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Scoring Chance: A Second Chance Hockey Romance (Rules of the Game Book 1)

Page 5

by Emma Tharp

  His body is a portrait of male perfection and this up close and personal view is stirring up sexual desire that I haven’t felt in a very long time. Crossing one leg over the other, I lean against a nearby table in an attempt to dull the ache building between my thighs.

  Derek sinks four shots in a row and before he takes his fifth shot, he looks up at me, locking eyes with mine and shoots, making an absolutely impossible shot look like child’s play.

  His last shot is for the eight ball. It’ll be simple for him. My heart rate picks up. I’m going to have to give him my number. What will that mean? It’s too dangerous.

  At the last second, he hesitates and nicks the corner of the cue ball, sending it in the wrong direction and away from the eight ball. There’s no way he should’ve missed that shot.

  “Damn,” he says and hands me the stick.

  I give him a questioning stare, but he just shrugs and lifts his beer to his lips.

  The rest of my shots aren’t too difficult. When I set up the last shot, I put all of my concentration into it. I do love to win. “Eight ball in the side pocket,” I tell him and pull back on the stick, giving it just the right amount of momentum. The ball follows the path I set for it and sinks into the pocket. Standing up to my full height, I set the stick down on the table and spin around and do a little dance, shaking my ass.

  Derek comes up to me and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me close. I bury my face in his chest and smell his clean scent. My entire body heats up and I look up into his face.

  “Great win. You earned your next set of tickets,” he says and leans in to kiss my cheek right next to my ear.

  My legs go liquid and the urge to turn my face and line our lips up is almost unbearable.

  Pushing back off of him, I say, “Thanks, even though I think you gave it to me.”

  His hands go up. “Nope. You won, fair and square. You’ll have to give me your address so I can mail them to you.”

  Part of me is sad that he’s going to mail them to me since I’d like nothing more than to see him again face-to-face, but this way is definitely best. “Of course. That’d be great.”

  The rest of the evening goes by in a blur. I meet Derek’s teammates and it’s much less awkward now that I have my clothes on. They are all kind to me and don’t treat me with disrespect. It’s a nice change from the way most men treat me once they know I’m a stripper. It wasn’t that long ago that I stripped for them at Rick’s bachelor party.

  At last call, Bri and I decide to call a cab. “No way. My driver will take you wherever you want to go,” Derek insists.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Bri says, her words slightly slurred. “I’m going to say goodbye to Teddy before we go.”

  “That’d be great, if you don’t mind,” I say.

  “Not at all.” Derek grabs me around the waist and kisses me in the same spot as he did earlier, on the cheek, right next to my ear. I almost lose my legs again and have to hold him extra tight for support. And too soon he pulls away and reaches for his cell phone. “Give me your information so I can get you your tickets.”

  I tell him my address and he types it in. “Perfect. My driver is downstairs waiting; he’s in a black Tahoe, tinted windows. Thanks for coming tonight. It was nice spending time with you.”

  “Yeah, it was. Thank you for having us. I look forward to another game,” I say.

  “Of hockey or pool?”

  “Both.” I grin before I turn and walk away to find Bri.



  “WHAT’D you think of my last save last night? I couldn’t believe it was in my glove, the way I landed on my ass like that.” Teddy snorts out a laugh.

  Damn it, Teddy. I was just starting to fall asleep. We’re on a flight on our way back from Vancouver and the lull of jet engines always makes me tired. Opening my eyes, I turn to face him. “Dude, it was insane. Great job. But why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “No way, man. I never sleep on planes.”

  Maybe he didn’t notice that I had my eyes shut. I was in the middle of a fantasy I’ve been having about Cora. In fact, I’ve been having the same one over and over again for the past three days, since we were out at the post-game party. Yes, the woman’s body is insanely gorgeous, but we had fun together. I barely left her side all night long. And fuck if I didn’t get hard leaning over her while we played pool. She’s all I’ve been able to think about. She has a wall up made of brick, stone, and cinder blocks though. I’m not sure what I have to do to break the thing down, but I’m willing to give it a shot. She’s intrigued me, and I want to find out everything I can about her.

  “Too bad, man. I get some of the best sleep I’ve ever had in the air. But, hey, I was wondering if you noticed that there’s a charity auction at Lolita’s this weekend. Any interest in going with me?” I put on my cool and collected act, so Teddy can’t see how much I want to go.

  “You really have a thing for Cora, don’t you?” Teddy asks as he runs his fingers through his red hair.

  So much for the act. “You can tell?”

  “Umm, yeah. You spent all your time with her at the after party. She seems to be a nice girl,” he says and then coughs out, “and pretty hot, too.”

  No kidding. She was attractive in high school, but now she’s bikini model sexy with an ass that could win awards. “That’s not the only reason I like her. I like what’s between her ears; she’s level-headed and so damn smart. And it’s because she knows me so she isn’t star-struck. I can’t stand it when women come up to me and pretend to know who I am because they’ve seen me skate. Cora couldn’t care less. It’s refreshing.”

  “It’s good to see you happy, man. Especially since the news about Carrie.”

  Shifting in my seat, I stare him down. “What are you talking about?”

  His face goes a shade paler than its already white-ghost like color. “Oh, shit. Haven’t you been on the Internet today?”

  A sick feeling churns in my stomach. “Just to check my email. You better tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “Damn. All right. Carrie is in the tabloids with Eddie Carson. They were together at some award show last night.” He has a concerned look on his face, like he thinks I might haul off and hit him or something. It’s not his damn fault.

  I shouldn’t care, but hearing it guts me. She was my everything and she’s already moved on. Our relationship was far from perfect. Her temper would go from zero to one hundred in the blink of an eye. She could go from sweet and comforting to hot and explosive so quickly my head spun. In the same conversation we were embracing, seconds later she’d beat my chest.

  Despite her stunning beauty and model-thin body, she’s deeply flawed by insecurity. Sent away to boarding school at a young age, her parents never made time for her, their only child. Her mother, an heiress to a health and beauty company, and her father, a self-made millionaire, put work and self-interest before Carrie. You’d think getting paid for your looks would Band-Aid the wounds and give her some sense of self-worth, but it never did.

  “This is pissing you off. Let’s go to Lolita’s and get you a date with Cora.” He gives me a conspiratorial grin.

  Despite my mood turning to shit seconds ago, the prospect of a date with Cora warms up my insides. One night with her to be alone, catch up, and kiss her again, even if it’s just that spot I love near her ear, cheers me a little.

  I’m done talking about this with Teddy. “Sounds like a plan. Now leave me alone so I can sleep.” Closing my eyes once more, I tilt my head back and let my mind imagine all the things I could do with Cora in one night and let all thoughts of Carrie fall away.

  LOLITA’S IS DECKED out for the auction with streamers hanging everywhere and the stage set up with extra lighting and a podium. And it’s packed full of horny guys. Tall, short, fat, thin, young, and old, you can smell the testosterone a mile away from the place.

  There’s no way I’m going to be outbid tonight. None of the frat boys,
motorcycle dudes, juice-heads, or alcoholics in here are going to win against me tonight. The thought of someone else touching her makes me want to find her and throw her over my shoulder.

  “Where are all the ladies?” Teddy asks before taking a sip of his pint.

  Great question. I’ve been seeking her out for the past half-hour since we got here. “Maybe they’re in the back. What are you going to do? You bidding on anyone?”

  “I might bid on Bri. Let’s wait and see.”

  “Why don’t you? It’s for a good cause, and you like Bri, right?” I ask.

  Teddy sighs and turns to face me. “Yeah, she’s great, but I don’t get the vibe that she’s into me.”

  “Why, because you haven’t had sex with her yet?”

  He shrugs. “We hung out the other night at the after party, but she seems to have a wall up or something.”

  “I can relate. So does Cora, but I’ll be damned if that stops me from trying.” I lean my back against the bar.

  “You’re more patient than I am,” he says and turns back toward the bar to order another drink.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone storming toward me. It’s Cora in a dick-hardening red dress and tall black boots that come up over her knees. Her shoulders are set back and her head held high like she’s going to battle.

  “What are you doing here?” she huffs out, as if she’s out of breath.

  Her mood has caught me off guard; I have no clue how to read her. “Hey, it’s nice to see you, too. You look great tonight.”

  Exhaling through her nose, she says, “I’m sorry, I’m just surprised to see you here.”

  “The last time I was here I saw the ad for the auction. It’s for a good cause, so I thought I’d stop by and bid.”

  Her hand comes up to her throat and her gaze is trained on me. “Not on me. You aren’t here to bid on me.” There’s panic in her tone. “It’s not a good idea.”

  I grasp the back of her elbow to steady her. She looks like she could use steadying. “What are you afraid of?”

  “Nothing. Please, promise me you won’t bid on me.” Her pupils are fully dilated and she looks like a scared deer standing in headlights seconds before it meets the bumper.

  “Okay. You have my word.”

  Her shoulders relax marginally before she says, “Thank you. I have to go.” She strides away from me and doesn’t look back.

  Confused is an understatement. I wanted to protest and find out the reason she doesn’t want me to place a bid, but I couldn’t do it. There was something in her tone, her posture. She doesn’t want me to bid, so I’m not going to do it.

  “You want to go, man? I heard.” Teddy swings around, palming his beer.

  No, I don’t want to go, but what’s the sense in staying? “I don’t know what to do.” I gulp down the rest of my beer.

  “Hey, guys.” A familiar female voice comes up behind me.

  “Bri, hey, how’s it going?” Teddy leans in and kisses her on the cheek.

  “How are you tonight?” I ask her.

  She takes the beer out of Teddy’s hand and takes a sip and hands it back to him. “I’m a little nervous about this stupid auction. What if nobody bids on me?”

  “You’re kidding, right? You look amazing. Everyone is going to try to win a date with you,” Teddy says.

  She gives him a smile that goes all the way up to her pretty brown eyes. “You think so?”

  “Yeah. I’m bidding on you.” Teddy nods his head.

  “If that’s true, I have an idea. How about you bid on Cora,” she points at Ted and then at me, “and you bid on me? We can work the rest out later.”

  “Does this have something to do with the way Cora is acting tonight?” I ask, desperately hoping she can give me some hint as to what’s going on in Cora’s head.

  “Yes. That’s exactly it.” She glances at her watch. “Damn, I have to go. The auction starts in a minute.” She gives us both a conspiratorial smirk and waves as she heads backstage.

  And that is just what we do.

  The third waitress to take the stage is Cora. She looks stunning, a real-life Barbie doll. But behind her sexy, white-toothed smile, I see what she’s trying so hard to hide. She’s nervous.

  When the bidding begins, Cora’s big blue eyes land right on me, sending me a message, imploring me to do what I said I would and not place a bid.

  I stuff my hands in my pockets and bite hard on my tongue as bid after filthy bid gets called through the bar. When it seems like it’s going to end, I elbow Ted in the ribs and he calls out the final number.

  “And the gentleman to my right wins a date with the beautiful Miss Cora,” the auctioneer calls out and bangs the lectern with his gavel and it’s as if he’s beating the thing against my heart. Cora’s features relax and she smiles in Teddy’s direction and she gives him a wave.

  “I won,” Teddy says with triumph in his voice.

  It should be a relief that he won and not some random asshole in the bar, but it isn’t. The nagging in the back of my head won’t let me forget how adamant she was that she didn’t want it to be me to win the date with her. Why the hell not?

  “Good for you, man,” I say, my tone tense.

  “Are you pissed?” He takes one step away from me and looks me up and down.

  My posture is stiff. “No. Not at you. At the situation.”

  “Have a shot or something. We have this under control. Remember the plan.”

  Before I have a chance to swat Ted or answer back, Bri takes the stage. It’s time for me to start bidding.

  After a minute of solid back and forth between me and a guy who looks like he swallowed a basketball that landed in his gut, I raise my bid substantially just to get it over with. The big guy shoots me a glare, but it gets the desired result and the bidding ends with me as the winner.

  Off to the side of the stage, Cora stands there with her shoulders hunched forward and a bitter smile on her face. Is she upset that I bid on Bri and not her? And if so, why did she ask me—no, beg me—not to bid on her?

  I order another beer and take a few calming sips. Teddy is rambling on about how epic it’s going to be to pull a switch-a-roo on Cora, but I’m having a hard time staying focused. All I want to do is find Cora and talk to her about everything that happened tonight.

  Telling Teddy that I’ll be right back, I take off and search for Cora. I look everywhere but can’t find her, even going so far as to wait outside the bathroom, but to no avail.

  Bri is there talking to Ted when I get back. “Hey, do you know where Cora is?” I ask.

  “She took off. I think she went home. Is everything okay?”

  Tension rolls off me in waves. Squeezing the back of my neck, I shake my head and say. “No, not really. I’m not doing it, guys. I won’t switch dates.”

  “Why?” Teddy asks.

  “Because it’s obvious that she doesn’t want a date with me. Makes no sense to trick her into it. You can take her out, Ted, since she wants nothing to do with me. I have to get out of here.”

  They both stare at me open-mouthed and wide-eyed. Before they can say a word, I take my leave and storm out of the bar.

  On my way out, a brunette wearing a short skirt grabs me by the arm. “Where are you running off to, handsome? Need some company?”

  Yanking my arm away, I give her a hard smile and say, “No, thanks.”

  It occurs to me that I’m attracted to women who aren’t interested in me, but there are so many willing to take me home for a night. It’s mind-blowing how little I know about women.



  “WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?” my mother asks from her perch on the couch, a tan-colored blanket covering her small legs.

  I turn the envelope over again and again. “Not sure. It’s from a courier. No return address.”

  She claps her hands together. “Don’t make me wait. Open it already.”

  I take a seat on the couch next to her. It’s sad t
hat the most excitement we’ve had around here lately is an envelope that gets delivered.

  Opening the flap, my stomach clenches when I pull out two tickets to another hockey game. He remembered. But there isn’t even a note.

  “My gosh, Cora. What is it? You look shaken up.”

  Breathing deeply, I fill my lungs with air and steady myself. The reaction I’ve been having to Derek is messing with me. Every touch, every look, every moment I’ve shared with him has been addicting but it’s meant nothing. We aren’t dating. Hell, are we even friends? What if I let things progress? It’d only get worse.

  That’s why I asked him not to bid on me.

  It was like a dagger in the heart. He was respecting my wishes, which you’d think would make me happy. Sadly, it didn’t.

  Thinking of spending an evening with him makes my heart rate speed up. Because would it end at dinner? I doubt it. And I wouldn’t want it to. And my God, if I ended up in his bed, I know I’d be a goner.

  I stand up and pace back and forth, one end of the living room to the other.

  A notch in Derek’s bedpost is not something I plan on ever being.

  “What’s in the envelope, Cora?” Mom asks, concern in her voice.

  Steadying my voice, I say, “It’s tickets to a hockey game.”

  With some effort, she sits up straighter. “Who would send you those?”

  Faking nonchalance, I sit back down next to her and say, “They’re from Derek Parker. Do you remember him?” Wow, even saying his name gives me butterflies. “I tutored him in high school.”

  “Wasn’t he that handsome boy that came by the house a few times? The two of you would sit at the kitchen table and your father would go in there time and time again just to make sure Derek wasn’t trying anything with you.”

  I roll my eyes at the memory. How could I forget? My hard-ass father would walk around the house with his chest puffed out like an orangutan defending my honor. As if Derek was going to try to seduce me or have sex with me on the kitchen table. It was completely unnecessary. My dad was insufferable. “Yes, that was Derek.”


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