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Lipstick and Lead Series: The Complete Box Set With a Bonus Book

Page 124

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Once the door closed behind them, he locked it. "I have a little something for your birthday."

  As soon as he said the words, he realized how seductive they sounded, but he didn't mean that at all.


  "It's not much, but I thought you might enjoy it."

  Setting his saddle bags down, he opened the pouch and pulled out the big slice of apple pie. No, his gift wasn't much, but for now it would have to do. Later, they could celebrate with a dinner.

  The idea surprised him. Did he want to spend time alone with Addie? Yes, he longed to learn more about this crazy bounty hunter.

  "Oh," she said. "My favorite. How did you know?"

  "I didn't, but it's one of my favorites as well."

  For a moment, they gazed at each other, and he wondered what other things they had in common.

  "Do you have forks?" she asked. "We'll share."

  A small table sat in the corner of the room. He found the metal fork he carried with him, and she wiped the utensil off. "We'll share the fork as well."

  The two of them sank down on the chairs to eat. Before she took the first bite, he stared at her. "Happy birthday, Addie. May your nineteenth be filled with happiness."

  Tears sprung to her eyes. "Thank you," she said and slid the bite in her mouth and moaned, the sound making his heart beat faster.

  "Oh delicious," she said. "Here, you have a taste."

  She loaded the fork with pie and fed him. The act of her generously sharing with him was so sensual, his breathing increased. Staring into her eyes, she smiled at him in that way that heated his blood.

  Leaning closer to him, she gave him a fork full of the juicy apple dessert. "Thank you for trying to make the day special for me."

  This was such a bad idea, he thought as passion surged through him, going straight to his groin. Her tongue slid across her lips, savoring the sweet apples and cinnamon; he wanted to groan.

  That was all he could take as his hands reached out and grasped her face close to his. "You're as tempting as this pie."

  Unable to stop himself, he pulled her to her feet and twisted her around and backed her against the door, his lips consumed hers, starved for her affection. He took her hands in his and raised them above her head, pinning her to the door while his mouth plundered her full and inviting sweet lips.

  Leaning into her, needing her breasts crushed against his chest, the touch of her body tight next to his, he gave no quarter. Addie seemed to fit in the hollows of his body's embrace like this was where she belonged, and he marveled at the way they melded together.

  Groaning, he left her mouth and nibbled his way past her ears to her neck.

  "You smell so good," he said, taking a deep breath of her, his cock hardening as he continued his way down to the swells of her breast.

  Like a teenage boy, he reminded himself to slow down. Take slow breaths.

  He dropped her wrists. "I'm sorry."

  "No," she gasped. "Don't stop."

  Stunned, he wrapped her face in his hands, and brought her mouth to his again and pushed his tongue past her lips. He caressed her mouth like he was dying of thirst, and she was his fountain of water, her sweet lips tasted of apple pie and pleasure.

  "Wesley," she cried breaking their lips, "tomorrow I may die. Make love to me tonight. Show me how it is between a man and a woman."

  The woman was killing him and didn't have to tell him twice. Like a man seeking gold, he began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Then his hands pushed her shirt open gazing in awe at her sweet young breasts peeking through her chemise.

  With a quick motion, he undid her belt and shoved her skirt to the floor.

  His heart raced like a stallion chasing a filly at the sight of her in her chemise and drawers.

  "Addie," he drawled, needing her more with each passing minute, his manhood swelling tightly against his pants, his blood pulsing and centering between his legs. It was true, any bullet from these outlaws might do them in at any time. Tonight was their chance to experience passion. To experience each other's arms.

  So beautiful, it was all he could do to keep from ripping her clothes from her body.

  Her breasts swelled above her chemise, and he reached for her, needing her in his embrace. Together they pulled the garment over her head. Layering his mouth over hers, he began to pull his shirt out of his pants as she opened the buttons.

  Breaking the kiss, she stepped out of her pantaloons and stood before him like a goddess. For a moment, he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. Only being inside her could be any better than this.

  Shaking, he feared she had changed her mind. "Do you want me to stop?"

  "No, hurry," she whispered.

  Shucking his boots, unbuckling his belt, and unbuttoning his pants, when he reached his long johns, he became shy. That didn't stop him once the garment landed on the floor. Naked, they stared at one another.

  With a step, they moved toward each other, their arms outstretched as they came together, flesh against flesh. Astonished, Wesley needed her like the earth needed rain as his mouth claimed hers. With a gentle push, he guided her toward the bed, where they landed arms and legs tangled on the soft quilt.

  With a nervous laugh, she licked her lips. "What now?"

  "Now, I show you the pleasure between a man and woman," he whispered, the touch of her naked skin causing his blood to pulse with need.

  His palm trailed down her body, caressing her silken flesh until he found her breasts. The caress of her soft skin, her nipples tightening beneath his fingertips, was almost too much to bear.

  While he didn't want to admit it, he dreamed of her just like this lying in his bed. His hands and mouth teasing her body until she cried out his name.

  That had been a dream, and this was reality. A reality he couldn't believe. As much as he tried to resist the growing desire for this woman, the more he exploded with need.

  A low, throaty growl escaped him as he caressed the hardened pebble of her nipple, soft as satin for sale in a shop window. He savored its sweetness. She gasped and arched her back toward him.

  Like a seductress, her hands grabbed his hair and held him to her hardened kernel.

  A strong woman who didn't fear danger, Addie was the type of woman a man would feel proud to call his woman. One he knew would always have his back.

  His hands skimmed down her body, past her ribs, past her belly button, down her smooth stomach, to the wispy curls covering her womanly folds. A deep throaty moan became a purr beneath his touch as he slid his fingers into her moist center.

  With a gasp, she grasped his naked back, running her hands across his shoulders, down his muscles, her fingers leaving trails of desire branding him like a hot spear. She tossed her head, her auburn hair splaying across the pillows.

  "Wesley," she moaned as she cried out his name, sending heat rippling through him.

  No matter what happened tomorrow, he wanted her to always remember the first time they were together.

  "Kiss me, Wesley," she demanded, her mouth searching for his again.

  A thrill scurried up his spine at the sound of her wanting, needing him. He liked the way she was insistent and certain of what she needed.

  Oh, how he loved the deep tone of her voice, needy, calling out his name. Like he was the only person who could supply what she wanted. Like he was the only person in this world she depended on.

  If he could, he would make all her wishes and dreams come true. When those emerald eyes gazed at him like he was a man she believed in, he wanted to give her the world.

  Needing for her to touch him, he placed her hand on his cock, uncertain to her reaction. Gently she wrapped her fingers around him, he slid her hand up and down his shaft as heat flooded all the way to his heart. For a moment, it seemed like the world shimmered, and he knew he wouldn't last long.

  The touch of her fingertips gliding up and down him was rushing him to the edge, pushing him ever closer.

  "Wesley, please," she
cried, not understanding what she needed.

  "Honey," he said and moved over her, spreading her legs apart with his knees. If this was her first time, he wanted to make this as painless as possible. Now, he throbbed with such urgency, he didn't know how gentle he could be.

  It was all he could do to resist shoving into her, needing to mark her as his, but he pushed inside and felt the resistance. With a steady moving thrust, he stretched her, until she cried out as her maidenhead gave way.

  And then he was inside her, surrounded by Addie. For a moment, he let her catch her breath and grow accustomed to him deep within her body.

  Tight and moist, and he loved the way she moaned as he slowly began to move inside her.

  The woman had been an innocent, not the whore he assumed when she wore that barmaid outfit.

  In the light of the lantern, she opened her eyes, her pupils dilated as she stared at him, her gaze holding him hostage. Her body tormenting his. Addie filling his empty soul.

  This evening he never expected to go like this, with the two of them spending the night in the throes of passion. An invitation to her bed was not what he dreamed would happen. Now, he feared he would die of the sweetness he experienced in Addie's arms.

  Her inner muscles gripped his shaft, and he worried he would lose it right then. Sweet, sweet, friction stroked him, surrounded him, their hips moving in rhythm with fierceness, an intensity which surprised him. When he plunged deeper into her, she matched him with every driving movement.

  Burning resonant pleasure encompassed him with each long stroke and swirled him closer to the edge. Addie met every pounding thrust against him, gripping his erection, consuming him with a wildness that drove him to seek his release.

  Passion filled him until he fully expected he would burst from the feelings Addie evoked in him. The sensations were so stirring, so right; he was shocked at their joining. Never had he experienced these types of emotions before.

  They startled and overwhelmed him. They made him think of forever. They made him think of trying love one more time.

  Once again, he reached for her head and brought her mouth to his, devouring her with a hungry kiss that consumed him, holding her lips firmly against his. Convulsions shimmied through her, and she pulled away from him.

  "Wesley," she cried, her body racked with tremors.

  Her orgasm rocked through him just as he relinquished the tightly controlled rein and shuddered his release deep within her.

  "Addie," he choked out as the pleasure imprinted on his soul.

  In the glow of the lantern, they lay together, their breathing harsh, their naked skin warm against one another's. For a moment, neither said anything, and he rolled them over onto their sides and pulled her up against him, not wanting her far from him.

  What had just happened? Never before had sex been so gratifying, so emotional the act left him stunned. What had Addie done to him to make him think of more than just one night together?

  As he kissed the back of her neck, his lips touching her heated skin, he whispered against her, "Thank you."

  "For what?" she asked.

  "For letting me be your first," he replied, his voice husky. Never had he been someone's first. Never had a woman trusted him with her virginity. In some ways, he felt guilty, because her husband should be the one to claim her. But he couldn't deny they created magic together. There were no guarantees they would live past tomorrow.

  In a sensuous move, he rubbed his mouth against her ear. "Our first time. The next time it'll be even better."

  "Really? It gets better?" she said softly.

  "Yes," he said kissing her neck.

  And he couldn't wait to sample Addie again.

  Addie heard Sammie's voice calling out to her. "Addie, come find me."

  She searched through the house looking for her sister, knowing she played her favorite game of hide-and-seek. Sammie always lost because she would giggle when you couldn't find her. The sound of laughter came from outside and Addie ran out the door searching for the little girl.

  When she stepped off the porch, darkness overcame her, sending fear terrorizing her. Her lungs froze, and she wanted to scream, but couldn't. As she turned to run back in the house, flames shot through the roof, heat pushing her back.

  "Sammie," she screamed just as she jerked awake.

  Her heart pounded in her chest and her breathing was rapid as she tried to calm herself. A bad dream. A nightmare. As she rolled over, a hard male body lay in the bed next to her.

  With a sigh, she remembered last night. What was she doing? Sleeping with the ranger could only distract her, and she needed to stay focused on finding the other gang members.

  Now she knew where they lived, and she had every intention of returning there when Wesley left for the bank. The need to get back to hunting outlaws overwhelmed her, and she would soon ride toward the hideout at Callahan City.

  What would she tell Wesley? Addie didn't want to hurt him. There was so much she liked about the man. When the right man came along, her mother said she would know he was the one. Maybe not right away, but eventually she would be sure he was the man for her.

  Right this moment, she wasn't certain about anything in her life, but he made her feel things she never dreamed of, and she liked the way he challenged her.

  In some ways, he reminded her of the values she missed from her family. The steadfastness of his convictions, the way he didn't back down from a fight, and his kind heart. Actually, if anything, she had not been nice to him, tying him up and leaving him behind.

  But nothing mattered at the moment but getting revenge for her loved ones. Not her own happiness, nothing. If she had met Wesley under different circumstances, she would let him court her and be thrilled he'd chosen her. Until every member of the gang sat behind bars, nothing else was important.

  Last night, she'd let go of her demons for just a little while and even celebrated her birthday. At first light, she would once again be on the hunt for the remaining members of this evil gang. Eventually they would all be sitting in jail.

  Unable to sleep, she watched as the first rays of the sun lit up the room as Wesley slowly awakened. When he rolled over, she stared at his big brown eyes. "Good morning."

  "Good morning," she said. "A new day."

  He grinned and reached over and ran his finger down her cheek. "Yes. Let's eat some breakfast and then get everything ready to leave. After I ride to Harper's Mill and speak to the banker, we'll head back to Callahan City."

  She nodded knowing that it would be past noon by the time he returned, and she would be long gone. Even though he would eventually catch up with her. Sitting here in a hotel room, waiting, was not something she could do when ruthless killers still lived.

  An hour later, Wesley stood at the door of the room staring at her. "If it weren't so dangerous for you to be seen in Harper's Mill, I would insist you come with me. This has to be done, but I'm so afraid to leave you."

  Tiptoeing up, she pasted her lips against his. "Go. I'll be fine."

  If he noticed, she didn't promise she would be waiting here when he returned; he didn't say anything. But she couldn't sit here in this hotel room doing nothing.

  "Why don't you go down to Meg's shop and find yourself a new dress," he said.

  Like a new outfit would appease her. He was trying to keep her occupied so she wouldn't go off chasing the gang members while he was gone. Obviously, he didn't know her very well.

  "See you soon," she said and gave him another kiss on the lips as she pushed him out the door, neither agreeing or disagreeing to his suggestion.

  Fifteen minutes later, she carried her saddle bags down to the stable where she saddled her horse.

  Time to catch another bounty. Time to find the next victim. Riding out of Zenith, she wondered each time would she make it back alive. This time she wanted to return. This time, she might have something worth living for.

  Wesley rode his horse hard to the nearby town of Harper's Mill. Whe
n he arrived in town, he decided to visit the sheriff to learn what he could about the raids on the Harrison's and the King's farms. Then he would talk to the banker and rush back to Zenith in time for them to leave for Callahan City.

  He knew if he was gone long, she would go without him. After last night, he hoped she would wait.

  Last night had been more than he imagined. Part of him wanted to take her to the nearest justice of the peace or minister and get married. But he also understood if he pushed her, she would revolt.

  Funny, how he never intended to become involved with a woman again and now he found himself wanting to protect Addie and help her capture this ruthless gang. Because she would never stop until the outlaws resided behind bars.

  Yet he feared her getting shot or killed trying to seize the criminals.

  As he rode into the small town, it appeared a quiet little place with a mercantile, cafe, bank, saloon, boutique and barber shop on Main Street. At the end of the block stood the sheriff's office and he pulled his horse in front.

  Addie thought the man was corrupt, but as a ranger, he needed to form his own conclusions.

  When he entered the building, wanted posters hung on the wall. Some of them quite old. The sheriff glanced up at him, bored. "Can I help you?"

  "Texas Ranger, Wesley Selig. Wondering what you can tell me about the raid on the Harrison's and the King's places. The report says Indians."

  The man's brows rose. "Seems odd a Texas Ranger working this case."

  With a noncommittal shrug, he acted like the case meant nothing. "We're kind of slow at the moment. The army didn't have time to check out the attacks, so they asked the rangers to investigate whether the Indians are going to give us trouble again."

  The man seemed to accept his answer, though Wesley knew he'd concocted a big fat lie. Sometimes you had to tell stories to find evidence.

  "Most definitely Indians. After we got out there, Indian arrows were strewn across the yard. A tomahawk was buried in Mr. Harrison's skull. Mrs. Harrison, her body could not be found, so she's assumed dead."

  "Such a shame. What about the King's?"


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