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On Your Knees

Page 26

by Liz Bradford

  “A-a-dam?” Ella’s voice shook as she called from upstairs.

  He took the stairs two at a time and found her in the hallway with her yoga pants in her shaking hand. “What’s wrong?” He pulled her into his arms.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I just got a really uneasy feeling. I thought the closet door was closed all the way when I left this morning.”

  He kept his left arm tightly around Ella and pulled his pistol off his hip with his right. “Okay. Let’s make sure it’s nothing.” He removed his arm from her. “Stay behind me but close.”

  She nodded and followed him into the room. The closet was on the right along the same wall as the door. The closest of the pair of bi-fold doors was slightly ajar. He squared himself with the closet and pointed his gun at the door. He took three deep breaths and motioned for Ella to open the door.

  She nodded and moved next to the closet. Staying to the side she clutched the knob and pulled the door open and jumped to the side.

  There was nothing.

  He released the air trapped in his lungs. He stepped forward and opened the other side. The shelves on that side made it impossible for anyone larger than Callie to fit in there.

  “Oh, I feel so silly.” Ella ran her hand down her face.

  Adam holstered his gun and reached for her. “Don’t. Better safe than sorry, right?”

  She nodded and fell into his arms.

  “Let’s check the rest of the house, just to be sure.”

  “I won’t argue with that.”

  “How ‘bout you lock this door and change while I give the whole house a once over?”

  She nodded.

  He checked under the bed before closing the door and waited until Ella locked it before making his way through the rest of Jared and Becca’s house. He checked all the closets, under the beds, showers, the garage, laundry room, and every other corner of the inside of the house, being sure all the doors and windows were locked as he made his way through. When he made it back upstairs he knocked on the door. “All clear.”

  The door opened. “Okay, good. Thanks.”

  “Anytime.” He gave her another hug and kissed her head before they went downstairs.

  “Kinda wish we had gone back to my place today,” he said as they settled on the couch for Ella to get her grading done.

  “Sorry. You’re probably bored. Why don’t you watch something?” She handed him the TV remote from the end table.

  He took the remote. “That won’t be too distracting?”

  “Nah. I’ll be fine. And thanks for coming back here today. I know Becca appreciates it since she won’t have to make dinner.”

  “That’s the least we can do for her.” He flipped the TV on and changed the channel to ESPN. He slouched into the couch and leaned his head back. He kicked off his shoes and put his feet up on the coffee table.

  He opened his eyes and stretched. He must have fallen asleep; apparently, he still needed to catch up. Ella was no longer next to him. He looked around the room and found her in the kitchen. He looked at his watch. How on earth was it already 5:45!

  He stood and ambled to the kitchen. “Sorry I fell asleep.” He came up behind Ella and slid his arms around her waist and leaned his head against hers.

  She hugged his arms. “Don’t worry about it. Apparently, you were tired. But you’re up now. Time to help with dinner.” She stepped away and smiled at him.

  A knock on the front door startled them both. “Stay here. I’ll go see who it is.”

  Instinctively he reached for his gun as he peered through the peep hole. His hand left his side and opened the door. “Amelia? What are you doing here?”

  “Nice to see you, too. Can we come in?”

  “Of course.” He stepped aside, and Molly and Carter came in followed by Amelia. He closed the door and relocked it once Amelia was inside. “Still, why are you here? Not that I mind, just curious.”

  “Well, we turned onto our street, and Caleb called and said not to go home.”


  “He wouldn’t say. Is Ella safe?”

  “I’m right here.” Ella joined them in the foyer.

  “Good; that’s why we came here.” Amelia and Ella exchanged smiles.

  He wanted more answers though. “Where was Caleb? Was he at the house?”

  “I doubt it. Should be getting off work in about half an hour.”


  Ella came over and took his hand. “You think he had one of his little premonitions?”

  The sound of the garage opening distracted from Ella’s question.

  He said, “Sounds like Becca’s home.”

  The three moved towards the kitchen while they waited for Becca to come into the house. A moment later Becca and the girls came inside. “Hey, guys. Good, you’re here,” she said when she looked at Amelia. The girls went into the family room where Molly and Carter were.

  “What’s up?” Amelia said.

  Becca set her briefcase on the counter. “Jared just called me and said that Caleb called. They’re headed to your house to check on an uneasy feeling Caleb had.”

  Ella’s hand tightened around Adam’s.

  “Caleb’s leaving work early? That’s not a good sign.” The creases in Amelia’s forehead deepened.

  Becca said, “Why don’t you and the kids plan on staying for dinner? Caleb can join us too.”

  “I’d like that. Do you have enough?”

  “We can throw some chicken nuggets in for the kids; they’ll probably like that better anyway.”

  Ella and Becca moved into the kitchen to finish fixing dinner. Adam took a hold of Amelia’s shoulder and directed her away from ear shot of anyone else. “What do you think is going on?”

  She looked back and forth, checking to be sure no one was listening. “I’m not sure, but I left my phone sitting on my desk earlier today…”


  “Well, there was a text in there yesterday to my mom about Ella… and Carter’s room…”

  “Are you saying someone looked at your phone?”

  “I don’t know! I didn’t mean to leave my phone on my desk, but I had to run to the bathroom... I’m used to you being there… and not having to be so cautious. It was stupid.”

  “Wait, did it say that she was staying here now?”

  “No. It said, ‘Since Carter has been sleeping with Molly with Ella there he hasn’t come in our room.’”

  “Amelia! Your mom knew Ella was staying there?”

  “Not until yesterday. I mean she knew a friend was staying with us because the kids have stayed over there a lot more recently. But I never told her it was Ella, honestly. And she doesn’t know where Ella is now, don’t worry. I haven’t told anyone she’s here.”

  “Okay. But based on that text it’s possible he might think she was still there.”

  Amelia nodded.

  “Did you tell Becca your phone could have been seen? Did she by chance see who picked up your phone?”

  “She was in the bathroom too.”

  He sank backwards.

  “Adam, he could be in my house, and my husband is about to go in there.” Her lip began to quiver.

  He pulled her into a hug. “He’ll be okay.”

  She squeezed him but pulled back. “I know, but still…”.

  “I know. So, we pray.”

  “Oh, it does a heart good to hear you say that.” Her shoulders relaxed.

  He squeezed her shoulder.

  “Everything okay?” Ella came around the kitchen island.

  “Yeah,” Amelia answered. “Just worried about Caleb.”

  “No doubt,” Ella said.

  Adam’s phone rang. He pulled it off his belt. It was Jared. “Jamison.”

  “Hey, we’re at Caleb’s. I want you to join us. And tell Becca to sweep the house and turn on the alarm after you leave, including the outside sensors. Are Amelia and the kids there too?”

  “Yep. They’re here. I s
wept the inside of the house thoroughly a couple hours ago. But I’ll run the perimeter before I leave.”

  “Okay. Good. See you in a few.”

  Jared hung up without giving him any other indication of what was going on. He turned back towards the three ladies, worry etched into each of their faces.

  “What is going on?” Ella was shaking.

  “I don’t know. Jared just wants me to join them. I’m going to walk the perimeter and make sure all is safe here, and Becca, Jared wants you to turn on the alarm to def-con five.”

  “You’re the only one that calls it that,” Becca said; one side of her lips curled up.

  “Yeah, but I wish you had had that system three years ago.”

  “You and me both.”

  Adam looked back at Ella. Her eyes were glazing over. “Ella?” She didn’t respond. He closed the gap between them and put his arms around her. “Elly, you’re safe.” He ushered her out of the kitchen toward the foyer. “Babe,” she was shaking, the flashback was in full swing. “You’re safe. Do you smell the chicken cooking? You’re here with me at Becca’s house.” He sang the first hymn that came to his mind, and she buried her face in his chest. Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart, naught be all else to me save that Thou art. Thou my best dah, dah dah, dah dah dah dah-ah, Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one. He couldn’t remember any more of the words.

  He felt her relax in his arms, and her trembling subsided. “You okay?”

  She kept her head buried in his chest and shrugged.

  He stroked her hair and back. “It’ll be okay.”

  “That’s what you keep saying… Adam,” she looked up at him, “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I know, but I have to. You’re safe with Becca and Amelia. Trust me I wouldn’t leave you with them if I didn’t trust them implicitly.”

  “I know. I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about you.”

  He cupped the sides of her face in his hands. He tilted her head forward and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be careful. I love you.”

  She smiled and nodded. He was grateful that she believed him.

  “I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

  She threw her arms around his neck pulling him down to herself. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up until her toes barely touched the ground. “Please.”

  Adam pulled up in front of Amelia and Caleb’s house behind a squad car. He jumped out, walked up the path, and went through the open front door. Jared and Caleb stood there talking to Gavin.

  “Hey, y’all.”

  “What took you so long?” Gavin teased.

  Caleb’s lips turned up. “He had to say good-bye to Ella. That takes him forever.”

  “Everything okay there?” Jared’s tone much more serious than the other guys.

  “Yeah. Stress like this is a trigger for Ella.”

  Gavin said, “Oh. I didn’t realize.”

  “It’s okay.” Adam looked back at Jared. “What’s going on?”

  “Let me show you.”

  Adam followed Jared up the stairs to Carter’s room. The closet door was ajar. A shudder coursed through Adam’s body. What if this had been the room Ella had walked in earlier.

  Several crime scene techs, including Jocelyn were in the room. The open window caught his eye. “Bet they didn’t leave that open this morning before they left.”

  “Probably not,” Jared said. “Not to mention when we walked around the house when we first got here the window was closed.”

  “What?! So, you just missed him?”

  “Looks like it.” Jared turned and looked out the window.

  Adam crossed his arms. “So, he did read Amelia’s phone.”

  Jared’s head jerked back around. “What?”

  Adam explained about Amelia’s phone.

  “He must have been real smooth. I was at my desk most of the day today.”

  “Who was there?”

  “Same people who are always there.”

  “He may have walked by and swiped it and then slipped it back. It wouldn’t be unexpected for someone to walk past her desk.”

  Jared nodded.

  Adam walked over and looked out the window. It was a full two story drop with no bushes or anything to soften the fall. “That couldn’t have felt good to drop from.”

  “No,” Caleb’s voice came from the doorway, “but totally doable; I’ve done similar.”

  “So how did you miss him?”

  Jared answered, “Well, like I said when we got here, we walked the perimeter first. We then entered the house. We’re guessing he heard us enter, but since we didn’t talk, he probably realized it wasn’t you and Ella and decided to make an escape. Would have had him if he hadn’t jumped. I was in Molly’s room when I heard the thump of him hitting the ground, but I didn’t see anything and couldn’t get outside fast enough.”

  Caleb said, “Glad we decided to move her.”

  Adam swallowed. “Me too.”

  Adam walked out of the sandwich shop with a bag full of subs for the team. He had volunteered to get their late lunch since he was too antsy to focus on the leads, or lack thereof . He was still on edge after yesterday and was counting the minutes until it was time to go pick up Ella. She had an early release today, so it was t-minus 42 minutes. Deliver lunch, eat, and pick her up.

  The more he thought about the fact that someone had been inside Carter’s closet, the angrier he became. And to top it off, Ella had just been sleeping in that room two nights earlier… it was too close. The night the creep had tried to get her off the street had been bad enough, but that had been his fault. This was different. Personal space had been violated. The kids he cared about, in addition to the woman he loved, being put in danger was more than he knew what to do with.

  He walked across the parking lot towards his car that was parked next to the curb under a tree that created a little shade from the midday sun. A pair of coated-metal picnic tables sat under the tree and were empty even though they were often a popular spot for patrons of the sandwich shop to sit, especially on such a beautiful day.

  God, I’m new to this whole ‘relying on You’ thing. I know we haven’t talked much yet, but I just don’t know what to do at this point. Give me wisdom in how to protect those I love, and some divine intervention to show us who the killer is would be great.

  Adam opened the passenger’s side door and set the bag on the seat. Footsteps sounded on the concrete behind him.

  “Hey, Jamison. How is your sister?” Scott’s voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  Adam took in a sharp breath and slammed the car door before turning around and facing the man that made his skin crawl. “Scott. My sister is none of your business.”

  “Oh, come on Adam, your sister and I were close. I’m just checking in on an old friend.”

  Adam stepped on the curb with Scott to make himself taller. “She’s made it very clear that she never wanted to have anything to do with you ever again, so I think that includes telling you anything about her today.”

  “You’re a spoil sport. Where’s she living these days? She find herself another man? Although, I’m not sure how she could have found anyone as good as me.”

  “Would you give it a rest already? I’m not talking to you about her.”

  “What are you getting so riled up about? I’m just asking some friendly questions. No need to get your panties all in a twist.”

  Adam’s blood boiled. He’d like nothing better than to clock the man, but he took a calming breath and kept his cool. His hands were starting to shake, so he shoved his keys back in his pocket and stepped towards the back of the car, careful not to put his back towards Scott.

  “I haven’t seen her around town. She live in these parts? If she is still in the area, I’d love to hook up with her. Remind her of what it’s like to be with a real man.”

  Adam clenched his fists as his heart pounded in his ears. He could feel his arms tremble. God, help m
e not beat this man senseless.

  Scott took another step closer to Adam, putting himself with in Adam’s reach. “Did I ever tell you how great your sister was in bed? She was a wild woman. Amazing really for how young she was.”

  Adam glanced around the parking lot. It was almost two and the lunch rush had died. There were only a dozen cars in the strip-mall’s lot. He really needed an out. He needed someone to walk out and give him an excuse to get away from Scott, but Scott just stepped closer.

  “So, Adam, tell me, how’s Ella in bed? I almost envy the man who got to take a stab at her seventeen years ago.”

  Adam couldn’t contain himself any longer. Adrenaline coursed through his blood. He pulled his hand up and without a thought, pulled his arm back before sending it forward. His fist collided with skin, and then the bone of Scott’s jaw met the bones in Adam’s hand. Scott’s head wrenched at the contact, and he sidestepped in attempt to stay on his feet.

  Scott’s fist came flying at Adam’s face and collided with Adam’s cheekbone. He stumbled to the right. He regained his footing and lunged at Scott. Adam shoved Scott, but Scott grabbed his shirt and pulled Adam with him. Adam’s knuckles collided with the edge of the table, but he caught his balance and pushed himself back upright. Scott punched Adam in the side. His ribs compressed sending the air from his lungs. Adam sent another punch at Scott’s head ignoring the pain in his hand.

  “ADAM JAMISON!” a familiar female voice called from beyond his car, but he wasn’t sure who it was.

  Adam managed to block a punch coming his way. Two sets of footsteps came up beside them.

  “Break it up!” A man’s voice boomed, and he grabbed Adam’s shoulder and sent him stumbling backwards off the curb and against his car. “Knock it off!” It was Tyrone Washington, a firefighter from Caleb’s station. Ty stepped between them blocking Scott from lunging at Adam again.

  Adam smacked the side of his car and stormed around the back. AJ Jackson was the other firefighter with Ty. “What on earth, Adam?” She grabbed his arm.

  He jerked his arm away and winced at the pain that surged in his cheek, side and hand. His entire body shook. Why had he let Scott get to him?


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