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Blood on the Water

Page 28

by Mark Hildebrandt

  Optio shouted ahead to James and Cassandra, “Good now there are only seven. If the bastards knew what was good for them, they would quit and go home.”

  Team two had started building a defensive position a few hundred yards from the trail in the middle of the saddle. They had selected a spot where a recent glacier had deposited several large boulders. The boulders were too large to move so Amicus, Corvin and Remus had been hauling rocks to place between the boulders and fashion a protective wall. As soon as they arrived Optio ordered Team one to drop their gear and get busy building walls as well.

  While his men were hauling rock, Optio carefully studied the cliff face half a mile away. “I’m not comfortable sitting next to that cliff.” He said not taking his eyes from his scope. “Team two front and center.” He barked.

  “Yes sir” the three of them said in unison forming a line directly in front of Optio.

  “Gentlemen we need to protect ourselves from someone trying to climb that cliff. I want you to set up a defensive position in the rocks at the base to prevent it. Understood?”

  “Yes Optio!” the three echoed in unison.

  “Excellent! Now there are several large boulders at the bottom of the cliff, they should afford ample cover. You will also have a good line of sight at anything coming up the trail, and you might even be able to get another one of those bastards. But just remember, your number one concern is making sure no one can flank us by climbing the cliff.

  “Take plenty of water, ammunition, the remaining big gun, and under no circumstances are you to speak on the communications line.”

  With Team Two gone Cassandra James and Optio pitched in to help Team one hall rocks. The seven large boulders roughly outlined the circular fortification. Between each bolder were hastily fashioned rock walls almost four feet thick and three feet high. It was crude but did offer some protection and an unobstructed three-hundred-sixty-degree view.

  Team three came running up the trail near midday. All three were winded, but that seemed to be more from the altitude then the actual physical activity.

  “Where are they!” Optio bellowed when the team arrived.

  “They are still back in the tree line.”

  “I wonder why didn’t they cut you down in the open? Something must be amiss here. Optio frowned and said over the communications line, “Team Two, keep your eyes open, trouble may be on the way.”

  Then a new voice was heard on the communication line. “Optio Virilius what a pleasure.”

  Optio grimaced, “Who is this and how did you get on this channel. This frequency is reserved for the Third.” He then looked over at Atticus and wisped, “Do you have a sensor position on these guys yet?”

  He shook his head, “No Optio they seem to have stopped just beyond sensor range.”

  “Optio,” The voice continued. “Don’t you recognize me? After all our simulated battles, I had hoped you would remember me.”

  “Cashus.” He said slowly with a tinge of disgust.”

  “That’s Optio Cashus. And I must say it’s good to battle you again, unfortunately this time, it is for real, and this time all the cards are stacked against you.”

  “Cashus, it appears you have become a traitor. Tell me how after twenty-five years of resplendent service in the Third you could stoop so low?”

  “Come now, traitor is a bit harsh, don’t you think? I was a legionnaire in the Third; I’m still a legionnaire, just not for the Third.”

  Optio had gotten everyone behind the walls of the make shift fortification, and with hand gestures, instructed the team to get weapons ready. “Cashus don’t be ridicules. There is only one legion on this planet, it falls under the authority of the Emperor. The Senate is strictly forbidden from raising an army, so if you are part of a Legion working for the Senate, by definition, you are a traitor.”

  “Nonsense. What I know is I’m a soldier. I used to work for one part of the government, now I work for another. It makes no difference to me which part is which. Well except for the pay. Let me tell you, you are getting screwed buddy.”

  There was a pause before Cashus continued. “Look Optio, they don’t pay you enough for this shit. Why don’t send down Doctors Vespus and Woodman? Just send them back down the trail, I promise you no harm will come to them. If you do, we can avoid having your entire Decum destroyed. What do you say?”

  Optio’s expression did not change; neither for that matter, did any of the other soldiers. James assumed the words were simply bravado, and he didn’t believe for a second, he and Cassandra would be unharmed as Cashus claimed. The memory of the infrared image exploding into thousands of pieces was enough to convince him, for the time being, the best place was behind a large bolder.

  “I take it from your silence that wish to decline my offer. Very well”

  Optio looked over at James and Cassandra, “Don’t worry. That is just typical bluster. He is trying to pump up his team, so they can charge up this open ground and be mowed down.” He said in a reassuring tone and turned his attention back to the tree line below.

  Biosensors reveled three members of the Senate Team were working across the face of the hill, well down below the tree line. They were moving toward the cliff face to the north. Once they reached the base of the cliff, they didn’t have the cover of trees, but because of the terrain were no longer line of sight from the makeshift fortification on the saddle. Unaware of the trap, they began moving along the scree at the base of the cliff, confident they were safe from fire in the shadows.

  James wondered why Optio had yet to contact Team Two at the base of the cliff, and alert them to the approaching threat, but as he watched the sensor display, he realized at these distances, and with these tools there were no surprises. Then he heard, far off in the distance, what he had come to understand was the sound of a bullet accelerated through hypersonic velocities by the guns electromagnetic system. He watched the biosensor readout, and one, unnumbered, blue light went out. Unlike the infrared picture showing pieces everywhere, the biosensor just went out, and the life sign was gone just that quick.

  Optio leaned over to James and Cassandra and said, “See I told you, it is all bluster. He doesn’t stand a chance, but I’m surprised. He was one of the best, when he was with the Third. Looks like the Senate has made him careless.”

  Once Optio moved away James turned his attention to the sensor display screen. He heard two more guns fire and watched another light go out. Then an incredibly bright flash, followed by a roar of thunder came from Team Two’s position. He lifted his head to look at the cliff, and saw a large crater surrounded by detritus where Team two had taken up position.

  Suddenly Optio was hollering on the communications channel, “Cashus, you bastard. The Senate outlawed plasma bombs two hundred years ago. Where the hell did you get one?”

  “Oh Optio, did I tell you, you are working for the wrong side. You wouldn’t believe the marvelous toys Kukulcan has found for us to play with. Now do you wish to reconsider your response to my earlier offer? It won’t be long before my guy takes up position on the cliff and can blow the rest of you away. Besides if you watch your sensor display, you will see a craft approaching from the west. It will be dropping off two more teams at the base of the mountain. They should be here by morning.” Just before the communications channel was shut off a sinister chuckle was heard.

  Changing the feed on the heads-up display from biosensor to long range scanner James was indeed able to see a craft approaching from the west, but he also noticed a small slow-moving craft approaching from the east. “Optio,” he whispered. “There is something coming from the east, what do you think it is?”

  “Don’t know for certain, but since Cashus didn’t mention it, I will assume it is Josephus’s rescue ship.”

  “I hope so.” He said and turned back to the biosensor feed. The remaining senate team member slowly worked his way out of the shadows of the cliff face and approached the crater where Team Two had been hiding. As soon as he bec
ame visible a weapon discharged inside the defense and was simultaneously answered with a massive flash and explosion. James checked the biosensor display; the Senate assassin was gone. “What happened?” He asked.

  Optio shook his head, “It appears our Senate friend had more toys. Atticus hit him, and the shot vaporized the assassin and his toys. Too bad.”

  Atticus without taking his eyes off the battlefield calmly said, “The son of a bitch killed Varinius, Janus and Drusus, he had to pay with something, unfortunately his life was not adequate compensation. I want more.”

  “Stow it legionnaire. We have a job to do, focus on that not revenge.” Optio said authoritatively. He then said into the communications channel, “Cashus you seem to be running a little low on men. Perhaps it is you who should consider surrender? You may have some cute illegal toys, but they are still line of sight, and I have guns trained on each of your life signs, not the best of odds. I’m afraid by the time your other team gets here, you will all be dead, and we will be gone.”

  “Stuff it Optio Virilius, you are dead and just don’t know it. Lucky for you Kukulcan wants Vespus and Woodman alive otherwise you would just be a pile of dissociated molecules right now.”

  “Optio,” James said, “Look at your biosensor. It appears as if two are moving into position to make another charge at the cliff.”

  “Yes indeed. We can’t hit them, but we can sure blow away some of those trees they are hiding behind. Atticus, Corvin lay down some fire in the trees were those life signs are moving.”

  Without saying a word several shots were fired and a line of Douglas fir and Lodgepole pine trees exploded. The demonstration seemed to have the desired effect, the two men working their way across the hill stopped, reversed course and moved away.

  James had switched sensor feed on his heads-up display and noticed the craft from the west had already landed, taken off and once again heading west, but the ship from the east was almost upon them. “Optio, that craft from the east is here.”

  Before Optio could acknowledge, two craft moving fast flew straight up the canyon at tree top level. The lead ship took fire from the Senate teams’ position. The fire was returned, but the ship was hit with a plasma bomb and in a bright flash was gone. The second ship put down a blanket of fire, completely flattening all vegetation in the area. A quick check of the biosensor confirmed no survivors.

  The craft landed next to the makeshift fortification, and the door opened. A uniformed legionnaire stood in the opening and waived them to board. First Cassandra and James sprinted into the plane then Optio and the rest of the Decum. While the door was closing James heard Optio quietly say, “You lose Optio Cashus. You should have known; traitors always get what they deserve.” The door sealed, and the ship quickly departed.

  Chapter 28

  - She’s on to me -

  Marcus was staring blankly at the display screen in his home office. It had been another long day, and he couldn’t really point to any one thing that was accomplished. Sure, things were progressing; Dr. Singh’s group would clearly be ready to begin phage testing on schedule, but what of his sister and Dr. Woodman. Damn, if that madman harms them, and interferes with his plans then Marcus would get personnel. He would strike with a vengeance, and his target would not be a relative. Marcus would strike Kukulcan directly.

  He could feel the adrenalin surge as he thought of physically harming the Senator, and for the first time today, the melancholy had receded. Still staring at a blank display, he sipped his martini, and fished the remaining olive from the glass. Slowly chewing and daydreaming of performing physical harm, his thoughts were disturbed by Irena sanding behind him in the doorway. He didn’t turn or look up. He didn’t need to. He could feel, smell and almost taste her presents, and he knew she was still playing her silly game of hurt wife. He hadn’t the time or desire to play and simply said without turning around, “What is it Irena? If dinner is ready, please have mine brought in here.”

  “Marcus, you have a visitor.” She said under a cool carefully constructed emotional shroud.

  Marcus turned to see Josephus ease his way into the office. Damn, if Josephus had to come to the villa, the news must be bad he thought. Thinking the worst, Marcus failed to notice a smile on Josephus’s face, and snapped at Irena, “Leave us!” He then watched as she turned and without a word walked away, the door closing behind her. “Josephus, what is it? Did the Senate Team get to them?”

  “No Marcus. They are fine, and the Senate Team was destroyed.”

  “Well what are you doing here? You damn near gave me a heart attack.” He said placing his hand on his chest.

  “Please don’t worry. Your sister and Dr. Woodman are quite safe. They are in a military assault vehicle headed to the Mississippian east coast.”

  Finally, Marcus noticed the smile on Josephus’s face, and realized his fears had been misplaced. “Sit.” Marcus said pointing to the chair. “How come you came all the way out here to tell me everything is fine?”

  “Because what I must tell you, needed to be said in person, and not over the phone. I have found the ideal spot for our pair to hide. One where the Senator won’t be able to find them let alone get to them.”

  Marcus could feel the grip of tension slowly relax, “Excellent. Now quit standing there grinning and tell me about it.”

  Josephus allowed his smile to fade and took a seat, “Do you remember telling me how Kukulcan found them in Cozumel. He said he knew it was the best place to look because it had suddenly become dark.” Marcus nodded but did not interrupt. “Well I had a nagging feeling I knew of such a place, a place devoid of all prying eyes. I just couldn’t remember any of the details. Then it occurred to me, occasionally, the Emperor disappears, and you must admit, making that happen is a much bigger feat than hiding your sister and a history professor. So, I started digging. I had to use most of my accumulated chits with high-ranking officials in the Third, and with the aid of your Imperial Baton, I was able to figure it out.

  “The Emperor has a secrete hunting lodge. It is completely cut off from the world and always has been. There are no network connections to anything in the lodge. There is no way to see in and no way to see out.”

  Marcus put his arms on his desk and leaned forward, “If there are no network connections, what does he do for security?”

  “Simple, the lodge is in the middle of a vast military garrison. The Third operates an intelligence and training facility on the Mississippian east coast. The base is five thousand square miles of fenced military preserve. There are three concentric rings of security around the lodge, and no one other than the base Legatus and some of his intelligence officers even know of the lodge’s existence. All the Legionnaires are told the fences and security precautions are for training purposes. With three layers of armed patrols and security fences, no unauthorized personnel have ever been within fifty miles of the lodge.

  “Marcus, I know this is hard to believe, but the Emperor has been using this place, completely undetected, for a hundred years. I have made arrangements, again with the help of the Imperial Baton, for your sister and Dr. Woodman to stay there until it is safe to retrieve them.”

  Now Marcus was smiling, “Oh Josephus you are the best. This calls for a toast. What will you have?”

  “Whatever you are having.”

  Marcus opened the door, summoned a servant, and demanded two martinis be brought at once.


  Marcus was greeted with a cheerful “Good morning, Dr. Vespus” from Aeliana when he arrived at the office in the morning. He wondered how long her eagerness would hold up, how long before she was dragging to her desk at eight thirty-two, like every other administrative person at the ministry. Maybe she was different, maybe not, at least he would enjoy her enthusiasm while it lasted.

  “Good morning Aeliana.” He said while walking to his office, “Are you ready to review my morning appointment schedule?” By the time he reached the door he stopped turned and looked a
t Aeliana, “If so let’s get started.”

  “Yes sir. I’ll be right in.”

  In the time it took to remove his jacket and sit down, Aeliana had joined him, data pad in hand and was ready to begin. Marcus smiled to himself, “Good. Now before we start I want you to make a note to cancel my lunch engagement. I will be taking lunch with Josephus today.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Okay, who is first this morning?”

  The briefing was over in thirty minutes. Aeliana’s presentation was so well organized she was able to prepare Marcus in about half the time that it used to take Quintus. As she was leaving, Marcus called out, “Thank you Aeliana. Please show in the first appointment as soon as he arrives.”

  Marcus turned his attention to his electronic messages. There was one from Josephus informing him Cassandra planned to call at three this afternoon. He quickly glanced at his schedule and decided the call would not cause any kind of conflict. The afternoon was devoted to R & D project reviews. Since there was only one project he was even remotely interested in, and since he was every bit as current with its status as Dr. Singh was, the call would give him a reasonable excuse to leave an otherwise boring meeting.

  Shortly after his third appointment ended, a rather dull diatribe on genetically modified vitamin D as treatment for viral infections, delivered by a scientist who only spoke in monotones, Marcus was startled by a commotion coming from the office reception area. The noise sounded like women laughing. Now that was damn odd, Marcus thought, as he went out to investigate.

  What he found stopped him in his tracks. Talking as if they were long lost friends were Aeliana and Irena. “Hello Marcus,” Irena said still snickering from whatever the two had been laughing about.

  “Hello, Irena. It’s nice to see you, but what brings you to this part of town.”

  “Oh, I was just out running some errands, and thought I would stop by. I wanted to meet your new assistant. After all, if I really want to know what is going on in your life, the best source of information is your assistant. She is really the only one, who knows what you are doing.”


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