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Elite Power: Trent: (Dark Mafia Romance . . . HEA) The Elite power is supreme, but love brings them to their knees! (Supreme Legacy Book 1)

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by P. T. Macias

  Trent’s emotionless cold gray eyes stare at Lord Neil’s son, Henry, fisting his hands, he inhales deeply. His jaw muscle twitches as he grinds his molars, controlling his turbulent emotions.

  It’s about fucking time that I caught this monster. He knows what happened to my mother! I need to know if she’s alive or if she’s dead. We need to have closure!

  The brothers stand behind Trent looking at Henry, waiting for some type of information, to have closure.

  Trent walks belligerently, fiercely to grab the hose, while signaling the bodyguard to turn it on. He sprays the man in the face with the icy blast, watching him gasp.

  “Motherfuckers,” yells Henry Neil, waking up, flopping around like a fish caught on the hook.

  Trent continues to fill his mouth and nose with water, watching him gasp for air like a fish on dry land before drawing its last breath.

  He stops aiming the water at his face and redirects the freezing water at his wrinkled cock.

  They watch his pathetic attempt to pull his legs up, trying to shield his cock and balls, yelling incoherently.

  Trent continues to spray the freezing water until Henry is crying and begging for him to stop.

  Trent nods, the guard turns off the freezing water. He squints his impassive eyes, walking slowly, contemplating the beast.

  He stops in front of Henry, pulls out his switchblade from his jacket, and presses the switch. The blade springs open, gleaming dangerously.

  Henry weakly lifts his head, trying to focus through his swollen eyes at who’s standing there.

  Trent walks up closer, smiles coldly, and stares at Henry’s mutilated flesh.

  “Henry, it’s my extreme pleasure to meet you. I’ve been trying to arrange a meeting, but unfortunately, you were not available.”

  “Who the hell are you? What do you want,” bellows Henry? He shifts around, trying to see.

  “Oh my, I do apologize, I haven’t introduced myself or my associates.”

  Trent takes a step closer and grabs his face, squashing his injured flesh, smiles.

  “What was I thinking? Henry, I’m Trent Konig. I’m positive that you know who I am. I’m the soulless bastard that killed your sire.”

  Henry tries to move his legs to kick Trent, but his legs wouldn’t move.

  “Fucking hell! You bastard! I’m going to kill you!”

  “My bad. Henry, listen very carefully to what I’m going to ask you and think hard before answering me. I don’t have any tolerance for games.”

  “Fuck you,” yells Henry, his voice grates. His body is battered, shaking, and weak.

  Trent smiles, moves his switchblade down to run the tip across his shriveled cock.

  “Henry, I’m worried about you. You know, I’m worried about the quality of life you will have after our little rendezvous. You know, I feel that our cock is our pride and joy. Don’t you agree?”

  “Fucker, don’t you dare,” bellows Henry.

  Trent chuckles as he continues to run the tip of his switchblade around his balls.

  “I would suggest that you don’t move, think hard before you answer my simple question. I guarantee that worrying about your face will be the least of your problems.”

  “What do you want, you bastard?”

  “Henry, I really feel for you. Your cock is frozen, so damn red, that I feel that you could get frostbite.”

  Henry gasps, using the bit of strength that he has to remain still, wheezing.

  “Henry, let me tell you that you don’t look, good buddy. I mean, your face is all demolished, broken nose and all. Your body is all bruised, geeze, you’re wheezing. I don’t think that you want your family jewels to suffer any damage.”

  “Bastard,” he wheezes.” What the fuck do you want?”

  Trent inhales, exhales, walks around him, clicking his tongue.

  “You know, I’m a very reasonable man, but it’s obvious that you did not want to answer a few simple questions.”

  Trent stops in front of him again, nodding. He runs his switchblade tip down his chest, cutting him.

  “What the fuck,” yells Henry.

  “My, my, you really need to control your temper.

  Henry, so you know who I am, and you know that I killed your bastard sire, you fuck!

  Did you know that your sire killed my father?

  Of course, you don’t!

  I know that you were in training, right? I know that you know a lot about the business and what your bastard sire did.

  Yeah, just like I was trained to kill, and to . . . hmm. . . oh, yes, to rule the Elites.

  Right! You already know all of that. Here’s what I want. Where in the fucking hell did you take my mother?!

  You fucking beast, answer me because I promise that you will live, but your pride and joy, your family jewels will be donated to the . . .where should I dump them? Oh yeah, the pigs!”

  “You’re fucking crazy motherfucker! You bastard!”

  Trent moves the switchblade tip, over his cock, a little deeper, causing a cut and a drop of blood to dribble onto the concrete.

  “Stop! I don’t know! I really don’t know! She was sold to the trafficking bastard in Dubai!”

  Trent's heart stops, his chest tightens, and he grabs his hair pulling his head back, exposing his neck. He grinds his molars, his jaw muscle twitches, and his steely eyes turn dark, cold as he places the switchblade at Henry’s throat growling.

  “You must know more!”

  “No, I don’t know more. They were going to auction her as a sex slave or to be harvested. I don’t think that she would have survived!”

  “Give me a name,” demands Trent, through a clenched jaw, his voice is a low, sinister tone.

  Henry cries, terrified, as he wheezes.

  “It was William’s minion, Lucas that bought her from my father. He said that he had a dealer in Dubai that was interested.”

  Trent bellows a deep anguished horrific cry. He sinks the switchblade deeper, slicing his throat, through the jugular vein, blood gushing out, and watches Henry take his last breath.

  He wipes his switchblade and turns to look at his brothers.

  “There’s still hope that she’s alive!”

  The brothers cry out, excruciating pain crippling them for a few minutes.

  Lennox roars, sprints over to Henry’s lifeless warm body and shoves his switchblade into his heart, twisting. He gasps, his chest compressed, and agonized crazed eyes stare at him.

  “Bastard,” shouts Lennox, Trent’s brother, the one after him.

  “Get rid of him,” utters Trent through a clenched jaw.

  Trent turns, walks down the warehouse, totally stoic, soulless, and cold.

  His brothers and bodyguards follow him. They board the SUV’s in silence, grieving.

  “Please, Mom, don’t worry. It’s safe at Trent’s penthouse. The Konig girls, Jessica, Brittany, Carla, and Caroline Roth, will be there. Nicole wants to come too. We’re having a sleepover. I’m not a little girl, I can take care of myself.”

  Yvette looks at her mom, pouting, her eyes sparkle. A soft blush spreads over her face, her heart pounds fast.

  I don’t know why she doesn’t want me to go. I always did, but recently she’s been a little reluctant. Nicole is coming too. What’s the big deal?

  “Darling, I know that you’re a big girl, and that’s exactly why I feel that you shouldn’t; furthermore, I’m worried about your crush.”

  Yvette’s heart stops, her eyes widen. She walks over to her mom and hugs her tight.

  “Mom, don’t worry. The girls are always around Trent and I. We’re always escorted by the bodyguards.”

  Yvette grins, a dimple flashes near her lip, and laughs.

  “Yvette, you be careful. You’re too young for a formal relationship.”

  “Mom, yes, I still crush on him. He’s my guy.”

  “What does that mean? Your guy?”

  Yvette looks at her, crosses her arms, and twirls her hair thinki

  “Mom, I love Trent. He’s my guy. I know that he wants me too.”

  “Really? How do you know?”

  “Trent is such a flirt, always teasing me, we talk. We talk about our future, he’s waiting for me to finish school. But nothing else happens. Well, he does give me a peck, but that’s it. It’s not like I don’t want a real kiss, but he wants to wait.”

  Her mother’s eyes widen, she looks at Yvette’s shining eyes.

  “Oh my, Yvette I know that Trent is handsome, the Elite prince, and an amazing young man but I want you to promise me you will wait.”

  “Geeze Mom, you’re just as bad as he is. He always says that we need to wait.”

  Mom nods, relaxes, smiling she rubs Yvette’s back, sighing.

  “Yvette, he’s right. I trust him, but I still want you to be good.”

  “What does that mean? You don’t want me to make love? Really Mom?”

  A soft blush spreads over her face, her eyes shine, and she bites her full lower lip.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

  “Well, I’m telling you that if it happens, it happens. I know that he loves me. Mom, I’m not a little girl. I’m sure that Trent will use protection if we do. Would you get upset if I do?”

  Mom's eyebrows raise as her forehead furrows. She purses her lips, her green eyes roam over her face, then gaze into Yvette’s eyes. She considers Yvette for a few minutes, then nodding leans over to hug her.

  “No, but only if you’re absolutely positive that you love Trent. I don’t want you to be pressured into making love. I would like you to wait, you’re too young, and you should enjoy this period in your life. You can marry and start a family later.”

  Yvette nods looks at her nails, sighs. She hugs her mom.

  “Yeah, that’s what Trent says. He wouldn’t kiss me, so making love is not happening anytime soon. When we go out, we go out as a group. So, there’s nothing to worry about Mom.”

  Yvette grins, pulls away from her mom. She looks at her cell.

  Where are you?

  On my way!

  She looks at her mom, grinning.

  “Mom, we want to go to the movies, and the girls are waiting.”

  Mom crosses her arms and nods smiling.

  “Ok, promise me that you will be careful. I’ll get the pilot to have Bluejay and the guards ready.”

  “Yes! Thanks, Mom!”

  Yvette spins around, hair swirls around her in a happy dance, grinning.

  “We’re all packed. Nicole and I should be back on Sunday.”

  “Ok, blessings, darling.”

  A few hours later, Yvette laughs and rolls on the carpet. She looks at her best friends Caroline Roth and Jessica, Carla, and Brittany Konig as she eats a spoonful of her favorite vanilla ice cream with caramel.

  She closes her beautiful clear green eyes, her long lashes rest over her smooth cheek, her full red lips purse as she takes a few seconds, savoring the decadent caramel.

  She opens her sparkling green eyes, looks at her friends. She shifts her weight from her knees to sit cross-legged on the carpet leaning against the bed.

  Yvette blushes, soft pink spreads over her face, as she swallows the ice cream. Her light green eyes twinkle, shaking her head, pushing her golden-brown hair over her shoulder. She looks over at her sister Nicole entering the room with a bowl of ice cream in her hand.

  “Nicole, please close the door.”

  Nicole walks over to the group, smiling as she falls onto the carpet, crossing her legs. She sits next to Yvette, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

  “Yvette, I see how you look at Trent,” whispers Jessica excitedly. Her beautiful blue eyes glow, and her dimples flash as she laughs.

  Oh gosh, this is embarrassing. I had hoped that this would be our own little secret. Trent doesn’t want anyone to know. This will be the second time today that I share.

  “I do not,” murmurs Yvette breathlessly.

  “No worries, I wouldn’t tell,” says Jessica grinning, as she winks at her.

  “I promise I wouldn’t say a word,” says Brittany, rolling her eyes.

  “Jessica, I saw you watching Ashton Miller at the summit dinner,” squeaks Caroline rolling onto her back stomping her feet on the carpet.

  “I’m not going to deny it! He’s so damn cute! Tell, please tell who you like,” whispers Jessica leaning in closer.

  “Yes, do tell,” says Yvette, nodding. She takes another spoonful of ice cream.

  “Huh . . . I don’t know,” says Caroline closing her huge blue eyes. She bites her lower lip thinking of Carter.

  “Hey, let’s play truth and dare. Let’s pinky swear that we keep our secrets forever,” whispers Jessica, looking around the room.

  “Hell, yes! Let’s play,” squeals Caroline, rolling onto her stomach.

  The girls hook their small pinky at the same time. They look at each other wide-eyed, with a twinkle in their eyes.

  “I promise to keep our secrets and never tell a soul. This pinky promise is our bond. I pinky promise,” the girls whisper solemnly.

  “Sweetie, listen carefully and always remember what I’m telling you, my sweet Jennifer.”

  Duke Slovak runs his right hand down his eldest daughter’s dirty blond hair. He smiles down at her; his hazel eyes are warm and elated for her. He moves his hand to cup her soft cheek.

  “You will be Queen of the Elite. You’re the only one that can be an asset to the new King. Your extra studies and dedication will be rewarded in the end.”

  Jennifer gazes up at him, wide-eyed with a twinkle in her hazel eyes nodding. She smiles at her father, believing every word. A soft blush spreads over her face and asks breathlessly.

  “When will that be, Father?”

  “My sweet girl, it will be soon. We have lots of time to plan. I’ll get this marriage arranged in an iron-clad contract, as soon as I can. There’s no doubt that the Prince will accept you. Don’t you worry, it shall be so.”

  Yes, soon the Slovaks will have the power of the world! My sweet Jennifer will be Queen and have the King’s ear. Jennifer will be ready to take her throne.

  Duke Theodore Slovak presides over guns, gun powder, military explosives, and bombs. The Elites played a huge part in the development of the first atomic bomb during World War II, military, war profiteering, and hydrogen bomb. It’s estimated that 4.5 billion pounds of military explosives were used over the course of WW2.

  Slovak is driven and on a quest for power and money.

  Jennifer nods, smiling as she turns to look out the window, not seeing a thing. She narrows her gaze, focused, and dreaming of her wedding day.

  I’m going to marry Trent! I’ll be his Queen! I’m so excited!

  Yvette bites her lower lip, blushes, and sends the text. She tucks a curl behind her ear, barely able to contain her excitement, the soft flush appears on her face, and her clear green eyes glow.

  Trent, what time will you be here? Are we having lunch on your yacht? Are you busy?

  Trent looks at his cell, reads the text, looks at his watch, and stops to text back.

  I’ll be there at nine, wait for me Baby Girl. Never too busy for you. You know that you’re on my agenda every week.

  Omg! Every week? I am that important to you?

  Yes, you are! You’re my everything Baby Girl.

  Your everything? That means?

  I love you, Baby Girl!

  Yvette rolls over onto her stomach, buries her face into her pillow, yelling. She then texts back.

  OMG! Love you too!

  I can’t wait to see you. Are the girls with you?

  Yes, the girls are with me. That ok?

  Yes, it is. See you soon, love.

  I’ll be ready. I can’t wait.

  Omg! I’m seeing Trent today! He has me on his agenda! Yeah! Now I know that he’s serious and that I will see him once a week!

  Trent smiles, turns off his cell, and walks down the hall.

  He e
nters his office in his penthouse, looks at his brothers Lennox, Austin, Clayton, Brent, Sabastian, Troy, and cousins Colby, and Garrett, Carter, nods and walks over to his desk.

  “Hey dudes, ready? I have an hour and since I’m taking the girls to spend the afternoon on the yacht. You’re welcome to join us,” says Trent.

  “Yes, yeah,” they respond around the office.

  “I have the breakdown of our investments, the short term and long-term return, which by the way, is over one hundred percent return, and our new goals.”

  He falls onto his seat, takes the remote from the desktop. He proceeds to close the blinds, turn off the lights, and start the presentation.

  “We’re at our goal of being financially independent of the Elite Power order. Our next goal is to double our return.”

  “Sounds good,” says Lennox, nodding.

  “Could you email me a copy,” asks Austin looking at the image on his phone.

  “Yes,” replies Trent, looking at his cell, swiping the keys, and hits send.

  “Trent, status on the bastard in Dubai,” asks Sabastian.

  “Lucas disappeared after the transaction. We’re looking for a lead,” responds Trent.

  “We might never have any closure,” says Austin, clenching his fist.

  “It’s crazy that there are no leads. What the fuck,” growls Clayton.

  “Williams has to know! I’m going to shadow him,” says Lennox.

  “That’s a great idea, but I’ll talk to him,” says Trent.

  Lennox glares and leans back into the leather chair.

  “We all have the microchips, so we’re good. This will not happen to any Konig ever again,” proclaims Trent.

  “Roll call. Are you adhering to our physical and mental training program? It’s imperative that we’re able to conquer any threat.”

  “Yes, yeah, always,” they yell out.

  “I want to stress the importance of keeping our investments, our own personal life, love, likes, dreams, and anything else to ourselves. This information in the wrong hands will only make us vulnerable. I’ll be damn if they take our loved ones again! The Lords, the organization, and the world will use it against us. Konig vow!”

  “Konig Vow,” they yell.

  The elevator doors open into the top floor of Trent’s penthouse located in San Francisco. Trent owns the building that has ten penthouses, offices, and shops.


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