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Air Bound

Page 31

by Christine Feehan

  Her soft laughter teased his body—or maybe it was her words. He laid his head back against the porcelain tub and closed his eyes, savoring the sound of her moving around. There was something soothing and comforting about having a woman do small, intimate things such as brush her hair or teeth with her man in the room. No one had ever teased him. No one had ever made him laugh.

  “You know, baby,” he murmured without opening his eyes, “you’ve given me far more firsts than I ever thought possible. I think I really did die when we made love and rose from the ashes a better man.”

  She circled his neck from behind, something he would never have allowed anyone to ever do. “You’ve always been a good man, Maxim. I’m crazy about you.”

  He laid his hands over hers, staying very still, working to keep the lump in his throat from getting larger. “Or just crazy, but that’s all right, if it means I get to keep you.”

  He turned his head to look up at her. At once his heart stuttered in his chest. She had a look of absolute love on her face. Airiana didn’t hold back her feelings or conceal them behind a stony expression. She just gave. Generously. He reached back and circled her head with his arm, bringing her down to him.

  His mouth found hers. Demanding. Filled with his kind of love. Not at all like her gentle unconditional but passionate caring. He was hard edges and so was the love he had for her. He was always wholly focused and very possessive. He was dominant and overbearing and his kiss was the same, pouring his need and hunger into her, taking her response and holding her captive.

  Airiana simply gave herself generously. He felt as if he was a beast she had to continually tame. In her quiet, humorous way, she somehow always managed. She’d reassured him many times she wasn’t going anywhere. She’d given her body to him, she’d followed him time and again, trusting him to lead her, and yet at times, like now, when his love was too much, too overwhelming, he needed to crush her to him, hold her so tight she was imprinted on his skin.

  Damn you, Airiana, for making me feel like this.

  He waited for her condemnation. Her mouth was gentle beneath his, her tongue sliding oh so sensually alongside his. That rush—that fire—spread through his veins and electricity crackled between them.

  Her mouth was perfect under his, her taste wrapping him up in addiction. He craved her the way others might drugs. The depth of his feelings shook him. The passion and love mixed together inside him, welling up like a volcano, consumed him.

  Still kissing her, he turned, standing, taking her with him, lifting her and walking her backward until she was pressed tightly against the wall. He couldn’t stop, even when he told himself to. There was no controlling his need for her.

  Put your legs around my hips. I have to be inside you right now.

  His kisses were burning hot now, feeding the terrible fire that refused to be sated. He needed the flames she provided, that hot, wet core of her surrounding him and taking him into her.

  Airiana circled Maxim’s neck with her arms, linking her fingers behind his head. He had her trapped between his powerful body and the wall, her feet off the ground. He was enormously strong, and she could feel the tension in him, the urgent hunger riding him hard. She should have been afraid. He could do anything he wanted to her and she couldn’t stop him. Instead of fear, there was need and hunger rising just as strong to meet his. She craved his touch, the way his hands felt on her body, the way he was so desperate to have her. She reveled in the fact that his body trembled for hers. That she could make him feel this way about her—that he actually lost his perfect control around her.

  Maxim made her feel as if she were the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world and no one else could ever satisfy him. It was a heady feeling as well as a powerful aphrodisiac. His hands and mouth were everywhere, rough and insistent, a dangerous combination, but one that only added to her pleasure.

  She loved the feel of him out of control. How could she not when he was all about control and discipline? His mouth moved over hers, down to her breasts and back up to her lips. His teeth and tongue were everywhere, inflaming her senses, bringing her to a fever pitch of need.

  I’m not sorry in the least that you feel this way for me, Maxim, I love that you do. I feel the same for you. She wasn’t going to apologize.

  Airiana had grown to care for him, respecting and admiring him and then actually falling in love. It wasn’t the intensity of their situation or because he’d saved her—she knew that with certainty. She loved who he was. Even the man who was still a little angry that he fell so hard and fast for her. Maybe he’d always have flares of anger when his love for her overwhelmed him, but she could live with that. What woman wouldn’t?

  He bit her breast, gently sending darts of fire to her sheath. She nearly convulsed with pleasure. He’d taken the temperature up so much further this time and she loved it. His hand went between her legs, fingers pressing deep to feel her readiness.

  I can’t say, at this moment, that I’m sorry either, he answered.

  He lowered her slowly until she could feel the large head, burning hot and velvet soft pressed tightly at her entrance. So hot. So big. She wiggled her body just a little, trying to get him to speed up. Her body felt overheated and achy. Tension built rapidly, gathering in her very core, a need and hunger only he could assuage.

  Don’t move. Let me do this. This time, you’re going to go up in flames with me.

  She thought she had gone up in flames with him. His voice, so commanding and tyrannical, should have annoyed her, but instead, his tone sent a thrilling shiver down her spine. She tried to comply, trusting he knew better than she did what would feel the best—and she wanted to feel that amazing pleasure again.

  He pressed her body down over him, so that he entered her with exquisite slowness, his shaft pushing through her soft petals, forcing her open to him. Once again there was resistance and burning, a stretched, full feeling, but this time, it was accompanied with a streak of lightning that burst through her mind like a firestorm of sheer pleasure.

  She panted, trying to hold still until he’d filled her completely. His thickness seemed to stretch her impossibly, but beautifully. His length took him so deep she was afraid he might lodge on her stomach before she was fully seated on him.

  When she was completely on him, he held her there, allowing her body to adjust to his size. He nuzzled her neck.

  See, Airiana? We fit. We’re perfect together.

  She wanted him moving. Fast. Hard. She could feel the urgent need in him rising to devour him, and she wanted to go there with him. She threw her head back and lifted her body at the urging of his hands. The ride up was breathtaking.

  She moved down again on his long, thick shaft, tightening her muscles and squeezing to create as much friction as possible. She was learning slowly, little by little, just how to please him. She could feel his body shudder in reaction, the swell of his cock even more inside of her. She tried slow circles as she moved up and down, a slow ride designed to make him insane.

  Damn it, woman. You’re killing me. He sounded harsh, his eyes hooded and heavy with the intensity of his desire.

  He grit his teeth and caught her hips in firm hands, taking back control in one swift movement that robbed her of the ability to breathe. He began surging into her, over and over, hard, deep strokes that sent her into the wall, a counterpoint to his hammering body. Each thrust sent flames sizzling through her body. Tension coiled and grew. Heat turned scorching, searing her. Blood rushed through her veins and roared in her ears.

  He didn’t stop. He was relentless, forcing her beyond all comprehension of lovemaking. Her body just wound tighter and tighter, accepting the wild pounding, helpless to do anything but catch fierce fire and burn with his.

  I can’t stand it, Maxim. It’s too much.

  She’d thought that the last time, and this was far more. Everything about the situation was
more and she knew she’d be forever craving this man and what he could do to her body. She felt her body gathering itself, her temperature soaring. Her breath came in ragged gasps and she became aware she was chanting something that made absolutely no sense, a litany of pleas.

  You’ll stand it. This is us, Airiana. You and me. Just like this.

  His body was incredible, his strength beyond anything she’d imagined. His hands were hard on her buttocks, driving her up and down. Her inner muscles squeezed and gripped, the friction growing hotter and wilder. She hadn’t thought it possible. Earlier she’d felt every bruise she had, now there was nothing but sheer glorious pleasure coiling to the point she was afraid she might lose her sanity. Fear skittered down her spine. How could she feel like this with him and if something happened and he couldn’t settle . . .

  Let go, baby. That’s all you have to do. Just let go for me.

  She was terrified. If she did and her body went up in flames, what would be left? She would be his on his terms, not her own. All along she’d been the one giving herself to him, but this was different. This was a complete takeover. She would need him. Crave him. Be lost without him.

  Airiana. I said to let go. Let yourself go and trust me to catch you.

  Her body responded to his command even when her mind was still questioning her sanity. She felt the first swelling ripple and she heard herself scream as the orgasm overtook her. It hit strong and hard, taking over her body from her breasts to her thighs, sweeping her up in a tidal wave, a tsunami of emotion and sensation all wrapped together.

  Her orgasm was so strong that she took him with her, clamping down on him like a vise, milking the seed from him, so that jet after jet rocketed deep inside her. She actually felt the hot splashes like brands burning his essence into her for all time.

  She clung to him, hearing his hoarse gasp of her name, feeling his body shudder against her, his fingers digging deep into her while their bodies rippled with life and rocketed with an intense pleasure that was shocking.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and held on as if he was the only sanity in a world gone mad. Tiny stars burst behind her eyes, and she fought to get one single breath into her burning lungs. “I’m never going to be the same, am I?” she asked him. “Never. I’m lost somewhere inside you. Or you in me. It’s like we melted together, and now I don’t know where I am without you. How did that happen?”

  Airiana sounded so lost his heart turned over. “You’re safe with me, honey.” He leaned her into the wall so his rubbery legs could hold them both. “That’s exactly how I feel about you. I don’t know how or why the connection is growing stronger between us, but it is.”

  “You can’t get any better than that, Maxim, or I’ll die. Seriously. I don’t think my heart can take it.”

  He rubbed his chin on top of her head. “There’s so much more, Airiana. We’re only getting started.”

  “I don’t think I can walk. Can you? Because one of us has to man up, and it isn’t going to be me. Physically and emotionally I’m totaled. You scare the hell out of me.”

  He laughed softly, tightening his arms around her. “That’s my line, not yours.”

  “Not this time. I need to go to sleep and dream about you again. A girl’s fantasies, not a woman’s. You’re too much for me.” She bit his shoulder hard.

  He laughed again, a strange sensation that told him he loved her stronger than ever. He carried her back into the bathroom and set her down. “I’m going to arrange for breakfast, some clothing for you and a ride home.”

  She leaned against the sink, staring up at him with her blue eyes. They looked a darker blue, more turbulent, and just a little dazed. “I can’t walk. I don’t think I’ll ever walk right again.”

  He frowned, suddenly concerned. “Did I hurt you? I was a little rough for your second time. I’m not a gentle lover, although I tried, Airiana.”

  “I don’t think it has anything to do with how rough or gentle you were. Quite frankly, I love the way you make love to me, rough or not. It’s your size. I think I’ve got permanent skid marks inside.”

  “I’ll run you another bath.”

  “Put some bath salts in it. I saw some under the sink. By the time you come back with breakfast, I’ll be feeling fine again.” She gripped the counter as if she might really fall down.

  Her eye was still swollen, although he’d saturated her body with air each time he woke throughout the night to promote better and faster healing. The bruises still stood out against her skin, but he expected that. Even with a healing session or two, the bruises would have to run their course. He just hoped the pain was gone.

  He ran her bath while she twisted her hair into some intricate knot that women liked to do before getting into the water. The bath salts were in packets, and gave off a lavender scent when he poured two into the deep tub.

  He’d been too long without recon and was a little nervous about leaving her, but she was far safer in the cabana hidden away. Evan’s men had to be searching for them. The Greek didn’t much care for his men failing him, and he’d especially be angry after losing his entire crew and two of his best customers and having his ship boarded by the coast guard. He had guns and drugs aboard as well as evidence of a human trafficking ring. He’d be livid.

  “Don’t use the phone,” he cautioned.

  “You already explained that wouldn’t be safe,” she pointed out, sinking down into the hot water. “Seriously, Maxim, I do have a brain as well as a good memory.”

  She sounded annoyed with him. He was all right with that as long as she listened and did as he told her. One phone call would bring the enemy down on them in a heartbeat. He just needed a few minutes to send an alert to his brothers on their private site. They used it rarely, but all of them checked it often.

  Airiana watched Maxim take a brief shower, just rinsing off, and then pull on clothes. She was grateful he was leaving her alone for a few minutes. He took up space in every room—a lot of space. She was used to alone time and she was fairly certain he was as well.

  Whenever he was near, she saw more patterns than ever in the air around him. He exuded danger. If she hadn’t known he was a Prakenskii, she certainly would have known he was lethal to his enemies, just by the way the air displaced around him. His aura was dark, colors swirling beneath the darkness, but the inky black layer on top was nearly impenetrable.

  She took her first breath of air without him in what seemed like days. She wanted him. She’d practically thrown herself at him, and she had no complaints. She just needed—space. He was wonderful. Magnificent. She felt so ordinary in comparison, yet he didn’t view her that way at all.

  Still, he was bossy. He often got a look on his face that told her if she didn’t comply with his wishes, he had no problem with just picking her up and forcing her to do as he said. She wasn’t exactly a “yes” person. She understood him and his need to keep her safe, but that didn’t mean it was easy—or would be easy—when they disagreed.

  She sighed and splashed the water at the other end of the two-person tub. Life with Maxim wouldn’t be boring, although he might think it was. That was another thing she needed to consider. What if the farm was just too quiet for him? He was used to a high-octane way of life and one could get addicted to that. He could leave her for long periods of time. She had no doubt that he would come back to her—but how would she handle that?

  She shrugged and carefully washed her legs and feet. She would have to. She wouldn’t give him up. If leaving periodically was what he needed, she would find a way to adapt. He would have to find ways to make it up to her, to make himself invaluable around the farm, so everyone missed him when he was gone and welcomed him home.

  Airiana wasn’t the type of woman to go into something with her eyes closed, not after the disaster of her childhood school. She’d been so eager to learn, to explore every possibility she co
uld that she hadn’t taken the time to see what was happening around her. She hadn’t considered the effect of her absence on her mother. Had she been paying attention to the warning signs, her mother might still be alive.

  She hadn’t gone into her relationship with Maxim without giving it a lot of thought. She knew what kind of man he was, but she knew, once the connection had grown into a telepathic form, that he was extraordinary. He might not ever see himself that way, but he would be loyal and unswervingly faithful. He would always try to make her happy. She could see that in his character, through his mind, as well as looking at his aura and the patterns in the air surrounding him.

  She sighed again. He would be a bear when they disagreed and it was inevitable that they would. She pushed her hand idly through the water, glancing out the window. Clouds drifted across a startling blue sky. Her body went still. The clouds rolled gently, forming patterns impossible not to read. There was love there, but there was danger and violence swirling in and out of the love.

  She closed her eyes, hoping and praying she was wrong. The mathematical equations swirling in the clouds told her the violence and danger surrounded her, that it didn’t belong to Maxim nor was it between the two of them.

  She took a deep breath. “All right then,” she murmured aloud. It wasn’t over just because she was going home.

  She let out the water, stood up and quickly dried off. If she returned to the farm, she’d be bringing trouble to everyone she loved. The children waiting there might even be taken back to the life they’d escaped.

  I can feel your unhappiness, Airiana. Talk to me.

  She had reached out to him without even being aware she was doing it. He had to be close to the cabana. She didn’t have much time if she was going to keep them all safe. Hastily she rummaged through his war bag and found the jeans she’d been wearing when he’d kidnapped her. They had a comfortable, homey feel to them as she pulled them over her hips.


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