International Banker, Beach Boy

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International Banker, Beach Boy Page 19

by Mia Terry

  Ollie pushed away his earlier discontent and held Rhys’s hand as they walked up the path with the others towards their cabin. There had been a moment of hesitation as Rhys had lingered in the car after the others had gotten out.

  “Are you sick of me yet,” Rhys asked in a way where his humor only partly hid his obvious attack of nerves.

  “Not yet,” Ollie said light heartedly. “Stay?” he asked in a more serious tone, and Rhys did.

  Chapter 16

  Two days after Jai and Luke’s unofficial engagement celebration and Rhys was in Ollie’s room preparing for another party. The party for tonight would probably be a hell of a lot less romantic than the engagement party, but it could be a little more action-packed. Rhys hadn’t been to one of the resort’s famous clothing optional parties, but the idea of going to one with Ollie by his side had his dick thickening.

  For three days, Rhys had only gone home once to pick up clothes and even then Ollie had come along for the ride. Then he’d come all over Rhys when they’d had spontaneous sex on Rhys’s sturdy couch. Rhys knew he would have to re-enter his real-life again soon, but it was hard to contemplate when he was lost in a haze of amazing sex, fun conversation, and real connection. Even the time he’d spent with the others; walking, eating at Byron’s best cafés and restaurants, taking them to the beach as a group and surfing first with Ollie and then giving quick fun lessons to the guys had all felt like a natural extension of his life. A better, more fun version of his life, with a lot more sex, if the truth be told, but it had felt more solid, less fantasy. He’d always told himself this time with Ollie was a temporary aberration, just a holiday fling, but now he knew his feelings were stronger and more expansive than anything that could be locked away in such a small descriptive box. He’d woken up this morning, watched Ollie sleep, and known he would have to talk to him. However, today had been the last day the rest of the boys would be here, they would drive home in the morning. So today, he kept his mouth shut and just enjoyed a day where they poked around the local town of Mullumbimby and then came home for afternoon “naps.” Judging by the satisfaction on the faces of all the rest of the group every evening when they met around the pool, Rhys could only bet their afternoons were spent much like his and Ollie’s, and those regular “naps” also included leisurely—or occasionally athletic—afternoon sex.

  A rustle from behind him told him Ollie had woken up from their earlier leisurely sex.

  “Hey babe,” Ollie said, when Rhys turned to him with a smile wide enough to actually hurt his cheeks.

  “Heya,” Rhys replied. “I was just thinking about trying on the swimmers I borrowed from Jai to see if they fit. I can’t believe that with about a hundred pairs of board shorts in my closet, I had to borrow a pair of Speedos from your friend.”

  Ollie laughed. “Well, with the size of the bag he packed, I’m not surprised. So no Speedos in your closet?”

  “Nah,” Rhys said, as he nestled closer to Ollie and they both leaned against the bench. “My deck at home is private enough that if I want to sunbathe, I just do it naked.”

  Ollie groaned in his ear. “You know now naked sunbathing is so on the itinerary for the next few days.”

  Rhys enjoyed how Ollie’s eyes had dilated just a little and how his mouth moved just that little bit closer to Rhys's ear, but he had to pull back or he’d be under again, and he’d already gotten a text from Jai about the time for them to meet up. “I’ll put that in my diary. And I’m getting changed next door… alone.”

  Because there was no way that getting changed in front of Ollie would end up in anything other than them back in bed together. The energy between them was still too raw, too new, for either of them to have any real self-control when it came to each other.

  Even with them getting dressed separately, they were still the last ones out onto the deck where the others were waiting.

  Rhys had suddenly become modest and had tied one of the shorter beach towels around his waist. The swimsuit didn’t really allow for the fact that his frame was slightly bigger than Jai’s and there was a lot more ass cheek hanging out than he would consider optimal. Ollie though swaggered out confidently, and his beauty was shiny enough that Rhys was seriously reconsidering his commitment to their plans to go to the party with the others. What was wrong about them locking themselves in the cabin and just fucking right now?

  After greeting the others, he knew there was no chance of saying good night just yet. Even Ollie on his knees—especially when he knew that was already an inevitability tonight—wouldn’t have been worth giving up his shout of laughter at the sight of Jai and Kris in matching, very short silk bathrobes, very in the style of an 80s boxer.

  “I know,” said Billy, his eyes rolling, but the light in them too affectionate for any annoyance to be anything but pantomime. “The besties love dressing up together. They must have bought these as soon as they saw the trip itinerary.”

  Kris came over and kissed Rhys on the cheek. “He is just sad that he didn’t get a robe of his own.”

  “Well, who wouldn’t be,” said Rhys, as he gestured for Kris to give him a whirl. Then he shouted with laughter. On the back of the robes in bedazzled letters read ‘These bottoms are the property of our super-hot boyfriends’.

  “Okay,” Rhys announced. “Now I’m super jealous too.”

  “They are a little more glamorous than what is happening with your look,” Kris replied. “What is with the towel thing you’ve got going on?”

  “The Speedos are smaller, shinier and a little more ass focused than I’m used to. Just getting myself acclimatized with the look.” Rhys gave up and decided the towel did look stupid. He threw it over the nearest outside chair and laughed when the others whistled in his direction.

  “Looking good.” Jai came over to them. “Anyway, I literally gave you the most modest party swimsuit I packed.”

  “I’m grateful. Turns out I don’t have any party swimsuits of my own.”

  “Neither did I until Jai took over my packing and general clothes buying,” Luke said with a shrug. He didn’t look too sad about that change in his life. Though with Jai looking particularly glamorous tonight and wearing the ring Luke put on his hand on Thursday, Rhys thought Luke would have to face an outfit more stressful than party swimsuits to take away from his glow of satisfaction.

  “What is this party’s deal?” asked Billy, as they started making their way through the manicured grounds over to the central pool and pavilion where the party was going to be held.

  “I haven’t been to one before, but the boys have told me stories. It’s just a Saturday night thing where all the resort's guests get together and have a bit of a rager.”

  “Is there anything happening there that means Luke will have to leave?” Jai asked, suddenly looking concerned. Rhys could tell he took his role as the partner of a police officer seriously.

  Rhys smiled in reassurance. “Nothing criminal. Mark and Robert aren’t stupid enough to risk their business in that way. It is private property, so any nudity or sex isn’t a problem, and though I wouldn’t swear that no one tonight is high, any drug taking would be done in the rooms and not in the common spaces.”

  “Good,” said Jai. “Apart from Luke needing not to be compromised, I’m not particularly interested in challenging my sobriety at this kind of thing.”

  Rhys liked Jai for asking. He would miss the forthright man and the rest of them when they left tomorrow. He could see how they had become Ollie’s friends and why they all fitted together so nicely as a group. He shook his head. If he admitted to himself that they were going tomorrow, he’d have to contemplate saying good-bye to Ollie a few days from now. Those extra few days were a gift, and if he started contemplating the end date, his emotions would spiral. So tonight he pretended that the fun wouldn't stop.

  As they got closer to the main pavilion, they could hear the music pumping and could see the outlines of the men dancing and laughing.

  “Is this serious
ly a weekly thing?” Billy asked behind them, incredulous.

  “Yeah, the place is popular on the weekends and even just filled with the guests who came tonight you are talking about maybe seventy dudes,” Rhys answered.

  Though he’d heard about how successful the parties were from Mark and Robert, up close was spectacular. Apart from anything, with about half the guests invoking the optional part of the clothing-optional rule, there were a lot of dicks of various sizes on display. Actually, there were a lot of various-sized bodies on display, full stop. One thing that Rhys appreciated about the scene in front of him was that there was a body confidence shown by everyone, not just the gym perfect dudes in their twenties. That Mark and Robert were in their late forties probably helped their customer base feel comfortable out here on the pool deck. Men were playing pool volleyball, dancing to the DJ and even this early in the evening there were various couplings of men looking all kinds of handsy.

  The bit of his brain that could not forget the backpacker almost drowning definitely appreciated that the owners had employed a lifeguard to monitor the larger pool. And the rest of him definitely appreciated the fit body under those small Speedos which were absolutely not Australian Surf Club approved.

  The area had been decorated with silk tent cabanas, providing lots of little dark corners for people to get as friendly as their hearts, or dicks, desired.

  Ollie had spotted an empty cabana that was open to the night air and filled with a few sun-loungers. He quickly led the group over, and Rhys wasn’t sorry that the lack of available furniture meant they would have to share. Nestling against Ollie’s body had become his favorite place to be and the frisson of sex in the air added even more to the usual skin-on-skin pleasure.

  Settling against Ollie’s chest, he couldn’t help but smile at the feel of Ollie’s erection against his lower back.

  “Don’t wiggle,” said Ollie warningly, as he gripped his strong thighs on either side of Rhys’s body.

  “I can only try,” Rhys replied, softly enough that only Ollie could hear him. “It is just that it’s all a little distracting.”

  A waiter came over and Rhys couldn’t help but be grateful it was someone he didn’t know rather than one of the owners. As a surfing instructor there was no problem with him dating a client, but sitting here with his cock barely covered didn’t feel like the most professional moment of his life.

  They ordered the mocktails, and Rhys loved how Luke put such an emphasis on them being alcohol free.

  When the tray came back full of exotically pretty drinks, it was deposited on their table with two boxes marked party favors. Rhys opened them with a bit of trepidation. He hoped he hadn’t been wrong in what he’d assured Jai, but he laughed when he saw the contents.

  “Safety first,” he told the others, as he showed them the elegant boxes filled to the brim with sachets of premium lube and condoms.

  “Appropriate I’d say,” Billy replied with a smile. “It isn’t like anyone here is wearing anything with pockets or wallets.”

  From the look of some of the couplings around them, the hotel-supplied lube and condoms had possibly already been put to use. Rhys had read the resort rules, and it looked like the no penetrative sex in the spa rule was being adhered to, though the three people in there might need a different location soon.

  “See anything you like?” asked Ollie quietly. The others were murmuring their own sweet nothings to each other, so there was no fear of being overheard.

  Rhys was glad he phrased it that way, rather than “see anyone you like.” There was a sexual smorgasbord out there tonight, but he hoped Ollie didn’t want anyone but him on the menu.

  “You aren’t angling for a third?” Rhys asked, just to make sure.

  “Fuck no,” Ollie replied with a chuckle. “I can’t pretend I’ve never done the threesome thing before. But I can say I’ve always been someone else’s third and not invited an extra person in myself. I’ve watched more than one friend’s relationship blow up that way. Anyway, I always thought if you’re not getting enough excitement from the person you are with maybe you are doing it wrong.”

  Ollie’s words settled any tension inside of Rhys, and he took advantage of that renewed relaxation by gently maneuvering so the soft spandex of his swimmers sat more firmly against Ollie’s erection.

  Feeling Ollie against his ass had him feeling horny, so Rhys said what was on his mind. “Well it is like looking at free high-class porn here, so yeah there are things I like. See that guy over there getting his dick sucked so eagerly. I could fill my fantasies for a month at the idea of you pulling out my cock in public and kneeling on the hard ground and letting everyone see just how good you are at getting my dick all the way down.”

  At Rhys’s words, Ollie wrapped his strong arms even tighter around him and ground up against his ass. They were pressed so tightly together that Rhys could feel Ollie’s already solid dick lengthening with an extra punch of arousal and his heart rate increasing.

  “I don’t know,” Ollie said in his ear. “In public, I think I should share with the world just how pretty your dick is, and I don’t think they could see that if I was choking on it. Though if I did, they could see just how much I love the taste of you, especially if I was on my knees. I’d be pulling myself off because you down my throat is just that hot. But for everyone else’s sake, I think I would take you over there and strip off those hot little swimmers and hold you up, in front of me, just so everyone could see your cock.”

  Rhys’s breath became shallow as Ollie continued; the words he was hearing so sexy that getting air into his lungs seemed suddenly less important. “Then,” Ollie’s voice became slightly hoarse, as he shuffled against Rhys. “Then, I’d just play with your balls for a while. You’d be begging me to touch your dick, and it would be shiny with how much you want me. All the boys would be looking at you, wanting you, but they would know you were mine. They would know that no matter how much they wanted to taste your pretty dick, if they came near you, I would take them on. So, they could only watch and admire you, and I would be the only one able to touch you. I’d be the one to decide when the sounds coming out of your mouth were desperate enough. Then I’d smear some lube on your cock, and you’d whimper just a little because my grip wouldn’t be quite tight enough to satisfy you. Then when every single person here was looking at how perfect your naked body was, and how desperately you want to be fulfilled, I’d tighten my hand and let you fuck it. You’d be thrusting back and forth and be able to feel how much I want you, as by now my swimmers would be wet with pre. And only when you were about to come, I’d slip my finger in your hole and remind you how good it was going to feel the next time I fuck you. Then you’d come all over my hand, and I’d want your sweetness so much that I’d lick it off. Everyone would be jealous that I am the man who knows what you taste like.”

  While Ollie had been speaking, Rhys had been rhythmically squirming against him, and yeah, like the story, he could feel the wetness that meant that Ollie’s dick was leaking with want for him. Fuck, if he didn’t have some professionalism left, he’d totally think about standing out there in the middle of all that very hot action and letting Ollie do exactly what he described. As it was, his dick was very visible in a swimsuit that wasn’t exactly designed for a massive erection to test the limits of the Lycra.

  “Fuck it,” Rhys said, only a bit embarrassed at the break in his voice. “Do you want to find somewhere just a little more private?”

  “Absolutely,” Ollie replied, and reached over and grabbed at the party favors.

  The fact he took more than one was another point in his favor. At this point, Rhys was in enough of a haze of desire for Ollie he could only vaguely clock their friend’s hot positions next to them. By now Jai was in Luke’s lap, silk robe gone and jock-strap clad, and Rhys imagined they’d be very quickly rubbing off on their way to orgasm. And Billy and Kris were actually acting out much the same fantasy Ollie had been whispering to Rhys about. Only Bi
lly’s dick was just shoved over his Speedo, as if Kris hadn’t had the patience to even pull his swimmers away.

  They were a beautiful enough sight that in any other circumstance Rhys would be far too tempted to watch. Hell, even the boundaries of friendship were hard to respect when it came to watching a very hot fucking. However, what Rhys needed now was for Ollie to get inside him in the next few minutes, and nothing would get in his way.

  He grabbed a towel and moved across the pool deck, barely checking out the scenes that had become only more explicit in the half hour they’d been there. Working by vague memory, he led the way down a short path to a polished wooden picnic table he’d spotted on another visit. There was no one around, though the pool deck was close enough they could still hear the music.

  Rhys quickly folded the towel and put it on the table, where it would protect his hips, then laid his upper body facedown. His legs were spread, and in another lifetime he would have been embarrassed that he was displaying himself so wantonly for Ollie. However, now his arousal was such that his biggest concern was how much his balls hurt with want, and how quickly Ollie would take to get into his ass. The answer was, not long. Ollie’s slicked up finger rubbed around his hole just enough for Rhys to swear at him, then two fingers were inside preparing him. The slightly rough preparation had him humping the towel in front of him since it told him Ollie’s need was as great as his own.


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