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Auction of Souls: Fantasy GameLit RPG Series (Pixel Dust Book 3)

Page 39

by David Petrie


  SLOT 1: Friend in Need – Increase the damage of a summoned pet by 20% when your health is below half.


  Nonhostile Creatures

  LAGOPIN – Being half rabbit and half bird, these mounts are seriously fun to ride. So, saddle up and hang on tight.

  JEROBIN – A small kangaroo-like race, these sentient creatures are often seen working in the cities of Noctem.

  FLINT – A rare Dire Scalefang belonging to the player Magnificent Seven.

  Basic Monsters

  SCALEFANG – A large lizard bearing a mane of bright feathers. They attack with their entire bodies from their tail to their teeth. Their rotating elemental weakness makes them particularly hard to deal with, especially in large groups.

  BASILISK – An enormous black snake with a paralyzing stare. Avoid direct eye contact at all costs.

  GHOUL – These animated corpses of the dead are known for their physical attacks, but they have been observed using magic as well.

  POPLO – A spherical manifestation of elemental energy, capable of a number of spells that match their affinity.

  MISFIT – A cave dwelling monster that likes to bite and kick.

  SILVER ANGEL – A silent observer who watches those who travel down the spiral.

  PLAGUE TOAD – Wet, slimy, and vicious, these creatures exist to eat. They will try to lure you in with their tail and attack from below. They especially like easy targets.

  MIND FLAYER – A squid-like creature that inflicts madness on a target by spraying it with ink. Resides in the caverns beneath Rend as well as many other parts of Noctem. Not particularly dangerous in and of themselves, but the madness status can easily kill a target or innocent bystanders, as it alters the perception of the target. Players may look like monsters and vice versa. Environmental hazards may also be manipulated.

  MIMIC – A monster disguised as a common treasure chest. Recognizable to any experienced player by a bent handle on one side. Highly lethal ambush predators, mimics give up relatively easily if they have not caught their prey quickly.

  MARIONETTES – A low level monster found in the city of Rend. A simple ball-jointed doll with a hostile nature. Appears in groups, usually with a leader.

  PORCELAIN BEAST – A conglomerate of Marionettes. If too many of these weak monsters are brought together, they may combine into one mass of writhing bodies.


  RASPUTIN – This mad monk exists to tear and rend all asunder, earning him the title of Destroyer.

  SENGETSU – Sometime sacrifices cannot be avoided. It is up to you to fear them or not.

  KAFKA – Change is necessary for growth, but will that growth create a monster?

  RACKHAM – Not all battles can be won, but that doesn’t mean you should accept defeat.

  THE DEEP – The fear that lurks beneath the water’s surface. Did something just touch your foot?

  THE VOID – The unseen and unknown. Fear it or embrace it, the choice is yours.

  Unique Nightmares (The Horsemen)

  FAMINE – The bell of Famine rings a steady rumble in one’s stomach. Nothing can be eaten in this Nightmare’s dungeon.

  PESTILENCE – The horde is coming and it’s hungry.

  DEATH – Like a force of nature, this nightmare claims everyone in the end.

  WAR – The embodiment of war, this Nightmare consists of two dragon kings locked in combat for centuries. There is no stopping them. It’s best to just run.



  The unofficial capital of commerce, Valain runs like a well-oiled machine. Its citizens work hard and party hard. This city and its territories are the only parts of Noctem that are fully under the control of Checkpoint Systems. (Current Ruler: Alastair Coldblood, Lord of House Checkpoint.)


  The city of light, Lucem stands as a shining example of what can be done through clever negotiations and diplomacy. Artists and entertainers have flocked to its peaceful and vibrant streets. If you’re looking for a night out, you can’t do much better. (Current Ruler: Leftwitch, Lady of the House of Silver Tongues.)


  Previously lost for generations, the city of Sierra hid below ground where its people, the Deru, thrived and innovated. Now known for its unique architecture, which makes use of the cavern ceiling as much as it does the floor. A complex system of railways connects the city. Its towers are filled with crafting workshops for the diligent, while its streets are lined with games and food reminiscent of a carnival. (Current Ruler: Promethium, Lord of House of Forge.)


  A city-wide bazaar where cultures of all worlds mingle. All are welcome, none are turned away.

  Whatever you might seek, you can find in Thrift. (Current Ruler: Murph, Lord of House Saint.)


  The city of rest and relaxation. Its inhabitants walk the streets of this tropical paradise at a leisurely pace. Home of the Jewel of the Sea, a crystal pyramid that towers over the tranquil streets. (Current Ruler: Amelia, Lady of House Winter Moon.)


  A winter kingdom not for the faint of heart. Its throne has been in near constant dispute since Carpe Noctem was released. (Current Ruler: Tusker, Lord of House Boar.)


  While not an official city, Tartarus defies logic by existing in the wilds on the dark continent Gmork. It has been constructed of entirely farmed and crafted materials. Enter at your own risk.


  Once the sister city to Torn, the majestic kingdom of Rend fell to the greed of its ruler, who attempted to offer the city to the Nightmare Rasputin to form a contract. Its palace, Castle Alderth, has become a frozen tomb, home to nothing but death and darkness. Even now, it remains waiting for the day that someone breaks its curse.

  Class List


  FURY – Fast, loud, and full of style. In the right hands, this class can dish out an impressive amount of damage. That is, if they can actually hit their targets.

  Weapon: pistols

  LEAF – At home sniping from the trees, this class will attack from where you least expect it.

  Weapon: bows

  COIN – Don’t take your eyes off this class for a second, lest you find yourself a few items lighter. Coins excel at stealth and mobility.

  Special equipment: grappling line

  Weapon: daggers

  BLADE – You can’t argue with a classic. This swordsman class is best suited for attacking.

  Weapons: sabers, rapiers, and katanas

  SHIELD – Built to last, this class specializes in protecting others.

  Special equipment: shield gauntlet

  Weapon: straight swords

  WHIP – A trainer class capable of keeping a familiar.

  Weapon: whips

  RAGE – Known for its capability to equip anything as a weapon, this class is built for all-out attacks.

  Primary weapons: anything and everything

  FIST – This unique class has two different paths. On one hand, the MONK is capable of infusing their hits with mana. On the other, the THUG is a brawler through and through.

  Weapons: gloves, brass knuckles, and their bare hands

  RAIN – Death from above. This class can use their mana to augment their movement, often launching themselves into the air to attack when least expected.

  Weapon: polearms

  Magic Users

  BREATH MAGE – This frail but kind class can keep their party alive through whatever the world may throw at them.

  Special equipment: casters

  Weapons: clubs, canes, and additional casters

  CAULDRON MAGE – Specializing in destruction, this mage class is slow but dangerous.

  Special equipment: casters

  Weapons: clubs, canes, and additional casters

  VENOM MAGE – This mage class excels at slowing the enemy down, weakening a target, and causing damage over time.

pecial equipment: casters

  Weapons: clubs, canes, and additional casters

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