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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

Page 14

by H. L. Swan

  As much as I want him to see her perfect skin ravished and purple with my marks, it wouldn’t be appropriate. I get it but, fuck, I need everyone to quit trying me. Besides, showing my marks means she’ll have to wear something with a low neckline and I’m not having that.

  “Ready?” Emma asks. I shake my head discreetly. “We’ll be a few minutes, Mom.”

  “I’ll meet you two there.” Pamela waves and walks out of the door.

  I bring my thumb to her lips and wipe her pink lipstick off.

  “Hey.” She exclaims but doesn’t argue, practically bouncing out of her shoes.

  “Why are you so hyper?”

  “Not hyper, nervous. Why didn’t we leave with my mom?”

  I grab her hand and twirl her when she inches closer to me, giving her an appreciative once over. My necklace looks beautiful against her soft skin. I adjust it so that it’s more prominent. “Just wanted to study you.” I tell her, tilting my head down to plant a kiss on her cheek.

  Opening the door for her, I head towards the car.

  She shakes her head as she points across the street. “They live there.”

  I laugh at the proximity of their houses. I wonder how many times he tried something with her, and she declined. Even though they lived so close together, he never got to do anything with her. She declined every guy that’s tried her entire life, until me. As though she was waiting for me all along.

  We walk in and are immediately greeted by his smiling parents. All the while, my arm is firmly wrapped around her waist, staking my claim. I watch in satisfaction as Caleb’s eyes go wide with shock at the sight of me. We greet them back before heading for the dining room. Pamela finishes setting the table before the parents go to grab some wine in the kitchen.

  The fucker approaches us then. “Hey, I’m Caleb.”

  I pull my arm away from Em’s side for a moment to shake his hand and pull him close. He’s short and I have to lean down to his height.

  Quietly, I say, “If you ever text my girl anything like that again, I will pound your face into the cement.”

  It may be overkill, but the horrified look on his face tells me he understands the gravity of my words.

  Or not.


  I place my hand gently on the soft skin of her neck and whisper, “Throat still sore baby?”

  She turns crimson and giggles at me, swatting at me to stop.

  I enjoy the awkward silence as the scrawny fuck wiggles around in his seat. Good, I make him uncomfortable. I spend dinner watching him as I talk business with his father. I see him sneak glances at my girl. Mine. She’s my fucking girl.

  Didn’t I already threaten him?

  I want to reach across the table and beat the fuck out of him. Grab his stupid blonde hair and slam his skull against the wooden table until he can’t see. So he can never look at her again.

  Once the parents exit to the kitchen, I do the next best thing I can think of.

  When I see him glance at her chest – even though her dress is a high neckline, her tits are so nice and perky they’re just out there – I slide my hand up her upper thigh. She bites her lip, exactly what I wanted. Emma has barely acknowledged him since we got here and, at this moment, she’s looking at me.

  But I’m not looking at her just yet. I want to tell Caleb the reason Emma isn’t speaking much is because her throat is sore from my cock last night. I fucked her throat so hard that every time she speaks or coughs, she can still feel me deep down her throat. And the reason she is walking funny is because I pounded her tight pussy hard last night while she obediently laid on the floor for me.

  But I will never say those things and give him a visual of her. He can imagine all he wants, but he will never get to see her that way. I don’t want her to feel awkward, and he’s not that important to have a man to man conversation with. Besides, he’s hardly a man considering he cheated and hurt my girl.

  Caleb watches her lower lip before turning his attention to me.

  I glare him down with an expression that could kill, before turning to my angel. I cup her cheeks protectively with one hand as she puckers her lips out for a kiss. Instead, I pull her bottom lip between my teeth and nibble. I stop before she moans. I won’t let him hear such a beautiful fucking sound.

  I grab the back of her head and tilt her face up to mine. Gently, I melt my mouth around hers. Before my lips leave hers, I make eye contact with him, watching his face turn blood red. He hastily gets up from the table and I laugh deeply before returning my attention to Emma.


  Aiden holds the door open as we step inside. I’m glad dinner was early so it will still be somewhat light out on our way back to the city. My mom stayed to help Regina clean up so we’re waiting to say goodbye to her.

  Aiden grabs my bags from my room and places them in my trunk, before going around the house and looking at the photos of me as a child. He offered to drive me back to Portland and get someone to tow the car, but I refuse to let him spend more money on me.

  My stomach clenches as he picks up my favorite picture off the mantel.

  He examines the photo of Dad, Mom and I.

  We were camping that summer. I was about twelve. My awkward bangs sat above my cheesy grin and my parents looked so proud on either side of me. It was the last vacation we went on before he passed away.

  Aiden walks over to me, the picture in his hands. “Love the bangs,” He jokes.

  I can’t help the giggle that escapes my throat.

  His voice turns more serious. “I’m sorry about your father. Ashley mentioned his passing when I asked her about you.” He gives me a weak smile.

  “Thanks, it’s okay.” I give my usual response.

  He carefully sits it down on the mantel before pulling me in a tight hug. “Don’t do that with me. It’s not okay. Fuck okay.” He pulls back to study my face. “You never have to pretend with me. It fucking sucks losing a parent. Trust me, I know.”

  I feel extremely selfish. Is he talking about his mom? I look up at him, not sure what to say.

  “I know you didn’t know. Don’t feel bad for not knowing.” My heart breaks for him, for us. “I don’t talk about it and Ashley wouldn’t have told you because I don’t like anyone knowing my business. Things have changed.”

  I want to ask a question out of curiosity, I hope it doesn’t upset him. I look down at his black boots and take a deep breath.

  He lifts my head. “You can ask,” He encourages.

  I nod. “How?”

  “Car accident.” He sighs. “After a fight with my piece of shit father. If she wouldn’t have kept coming back to him, she wouldn’t have even been there. It was raining and she was so upset, I wasn’t there.” His profile is haunting as he remembers the tragic day he lost his mom.

  Who could understand me more than him?

  “Thank you,” I say genuinely. “I’m sorry you lost your mom.” I kiss his cheek as he holds me for a moment.

  I suck in a deep breath. “About my dad–”

  He cuts me off. “Baby, you don’t have to. I just wanted you to know more about me.”

  I don’t take his confiding in me lightly. I give him a weak smile. “I want the same.” I count to three. “He was a detective. A good one at that.”

  I remember how proud I was, attending awards ceremonies and watching as they decorated his uniform with another pin.

  “You would think with the career he had and how many bad people he put away, some cosmic force would give him good Karma and let him live a long life.” I can feel the tears welling up. “But it didn’t work that way and he lost his life at the hands of a drunk. He didn’t go down in some glorious poetic fashion, but a routine call when he was out working late. A domestic dispute.”

  I hold back my tears, proud of myself for getting this far. “The husband shot him when he got there and left him on the street. Just left him there. It was winter, and his body was covered in snow when they found him. He die
d all alone.” Sobs escape me and I clutch onto Aiden’s chest.

  He holds me close, smoothing my hair out, and tells me it will be alright.

  I believe him.

  We exchange nothing but a silent crushing hug.

  I see Mom stomping across the street with a fury that scares me. Did she notice me ignoring Caleb?

  “Emilia Achelois Banks!” She scolds dramatically.

  Aiden raises an amused eyebrow and I shake my head.

  “Were you leaving without saying goodbye?” She places her hands on her hips.

  I stifle a laugh at her serious expression. “Mom.” I wrap her in a hug. “Of course not. We were waiting for you.”

  Mom wraps Aiden in a hug after I let her go. He’s taken aback but returns the embrace before we walk down the driveway and towards our cars.

  Our heads pop up when we hear a truck starting, as we head for our cars. We watch as Caleb backs out onto the street, his window is down, and his eyes are glued to us as he slowly rolls by. I don’t miss the way his eyes widen when he sees Aiden’s Mercedes. I see Aiden’s amused expression as he kisses me on the cheek before landing a swift slap on my ass.

  Caleb scoffs before taking off down the road.

  I swat Aiden’s chest playfully. “Quit torturing the guy.” I giggle as he throws his head back in laughter.


  “Oh, my. Eww!” A familiar voice screeches as the elevator doors open.

  I blush as Aiden pulls away, letting go of my hands which he pinned to the wall. I shiver as I remember the feel of his lips on my neck, his stubble on my skin and his firm arms holding me down as I playfully struggled to get free.

  “I can’t move.” I had complained, wanting to run my hands through his hair.

  He smiled against my neck. “I prefer you that way.” His teeth grazed my bottom lip. “I might as well take you here.”

  I peek around Aiden’s shoulder to see a grossed-out Ashley. I take his hand and pull him into the living room. Ashley runs over to me as Aiden rubs a hand down his face in frustration.

  She rolls her eyes at him before hugging me. “I came to see MY best friend. I haven’t seen her in days since she ran away.” She pulls back, giving me a stern look.

  “I texted you constantly,” I remind her. But from the way her eyes shimmer, I can tell it isn’t enough. Mine are burning too, I feel the same way.

  “I’m so happy you’re okay. I’m sorry I left. Everything happened, and I just kind of just blanked...I’m sorry.” I say in a small voice.

  She wipes her eyes and shakes her head. “I get it, Em.” She rubs my shoulder sympathetically. “We’re okay though and look!” She gestures over to a man I hadn’t noticed. He’s extremely tall with a serious expression stuck on his face.

  Ashley grunts. “Moore, please smile at Emma so you don’t scare her.” She laughs as he gives us a small smile before turning his eyes to the elevator.

  “Bodyguard?” I look at Aiden in question, to which he puts his hands up in innocence.

  Ashley launches into a tirade and gushes over Ricky. She’s been helping him heal from the gunshot wound to his leg, updating me every time I texted her asking if they were both okay.

  It’s so nice to hear about a guy who keeps her interest and makes her happy. Normally, the men she chooses aren’t the best fit for her. I hope Ricky will bring a more stable and happier change to her life.

  She heads over to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. “I missed you, Em. Come stay the night with me at Ricky’s!” She squeals.

  Before I can speak, Aiden’s laugh bellows through the room as he makes his way to my side. “Absolutely not.”

  She swats his arm, pouting. “She’s my best friend, Aiden. You can’t just decide for her.”

  I laugh at their sibling rivalry over me.

  Aiden brings his hand to the back of my neck. “Give me an hour with her, and then you can take her with you.”

  Her face contorts in disgust. “Eww. Okay, that’s my cue. Bye!” She runs out the door, a serious-looking Moore locking the door behind her.

  I scoff. “I’m not having a bodyguard with me, twenty-four seven.”

  Aiden studies me before smirking. “Emilia Achelois Banks, don’t use that tone with me!”

  I sigh, throwing a dramatic hand to my forehead. “Please don’t ever tell anyone that,” I beg.

  He pulls me tightly to his body. “Your secret’s safe with me. But you know, your middle name has meaning.”

  I nod. “Yeah, yeah, it means goddess or something.”

  “Actually, it means she who washes away the pain. You’re named after a goddess.” He kisses my cheek. “How fitting.”

  I blush. “My mom is big into astrology and all that. She’s a romantic.” I smile.

  “Seriously though, you will have a bodyguard with you at all times, when you’re not in my view.” He presses his lips to my forehead.

  I nod. Anxiety shoots through me as I realize why I need a bodyguard. That night comes rushing back, but I take a deep breath and push my hand through my hair. It feels greasy and tangled. I shiver at how awful I must look.

  “I’m going to go jump in the shower.”

  “Want me to join?”

  As much as I want him to join me, I shake my head, blushing.


  Aiden’s emerald eyes rake up and down my body as I step into the kitchen, dressed in a short gray robe he bought me. He walks over, dressed in just a pair of basketball shorts, and places his hands on my waist.

  “I knew this would look perfect on you.” He trails his hand against the fabric, grazing the side of my breast. “How bad did you freak out when you saw it hanging next to mine?” He laughs.

  I swat his arm. “That wasn’t funny,” I scold playfully. “But thank you! I love it. It’s so soft!” I caress the material.

  He kisses my neck before pulling away. “Where is my necklace?”

  “Bathroom.” I smile.

  He stalks away and comes back seconds later, twirling it around his fingers. “You’re not to take this off, baby.” He turns me around and places the chain around my neck.

  I shiver as his hand grazes my throat. How can something so simple be so sensual when Aiden’s the one doing it?

  “Better.” He turns me around and plays with the lock.

  We stare at each other for a long moment.

  I wonder what my brain was thinking when I first left. Was it shock? Or fear of being so desperately dependent of this man? “Weren’t you worried I would refuse to come with you?”


  Oh, the confidence. “Why?”

  “I see the way you look at me. You’re just as crazy about me as I am with you.” He places a solitary finger under my chin, making me look up at him. “Besides, I’m too selfish to allow you to leave again.” He plants a kiss on my cheek that sends a shiver down my spine. “Understand?”

  His hands trail lower.

  I swipe his wandering hands away reluctantly and gesture around the room, trying to calm my breath. Get it together, Em. “Are we safe here?”

  His inked hands cup my face protectively, warming me. “Don’t you worry about that. I know I fucked up, but I promise you, Emma. You will always be safe with me.”

  I give a small smile. “I need more than that.”

  He drops his hands. “We buried Maxon while you were gone.” He bows his head.

  I suddenly feel horrible for being so concerned with myself to think about Maxon or how Aiden must feel about losing his driver, but most importantly his friend.

  “I’m sorry.” I place my hand on his arm.

  He gives me a weak smile. “As far as the Mafia goes, all loose ends will be tied up soon. Nothing to worry about.”

  “Umm, you still work for a lot of bad men,” I remind him.

  He shrugs and holds a solitary finger up. “Let’s make it clear. I work for no one.” Authority laces his voice, making me shiver.

�s right; he deserves the credit of how successful he is on his own.

  “And that was my only dealing with someone who would fuck with me. They’re all dead.” He smiles. “No one else would think of coming after you when word of what happened gets around.”

  “I’m not worried about me. I was scared, but I’m terrified of you saving me again and getting hurt. That’s why I left. You charged in that room without fear for your safety.” I try not to cry as he looks at me with the softest expression.

  “I know you’re worried about me, sweet girl, but please don’t.” He plants a kiss on my cheek.

  “Why did they come after you in the first place?”

  He sighs, running a hand over his face. “I was careful since I was dealing with the Mafia. I didn’t want to put myself as the sole investor into their ‘jewelry business’ in case something went south. They buy storefronts and run them as jewelry shops or whatever they choose, but it’s a front for money laundering.”

  “I decided to bring another person in to do the heavy lifting, someone who was familiar with their world. I thought I could trust him, but I was wrong.” He props his elbows on the countertop.

  “Long story short, Vinny had a daughter. She was only sixteen. My guy, Frank, went to their house one night to get him to sign some papers. They weren’t home, but Vinny’s daughter was. Some things happened and they got romantically involved. Fast forward a few months, Vinny’s daughter, being the young girl she was had already moved on to another guy and wanted nothing to do with him. Frank didn’t like it too much, so he…” He pauses, studying me. “He killed her.”

  I gasp.

  He sighs. “Last time I’ll ever use someone I don’t know personally to invest with me.”

  I shake my head. The poor girl, “But that’s not your fault.”

  “To them, it is, or was. The Mafia works like a family. In their mind, anyone you do business with is family. So, since I did business with Frank–”

  “They look at you like you’re his family.”

  He nods. “An eye for an eye.”

  “Is there anyone else I should be worried about?”


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