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Lipstick and Lead Series: The Complete Box Set With a Bonus Book

Page 92

by Sylvia McDaniel

  With a glance off to the west, he frowned. "Are those clouds building up?"

  "Looks like we might have a norther coming in. It's past time for our first hints of winter."

  Good grief, that would send his leg into a spasm of agony if he wasn't careful. The cold and the wet - if it rained would cause him enough discomfort to put him to bed.

  "How much further are we going today?" he asked. In order to build her trust, he was letting her make all the decisions so she would think she was leading.

  "We'll stop before dark. Unless, it begins to drizzle, then we'll stop sooner."

  Packing in such a hurry, he'd forgotten to bring a tent or tarp and wondered if she had one. Anything to keep them out of the rain. Yet the idea of them being hunkered down together in a small confinement had his mind traveling territories better left unexplored.

  "Tell me about this man we're pursuing," he said, scrutinizing the sky closely.

  "He's a horse thief, according to the poster with a hundred dollars on his head for stealing a black mare that has a star on her forehead. If the animal is found, the reward doubles."

  Watching her backside swaying in the saddle, his thoughts wandered places that had a comfortable mattress, silky sheets and two sated bodies. “Well, then, let's catch the horse and the man."

  A quick turn of her head, she stared at him, her brows raised, her gaze stern. "Let me make this very clear. This is my hunt, and I aim to collect every dime."

  A laugh came from his chest. "Of course, it is. I would never dream of collecting."

  The look she gave him should have left burn marks. "Keep that in mind. You can help, but the bankroll is mine."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  The urge to sit and take more notes overcame him and he wished he could compose and ride at the same time, but that would be impossible. Even finding the chance to pen his ideas tonight while she slept would be difficult.

  "Don't call me ma'am. I'm only twenty," she said with a retort that sounded more like wisps of a gentle breeze.

  No wonder she looked so young and yet her full breasts and curvy hips, declared she was all woman.

  "Sugar, I'll call you whatever you want me to," he said with a wink and a grin.

  Maybe he should also try to seduce the lovely Miss McKenzie. Because whenever he glanced at her, his blood heated, causing his groin to ache and his chest to tighten with need. The girl was beautiful and scatterbrained. Not stupid, but rather a soft whimsical woman who filled you with compulsion to protect and defend her.

  One who would make the perfect character for him.

  Chapter 4

  That afternoon they stopped early on the trail for Caroline to teach Trent how to use his weapons. Trent watched as Caroline placed an old beer bottle, a log, and an empty tin can on a rock. She took her shooters stance, pulled back her shoulders and lined her gun up. Quickly, she hit all three.

  "Impressive," Trent said, knowing in a flash he would have splattered those items all over the ground in a matter of seconds. But he had to continue to hide his skill or Caroline would become even more suspicious. Besides, he was having fun letting her play teacher.

  "Now, I want you stand facing the tin can and let me line your arm up," she said, arranging him the way she wanted him to face. Grabbing a hold of his bicep, her fingers pressed into his muscles and his heart quickened as the smell of lilacs wafted around her. All he wanted was to pull her into his arms, bury his nose in her neck and breathe deeply.

  Pressing into him, it was all he could do to keep from groaning at the warm skim of her touch on his flesh.

  "How high should my gun be?" he asked, trying to focus on her lesson instead of breathing in her scent, wondering how she would taste. Longing to nuzzle and run his tongue along the skin of her neck.

  "You line it up with the can," she said, gazing at him, her eyes drawing together in a frown. "Why has no one ever taught you to shoot before? Seems kind of silly to come to Texas without learning how to fire a revolver."

  With a little shrug, he acted like it meant nothing. "Guns were never a priority in my family."

  The lie made him cringe inside. The truth was the complete opposite, but needing Caroline to think she was the one teaching him, he kept that information to himself.

  "Don't move," she said lining him up again.

  "Never saw the need before," he said.

  Leaning in close, she positioned his aim, brushing her breasts against his arm.

  "What happens if a snake or a wild boar or even a coyote decides to have you for lunch? How are you going to spare yourself from being some animal's dinner?" she asked.

  "I'm awfully tough on the outside. Don't think I'd taste too good," he replied gazing at the rise and fall of her breasts. "Are we about ready to fire this gun?"

  Glancing at her, he realized the woman had no idea how she affected him. The way she kept puttering around, oblivious to him, she must be an innocent. If only she would give in, then he would take care of that problem for her.

  Caroline stepped back and looked at him, then lowered his arm a little. "Now look right down the sight line of your Colt forty-five, hold your breath, keep your eyes open and fire."

  Trent fired the gun the bullet whizzing past the target on purpose. The lead landed right where he wanted in the dirt.

  "Try again. Line your body up just like I showed you, and this time, don't let your arm move when you squeeze the trigger."

  Riding with the Jones Boys, if you weren't an accurate shot, you would have died the very first day. They had no tolerance for greenhorns.

  "I thought that's what I did?" he said.

  "No. Maybe I should help you again."

  Oh, this was so not what he needed.

  Lining him up the way she wanted, she walked around the back of him, clasping his back against her chest, while she steadied his hand. The softness of her breasts snug against his chest had him chomping on his lip to keep from moaning aloud. And his groin tightened and swelled against his pants. Right now, he couldn't take much more.

  This time they discharged the weapon together and he deliberately hit the can sending it flying into the air, hoping she would step away and give him some relief.

  "Great job. Now just repeat that for at least thirty or forty more times and you should have it down."

  With a grin, he stared at her, realizing he could impress her so easily, before he raised his weapon once again. The next ten shots, he missed the target. Each time she would help him line up and try again. On about the eleventh shot, he started hitting the targets and she jumped up and down excitedly. Her small breasts bouncing in her shirt.

  The woman had no idea what she was doing to him. Filling his senses with her scent, the brush of her fingers and the lure of her womanly body, it was all he could do to concentrate on firing the Colt.

  Yet, seeing the excitement on her flushed cheeks as she played teacher filled him with delight. A joy to be with, he couldn't let himself enjoy Caroline's company too much.

  "You're getting it. My first pupil and already you’re getting better," she said, throwing her arms around him unexpectedly.

  That was it. Innocently, she had pushed him past his limits with her curvaceous body, eyes the color of Texas bluebonnets and infectious laughter. Beyond his control, he couldn't take anymore.

  The feel of her in his arms, overpowered him as he shoved his gun back in its holster and pulled her hard against him. His lips covered hers, his mouth crushing, demanding, as he plundered her lips, seeking her nectar. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she gripped him like she couldn't decide if she wanted to pull him tighter or was merely hanging on for dear life.

  A moan escaped his throat and he knew he should stop, but he didn't want to. If he had his way, he would take so much more, but the memory of him giving his word rattled him. Just a minute longer, a chance to sip from her nectar, he slid his tongue around her lips as she opened for him and he delved into her mouth.

  Caroline's body f
it within the cradle of his hips perfectly as his torso pushed into her showing her what she did to him, how much he wanted her. Soft mounds crushed against his chest and he longed to reach out and caress each. Pluck it from her garment and wrap his lips around the kernel that beckoned.

  Gripping her jaw with his hands, he consumed her, never wanting to stop, but he promised her he would be a gentleman and right now this kiss was killing him.

  At the sound of a click, he yanked her behind him as he whirled toward the noise, his gun flew from the holster, the hammer drawn back ready to fire.

  One moment he'd been kissing her until her body was a mass of flames and her mind a whirl of confusion. The next he shoved her behind him, pulled his revolver out of his holster faster than lightning and cocked the hammer pointing it at the stranger. For an amateur, he learned very quickly how to handle his weapon.

  A man stood at the edge of the clearing, looking nervous.

  "Sorry to intrude. I heard gunshots and thought I better investigate," a man said, easing back on the trigger of his gun. His hands high in the air and he appeared friendly, like he meant no harm.

  "Are you from around these parts," Caroline asked. Wondering if he knew anything about their prey.

  "No, but I come through here often," he said, staring at Trent, an incredulous expression on his face.

  "Do you know Beau Sanders?"

  "Know of him. His spread is just on the other side of the draw," he said. "Why are you asking?"

  That wasn't far and here they had been shooting at tins and rocks and glass bottles. Making enough noise to send one man investigating.

  "We're here to pay him a visit," she said not wanting to give away the real reason for her inquiry.

  "I’m Cole Hale," he said, reaching out to shake Trent's hand. He still stood in the same spot, watching.

  "Trent Holmes," he said, sliding his Colt into his holster, his gaze still on the man.

  "You look familiar," Cole said, rubbing his chin. "It must be a mistake. The man I'm thinking of was killed several years ago."

  Caroline watched the interesting expressions on both men's faces, tense and quizzical. Almost like they were sizing each up or something she didn't quite understand, but what?

  "It was the surgeon's hospital in Tyler," Trent replied. "It seems like you were there with a family member and they laid me in the hall until they determined whether or not to chop off my leg."

  The man's eyes widened. "Now I remember. My daughter was bitten by a rattlesnake. How is your leg?"

  "Thanks to the doctor, I'm healed. How is your daughter?"

  "She recovered," he said with a glance no longer affable.

  This was odd, Trent running into a man he met at the surgeon's office in east Texas. Something didn't seem right. Something felt off and she suddenly wondered if the man was hiding something. Could he be wanted? The name wasn't familiar.

  "Well, folks since everything is all right, I best be going," he said. "Want to make it home before dark."

  "Nice to see you again," Trent said, his hand taut along his leg, within easy reach of his gun.

  The man disappeared into the bush and Caroline opened her mouth to say something, but Trent placed his hand over her lips. Fear spiked through her, her stomach tensing as she scowled up at him. Were they in danger? What was Trent doing and why?

  "Wait," he mouthed.

  As she stood there, the sound of horse hooves galloping away eased the tension.

  "He's gone," she said as he removed the hand covering her lips. "Why are you acting so strange."

  "Something’s wrong. My surgeon's office is not near here, but San Antonio. The man's lying."

  "Why would he lie?" Caroline bit her lip. "Do you think he's going to notify Beau?"

  This all felt so confusing and she speculated what would have happened if the man came up while she was alone? The job never seemed to be dull or become any easier.

  "Don't know. But I tested him and he failed." Trent lifted his cowboy hat from his head and ran his hand through his dark hair. "Maybe we should try catching your bounty tonight before he has the chance to warn him."

  Caroline frowned, remembering how much she needed this catch. Without something soon, she would have to return to Zenith and her mother's appointed man.

  "Let's get moving. First, I want to scout out his ranch and possibly locate that horse."

  Glancing at him, she noticed the fullness of his mouth and wondered about the kiss they'd shared. What started out as just a pressing of lips together had ended with her own lips swollen, her heart racing and her lungs grasping. Sure, she'd been kissed before, but nothing like this. Nothing. And strangely, she really liked his kiss.

  The sooner they got out of here the better. Cole Hale was once a contact with the Jones Boys gang. When they needed ammunition, he was the one they called and he supplied them with all their goods, including dynamite. Anything to help them rob a bank.

  Funny, Trent had ridden with the gang, but refused to participate in the hold ups. He was their lookout, but that still made him an accomplice. No, he didn't take a share of the money, but still the law only knew he'd ridden with the gang and considered him guilty.

  When they learned of him writing stories, Butch Jones had shot him. Not once, but twice.

  Deliberately, he told the man the hospital was in Tyler, Texas, making up a story. No, he never met the man's family or his kid, but hopefully, he'd sent him down memory lane without a memory. Because he couldn't remember where they originally met. Or he feared he would remember his face and who he'd seen him with. The Jones Boys must continue to believe Butch had shot him dead.

  "Come on, instead of bedding down, let's see if we can find this horse thief."

  As the sun slid beneath the horizon, they found the small homestead. Hiding in the bushes, they watched as Beau Sanders walked across the yard after feeding the horses. Two mares roamed inside a corral outside the barn, but he came out of the building carrying an empty pail.

  While the man looked like an ordinary farmer, something about him set Trent on edge. Years ago, he learned to read people, and this man had a cockiness in his step that warned him.

  "I bet he's keeping that stallion in the barn," Caroline whispered.

  "You stay here and I'll go check," Trent said, not really wanting to leave her, but anxious to learn if they located the horse thief.

  Stealthily he moved across the field bathed in the amber light of sunset. They needed to ride quickly, because Cole might notify their prey at any time. And out Trent.

  As he walked into the barn, a black horse with a white star on its forehead resided in a corner stall. Looks like they had found their man.

  Throwing the bridle over the horse's head, he hurriedly put the bit in place and then opened the door, leading the prized stallion out. This could be a difficult ride back to town.

  Leading the stallion out of the barn, he saw Caroline, guns drawn heading for the door and his heart slammed into his chest missing a beat. Good grief, why couldn't the woman use surprise - but no, she was going in without him.

  Fear spiraled through his chest and he didn't think she would be prepared for who answered that door, especially if they pulled their own weapon.

  Unsnapping his holster, he quickly tied the stallion to a nearby fence. Why couldn't she wait on him. Why couldn't she let him help her take down this horse thief. Why did the beauty think she was invincible?

  Knocking on the door, Trent started running toward the confrontation about to take place. People weren't always rational. This criminal might not want to go willing with a woman he thought he could easily overcome.

  "Are you Beau Sanders?" she asked.

  "Yes," he said, gazing at her in amusement. "Who are you?"

  "Caroline McKenzie, bounty hunter. You're under arrest for horse thieving."

  Trent heard her and got to the door just as things started to become interesting.

  The man laughed at her. "What are you yammering
on about. If you're talking about Jet, I won him fair and square in a card game. Besides, who the hell are you to think you're going to arrest me?"

  This was what she would come up against every single time if she continued in this line of work. A soft-spoken woman would never succeed in this profession.

  She ignored his comment. "Then why is a poster with your picture on it in the sheriff's office?"

  The man gave her a frown that was more of a grin than actual scowl, thinking he was playing them for a fool. "Don't rightly know. I'll go into town tomorrow and get this cleared up."

  "No, you're coming with me tonight," Caroline demanded.

  A woman stepped into view. "Beau, honey, is everything all right."

  "No, it's not," he said, gazing at Caroline like he wanted to backhand her. "This bitch is trying to arrest me."

  "Watch your language," Trent warned stepping into the light so the man would witness Caroline had back up.

  "Tell your family goodbye. We're leaving right now," she said.

  The thief glanced at his woman and the look he gave her made the hair on the back of Trent's neck rise."

  "Let me get my jacket," he said.

  "No," Caroline said, waving her gun. "Have your wife bring it to you."

  Something was up and Trent could feel it, but wasn't certain what. He took two steps back and stared through the window. Unbeknownst that he was watching her, the woman put a revolver, some rope, and a knife in the different pockets in his jacket.

  Moving back toward the door, she handed the coat to the man.

  "Hurry back, honey," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

  When she turned, she raised a rifle that Trent hadn't observed her pick up. Beau reached into the pocket and pulled out the revolver. Trent pointed his weapon and fired. The rifle stock splintered causing the woman to drop the weapon screaming.

  But before he could fire again, Caroline's gun went off sending her flying back just as the man's gun answered.


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