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The Capture Series Bundle

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  I was breathing hard, hyperventilating. “I want it all.” He’d never know how much I meant those words.

  “You want me to fuck you, claim every part of you?” I found myself nodding, not able to speak. “You want my cock stretching you, popping that virgin cherry, filling you with my cum?”

  “God,” I gasped out. “Yes.” I was willing to beg for it.

  He started to push inside and I felt the stretch and burn from his penetration. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, my virginity now taken by this man, the one I loved.

  He made these deep-rooted sounds, ones that came from deep within his chest. “God, yes,” he ground out, his focus on me. Bear gripped my waist as he continued to push deep into me.

  He was slow and easy at first, gentle even, but I could see he was holding back, restraining himself.

  “I want all of you,” I whispered, knowing he’d understood what I meant.

  And then it was like something in him snapped. Bear started to fuck me in long, hard strokes. Over and over he plowed into me, the sounds of our moans and gasps filling the room. Sweat lined the valley between my breasts, the mounds moving back and forth sensually as he thrust in and out of me.

  I had the sheets tightly in my hands, holding them as he claimed me.

  “Touch me. Hang on to me,” he demanded, growled out.

  I grabbed onto his biceps and dug my nails into his flesh.

  He started fucking me in slow, languid strokes, making every part of me come alive, burn for him.

  Before I knew what was happening, Bear pulled out of me, flipped me onto my belly, and gave my ass a hard slap. I looked over my shoulder, gasping from the pain, but also the pleasure that slammed into me.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” he murmured low, as if to himself. He touched my ass, gave the mounds a squeeze and skimmed his fingers along the flesh until I was all but lifting my bottom to him, needing more.

  He pushed my legs apart and the air moved along the most sensitive part of me. My pussy felt swollen, wet. In fact, I was soaked for him.

  I was still staring at him over my shoulder, and glanced down the hard planes of his defined abdomen, stopping at his hard cock. He was huge, long and thick, the head slightly wider than the shaft, a drop of pre-cum lining the tip.

  “It’s been a long time for me, Susie. I haven’t been with a woman in so fucking long.” He looked at me. Our gazes held. “I’m too worked up for you.”

  He slipped his finger through my slit, moving the digit up and down my center, making me cry out involuntarily.

  Bear placed the tip of his cock back at my pussy, held onto my waist, and curled his fingers into my flesh. And then he thrust into me in one deep, hard move. My cry was muffled, my face pressed into the mattress. This position made him feel deeper in my body.

  “You’re so fucking tight. This virgin pussy was made for me, only me. Isn’t that right?” His voice was gruff.

  “Yes. Only yours, Bear.” I couldn’t help but moan those words out.

  “Your cunt will be nice and stretched by my dick alone.”

  He slammed into me again and again, groaning behind me, causing me to shift on the bed with his thrusting.

  I couldn’t think straight.

  “Christ,” he said on a harsh whisper. “Yes,” he hissed out. “So fucking hot.” The groan that came from him was long and deep.

  His balls were pressed right against my clit, slapping the bundle of nerves every time he thrust into me, slammed that hard cock into my pussy.

  “That’s it, baby. You feel so fucking good.”

  He moved faster, harder, fucking me with long, powerful strokes. God, I wanted this to last, needed it to. I didn’t ever want it to end.

  He gripped me harder, making it known with his touch that I was his. The possession in his hold was tangible, clear as day. Bear grabbed a chunk of my hair with his other hand and pulled my head back. With my throat arched, exposed, I was vulnerable to him.

  “Come on, baby. Give me one more.”

  Another orgasm rose up, consuming me, making me cry out for more.

  He tightened his hold on my hair a little harder, thrusting into me faster. I couldn’t help but cry out for more, from the sensitivity of it all.

  “Bear,” I cried out and closed my eyes as my climax washed through me.

  He pushed into me once.


  And on the third thrust he buried himself deep in my body and filled me with his cum.

  And when he finally relaxed, Bear pulled away, his hands lingering on my hips for a moment. I was too exhausted to hold myself up. I collapsed on my belly, eyes closed, breathing hard. After a moment, I forced myself to open my eyes. My head was to the side and I watched as Bear looked at me, this intense stare on his face, trained right on me.

  He owned me, irrevocably, undeniably.

  He reached out and rubbed his cum along my flesh, as if wanting his scent, his very essence engrained in me.

  “I do,” he said and I hadn’t realized I’d said that thought out loud. I should have felt humiliation over that, but all I felt was longing, need, and my arousal climbing.

  He pulled me close, holing me tightly, making me feel like nothing could touch us, that we were in our own little world.

  There was no doubt Bear was primal and intense, that he was feral and a loner. But being with him, having him touch me, give me pleasure, told me I was his … all of that made me feel like the wall he’d built around himself was crumbling.

  For me.



  Three months later

  I parked outside of the grocery store where Susie worked, my nerves running high being in town. I was a recluse, a hermit, more or less, and I most definitely wasn’t a fucking people person. I didn’t miss the townspeople glancing at me, the way they whispered, no doubt talking about one of the savage mountain men who’d come down into town.

  But over the last three months I’d found myself coming into town more than I ever had. And it was all because of Susie. It was all because I loved her so fucking much I’d deal with the suffocation I felt when I was around all these damn people.

  I straightened when I saw her leaving the grocery store, her focus on me and her smile wide. God, I loved that woman more than life itself. Over these last few months we’d been talking about her moving in with me, and although I’d never rush her, the very thought of sharing my space with her, waking up with her beside me every morning, holding her as she fell asleep every night, had me jonesing to rush it. But I also knew that I’d wait an eternity for her to decide what she wanted to do.

  And if she didn’t want to move in with me, well, we’d cross that bridge when we came to it.

  What I did know was that I’d move to this godforsaken town if that was her wish. I’d realized shortly after I’d claimed her that if she wanted to move to the busiest city in the world, I would have gladly followed her.

  Because not having her in my life was not an option.

  She crossed the street and climbed into the passenger side of my truck. The scent of vanilla and cherries filled my nose, instantly made me hard, and all I wanted to do was pull her over the seat, into my lap, and fuck her.

  But instead I leaned over and kissed her, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, taking her scent into my lungs and memorizing it. I straightened and cranked the engine, driving out of town and to the lake. The drive was twenty minutes outside of town limits, the picnic lunch I’d packed before picking her up sitting in the back of my truck, as well as the bottle of homemade wine, a thick blanket, and my need for her overriding all of it.

  Once at the lake, I parked the vehicle and cut the ignition. The click, click, click of the engine cooling filled the interior. Looking over at Susie, I saw she already watched me, her gaze hooded, her smile soft. I could practically feel her arousal coming from her in waves, knew she was ready for me.

  Even though I didn’t give a shit about people watching us, we
were on our own out here. Privacy, seclusion. It’s what I craved, especially when I wanted to make my mark on my woman.

  I reached across and pulled her onto my lap, her legs on either side of me, the gasp leaving her sweet and intoxicating.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered, the lust in her voice clear, driving mine higher, making me just want to reach between us and pull my cock out, push her panties aside, and plunge into her welcoming body.

  Instead, I kissed her, cupped her nape, took control. I licked her bottom lip, her flavor sweet, addicting. When I pulled back she panted, her pupils dilated, her need for me as strong as mine.

  “The food’s getting cold,” I said and grinned, hearing her disappointed moan. It fueled me higher. We climbed out of the car and I grabbed the basket and blanket from the back. With the basket in one hand and the blanket draped over my arm, I took her hand with my free one and led her to the lake.

  I found a clearing, spread the blanket out, and started pulling the food out. My mind was not on this fucking scene, but having my girl so worked up I could practically hear her breathing behind me turned me on so damn much.

  And once everything was set up, I turned and faced her, my cock achingly, painfully hard.

  Who the fuck was I kidding? I couldn’t control myself when it came to Susie.

  “Come here, baby.” And when she was right up against me I used my upper body to press her to the blanket. I positioned my hips between her open thighs and pressed my jean-clad erection against her panty-covered mound. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs, and I was thanking God right now that she’d worn it.

  A moan spilled from her when I thrust against her. “That’s it, Susie. Give me more.”

  She speared her hands into my hair and pulled me closer, kissing me with fervor. Her warm tongue slid along mine, stroking, mimicking the exact sexual act I was about to do to her. A slow, steady thrust of my hips against her had her panting against my mouth. She lifted her hips for more and I groaned.

  “More,” she murmured against my mouth.

  “Oh, baby, I’ll give you so much more you won’t be able to handle it.”

  I slid my hand down her side and stopped on her outer bare thigh. I was so hard, like a steel rod behind the fly of my jeans. I kept trailing my fingers high and higher, twisting my hand until my finger brushed along the crease where her leg met her pussy. I was about ready to come in my jeans like some damn teenager.

  Rivulets of sweat beaded down the length of my spine. We tilted our heads at the same time, our tongues delving deeper between each other’s lips until the act of fucking was constant, obvious.

  I broke the kiss, panting. “You taste so good.” I trailed my lips over her jaw and down her neck to where her pulse beat frantically. I continued a slow, steady press of my hard cock against her. And then I was resting my fingers at the edge of her panties, not moving, just rubbing the pad of the digit back and forth.

  I groaned against her neck, my body tense, my breathing ragged.

  “Yes.” She lifted her hips, rubbing herself against me, making this animal break free inside of me.

  When I let my fingers slip underneath her panties, finally touching her wet slit, I groaned like a madman. Sliding the digits up to her clit, I rubbed the engorged bud back and forth, causing her to cry out.

  “You’re so wet for me.” I moved my fingers down her slit and teased the pad of my thumb along the opening of her body. Her legs shook as she braced her feet on the ground, her thighs wide open for me. When I dipped just the tip of my finger into her, she cried out.

  “You’re so fucking tight and wet, so ready for me.” Her inner muscles clenched down and I groaned. I captured her mouth in a kiss, sliding my tongue between her lips at the same time I pushed my finger deeper into her body, past the second knuckle.

  With a twist of my wrist I removed my thumb and placed it at her clit, fucking her with my finger at the same time as I rubbed the little bud.

  “I want you to come for me.” I moved my thumb faster on her clit and lifted my head to stare down at her, watching as she got off. “Go on, Susie, give it to me.” Her mouth parted and her eyes widened as the pleasure exploded from her.

  She held onto my biceps, her nails digging into my flesh.

  “God, Bear,” she moaned, her eyes closing and her body going rigid as pleasure stole her. I watched her the whole time, seeing her pleasure consume her, knowing it was because of me.

  I gave her a slow, drugging kiss. I wasn’t nearly done with her. I’d never be done with her. She opened her eyes and I watched that lust climb as she stared into my very soul. She owned every part of me.


  My cock hardened.

  “One day soon I’m going to make you mine in every single way, even more than now. My wife, the mother of my children … mine in every single fucking way.”

  She gasped and nodded. “Yes, Bear.” She cupped my face and kissed me softly. “I think that would require us to live together,” she whispered. Pulling back, she stared into my eyes. “So how about we start by moving my shit to your cabin?” She grinned.

  My heart pounded against my chest. “Yeah, baby?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, baby.”

  And I didn’t think it could happen, but damn, I fell in love with her even more.

  Epilogue One


  One year later

  “You’re doing great,” Ruby said and I looked over at her, holding my hands tightly at my sides, both of them curled in a tight fist to stop them from shaking.

  I was nervous as hell, knowing I shouldn’t be because this was an intimate ceremony that I’d wanted for a very long time, that I’d dreamed of.

  Ruby came over to me and adjusted my veil, placing it over my face until a light sheen of white obstructed my view. My wedding gown was simplistic but beautiful, one with nature. Made of cotton with lace accents, it wasn’t anything fancy but it was exactly what I’d always envisioned I’d wear on my wedding day.

  I stood in the cabin I’d shared with Bear for the last year, my bouquet of simple wildflowers sitting on the table, the baby blue satin ribbon tied around them and keeping them together matching the same ribbon tied around my waist.

  “Oh my God!” The sound of Cherry’s voice came through and I looked over my shoulder to stare at my best friend. “You’re so damn gorgeous I could cry, but then I’d have to redo my make-up, and ain’t no one got time for that.” She started waving her hand in front of her face, as if the act would stop the tears.

  Leave it to Cherry to have my nervousness leaving, at least for a short while.

  “She’s right. You look so pretty,” Ruby said, this big grin on her face. “Makes me want to get married all over again.” She chuckled and I looked over at her, feeling my face heat, my heart race. “Almost. I was way too nervous on my wedding day to want to relive that.” She chuckled again.

  I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I moved over to the chair and sat down, needing to relax and catch my breath. “I feel like I’m going to pass out, or maybe throw up.”

  “I was that and more. It’s not like we had a large wedding either. It was small and intimate with only a few people on my side and nobody on Wolf’s side,” Ruby said and moved over to me. Cherry was already sitting on the seat beside me, her hand in mine, giving me her strength when I was about ready to crawl out of my skin.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve wanted this for, God, I don’t know, years.”

  “It’s normal, and I guarantee Bear is feeling the same thing, although he’d never show it.”

  I nodded, knowing Ruby was right. No, men like Bear and Wolf didn’t show emotion on the outside, at least not with anyone else.

  There was a knock on the door and my heart jumped.

  “Ladies, it’s time.” Wolf’s voice came through the wood loud and clear and I felt my nervousness increase.

  “You’ll do great. It’ll be
over before you know it and you’ll wish you could marry him all over again—well, until he gets on your nerves for leaving the toilet seat up, or tossing his dirty clothes right beside the hamper instead of inside it.”

  I burst out laughing.

  “Man, Ruby, you’re making marriage sound incredible,” Cherry said sarcastically and we all laughed.

  “Ready?” Ruby said and I nodded.

  We stood and I let them lead me outside to where we had the ceremony set up. A simple archway where the officiant would stand, a few wooden benches Bear had made on either side to seat our guests. Petals scattered along the aisle, blue ribbon on each of the chairs.

  This was my life now.

  The next half hour seemed to pass quickly, in a blur. My father walked me down the aisle, gave me away. I was crying before I’d even made it to Bear, but as I stood there in front of our family and friends, he lifted his hands and wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs, never once taking his focus off me.

  I don’t even know if I’d said the right thing, spoken the correct vows. I was in a haze as I stared at the man I’d loved for longer than I could ever even admit.

  And then it was done, we were joined as husband and wife. There was clapping all around, our friends and family witnessing the start of our lives together. I couldn’t stop the grin that spread across my face, or the tears that formed in the corner of my eyes.

  “I’m really yours now,” I whispered.

  “You’ve always been mine.”

  God, wasn’t that the truth.

  Epilogue Two


  Three years later

  “Push, baby. Come on, you can do it.”

  “Bear, if you don’t shut the hell up, I’m going to kill you,” Susie said once her contraction subsided. I reached for a rag and wiped the sweat from her forehead, strands of her hair sticking to her temples. “Is Rooney okay? He’s not scared or anything? I’m trying to keep my shit together.”


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