Book Read Free

On Your Knees

Page 20

by Liz Bradford

  Adam couldn’t believe it. “I really thought it couldn’t be him, but I guess…”

  “Is that the knife stolen from evidence?” Amelia asked.

  Jared pulled it back out of the bag. “No. I got a good look at it when I took it from Ella. It’s very similar, but not the exact knife.”

  Gavin crossed his arms. “This really doesn’t look good for Patrick.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” Becca shook her head.

  “Now what?” Adam asked.

  Jared looked up at Adam. “We ask him about it. Maybe we’ll get a confession.”

  Becca twisted her hair. “You want me to take the lead on the interrogation?”

  “I’m not sure that would be the best,” Gavin said. “He has a complex that women shouldn’t be cops, so it may just close him up.”

  “I think I want Adam to start with him,” Jared made eye contact with Adam. “I think if you appeal to him as family. As much as you don’t like him, you have not wanted to believe he was responsible.”

  “More for Jocelyn’s sake than anything.”

  “But still. Go in and get an explanation for this stuff,” Jared swept his hand above the duffel bag.

  Adam took a deep breath and blew it out throw his mouth. “Okay.”

  Jared put the duffel back into the evidence bag, and he and Adam walked out of the room. Adam grabbed his blazer from the back of his chair, and as he walked by the Captain’s office Adam glanced in at Ella and Jocelyn. They were deep in conversation on the couch, but Ella caught his eye and gave him a sweet smile. It did wonders for his heart. He had to get to the bottom of this for Ella. She needed answers. If it really was Patrick, he would have to answer for hurting the woman he loved. Love? Yes, he did love her. Always had and did again. He would question Patrick as if he was the man that hurt her. He had to focus on that and not that he was Jocelyn’s husband, even while appealing to him as family.

  Adam pulled on his jacket and turned down the hallway towards the interrogation room. God, it’s been a really long time. Don’t know if you’d listen to me, but for Ella’s sake would you help me get the guy. Even if it means putting Patrick behind bars. He couldn’t do this on his own. And he finally admitted it. It felt like a punch in the gut and a wash of relief all at the same time.

  Adam took the bag from Jared and opened the door to the interrogation room. There at the table sat a smug Patrick. He was sitting back in his chair with an arm up on the back of the chair next to him. His ankle propped up on the opposite knee.

  “Hey. Someone read you your rights? Not that you don’t already know them, but you know legal stuff…”

  “Yeah, your partner seemed to enjoy reading every last word to me. But guess that’s the only thing a knocked-up cop is good for. So, they sent family in to talk to me. Really? What, they think I’ll talk to you, huh? Humph. They do know you can’t stand me, right?”

  “Yeah, but they know I care about Jocelyn, so I’m your best bet right now. Why don’t you just tell me the truth, and we can all leave and be on our merry way.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Jamison.”

  Adam pulled the chair out from the table and turned it around and straddled it. “Well, for starters, why don’t you explain why there was a rape kit in your car?”

  “A what?” Patrick’s face remained neutral save a slight furrowing of his brows.

  “Do I really have to spell it out for you?”

  Patrick dropped his arm from the chair and his foot to the floor. “Apparently since I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  Adam lifted the bag and set it on the table. “Recognize this bag?”

  “Yeah, it’s my gym bag. I keep it in my car, so I can work out when I have a chance.”

  “You keep duct tape, a knife, and a ski mask in your gym bag?”

  “No, why would I do that?”

  “Then explain why that’s what’s in this bag.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I keep shorts, a t-shirt, shoes, and such in there.”

  Adam pulled a pair of gloves from his jacket pocket, stood up, and slid them on his hands. He opened the evidence bag. He pulled the red duffel out and set it on the table. “Is this your duffel bag?”

  “Looks like mine.”

  “And you acknowledge that it should have been found in your car?”

  “Yes. I keep it in the trunk.”

  “Ok. Then you need to explain this.” Adam unzipped the bag and pulled out the ski mask.

  Patrick’s face contorted. “That’s not mine.”

  “But it’s in your bag.”

  “But it’s not mine.”

  “What about this?” Adam showed him the roll of duct tape.

  “Not mine. I’m classier than putting duct tape on my tennis shoes.”

  The man didn’t seem to care that Adam was accusing him of three murders along with five additional rapes. “Patrick, it’s in your bag. A bag you admitted is yours. Do you see we have a problem?”

  “No, because those items aren’t mine, and I didn’t do it.”

  “But it sure is looking like you did.”

  They were getting nowhere fast. They continued to go back and forth, but it was pointless. Patrick acted as if he was above the law somehow. And making it seem like no big deal when he said someone else had to have put the stuff in the bag.

  “All right, you say someone else put this in your bag, but explain why you went to the detectives’ squad room last Thursday morning?”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Just answer the question, Patrick?”

  “I had a note in my locker saying to go up there. But it amounted to nothing.”

  “Really, a note in your locker?”


  “You don’t happen to still have that note do you?”

  “Why would I have kept it. I didn’t know I was being set up.”

  “So, you’re gonna to stick with that set up story?”

  “Yes, Jamison. That’s what’s happening.”

  Adam was unnerved by how calm Patrick was remaining, especially after his angry display in the lobby. Was he guilty or not? Adam’s intuition didn’t seem to be working. The evidence pointed to Patrick, but he could explain everything. But, of course he could. If he was guilty, he would have thought of a way to explain everything he did. Still footage had been erased from over the weekend at the lab, but not the piece that had pointed them to Patrick in the first place.

  Jared came into the room. Good, backup. Adam took a step back and leaned back against the wall near the two-way mirror where he knew Becca and Amelia were watching from the other side.

  Jared took another approach with Patrick and started going hard at him. Accusing him of lying and getting in his face. Patrick remained calm. A little shiver crept its way through Adam’s whole body. Something wasn’t right. His stomach writhed. He searched his mind trying to figure out where the sick feeling was coming from. Was it in reaction to Patrick’s calmness? No. That’s weird. Was it the idea that maybe Patrick did force himself on Ella? Maybe, but something else was wrong. Ella? Somewhere deep in his gut he felt a pull to her. Almost a sense of needing to save her. Was he having one of those senses that Caleb got? If so, he didn’t dare ignore it.

  He pushed himself off the wall as the panic in his heart grew. “I’ll be back,” he muttered and rushed out the door.

  He nearly ran into Becca and Jocelyn in the hall. What is she doing down here? “Where’s Ella?”

  “Up in the Captain’s office,” Jocelyn said.

  “You left her there alone!”

  “Yeah, she’s in the police station, Adam. And you have the number one suspect in custody.”

  “But I don’t think he did it!” Adam took off running towards the Captain’s office. Hopefully, he was wrong, but… He couldn’t handle the idea of losing Ella. God, help.


  He didn’t know where the sense was coming from
, but he knew he had to find Ella.

  He crashed through the squad room door and spun into the Captain’s office.

  She wasn’t there!


  Back into the squad room, his eyes scanned back and forth. His heart was pounding. Where was she?

  He went back through the lobby. His eyes darted back and forth. She had to be here somewhere. A group of people standing across the open lobby broke apart. There! His eyes fell on Ella, and his heart soared. But his stomach flew up into his throat. She was talking to Scott!

  “Ella!” He ran to her.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  “Jamison.” Scott’s voice was flat.

  Adam locked eyes with Scott but said nothing. He wrapped his arm around Ella’s shoulders and pulled her away from Scott.

  “Don’t be rude, Adam.” Ella squeezed his waist with her arm.

  “Later, Scott.” Adam threw the words over his shoulder. He led Ella back to the Captain’s office.

  Ella didn’t say anything else until they were in the office. Ella pulled away and turned to face him. Her body was still close to his, and it was messing with him. The terror he had felt was not leaving despite the relief he felt from having her safe in front of him.

  She put her hands on his sides. “What is going on, Adam? I have never seen you look so scared.”

  He cupped her head in his hands. He didn’t know how to explain what he had just felt, and he didn’t want to scare her either. “I didn’t know where you were.”

  “But why were you looking for me in the first place? Did you get a confession?”

  His shoulders dropped. “No. I’m still not sure it was him. Ella, what were you doing out in the lobby talking to Scott?”

  “I just needed to move around. I’m getting tired of being cooped up all the time. But I wasn’t going anywhere. I was just trying to move around where I knew I was allowed to be. Scott came up and started talking to me. He offered me a ride since he knew you guys were busy, and it’s getting late.”

  “Were you going to go with him?” The terror rose in his gut again.

  “No! You know he makes me uncomfortable. But it was kind of him to offer.”

  “Did you tell him where you’re staying?”

  “No, Adam. You need to calm down; I’m safe. I’m right here.” She pulled him into a hug and rested her head on his chest.

  He slid his arms around her back and held her tight. Thank you, God, that she’s all right.

  Adam rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. Tired didn’t even begin to cut the surface of how he felt. He looked at his watch. Two o’clock in the morning. Why was he still up? And why was he still at the station? This was ridiculous.

  Ella and Amelia had left around ten, and Patrick decided he wanted a lawyer around eleven. Why he had waited that long to lawyer up, Adam couldn’t even begin to guess. And of course, he picked a lawyer that was out of Raleigh, so they had to wait three hours before the guy finally arrived. And for the last hour Patrick had been in there talking to his lawyer and his field representative.

  Adam resisted the urge to lay his head on his desk, because surely Jared would tell him to go home soon. What else would they be able to accomplish this late at night? Adam looked up and saw Jared coming his way. Maybe relief was in sight.

  “Jamison, you’re up.”


  “Patrick won’t talk to anyone but you.”

  He furrowed his brow. “Really?”

  Jared shrugged.

  Adam went to the interrogation room and found Patrick in the same place he had been hours earlier, but now he was flanked but two older men in suits. They all three had bags under their eyes, but their irises held determination. Apparently, no one was leaving before this was cleared up.

  “You wanted to talk?”

  Patrick sat up and leaned his forearms on the table. “Yes. Since you all haven’t believed anything I’ve told you yet, I figured I should give you proof that I couldn’t have committed at least one of the crimes you’re accusing me of.”

  “You have an alibi?”


  “For which crime.”

  “The murder of Clarissa Zerillo.”

  “All right. Give it up, and I’ll check it out.” Adam pulled his notepad and pen out of his pocket.

  “Nope. I want a guarantee from you, as family, to be discreet about it. You tell Jocelyn, or anyone else for that matter, and I’ll make sure the real killer knows where Ella is staying.”

  Adam froze mid-click of the pen. “What do you mean? Do you know who the real killer is?”

  “No, but I’m sure I can get the information to him anyway.”

  Adam’s hope faded. “You do know I have to file your alibi in my report.”

  “I do, but I also know that information doesn’t have to be filed until the case is closed. So, it can wait, once the case is closed or at least long gone and cold, no one else will look in the file.”

  The man had a point. He didn’t like it; he hated making accommodations for potential criminals. “Fine. I’ll do what I can keep the information need to know.”

  “Good. And I know you’re a man of your word.”

  “So, you going to tell me or not?”

  “Give me your pad and pen.”

  Adam look at the items in his hands and reluctantly handed them over.

  “Call this number and talk to Monty. Ask about me and the night in question. You’ll have your answer. You’ll see that I could never have been with Clarissa at the time of her unfortunate demise.”

  Adam’s skin crawled and took the pad and pen back from Patrick. He looked down at the phone number. It meant nothing to Adam. “I’ll go check into this. Can I call it now or in the morning?”

  “You can call now. Someone will be available to talk.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Patrick whose lips curled upward.

  He exited the room and shook his head. That man. Ugh.

  Once Adam was back at his desk, he opened his computer and entered the number into the reverse directory. He wasn’t about to call some random number blindly. “Great,” Adam muttered sarcastically.

  “He’s giving you an alibi?” Jared came over. They were the only two left in the squad room. Everyone else, even Becca and Gavin had gone home for the night.

  “Yep, for Clarissa Zerillo’s murder.”

  “What is it? You didn’t sound too thrilled.”

  “Well, he’s threated to advertise Ella’s location if I tell anyone.”

  “Does he actually know where she’s staying?”

  “Probably not, but I’m not sure I want to risk it.”

  “Good call. Let me know if it pans out.”


  Adam looked back at his computer screen. The listing in the directory made him blush. He didn’t want to even read the name, let alone call it. He wasn’t shy, but that was the kind of place he would prefer to put out of business. And it was not the kind of place he wanted to think about his cousin’s husband patronizing.

  He picked up the station phone and reluctantly typed in the number. A sultry voice answered, “Thanks for calling. Looking for something hot tonight?”

  Bile burned Adam’s throat. He swallowed. “No. Is Monty available to talk?”

  “Oh, but of course. Please hold.”

  Thirty minutes and three phone calls later Adam had thoroughly substantiated Patrick’s alibi. Adam slammed his fist against his desk. They were back at zero. Patrick couldn’t have killed Clarissa. In all the killer’s careful planning to point the evidence in Patrick’s direction, he hadn’t counted on the man’s lack of inhibition.

  Adam stood up from his desk and walked to the other end of the room to where Jared sat at his desk.

  Jared looked up at him with tired eyes. “Please tell me it’s a gaping hole, and he really is our guy, because I’m so ready to be done.”

  “Well, we’re done for tonight anyway. It’s not him. There�
��s no way he killed Clarissa and since we’re convince all these attacks were committed by the same man, Patrick isn’t responsible.”

  Jared’s shoulders dropped a little further. “Blasted!”

  “Yeah, I’ve got four witnesses willing to testify. Three of which were with him the entire evening and night. And there’s a timestamped security video.” He sighed. “Now what?”

  “We sleep and regroup tomorrow afternoon.”

  Ella set her school bag on the floor next to Adam’s couch and sat down. Adam collapsed down next to her. He looked exhausted. On the way back to the house he had told her about his late night and how they had accomplished nothing this afternoon. No one else on their list seemed like a viable suspect. That news weighed heavy on her heart now too. She still wasn’t safe.

  She patted Adam’s shoulder. “Hey, sit up and turn. You look like you could use a little relaxing. That was why we came back here before going to Becca’s for dinner.”

  He smiled and acquiesced.

  She slid her shoes off and knelt on the couch to get a better angle to rub his shoulders. His shoulders were tight. Not that she knew what to expect them to feel like. She really didn’t know what she was doing, but she had watched Caleb rub Amelia’s shoulders last night while they all unwound while watching a sitcom. She couldn’t believe how far she had come. Just three weeks had been enough to change her life completely. It was only by the grace of God.

  She prayed and continued to rub Adam’s shoulders feeling him melt like butter under her touch. Oh, Jesus, thank you for Adam and for using him to help me get past these incredible hurdles in my life. But please, help him to turn to You. It’s not even about him and me. Sure, I want something to come of this, and I don’t want that to happen without him believing in You. But I really just want him to know and love You. He’s gone through so much lately, and I know this case is weighing on him. Please help him. Give him, and the other detectives, wisdom and direction. Please let this be over soon and keep us all safe in the process.

  Adam’s hand rested on hers. She slid her arms around his neck and leaned against him. He hugged her arms and leaned his head against hers. Her heart soared. What was this feeling? All she knew is that she didn’t want to let go. She held him silently for a few minutes, but then reluctantly pulled away.


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