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Fangs and Fur

Page 8

by M. A. Church

  Then again, Alvin couldn’t guarantee better circumstances at Grady’s. Alvin had left before he had a chance to see how his jamboree reacted to the news of him trying to kidnap Cade. Who knew—maybe Bert helping rebuild something better than what he knew would be good for him. If Bert could get past the bad memories here, maybe it would be better if they stayed.

  “What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Bert asked.

  “Just us and what would be best for us,” Alvin answered honestly. “I know we touched on it briefly, but if you want to stay here, I’m okay with that.” Bert didn’t need to know exactly how shocked Alvin was at what just came out of his mouth, because he honestly meant it.

  Surprised, Bert laid his fork down. “But if we did that—if I could stand to live here—wouldn’t that mean you’d have to give up your home and business?”

  “Yes. Look, I’m going to be honest. I’m not exactly sure how members of my jamboree will to react once word gets out that I tried to kidnap Cade. It might only be a few who turn their noses up at me, or it could end up being a lot.”

  Bert fiddled with his napkin before folding it on the table. “So, if I can’t stand to live here and your jamboree turns against you, what then?”

  Alvin laid his hand on top of Bert’s. “Then we’ll go elsewhere. We will do whatever we have to. But before we start worrying about that, let’s first see if you can tolerate staying here.”

  “There’s so much that needs to be done.” Bert glanced around the surrounding area. “If I can, would you really be willing to sell and move?”

  “I would, yes. Let’s see how it goes, okay? Now, then, if you’re done eating, what do you say to showing me this stream Dylan mentioned?”

  “Deal. Let’s swing by my place and leave our clothes there.”

  After they dumped their paper plates in the trash, Alvin followed Bert back to his place. Bert managed to strip and shift first. He head-butted Alvin.

  “In a rush, are you?”

  Bert swatted him with his tail.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Just let me change.” Laughing, Alvin stripped and threw his clothes on the couch. Damn, the door was still closed. He grinned at Bert. “One bad thing about being a jaguar is no opposable thumbs, huh?”

  Bert grunted.

  After propping open the door, he knelt and closed his eyes, focusing on relaxing his body. Shifting took mere seconds—a quick blurring of one form to the other—and then it was over. Although it wasn’t painful, he was disoriented as his human mind retreated and his cat came forward.

  When he opened his eyes, Bert trudged over to him, lowered his head, and rubbed his face against Alvin’s. Alvin lay down, and Bert followed him, still rubbing against him. Alvin rumbled in pleasure as Bert rolled onto his back, exposing his belly.

  Alvin lifted a paw and rested it against Bert’s big, bulky head. Still on his back, Bert chuffed, kicking one hind leg. Amusing as this was, there really wasn’t room in Bert’s home for two such large cats, so Alvin bumped noses with Bert and rose. Bert stood too and led the way from his house.

  They passed several dilapidated cabins on the way to the stream. The woods grew thicker, and small prey animals skittered out of their way. A warm breeze whistled through the limbs.

  Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be too bad here after all.

  Chapter Nine

  WHEN THEY arrived, there were several members of the jamboree at the stream. They’d greeted them, but after a few welcoming sniffs, they drifted off. He and Alvin hadn’t claimed each other, but Bert was sure word had traveled to the other members, especially when Hogan started beating on him in that fucking shed.

  Even though there was quite a distance between him and the other jamboree members, Bert had noticed right off how much lighter their steps were as they enjoyed the water. There were mock roars and playful sparring.

  Amazing how much happier everybody seemed. Even him. His heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. No doubt part of that was due to Alvin, but being back here without the unrelenting terror choking him….

  Bert glanced around. The woods were thick and lush, the stream nice and clear. Vines hung down from the trees, enticing him to jump on them and swing. How had Hogan’s destruction not touched this part of their land? It had everywhere else. And why hadn’t Bert noticed just how truly beautiful it was here? Mother Nature was certainly resilient. Bert paused on a huge limb partially submerged in the water.


  Yes, Mother Nature certainly was. Could he and his jamboree also be? Loving care would bring the land back. Dilapidated homes could be restored. Broken spirits could be mended. And if they actually had an Alpha who gave a fuck, all that might be possible.

  If it did come to pass, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad here after all.

  Turning away from thoughts of the future, Bert stalked down the limb and pounced on Alvin. They played the afternoon away, enjoying the freedom of being a cat.

  Now that dusk was falling, Bert’s stomach grumbled. Bert climbed out of the water and flopped on the bank, and Alvin lay next to him. Gazing upward, he watched the clouds track across the sky.

  Hungry, he caught Alvin’s gaze and nodded toward the direction of his jamboree. Alvin huffed, uninterested. Bert agreed. He didn’t particularly want to head back either, but his stomach was becoming pretty insistent.

  Rolling, he wrapped his gigantic paws around Alvin’s back leg and rubbed his face against it, scent-marking Alvin. Now that Hogan was dead, Bert wanted Alvin covered with his scent. Alvin’s leg jumped automatically, and he kicked. Bert laughed in his head. Wasn’t that just like a cat?

  Alvin leaned forward, starting at Bert. That was a smirk if Bert ever saw one, so he headbutted Alvin. Gently, of course. Alvin jerked back, crossed his eyes at Bert, then yawned mightily, letting his long pink tongue hang out as if saying he wasn’t the least concerned with Bert’s antics. Or maybe he was bored.

  Can’t have that, now, can we?

  Claws retracted, he swatted Alvin’s haunch. Grumbling, Alvin playfully smacked Bert in the face with his tail. Bert pounced, and they rolled around in mock battle. Finally Alvin huffed and stood. Once Bert was on his paws, Alvin bumped noses with him. With a swish of his tail, Bert led them back.

  As they got closer, he noticed lights, and a wave of relief washed through him. Hell yeah! Councilman Eagle apparently did get the electricity back on. Yes, Alvin told him the Councilman intended to, but it wasn’t the first time someone in power said something and had not followed through.

  When they arrived at Bert’s cabin, Alvin shifted, and so did Bert. “I noticed the lights were on as we were coming,” Alvin said, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

  “Thank the goddess.” Bert made a beeline toward the air-conditioning unit. He grinned when it turned on.

  “Awesome!” Alvin exclaimed from the door.

  “Got that right. Now….” Bert walked the short length of his home and turned on the faucet in the kitchenette. And the good news kept coming. They had water! “Hot damn. Well, since we have running water now, you can take a shower first, if you want.”

  Alvin joined Bert in the kitchenette and ran his knuckles down Bert’s cheek. “Join me?”

  That was quickly becoming Bert’s favorite sign of affection. “As much as I’d love to, there’s barely enough room in there for one person, much less two. It’s really tiny.”

  Alvin dropped his hand, his fingers trailing down Bert’s chest. He wrapped them around Bert’s cock. “That’s too bad.”

  Pleasure shot through Bert and his cock came to life. All thoughts of cleaning up and eating tumbled out of his head. He wanted to mate. Like, now. For once in his damn life, Bert wanted something for himself, something good, and Alvin was it. But he needed to hear Alvin say one last time this was what he wanted, because once mated, it was a done deal.

  “I’m going to ask a stupid question, so bear with me. Are you sure you still want to mate with m

  Alvin released Bert’s cock, frowning. “More than anything. Why? Are you having second—”

  “No! Hell no. I want to mate you too.”

  “Then no more stupid questions.” Alvin threw his arms around Bert and hauled him into a hug. “I want you. Only you. You’re my one and only, Bert. Whatever else happens, whatever hardships we face, we’ll do it together from now on. We’re stronger together.”

  Bert nestled close. “Would you completely freak out if I said I was thinking about staying here?”

  “Only if you didn’t completely freak out if I admitted I’d thought about it too.”

  Bert stepped out of Alvin’s arms. “You’d be giving up a lot.”

  “Which can’t compare to what I’d be getting: you.”

  Bert’s skin heated. Whoever heard of a jaguar shifter who blushed?

  “But before we commit, we need to talk to Rob and find out exactly what his plans are.”

  “And who our new Alpha will be.”

  “Yeah, and that. Plus, we need to mate. Babe, I burn for you,” Alvin growled, and just like that, the pleasure from before crashed back over Bert. “I want silky sheets, soft music, and low lights. I want to romance you, because by damn, you haven’t had enough of that.”

  Bert was all for it, but…. He glanced around his home. “We’re certainly not going to find that here.”

  Alvin followed Bert’s glance. “It may take a couple years, but I do believe eventually this house will become a home. But no, what I want we’re not going to find here.” Grinning, Alvin crowded Bert into the wall, his hands clasping Bert’s naked hips. “I have a plan.”

  Bert gulped. Alvin’s hands were scorching against his skin. His cock bobbed, looking for attention. “You do?”

  Alvin lifted a hand off Bert’s hips to trail his fingers across Bert’s lips as his cock bumped Bert’s. “Oh yeah. Let’s meet with Rob and Rhett after we eat. Once we get that business taking care of, we’re going to take a short vacation.”

  “We are?” Damn, Alvin had reduced him to two-word sentences. How was Bert supposed to think with Alvin’s hands on him and his cock rubbing against his? Resting his hands on Alvin’s hips, he tugged at Alvin. He needed more friction, dammit.

  “Absolutely.” Alvin moaned as their shafts brushed against each other. “It’s going to be a short one, but I promise by the time we return here, you’ll be thoroughly claimed.”

  Bert wasn’t going to be the only one. Grasping handfuls of Alvin’s ass, he squeezed. “We both will be.”

  Alvin nodded, his breath increasing. “I can’t wait to feel your teeth at my neck.”

  Holy shit, if they kept on, Bert was going to come.

  Then everything ceased to matter because Alvin wrapped his hand around their cocks and started jacking them both off. Bert’s head thumped against the wall. He closed his eyes, hips thrusting. Alvin had calluses in all the right places, and dammit to hell and back, this was going to be over embarrassingly quick.

  Alvin nipped at the juncture where Bert’s shoulder and neck met. Even though Alvin’s teeth didn’t break the skin, having them pressed where the mating mark would be was enough to send Bert over the edge. Gasping, Bert came all over Alvin’s hand. Groaning, Alvin added his seed to the mess.

  “Fuck,” Alvin whispered. “It’s been too long.”

  Bert cleared his throat several times before trusting his voice not to break. “It has. I want more, dammit.”

  Alvin rested his forehead against Bert’s, snickering. “I’m going to fuck you until you yell my name. This was just to take the edge off, babe.”

  “Thank fuck. And I fully intend to return the favor.”

  Chuckling, Alvin stepped back. “I’m going to go take a fast shower. The sooner we get cleaned up and eat, the sooner we can talk to Rob and Rhett.”

  “And the sooner we can get out of here.”


  TWO HOURS later, he and Alvin were standing in the back of the jamboree house. They’d both eaten, and Bert had to fight not to stuff himself. It’d been so long since he’d seen that amount of food.

  “Gentlemen? There’s a picnic table by those trees. Why don’t we adjourn over there?” Rob asked.

  Night had fallen, but the backyard was softly lit by the porch lights and the surrounding cabins. Someone had picked up all the trash in the area and even managed to find a couple of tiki torches. It was… nice.

  Alvin took Bert’s hand, and together they walked to the picnic table Rob had pointed out. Rhett and Rob walked behind them. On the table was a lantern, a note pad, and a pen.

  After everyone was seated, Rob cleared his voice. “Before we start, I wanted to ask how you’re doing, Bert.”

  Bert shrugged. “I’m actually doing okay.”

  “And your knee? Are you having problems?” Rob asked.

  “I’ve noticed I have a slight limp in human form. I’m not as agile in my cat form either. I can hunt, but I’m damn sure not bringing down any big game. I can also climb trees, but it’s awkward and can be tiring.”

  “By the Jaguar God, I am so sorry,” Rhett mumbled, head drooping.

  “Hey….” Bert waited until Rhett met his gaze. “It was an accident. A horrible, horrible accident. I don’t blame you.”

  Rhett searched Bert’s eyes. “You honestly mean that, don’t you?”

  “I do,” Bert said.

  Rhett released his breath. “I…. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Though not many words were exchanged, the emotions were clear and steeped in understanding.

  While he and Rhett were talking, Alvin never said a word, just simply took Bert’s hand and held it tightly.

  “Okay.” Rhett cleared his throat. “So, statement time.” He pushed the notepad and pen toward Bert. “I know this won’t be easy, but I need you to write down everything done to you by Hogan, Wheaton, and Dun.”

  Bert shuddered.

  “Dylan also told us Dun attacked you and that he’s dead. I got to say, I love it when a situation resolves itself this way.” Rhett’s grin was downright evil as his fangs dropped and his eyes glowed. “You could say I’m not a big fan of red tape.”

  Alvin cleared his throat. “I’m all for eliminating red tape too.”

  Rob shook his head. “Your animal is too close to the surface, Rhett.”

  Rhett only grinned wider.

  “On that note I’m going to get us something to drink.” Rob stood. “Play nice, Rhett.”

  “Don’t I always?” Rhett quipped.

  Rob snorted.

  Even though Rhett’s power was subdued, Bert could still sense it, like a crouched tiger waiting to spring forward at the slightest provocation. It made the hair on his neck want to stand up, but this time it didn’t terrify him.

  Bert picked up the pen and stared at the paper. Where to start? Tapping the pen against his bottom lip, he decided the best starting place was at the beginning. Bert put the pen to the paper and started writing….

  First let me say that I despise Alpha Hogan and detest Wheaton and Dun. Unhappiness hung like a dirty fog over my jamboree thanks to them.

  Then I found Alvin by sheer luck. But as overjoyed as I was at finding my mate, I was grateful we hadn’t claimed each other. At least if I didn’t make it out alive, Alvin would survive.

  Everybody in our jamboree was well aware that Hogan wanted to get his greedy hands on Omega Cade Decker. Alpha Grady mated Cade, and Hogan was furious that Cade was beyond his reach. And then I inadvertently gave Hogan the means to finally get Cade in his clutches.

  Not long ago, Alpha Hogan and several of his betas went into town. I was designated to drive. We stopped at some big box store—I don’t remember the name of it. After I parked, they immediately jumped out and walked off, leaving me behind.

  As I hurried to catch up, I passed Alvin in the parking lot. He’d just left the store. Fortunately Hogan and his betas ignored Alvin, thanks to all the humans around, but
I knew who Alvin was to me.

  I was scared to death that Hogan would notice me lagging behind, since I simply had to stop and speak to Alvin, but Hogan didn’t. Alvin and I met up a few nights later, which demanded a huge amount of sneakiness on my part.

  The attraction between us was undeniable, and we had sex. But we didn’t mate. I was terrified to take such a step since Hogan was a special kind of insane. You see, gentleness and tenderness were unheard of in my jamboree.

  Every time Alvin touched me, I lost myself in him. Unfortunately, neither of us stopped to consider that by Alvin coming inside me, his scent-marked me. Hogan noticed the change in my scent, of course.

  I refused to tell who my mate was. The threats started. When that didn’t work, Hogan resorted to beatings. Finally I broke and told him what he wanted to know. Hogan’s plan was to have Alvin betray his position as delta to Alpha Grady Williams by kidnapping Grady’s mate, Cade, and delivering him to Hogan.

  I was told Alvin refused at first. Hogan sent Alvin a video of Dun shattering my knee, as well as some of my hair they’d cut. Hogan threatened to send body parts next time. Alvin gave in to the blackmail.

  I don’t remember how long it was, but the next thing I knew, someone came to the shed where I was being held to tell Hogan the Shifter Council was arriving within moments. Not long after that warning, Rhett found me in the shed.

  Bert paused and read over what he wrote. Gritting his teeth, he finished the story by telling step-by-step what happened after Rhett walked into the shed… and ended with his shifting and running off. He signed and dated it.

  Finished, he pushed the pad across the table and slumped against Alvin.

  Chapter Ten

  ALVIN PRESSED a kiss to Bert’s head. “It’s over, babe.”

  Rhett read what was written, nodding at certain points. Placing the pad back on the table, he solemnly gazed at Bert. “Thank you. I know that wasn’t easy for you, but I greatly appreciate it.”

  “I don’t want there to be any question about what happened.”


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