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Heart Stopper: Rebels of Rushmore Book One

Page 25

by Hercules, Michelle

  I knock on the doorframe. “May I come in?”

  She stands abruptly, pinching her lips together. I don’t know what I did, but she clearly doesn’t like me very much. Either that asshole Blake talked trash about me, or she has premonition powers and suspects my mother is responsible for her unhappiness.

  “Of course.” She glances to the side. “Come on, Ben. Let’s give them some privacy.”

  I step out of the way to let them through, and then I close the door. I don’t want anyone eavesdropping on this conversation. Stepping forward, I steel myself for the image of Charlie in a hospital bed, but it does nothing. When I see her bruised face and her leg in a cast, my chest feels like it’s caved in.

  “Charlie,” I murmur.

  She smiles weakly. “Hey.”

  I move to the side of her bed but refrain from touching her. I’m not sure if she’ll let me. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  “No. They gave me super-strong sedatives. They’re going to make me sleepy, but I wanted to see you before the drugs dragged me to dreamland.”

  “I’m here, babe.”

  “Troy, I’m so sorry for going total psycho bitch at the party. You didn’t deserve how I treated you.”

  A wave of relief washes over me. She’s not mad at me anymore. But the sentiment quickly vanishes when I remember the worst of the storm is yet to come. I push those negative thoughts to a corner of my mind, out of the way but easily accessible. A time will come to deal with them, but not right now.

  I take Charlie’s hand in mine, squeezing lightly before I lean forward and kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry, darling. I should have come after you, not taken off like a coward.”

  “No, you were right to give me space.” She cups my cheek. “I love you that much more for that.”

  My breath catches, and then a slow grin unfurls on my lips. “You love me?”

  “Very much so.”

  “It’s the first time you’ve told me that, you know?”

  Her brows furrow. “No it’s not. I told you yesterday.”

  “Kind of.” I run my hand through her hair, unsurprised to see it tremble a little. “When I got the call about you, I got so scared. It was one of the worst days of my life. If anything worse had happened to you, I….” I shake my head as the guilt of Robbie’s death becomes a million times heavier. “I couldn’t live with myself.”

  “Troy, what happened wasn’t your fault. Just like Robbie’s death wasn’t.”

  I recoil as if she’d struck me. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “Not the details, but I can read a guilty heart when I see one. Why do you carry such a burden?”

  I walk away, giving my back to her. “It was my fault Robbie died, Charlie. I was supposed to be watching him in the pool. I got distracted, and he drowned.”

  “You were only eight when it happened. No parent should put that responsibility on a child.”

  I laugh bitterly. “Oh, my parents were the first ones to put the blame on me.”

  “That doesn’t make it true.”

  My eyes burn, and the lump in my throat becomes too large. I can barely breathe. “In this case, it does, Charlie.”

  “Troy, look at me.”

  Crossing my arms, I look over my shoulder. Charlie’s blue eyes are brighter than before, and tears have left streak marks on her cheeks.

  I turn fully and stride back to her side. “Babe, don’t cry for me. I’m not worth it.”

  “You’re worth these tears and a million more. I’m so sad that your parents let you grow up with that terrible guilt. You’re a good person, Troy. Much better than me. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you.”

  I carefully capture her face between my hands and softly kiss her on the lips. “You’ve got things twisted around. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.”

  The secret that her father asked me to keep comes to the forefront of my mind, making my statement even truer.

  She chuckles against my lips. “Fine. Then we’re both undeserving rascals who are perfect for each other.”

  A knock on the door makes me straighten up. Charlie’s mother is back and still sporting an unfriendly look.

  “Charlie needs to rest. You can come back tomorrow.”

  “When can she go home?” I ask.

  “In a few days.”

  “I can turn the office room downstairs into a temporary bedroom for you,” I tell Charlie.

  “Oh, she won’t be going back with you. She’ll be staying with us for a while.”

  “Mom, I didn’t agree with that,” Charlie complains.

  “Hush now, honey. You need to rest.” Her mother fusses over her, adjusting her pillow and then lowering the bed.

  “You should stay with your folks for a while, sweetheart,” I tell her softly. “It’ll be good for you. I’ll come visit every day until you’re ready to come back home.”

  Her mother narrows her eyes, but mercifully, she keeps any retort to herself.

  Charlie’s eyes are already getting droopy when she replies, “Okay.”



  It’s been a week since my accident, and Troy has come by every day to see me. I couldn’t fight both my parents when they insisted I recover at their place. Dad patched things up with Mom and moved back. Funny how I don’t consider their house as home anymore. The house I share with Troy is home. No, that’s not right either. He is home. He once confessed I was his endgame. Now I know he’s mine too.

  Blake, Fred, and Sylvana have come to see me as well, but never at the same time as Troy. I told Blake that he needed to learn to coexist with Troy because he wasn’t going anywhere. I don’t think he approved of my decision, but he also didn’t argue with me. I’m sure me recovering from an accident made him go easy on me.

  Yesterday, Troy came over straight after the game, and because it was at the end of the day, he spent the night in Ben’s room. Not that he didn’t sneak into my room after everyone had gone to bed or anything. It was fun to make out in my old bedroom like two teenagers.

  The issue now is, it’s morning, and he’s still in my room.

  “Troy.” I shake his arm.

  Troy is spooning my side. His arm is wrapped around my stomach, one of his legs is covering mine, and his nose is pressed against the crook of my neck.

  “Hmm?” he replies.

  “You need to go back to Ben’s room. It’s morning.”

  “Five more minutes,” he murmurs.

  “Psst!” Ben’s head pops around the now semi open door. “Mom is up. Just thought you should know.”

  “Told you.” I give Troy a light shove.

  He rolls over, miscalculates, and ends up on the floor.

  “Ouch,” he blurts out.

  Ben snorts. “Smooth, very smooth.”

  “Are you okay?” I crane my neck to get a better view. This whole immobility deal is already driving me crazy.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m glad your room is carpeted.” He jumps back to his feet with the grace of a cat, and my body responds, remembering Troy’s fingers between my legs last night.

  Damn it. Now I’m horny again.

  At least he’s wearing a T-shirt with his sweatpants rather than his usual state of undress, but there’s an unmistakable bulge in the front that makes my face unbearably hot.

  I glance at the door and let out a relieved breath. Ben is already gone.

  “You’d better go before my mother catches you here.”

  “I’m going. Definitely don’t want to lose my visiting rights.” He leans over and kisses me on the lips. It’s too quick for my liking.

  Pouting, I say, “I can’t wait to move back home.”

  “Me too, babe. We’ll try to convince your folks again today. If they refuse, I’ll just have to break you free like the Weasleys did for Harry in book two.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe you know Harry Potter. You’re just a nerd in disguise, aren’t you?”

HP is hardly a qualification to be a nerd. Who doesn’t like it?”

  “Charlie?” Mom’s voice echoes in the hallway.

  “Crap. She’s coming and you’re still here.”

  Troy glances at the door and then back at me. Nonchalantly, he pulls up a chair and sits down.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss.

  “It’s too late for me to sneak out now.”

  A second later, the door opens, and Mom comes in. “Charlie, wh—oh, Troy. I didn’t realize you were here.”

  “Just came in.” He flashes her an innocent smile.

  Mom’s lips become a thin flat line as she watches Troy through slits for a second. She hasn’t warmed up to him yet, and I don’t know why. True, she knows about our rough beginning, but he’s been the perfect boyfriend from the get-go. I, on the other hand, have messed up royally already.

  She turns to me. “I just came to ask what you would like for breakfast.”

  “I was thinking maybe we could eat out today. I’m tired of being cooped up.”

  Troy snorts, earning a questioning glance from me.


  “Sorry, you said, ‘cooped up,’ and it made me think of chickens.”

  I don’t know if I should laugh or groan and end up doing a mix of both. The source of our amusement flies right over Mom’s head, naturally.

  “I guess we could go to your favorite diner,” Mom replies.

  “Really? Awesome.”

  Troy stands up. “I guess I’d better get into the shower, then.”

  “What, you’re not going to help me with mine?” I joke, loving to see Mom’s outraged expression and Troy’s are-you-crazy look.

  “Ha-ha, Charlie. You’re hilarious.” Mom comes to help me out of bed, and Troy uses that moment to make his escape.

  “I was joking, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before.”

  Mom rolls her eyes. “Trust me on this, save your naked moments for sexy times. You don’t want to ruin the magic by making him help you bathe.”

  I wrinkle my nose. She’s right.

  Since we’re talking about relationships, I ask, “How are things with Dad? Is he going to stay for good?”

  “We agreed to go to couples therapy. That’s something,” she replies in a clipped tone.

  “Do you still believe he was cheating on you?”

  It makes me sick to my stomach to ask, but I have to think about Ben. I don’t want my parents to start fighting all over again. And if Dad was having an affair, that’s something I don’t think anyone can get past, no matter how hard they try. Once the trust is broken, it’s gone forever.

  “That’s not something I’m comfortable discussing with you, Charlie. Now let’s get you cleaned up for that boyfriend of yours.” She helps me out of bed.

  “How come I have the impression you don’t like Troy very much?”

  “He took Ben bungee jumping without asking us first, for starters.”

  “Ben already told you that he lied to Troy and bribed the operator to let him jump without parental consent.”

  I can’t believe he’d do something reckless like that, but considering the shitty situation at home, it’s not completely surprising. Ben was only trying to forget about the fighting for a while.

  “It doesn’t matter. He should have confirmed with us.”

  Gee, when Mom wants to be stubborn, she’s worse than me.

  “Well, you’d better get used to him. He’s not going anywhere.”

  Mom locks her eyes with mine. “You love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “I hope he’s worth it.”

  It’s impossible to miss the bitterness in my mother’s tone. It makes me angry that she can’t accept my happiness because her marriage is on the rocks.

  “He is, Mom. Troy is worth everything.”

  * * *

  An hour later, we’re finally heading out of the house. My stomach is glued together already, making me regret I ever suggested going out for breakfast. Every little task takes forever with me hopping on one foot. I’m still getting used to my crutches, and Troy doesn’t know if he should help or laugh.

  “At that pace, we’ll get there for lunch,” Ben pipes up.

  “I don’t know, buddy. I think dinner,” Troy piles on.

  I scowl at them. “Shut up, you two. This is hard.”

  “Do you want help, honey?” Dad steps closer, but I shrug his outstretched hand off.

  “No, I have to practice. I don’t plan to sit around the house until the cast is off. I have classes to attend.”

  “Maybe we should take two cars,” Mom says as she joins us outside. “More room for you in the back, Charlie.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but Troy cuts me off. “I’ll take my car.”

  “Then I’m coming with you,” I say, earning a disapproving glance from both my parents.

  “Me too,” Ben chimes in.

  I can see them both gearing up for an argument, but the sound of a car fast approaching draws our attention to the road. This is a residential street; the speed limit is only thirty. Who’s driving like this is a Formula One track?

  A red sportscar stops in front of our house, burning rubber as it comes to a halt too abruptly.

  “Son of a bitch,” Troy mutters.

  Dad takes a step forward, and a second later, a blonde hurricane exits the vehicle. Troy’s mother.

  What the hell is she doing here? Looking for him?

  “Elaine, what are you doing here?” Dad asks her. He sounds nervous.

  She laughs derisively. “Isn’t this the picture-perfect image? Jason Fontaine, going out with his precious family.” She staggers on her high heels, highly intoxicated, judging by her slurred speech.

  “Elaine, you need to leave. Now!” Dad grabs her arm and tries to steer her back to her car.

  “No!” She breaks free. “I’m not leaving until I tell everyone what a coward you are.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Mom grits out. “Is she the woman you were screwing, Jason?”

  My stomach bottoms out. Troy’s mother is my father’s mistress?

  I glance at Troy, imagining his shock is the same as mine. But he doesn’t look surprised. His gaze is anguished and filled with guilt when our eyes lock.

  “I’m sorry, Charlie,” he says softly.

  “You knew?” I ask, not daring to believe the truth that’s right in front of my face.

  “Oh yes, Troy’s known for a while, right, son?” his odious mother replies. “But instead of standing by me, you betrayed me. You picked his side just so you could keep fucking his daughter.”

  “Mother! That’s enough.” Troy grips his mother’s arm and drags her to his car. “I’m taking you home.”

  She doesn’t fight him, but even if she did, it wouldn’t matter. The damage is done.

  I turn around too fast, needing to get away from this scene, and almost fall on my face. Ben reaches for my arm just in time and steadies me. My parents start to argue, but I block them out. I just want to get out of here. With Ben’s help, we make it back to the house.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” I say.

  There’s not a chance I can get to a bathroom in time, so I hop on one foot to the kitchen sink and throw up the little bit of food I had in my stomach. My tears come down in rivulets, and even after I quit dry heaving, they don’t stop.

  “It’ll be okay, Charlie,” Ben says.

  Damn it. I’m supposed to be offering him comfort, not the other way around.

  “He lied to me, Ben.”

  “No, he omitted the truth.”

  I whip around to face him, incredulous that Ben is defending Troy. “It’s the same thing.”

  Ben drops his chin to the floor. “I like Troy.”

  His heartfelt admission makes everything ten thousand times worse. I love Troy with all my heart, but how can I stay with him after this betrayal? And even if I could move past it, there’s no erasing the f
act that his mother broke up my parents’ marriage. How can I pick him over my family?

  This is hopeless.



  After I drop off my drunk-ass mother at her house, I call Andreas. I know I won’t be able to talk to Charlie anytime soon, and I need to vent all my frustrations to someone. I don’t disclose anything over the phone, just ask if he’s home. He tells me to come over.

  I find him slouching on his couch, watching football with a beer bottle in hand and a bag of chips on his lap.

  “Where’s Danny?” I make a beeline to the fridge. I can’t do this without a drink.

  “Went to visit his mom.” Andreas glances at me and immediately notices something is up. “What’s with the frown? Did something happen?”

  I chug the beer down, almost emptying the bottle. “Yeah. My mother was screwing Charlie’s dad.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “I’d never joke about something like that. A few weeks back, Jane and I caught Mom with a mysterious man at a restaurant in Manhattan Beach. It was Charlie’s father, only I didn’t discover that until I met him at the hospital.”

  Andreas passes a hand over his face. “That’s brutal, man.”

  “That’s not the worst of the story. The asshole asked me to keep it a secret from Charlie. I mean, how fucked up is that?”

  “Shit. And you kept your mouth shut and she found out anyway, right?”

  I down the rest of the beer. “Yep. In the most spectacular fashion too. My mother showed up at her parents’ house, drunk out of her mind, and spilled the beans. I had to drag her ass out of there before things got worse.”

  “And what about Charlie?”

  I stare at the empty beer bottle while I fight to get air into my lungs. I’ve never felt such agony like this before. “The way she looked at me, man… so broken, and betrayed.” I sigh. “I don’t know.”

  “Dude, it’s obvious she cares about you. Sure, she’ll be mad as hell for a few days, but after you explain you didn’t really have a choice, she’ll have to understand.”


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