterday, she thought Julie was coming with them.

  "She knows how close we all are," Julie said smiling at her parents. "So when I told her I had to do something with the family she didn't put up a fuss -- although she did pout a little." Julie laughed remembering Rachel's protruded lip, and it helped calm the butterflies that were whirling around in her stomach.

  Any minute now, the woman she'd been dating for the past twelve months was going to come around the bend in the road bundled in the back of a motorized sleigh to find Julie and her whole family standing in the middle of the snow.

  "It was really nice of Mr. Kerns to let us use the sleigh trail today," Mrs. Peterson said as she flapped her hands against her sides to keep warm.

  When Julie sought out the owner of Christmas Villiage to ask if she could rent a sleigh for a special occasion on Christmas Day the man was more than amenable. It turned out that Mr. Kerns was one of Gail, Claire and Misty's neighbors. He lived in the most festively decorated house in the neighborhood and every year he drove the neighborhood kids around to sing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Mr. Kerns didn't have a family of his own. His wife had died more than a decade ago but he kept her memory alive by bringing joy to people at Christmas Villiage.

  "Two minutes and counting!" Ben's voice squawked over the walkie-talkie.

  "Alright, everyone. Time to lose those coats!" Mr. Peterson shouted.

  The gathered family members began peeling off their outer layer to reveal bright red Christmas sweaters that matched the red and white hats each of them was wearing. Mr. Peterson hurried around collecting coats and stashing them in a large rectangular bin that he'd decorated to look like a keyboard. Inside t
he bin, there were toy musical instruments the family members grabbed. When everyone was in place, they looked like a huge Christmas rock band.

  Julie pulled off her coat to reveal a black sweater with a white turtle neck underneath. This was the closest Julie could get to replicating the outfit the character Billy Mack wore in the Christmas video in Love Actually.

  "Do you think she'll get it?" Julie asked looking around at her family's costumes. She wasn't sure if they looked enough like the band in the movie for Rachel to understand why they were all dressed this way.

  Julie's mother hugged her tight. "Rachel gets you, so I'm sure she will!" Mrs. Peterson said confidently.

  Just then Ben and his girlfriend came barreling down the hill -- stripping off their coats as they ran. They took the toy saxophone and guitar Mr. Peterson was holding and found their place in the group.

  "I hear them!" Julie's cousin Connie shouted excitedly.

  "Harold, press play!"

  Mr. Peterson pressed the app on his phone and music came blaring out of hidden speakers. In spite of the cold air, Julie felt trickles of sweat beginning to run down her back. When the plastic reindeer appeared around the corner her heart started pounding in her chest matching the bass line of the music

  The motorized sleigh carrying Gail, Claire, Misty, Rachel -- and even Simon -- came around the curve and into sight. Julie had to focus hard to keep breathing as well as dancing and lip-syncing in the snow.

  I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes!

  Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows

  It's written in the wind It's everywhere I go

  So if you really love Christmas

  Come on and let it snow

  Julie could see Rachel clearly now and the surprised look on the woman's face made her smile and calmed her nerves.

  You know I love Christmas, I always will

  My minds made up, the way I feel

  There's no beginning, there'll be no end

  'Cause on Christmas you can depend.

  The sleigh pulled to a stop just as the first verse of the song began to play & Julie stretched out her hand to help Rachel from the sleigh.

  You gave your present to me & I gave mine to you

  I need Santa beside me in everything I do.

  "What in the world is going on here?" Rachel stuttered as Julie nodded to her father to lower the volume of the music. The song now played softly as Julie began to speak.

  "A year ago today you and I shared our first Christmas together. I thought I was sure then but I know I'm sure now. I never want to spend another Christmas without you in my life, Rachel Samuels. Will you marry me?"

  Julie pulled a small velvet box out of her pocket and opened it so Rachel could see the ring inside. To Julie's surprise, Rachel started laughing. She looked at the Peterson clan standing in the snow.

  "I guess great minds think alike," she giggled and then turned her head toward the sleigh. "Misty do you have the surprise I gave you to hold?"

  "Yes!" Misty said enthusiastically as her parents looked on wondering what was happening. The little girl who'd grown almost two inches in the past year jumped out of the sleigh and hurried toward Rachel. She reached into the little red and green purse she was carrying, pulled out a wooden box and handed it to Rachel.

  "I'd planned to do this at the end of our sleigh ride -- but since you stood me up." With that Rachel opened the box Misty had given her and held it out to Julie.

  "Oh my goodness!" Julie exclaimed. Her hand flew to her mouth when she saw the sparkling diamond ring inside.

  "Julie Peterson, will you marry me -- too?"

  Everyone around was a mix of giggles and romanced filled sighs as the two women each peeled off their gloves and put on the rings on each other's finger.

  Everyone watching applauded and let out congratulatory exclamations.

  "Merry Christmas," Julie and Rachel whispered to each other.

  For a moment they just stood there staring into each other's eyes. Then -- just like in the movies -- they leaned in for a long, passionate kiss as the music played softly in the background.

  It's written on the wind

  It's everywhere I go

  So if you really love me

  Come on & let it show

  So if you really love me

  Come on & let it show.*

  * From Christmas Is All Around. Artist, Billy Mack. 2003


  The Perfect Time For Love

  Chapter 1

  Stacey gave the towel wrapped around her head a tight squeeze and then vigorously rubbed it through her freshly washed blonde locks. There was no need to do much more since as soon as she got to work she'd be covering her hair with a wig. She tossed the now damp towel over the shower rod, exited the bathroom and stepped into an oven. At least that's the way it felt.

  "It's way too early for this!" Stacey moaned as she padded naked down the hallway to her bedroom.

  The New York summer heat was seeping through the windows and walls of the brownstone she called home. By the time she reached her bedroom she was drenched with sweat -- as if she hadn't just toweled off when she got out of the shower.

  Stacey looked over at the silent portable air-conditioner in the window and cursed the fact that the must-have New York appliance had decided to stop functioning just two weeks ago. It wasn't like the tiny unit actually cooled the entire apartment but at least when it was working she could stand in front of it and pretend the rest of the room wasn't hot enough to bake bread.

  Thanks to her current show, Stacey could afford to buy a new air-conditioner but there had been no time to shop for a replacement. She'd gone from balancing rehearsals and her part-time gig as a cater-waiter, to tech rehearsals -- which meant spending ten plus hours a day at the theatre -- to a show with eight performances a week. Stacey would barely have time to think about anything -- including the oppressive heat in her apartment -- for another two weeks. All she had time to focus on now was getting enough sleep and making it to the theatre on time Tuesday through Sunday.

  Flying With Friends -- a musical about a group of friends who get stuck in an airport during a snowstorm -- not the greatest plot line in history -- wasn't a full-fledged show. It was a workshop that the producers invested just enough money in to get the actors up on their feet in an attempt to get someone with deep pockets to invest in a full production.

  This wasn't the first four-week workshop Stacey had busted her butt in since earning her M.F.A. In fact, it was her fifth. The fifth time she'd hoped against hope that a workshop strung together on a shoe-string budget might actually move on to Broadway. Honestly, Stacey would even be grateful for an Off-Broadway run. Anything that had a chance at lasting more than a month -- offering her some currently evasive financial stability -- and a true stepping stone toward her goal of performing on the Great White Way.

  Stacey picked up some abandoned envelopes from the floor beside her bed and used the unpaid bills as a fan. The motion stirred the warm air in the room just enough to slow the rivers of sweat running down her body but there would be no escaping the heat today. She might as well just surrender to it. It wasn't like she'd be stuck inside her apartment all day anyway. Soon she'd be under ground in a subway station with air twice as hot and thick enough to cut with a knife.

  "Life in the Big Apple," she mumbled with a shrug.

  It wasn't for the faint of heart -- or those adverse to inclement weather -- but in truth, there was no place in the world she'd rather be.


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