by Jason Vale
You picked up this book and read it because you were, either consciously or subconsciously, looking for an escape from the alcohol trap. You have found one, so use it. Once you are free it would be ludicrous ever to go back again, especially when you know that it does nothing for you and that the chances of an easy and enjoyable escape the second time are virtually nil. So unlock that prison door, lock it behind you and throw away the key.
Alcohol addiction is an ingenious confidence trick and intelligent people do fall for them but what kind of person would ever fall for the same trick twice? Nobody, especially if they knew for certain that their life depended on it. The impact of this book would never be the same for you if you were to have just ‘one’ drink. Keep the book by all means. It can be a tool if you need to reverse any brainwashing should it start to creep in. Never underestimate the power of that insidious brainwashing. Counter it if you ever feel it rearing its ugly head but, if you do have just the ‘one,’ forget it; it’s over. I have written this book because I am adamant that I want to see an end to the completely unnecessary suffering alcohol causes its victims and society in general. I am committed to helping the world get free forever; not simply for a few weeks.
The world’s perception of this drug will change but it will take time to change such an ingrained belief system. You will be an ambassador for that change. We are just at the beginning but, as your friend, I urge you always to enjoy your freedom and remember how lucky you are to be outside the prison. Keep it very clear in your mind that, no matter how long you have stopped, the grass is not greener on the other side. You already know that it isn’t which is why you are reading this book. Do not look back through rose tinted glasses as the facts about alcohol addiction never change. The drug will always remain the same, no matter how long you have stopped drinking. It is a drug and that is why there is no such thing as one drink for anyone, not just you.
If you hit a moment of stress and someone offers you a drink, you need to understand that you are already stressed enough. The last thing you need is a lifelong addiction to add to your stress. More importantly, you will now know for certain that it would never resolve the stress; in fact, as with everything else, alcohol would do the exact opposite.
You were stuck in a mental prison. Now that you are free you should not think you have left anything behind. If you returned to look around the prison you would realise straight away that there was nothing there but by then it would be too late. As you turned to leave the door would shut tight and lock you in. The key to lifelong success is to imagine the prison with glass walls around it so that you can see that there is nothing inside long before you even contemplate having that one drink. Looking into the prison through glass walls is a great reminder of why you wanted to quit; why you wanted to escape. That way, once again, you will remind yourself of just how great it is to be free.
There are so many advantages to being free that you will simply have to discover them for yourself. However, the biggest gain for you is this:
You started this book thinking that you were different to everyone else; you can finish this book knowing you are. How exciting is that?
People come to my sessions full of doom and gloom. This is because society has established the rules that dictate they are different. Apparently these people should feel ashamed because they have fallen for the same confidence trick as the majority of the population. The problem is that, when they first join my sessions, they do feel ashamed. They have reached rock bottom and they come in feeling as though they are in a no-win situation. What they don’t understand when they first arrive is that they are way ahead of the game. They have already realised they are trapped and, given the choice, they would love to escape. I help give them that choice. Within no time at all it begins to dawn on them that they are in exactly the same position as everybody else; hooked on a drug. They leave knowing they are not the same as everyone else, because they are no longer hooked. Once this has been understood, it is one of the best feelings in the world.
Thank you for sharing your time with me and having the courage to finish this book and make the very easy jump to freedom. You are achieving something truly amazing. Every time I hear of someone breaking free, I get tremendous satisfaction. I would love to hear from you. It would give me great pleasure to hear about your freedom and comments on your own experience. I may even meet you personally at one of my retreats in Turkey or Portugal. If, for whatever reason, we never do get the chance, I wish you a truly extraordinary life.
Best wishes
Jason Vale
For more information please phone 08451 30 28 29 or email [email protected]. You can also visit my website
First published by
Crown House Publishing Ltd
Crown Buildings, Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, Wales, SA33 5ND, UK
Crown House Publishing Company LLC
6 Trowbridge Drive, Suite 5, Bethel, CT 06801, USA
© Jason Vale 2011
The right of Jason Vale to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
First published 2011
Originally published as Stop Drinking 4 Life, Easily!
(Original ISBN: 0954766407)
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British Library of Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue entry for this book is available from the British Library.
ePub ISBN: 978–184590713–6
Mobi ISBN: 978–184590712–9