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Heart Stopper: Rebels of Rushmore Book One

Page 27

by Hercules, Michelle

  “Charlie, my brother is crazy about you. I’ve never seen a guy more in love with someone than he’s in love with you.”

  I smile weakly. “I feel the same way about him. You have no idea how agonizing the six weeks have been. Which proves that I’m the stupidest girl alive for ever letting him go.”

  “I’m not going to say you weren’t, but I’m also not going to hold that over your head. I’m guessing you want my help with wooing my brother back?”

  “Yes. I want to sweep him off his feet.”

  Jane laughs. “Sure. It’s nice to see a girl making the big, romantic gesture for a change instead of the guy with the boombox outside the girl’s window.”

  “Right? So what should I do?”

  She eyes my cast and furrows her brows. “You know Saturday’s game is the last one in the season, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m aware. I’ve been following the games on TV.”

  “I have an idea, but it’ll require Andy’s assistance and a cheerleader uniform.”

  My eyes widen. “Oh boy. I’m afraid to ask.”

  * * *


  Six weeks have gone by since I moved out of Grandma’s house. I haven’t talked to Charlie at all during that time, but I’ve seen her on campus on a few occasions. Those instances were brutal, and it just made the wound in my chest bleed more. Thank God for football, which has kept me busy. The Rushmore Rebels are kicking ass and taking names. Today’s game is the last one of the season, and it feels monumental. It’s the end of an era.

  The rush of winning games doesn’t compare to being with Charlie though. Nothing will ever compare. Ben has been keeping me updated. He’s turned into our biggest supporter and believes I’ve given Charlie enough time to wallow in her guilt. His words, not mine. Their parents aren’t getting a divorce after all, and my mother has moved on as well. She’s dating a young Hollywood producer. It probably won’t last, but at least her new boyfriend isn’t married.

  A ping from my phone warns me of an incoming text.

  Charlie is going to Golden Oaks this Sunday. That’s your chance.

  I smile at Ben’s message. He’s the best spy. I text him back saying I’ll be there. Despite our breakup, Charlie continues to visit Grandma. I’ve increased my visits too, but I’ve purposely avoided going when I knew Charlie would be there. It was an effort to keep my distance from her, but I didn’t want to ruin everything by putting the second part of my plan in motion too soon.

  On the day we broke up, I had every intention to beg her not to end things. But on the drive to Littleton, I realized groveling wouldn’t work. Charlie’s protectiveness would kick in big time. So I retreated and bided my time, waiting to strike when her resolve to stay away had weakened. According to Ben, the time is now.

  Coach expects us in the locker room in half an hour. Andreas and Danny are already making noise in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. As usual, they’re also chatty and loud, but all I can hear from my bedroom are muffled voices as if they’re whispering.

  When I walk into the room, they stop talking at once and glance at me.

  “What are you girls gossiping about?” I grab a box of cereal and fill a bowl.

  “Nothing,” Danny replies.

  “I can’t believe this is your last game of the season,” Andreas says. “I’m already so fucking sad.”

  I watch him through slits. “Right. Because you’re a big, emotional guy.”

  “Hey. There’s a heart beating underneath all this muscle, bro.” He presses a hand against his chest in an exaggerated gesture.

  “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t cry in your Cheerios, okay?”

  Andreas turns to Danny. “Do you see the shit I have to put up with? You’d better treat me better, bro.”

  Danny shakes his head. “Sure, Andy.” He turns to me. “Is Jane coming to the game?”

  I stand straighter. Danny’s never asked about Jane before. “I think so. Why?”

  He shrugs. “No reason. Just curious.”

  “She asked for six tickets, actually. I wonder who she’s bringing with her.”

  “Maybe your grandma and her two boyfriends,” Andreas pipes up.

  I groan. “Fuck. You’re probably right. I can’t deal with them.”

  “Why? Because they’re sharing her?” Danny laughs.

  “That’s not the problem. The issue is that they love to talk about their sex life.”

  Andreas wrinkles his nose. “Ew. Why did you have to say that? Now I’m picturing your grandma doing the Eiffel Tower.”

  “Thanks for putting that image in my head, jackass,” I say.

  “You started it.” He grabs an apple from the fruit bowl. “Come on. Let’s go. Talking about geriatric sex is not how I envisioned starting my day.”

  “Like it was mine,” I grumble.

  I banish that disturbing visual from my mind and think about Charlie. My heart immediately picks up speed. Tomorrow is the day. If I can’t convince her to give me another chance, then that will be it for us. Which means I can’t fail.



  I’m staring at my reflection in the mirror, thinking I must be crazy. I’m in the middle of the cheerleaders’ locker room, getting ready to perform in front of thousands of Rushmore Rebel fans. This is the grand gesture Jane came up with. With the help of Andreas and his connections, I’m now an honorary cheerleader.

  I pull on my skirt, trying to cover more of my ass. Man, their outfit is skimpy.

  Vanessa Castro, the soccer player I met at the party I went to with Troy, comes over and stands next to me. “You’re looking good, Charlie. The uniform suits you.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I run my hand over the microskirt.

  “Me neither,” Heather, Vanessa’s twin and cheerleader captain, pipes up. “I don’t know how you’re going to perform the routine on crutches.”

  “Please, Heather. All Charlie has to do is stand still and shake the pom-poms while you dance around her. Simple.” Vanessa smirks.

  “Why are you even here? Don’t you have a game or something?”

  Vanessa looks at me, then back at her sister. “I couldn’t pass up the chance to see this performance. Besides, my game isn’t until much later.”

  “I think it’s very sweet that you’re doing this for Troy,” Jackie, a petite brunette, tells me. “He’s such a dreamboat.”

  “You think every guy on the team is a dreamboat,” Heather points out.

  “But they are. Why do you think I became a cheerleader?” She shakes her ass and winks at her friend.

  Lots of smartass comments pop in my head, but I bite my tongue and keep my opinions to myself. They’re helping me, after all. I lock eyes with Vanessa, and she seems to guess exactly where my thoughts went.

  “To be fair, most of the girls on campus are boy crazy,” she says.

  I nod. “I’m slowly beginning to realize that. I’ve been in my nerd cave for too long.”

  “And you still managed to snag the most eligible bachelor on campus.” She smiles.

  “And to lose him.” I frown and look around the locker room. “Oh, I’m so nervous. What if I mess up and embarrass not only myself but him as well?”

  “You’ll be fine.” She squeezes my arm.

  “Sure, sure. That’s why I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

  “If you need to hurl, you’d better do it now. We’re going out in five minutes,” Heather tells me.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did I let Jane convince me this was a good idea?

  * * *


  I’m with my teammates, ready to run onto the field. Outside, the crowd clamors, infusing me with the familiar rush of adrenaline. I’m going to miss this. My only regret is that Charlie isn’t here to see me play. Hopefully, she’ll come to the playoffs. I just have to bring my A-game tomorrow and convince her that we belong together.

  With a roar, we storm the field. The crowd goes wild. The band plays our
anthem, but not from their usual spot in the bleachers. They’re down on the field too. Maybe they’ve prepared something special for today’s game. We head for the bench, and then I notice the cheerleaders are also with the band.

  The music changes to a familiar tune. It’s only when the actual song spews from the speakers, mingling with the band, that I recognize it. It’s “Hey Mickey,” but the lyrics aren’t the original. Instead of Mickey, the singer is saying Troy.

  The band parts, giving space for the cheerleaders to do their routine. Then I see her. Charlie’s in a cheerleader uniform, singing along. She can’t dance like the other girls thanks to her crutches, but she’s shaking her ass to the beat of the song. Her eyes catch mine, and then she winks at me.

  “Dude, is that your girl?” Puck, our linebacker, asks me.

  “It sure is.”

  I can’t keep my eyes off Charlie. I’m afraid if I do, she’ll disappear, and then I’ll realize I’m hallucinating the whole thing. I’m grinning from ear to ear as I watch her perform with the cheerleaders. When the song ends, she heads in my direction. I don’t wait for her to reach me. I run to her, meeting her halfway, and crush my lips to hers.

  The crowd goes even crazier, shouting and whistling.

  She drops her crutches and then throws her arms around my neck. God, I missed her mouth, her smell, the sounds she makes when she kisses me. I’m sporting a raging boner in the middle of the football field in front of thousands of spectators, and I don’t care one fucking bit.

  Charlie breaks the kiss, but her mouth stays close to mine. “I’m so sorry, Troy. I was an idiot for letting my emotions drive you away. Please say you forgive me.”

  “Babe, I told you I’d wait for you.”

  “I was afraid you would realize with time that I wasn’t worth it.”

  “You’re worth it, Charlie. Get that into your thick head. I love you so damn much. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  I kiss her again, even though I shouldn’t. Coach Clarkson is probably about to have an aneurysm because I’m delaying the game.

  Someone taps my shoulder. “Okay, lover boy. You’d better save the make-out session for after the game.”

  I pull back but keep Charlie firmly in my hold.

  Andreas bends over, grabs her crutches from the grass, and then hands them over. “Shit, girl, that uniform fits you like a glove. Maybe you should join the squad.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. I’ve never felt more self-conscious in my life.”

  “When do you have to return it?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I was planning on bringing it home to wash it first.”

  My lips curl into a wicked grin. “Good.”

  We return to the bench, and sure as shit, Coach is fuming.

  “Oh no. Did I get you in trouble?” Charlie asks.

  I chuckle. “Nah. That’s the coach’s normal expression.”

  “I’d better go find my seat. Go break some bones.”

  “Says the girl with her leg in a cast,” Andreas mutters next to me.

  I ignore him, way too fucking happy right now to let his comments get to me. I watch Charlie walk toward the bleachers with Vanessa Castro in tow. I didn’t even know they were friends. I don’t look away until Charlie vanishes from sight.

  “All right, everybody, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s time to focus,” Coach begins his pep talk.

  Knowing Charlie is here to watch me is better than any motivational speech anyone could give me. I’ve got my girl back, and now it’s time to prove that I’m not the unenthusiastic football player she thought I was when we met.

  I’m going to play the best game of my life.

  * * *


  After the game—which the Rushmore Rebels won, by the way—we all head out to celebrate at a pizzeria recommended by Andreas. And when I say we, I mean, Ophelia, her boyfriends, Jane, Ben, and Danny all join us.

  I had the best time watching Troy play. It was thrilling, and also sexy as hell to see him in his element. I lost my voice from shouting so much. I couldn’t believe how wrong I had been about Troy not giving a fuck about football anymore. He was on fire on that field, and now I understand why his fans treat him like a god. He is one.

  It’s almost eleven by the time we walk through the door. Troy made me keep my cheerleader outfit on, and now he’s watching me with that hungry gaze of his that makes my toes curl in my shoes. I thought he was going to pounce as soon as the door closed, but instead, he’s just staring at me.

  “What?” I glance down. “Something wrong?”

  “No, there’s nothing wrong. I just want to drink you in first, memorize every inch of your body.”

  I smirk at him. “I didn’t know you had a thing for cheerleaders.”

  “I don’t have a thing for them. I have a thing for you. The uniform is just a bonus.”

  “This cast makes it uber sexy.” I lift my leg jokingly.

  He walks over, and like they do in the movies, he takes me in his arms and angles our bodies sideways as he kisses me. It’s a deep and fast kiss that leaves me breathless. When he straightens us again, I want to jump in his arms. Too bad it’s impossible right now. But Troy seems to be having the same train of thought as me. He sweeps me off my feet and heads for his bedroom, taking the stairs two steps at a time.

  We don’t speak as he carefully sets me on the edge of the mattress. My body is humming with anticipation, and my fingers tingle with the need to touch him. Wordlessly, he kneels in front of me, opening my legs. His warm hands feel like gasoline over my already burning skin.

  “You know, I was ready to ambush you at Golden Oaks tomorrow,” he confesses.


  “I wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.”

  He runs his fingers up my thighs until they disappear underneath my skirt. My clit throbs, ready for Troy’s fiery touch, but he stops at the edge of the cheer briefs. Desire spreads through my body like wildfire, but it’s my love for the beautiful man in front of me that overflows my heart and takes over everything.

  I cup his face, fighting the tears that are quickly gathering in my eyes. “I wouldn’t have said no.”

  His heartfelt smile is like a caress. “You didn’t need to make a big gesture to win me over. I would have come running with just a simple text.”

  “That wouldn’t have been enough. I messed up, Troy. I let my fear and anger drive you away. I couldn’t accept your love because I was afraid it would hurt my mother and Ben too much. I was a coward.” A rogue tear escapes my eye.

  Troy reaches for it and wipes it off with his thumb. “No you weren’t. It took courage to put your family first.”

  I capture his face between both hands and bring my face closer to his. “Never again, Troy. I’ll never take you for granted again. You’re it for me. Search over.”

  Looking deep into my eyes, he says, “Search over indeed.”

  Then he claims my mouth, and we both silently vow to make up for the lost time.


  TROY – Three Months Later

  Today is Robbie’s birthday, a date that always leaves me unbearably sad and consumed with guilt. But it’s also the first day of a LARP weekend, and after postponing coming to one of those for a month, I couldn’t say no to Charlie anymore. I mean, what’s a better way to distract myself from the torment of my past than by pretending to be someone else for two days?

  The past three months with Charlie have been incredible, but with my looming graduation on the horizon, I have a decision to make. The offer to be an ambassador for a digital media company and travel the world is still on the table. I haven’t accepted it yet because I don’t want to leave Charlie. I want all my adventures to be with her.

  I eye the brochure I picked up from the school administration on my desk. Charlie mentioned once that she considered applying to an exchange program but didn’t because of Ben. I could hear the wistful tone in her voice when she
told me that story. Ben is thriving now, and their parents are doing okay, so there isn’t really a reason for her not to follow her dreams.

  My thinking is also self-serving. We could go to Europe together, using our place there as a home base for our travels. I don’t know if she’s going to see it that way, but fuck it, I won’t know the answer if I don’t ask.

  I grab the brochure and put it in my backpack with my character sheet. Then I glance around my room to make sure I didn’t forget to pack anything. When I make it downstairs, Charlie has breakfast ready—coffee, pancakes, and bacon.

  “Good morning, babe,” she greets me with a big smile.

  “Morning. Wow. Is that all for me?” I set the duffel bag down and circle around the kitchen counter to pull her into a hug.

  “Yep. You need your energy for this weekend’s quest, my dear Gunther.”

  I chuckle. Gunther Crook is the name we came up with for my character. We must have been drunk when it happened.

  I kiss her deeply and would keep it going, but my stomach has other ideas.

  “I guess I am hungry after that morning workout.” I bite her lower lip and then turn around to grab a piece of bacon.

  “Don’t talk like you were the only one who had to work.” She smacks my ass and then saunters out of my reach.

  Charlie’s phone breaks our silly moment, and I’m glad. I was close to attacking her mouth again, which would have led to more sex. Not a bad thing, of course, but I want to get on the road early to avoid traffic.

  She answers, “Hi, Blake.”

  I try to suppress a groan and fail. Blake and I have agreed on a truce. We’ll never become best friends, but we can now be in the same room without arguing… much. It’s hard for me to accept their friendship, but he’s important to her, and I have to understand that.

  Charlie glances pointedly at me, her silent plea for me to be nice. I shove a piece of pancake in my mouth, then smile.


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