Kick the Drink Easily!

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Kick the Drink Easily! Page 22

by Jason Vale

  Some people have described it as one of the best feelings they have ever had. Oh, the joy you have to look forward to. Don’t wait for it to happen, the minute you finish that final drink, you cut off the supply and you are:


  Why wait to celebrate? If the whole object is to say ‘Isn’t it wonderful, I don’t need to drink any more’, then why not say it from the start? John McCarthy didn’t wait to celebrate and neither did Nelson Mandela, so why should you? When I passed my driving test, I didn’t avoid telling anyone in case I couldn’t drive next week. I knew that by next week I would be a better driver than I was when I first passed. That is why, if anybody asks why you aren’t drinking, you should tell them the truth from the start. Tell them ‘Because I don’t want to any more’ or, more importantly, ‘Because I don’t have to any more.’ If you do this then you can help me with my vocation in life which is to help every drinker in the world see alcohol addiction for what it actually is, so that we can finally …

  End This Madness

  On this tiny island alone, in the next fifteen to twenty minutes (and every fifteen to twenty minutes after that), there will be two drink-driving convictions and two emergency medical admissions, one admission to a psychiatric hospital and one death due to alcohol. As I write this line in this updated version of the book in September 2010, the Daily Mail had the headline ‘Drinking puts 1,500 in hospital every day.’ The article reports on a new study from Liverpool John Moores University which states that in 2008/9, 606,799 people were admitted to hospital with drink related problems. Some were treated more than once, leading to 945,469 total admissions. It is worth noting that visits to casualty units were NOT included in this figure. This would have taken the toll to way over one million people! Between 2006 and 2008, liver disease alone claimed the lives of more than 11,000 men. Cirrhosis has increased tenfold since the first edition of this book was published and in 2009/10, alcohol was responsible for nearly half a million crimes in England. The report also says that alcohol is now responsible for around 15,000 deaths a year but there is no question that the real figure is even higher. Professor Mark Bellis, one of authors of this damning report, is quoted as saying: ‘The price we pay for turning a blind eye to the real extent of alcohol abuse across England is reflected in the new Local Alcohol Profiles for England and it is a price that is paid especially by the poorest communities.’ He also adds: ‘It is time to recognise that we are not a population of responsible drinkers with just a handful of irresponsible individuals ruining it for others.’ It is said that it’s those who abuse alcohol who have the problems but nobody ever abuses alcohol; alcohol always abuses its victim as well as its collateral victims. Any form of drug addiction physically and mentally abuses its victim; it is never the other way round.

  Alcohol probably kills well over a million people around the world every year. Nobody knows the exact figure as it is so hard to gauge. Every day it destroys millions of lives in so many different ways. In 2009 our own government earned over £8.7 billion from a disease we know kills 9,000 of its own people every year and destroys the quality of life of millions of others. The industry is allowed to spend over £200 million every year advertising this drug in the UK. Alcohol is responsible for more suicides, more murders, more rapes, more beatings, more physical and verbal violence, more sexual abuse, more divorces, more financial ruin and a general reduction of quality and length of life both for the addict and those around them than any other drug in the world. What is more, it is legal. Even our children’s lives are being shaped by passive drinking as we speak.

  Alcohol drags society down in ways that have never truly been understood until now. It is the biggest confidence trick to fool mankind ever and it must be stopped.

  You will now do your bit to help just by being free. You are literally at the start of a massive shift in society’s perception of alcohol. You are one of the elite, one of the few who can now see alcohol for what it really is. You are the new advertising campaign. We are only just beginning to change our perception and attitude towards the world’s most used and accepted drug. You can help me to help others become aware of the trap they are in, so they too can be free and it is not just accepted that future generations will become dependent on the drug. It should not be the ‘norm’ to drink alcohol but the other way round.

  Just by gaining your freedom, you will be helping to shift attitudes to alcohol in the same way as happened with smoking. Smoking was also seen as ‘cool,’ ‘big,’ sociable and an adult thing to do for many years. The perception of smoking is now very different. At one time over 60 per cent of the population was smoking; it is now 30 per cent and dropping. Alcohol needs to go the same way because passive drinking destroys more lives than passive smoking ever did. Alcohol does nothing but destroy people mentally and physically. I am just a normal person who has found freedom but I believe I am the most passionate person in the world about this subject, and I will do everything in my power to help as many people as I can to break free from this slavery. My vocation is to cure the world of this disease.

  What is the best way you can contribute? It is simply by being you – going out as usual, enjoying meals as usual and doing all the things you always did. When others see that it is possible to be free, when they see that you can easily enjoy life to the full without alcohol and they see that you don’t need it, when they see you looking better and feeling better, they will realise. When they see that you have more confidence and, more courage, that you are more relaxed and that your life has improved in every single area, they will want to be part of it too. It’s contagious.

  Do not become a ‘holier than thou’ ex-drinker as there really is nothing worse. Always remember that you were there once so do not be too quick to judge. Anybody who is getting drunk around you is not choosing to drink; they have to drink. Just because they believe it’s their choice does not change the reality. This is why prohibition did not work and never could work. You cannot solve the alcohol problem by banning it or trying to pretend it is not there. Once you have been deluded by alcohol, insecurities inevitably follow. The addict is then duped into thinking that they cannot enjoy or cope with life without alcohol. Choice does not come into it which is why it is no good giving drinkers an ultimatum like ‘Either the drink goes or I go.’ The poor addict will pick the drink, not because they choose to but because they have to. They feel as though coping without you would be less painful than coping without their crutch. If you ban alcohol, drinkers will want it even more as it becomes the CAN’T syndrome on a massive scale or the forbidden ‘gone off’ fruit.

  All you need to know is that most drinkers you meet, whatever the situation, will secretly envy you. They will want it even more when they see just how happy you are to be free. Some will expect you to get uptight about not drinking and expect you to mope around or at least whinge a bit. However, they will realise that you are not opting out of life but going out and enjoying yourself just as before. They will think that you are incredible, unique, special and superhuman. The most important part is that you will be feeling these things yourself.

  The drinkers around you will want to be part of it. I am seeing a change around me all the time. People who before wouldn’t even have contemplated giving up drinking are now either stopping or at least questioning their drinking like never before. They may not say publicly that they want to be free for fear they couldn’t achieve it but the effect you will have on those same people will be contagious. Everyone will soon want to know how you did it. You can start your own revolution.

  It may take time for society to make this shift in attitude but it will happen. When it does you will know that you have helped in that process. You will help others realise that people just do not need alcohol. Then, instead of them dragging you down, you will lift them up. However, you cannot force anyone to stop. There are still members of my family who drink (they haven’t read this book yet!). This is painful for me as I can see they are in a sinkin
g ship and missing out on the juice of life. Yet, if I were to throw them a life jacket I know they would simply toss it back to me. It is not that they are being difficult; it’s because of the fear and insecurity created by the drug that keeps them hooked. It takes a lot for people to read this book or come to my clinic for a session. I admire you for overcoming your fears, reading the whole book and making the concrete decision to break free for the rest of your life.

  You now realise that there is no reason why anyone should find it difficult to stop drinking. It is so easy when all the brainwashing and illusions have been removed but please remember that others may not understand – yet. So, if you were to turn into an evangelist, you would not be helping them, nor does it help to pressure them. Simply be yourself and enjoy your freedom. They will soon pick up the book and, like you, be in a position where they can finally take control of their own lives and experience a full and enjoyable …



  One of the biggest joys of being free is the sudden realisation that everything we will ever need is within us already. We have the ability to meet every challenge. We have the courage to overcome any fears. We have the capability to feel joy and happiness at a moment’s notice. We have the finest drug in the world in its purest form already within us and it’s free of charge. It is called the life force. It is the buzz we get from being alive, growing every day and embracing new opportunities. Alcohol literally destroys that life force. It slowly makes you die inside. If you are not growing, you are dying; there is no in-between. Drinkers have no idea just how much the drug is affecting them or how much it rules so many aspects of their lives. They look around and see that they are pretty much the same as everyone else. That is the problem; you don’t want to be the same as the majority of the population, you want to be ALIVE, not just ‘another brick in the wall’ as the Pink Floyd song goes. Most people are missing out on the juice of life. Most people survive but don’t really live. Most people have stress but not challenges. Most people are hooked.

  Stress only becomes stress if you are not strong enough to handle it. A drinker will always be more mentally and physically stressed than they would be if they didn’t drink. Wouldn’t it be lovely if there were a product which could:

  Help us relieve stress in an instant

  Give us courage in an instant

  Generate confidence in an instant

  Make us happy and joyous in an instant

  Relax us in an instant

  Improve our social skills in an instant

  Drinkers are deluded into believing that alcohol can do all this and more. Not only does alcohol not provide any of the above but it does the exact opposite.

  The good news is that there is something that can achieve all these things in an instant and it is called the mind. How we think creates every emotion we have and all of us have the ability instantly to tap into any emotion. Children do not need alcohol if they get stressed yet one of the most stressful periods for any human being is early childhood. Unfortunately many children are affected by passive drinking, so the natural tendency is for them to reach for their own kind of escapism at some point. The illusions created by the drug confirm their conditioning that alcohol will provide them with their needs and their genuine courage and confidence are destroyed early on. It happens so slowly for most that they don’t even realise it. The sad thing is that they believe the opposite; that alcohol is giving them courage and confidence when, in fact, they are slowly dying inside.

  Without challenge or fear in your life you have no grounds on which to build or use courage. Without courage you can never grow, you can never learn and build. Without fear you slowly wither away inside. Alcohol destroys courage. It removes natural fears and creates additional fears and insecurities that shouldn’t be there. It slowly kills people physically but, more importantly, it kills them emotionally, little by little each day. Challenges or stress are wonderful tools to help shape you and make you who you are. You will now start to grow in ways beyond your comprehension and be much better equipped to take them on as stress is an emotion like any other without which you wouldn’t grow. Challenge is now like a game I cannot lose because the person I am can never be taken away. We are born with the gift of emotion and happiness, love, joy and fulfilment are ours in a second if we want them. When you drink alcohol you rely on it to provide you with these emotions but it never does. Alcohol does the complete opposite.

  I have seen people who stop drinking but go on to replace it with another drug. You do not need a replacement for drug addiction and you definitely do need a replacement for a disease that simply gets worse and worse and eventually becomes a living nightmare. If you feel you need another drug to replace alcohol then you have missed the whole point. You definitely do not need any drug. Everything we need for fulfilment, joy and happiness is right here, within us. We can have them whenever we wish, if we just tap into our inner resources.

  You definitely do not need any drug. Everything we need for fulfilment, joy and happiness is right here, within us.

  Life could be a hundred year long holiday. Sometimes people believe they got a lousy deal; that their tour operator went bust, leaving them with a holiday from hell. What they fail to realise is that we are our own tour operators which means we can design the holiday of our dreams, so take charge of your life each and every day. We are all so busy working for tomorrow that we sometimes fail to appreciate today, this moment and each second of our lives. Many people play the ‘I’ll be happy when …’ game: ‘I’ll be happy when I earn this amount of money,’ ‘I’ll be happy when I get this new car’, ‘I’ll be happy when I reach the top,’ etc. Always living in the future misses the present. I still play the ‘I’ll be happy when … .’ game, but I’ve changed the rules slightly. Now I’ll be happy when … ever I want.

  Life means life and now that you are breaking free you will always feel more alive both mentally and physically. This gives you the resources to tap into a quality of life you had forgotten even existed. Alcohol drags people down so much that they simply accept an inferior way of life. I had no idea just how much alcohol was affecting every area of my life because it happened so gradually and I was comparing myself to other people. I can now compare myself to my old self. I now have more money, much better health, more peace of mind, more self-respect, more courage, more confidence and so much more physical and mental energy that it’s a joke. As well as that, I have my true freedom back again. I’m me and loving it.

  Enjoy your freedom and never go back to drug addiction, no matter how long you have stopped. The facts about alcohol never change. Enjoy the highs and learn from the lows.

  To make sure that you have lifelong success here is …

  The Final Warning

  The book is rarely ever the same twice. I just want to repeat that again as it is a very important part of the book …

  The book is rarely ever the same twice.

  It is easy to stop drinking and to stay stopped, providing you understand that the book is rarely the same twice. I cannot repeat this point enough. I have said that if you follow all the steps then you will be free forever. You need to understand this point more than any other. It’s easy to stop drinking but it is mental and physical torture to try to control it. This is because alcohol is a drug and the nature of any drug is to take more and more. If you ever believe that you want to control it, you have missed the point. It means that you haven’t fully understood the nature of the beast ‘alcohol.’ Remember that you no longer want to have to exercise control which is precisely why you stopped.

  The only danger with this book is that it could make it easy to stop. How can that be a danger? People who find it easy to stop can find it easy to start again. This is a category you do not want to find yourself in as the book will not work a second time. This is because the book is rarely the same twice.

  If you were ever curious enough to have a drink and thought to yourself, ‘Just one w
on’t hurt. After all it was so easy to stop that even if I did get hooked again, it wouldn’t matter as I now have a way out. I will simply re-read the book.’ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

  The information in this book is new to you at this moment. What I mean is that it has been presented in such a way that your brain responds by thinking, ‘Wow, I have never seen it that way before. That makes so much sense.’ This book is designed to inspire and excite you because of its sheer simplicity. If you were ever to get caught again and tried to re-read the book, the information and the way in which it is presented would no longer be new. You would find yourself skipping pages thinking, ‘Oh, I know that, I know that.’ You would then reach the end of the book and say it doesn’t work any more. The book never changes, only the way in which the person reading it perceives the words. This doesn’t mean there isn’t a possibility the book could work again if you fell back in, I am just saying don’t risk it.

  Your perception would be different because your brain would never read it the same way again, no matter how hard you tried. But why would you ever want to read this book again anyway? You would only ever need to pick up this book again if you were drinking alcohol again and why on earth would you ever want to do that?

  This book is not a safety net, so do not use it as such. This is a key instruction. If you feel as though you need a safety net ‘just in case’ then, again, you have missed the point. Remember, just one drink will cost you over £100,000 and keep you as its slave for life. It will destroy you physically and mentally and affect your entire quality of life forever. See it for what it is and, that way, you cannot crave slavery, misery and the depletion of your mental and physical life. You can only jump for joy to be free.


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