Snatched Up By A Bad Boy

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Snatched Up By A Bad Boy Page 14

by Prenisha Aja

  “Huh?” I answered with my eyes damn near closed.

  “Man, I’m about to bounce.” Sawyer burst through the door. “Oh, shit. Let me not stop y’all.” He winked and closed the door back.

  I was now ready to go; he had ruined the whole vibe and I felt shamed.

  Clearing my throat, I put a little space between the two of us and ran my sweaty palms across my shorts. “Well let’s go ahead and head out.”

  “Yeah, let’s do that,” Grey agreed, and we walked out of the room and I swear all eyes were on us.

  The guys wore smirks on their faces and one of them threw Grey a thumbs up. I could only imagine how many girls had walked out of that room after being fucked. I shook my head and headed out of the door with Grey right behind me.

  “Ok, I’ll go in and talk to him. It’ll only take a few minutes,” I told Grey as he sat on the driver’s side of my car.

  Before we even got here, we sat in the parking lot of the studio arguing about how he wasn’t about to be sitting on the passenger side of a car, like he was a bitch.

  He gave me the option to either leave my car and we take his or I let him drive my car and I sat on the passenger side of the car where women were supposed to be.

  I had finally realized that I wasn’t going to win with him, so I just let him drive my car, which I had never done before.

  “You don’t need me to go up in there with you?” he asked and at first, I was going to tell him to come on, but I didn’t need Nix trying to throw shade at Greyson.

  “Nah, I got it.” I got out of the car and walked inside of the building.

  There was light music playing as a few workers cleaned and got things ready for tonight. Nix really did have the hottest club on the northside, and it wasn’t one that was ratchet, which was why I was so shocked that people got shot at.

  Sighing, I took in a deep breath when I finally made it to his office door. Raising my hand, I knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” his deep tone ordered.

  I placed my hand on the doorknob and it was like an electric shock went through my body.

  I didn’t know why, but I didn’t like the way being here made me feel. I didn’t know if it was because the last time Nix and I saw each other, it ended on bad terms or what, but I was feeling so weird right now, that I damn near wanted to turn around and just have my assistant come up here. But I was here already, so I twisted the gold knob and entered.

  When Nix saw me, his face lit up because I was pretty sure in his mind, he thought that I was coming here to give in and tell him some shit like, I wanted him. But that was so far from what I wanted.

  “You missed me huh?” his cocky ass asked as he stood up and made his way from around his desk.

  “Nah, don’t flatter yourself. This is all business, nothing personal. I need to book a date, if that is ok with you,” I let him know, and it was like I could see his whole world come crashing down by the way his mood went from all happy go lucky, to now he had a stale ass look on his face.

  “Merci, I don’t mind you booking an event, but I need that again,” he stated as he leaned against his desk and twirled a black pen in his hand.

  “Need what?” I chuckled because he had me fucked up, if he was thinking what I thought he was.

  I had truly fucked up by breaking down and fucking with him again. He lacked mannerisms and he felt like bitches owed him something when I didn’t owe him shit and sure the hell wasn’t fucking him again.

  “You already know what I want.” He smirked as he placed the pen on the desk and got up.

  Nix began to make his way towards me, and I slowly backed up, just so that I could keep space in between us.

  “Stop acting like you didn’t enjoy that shit Merci. You know I make you feel good as fuck. I want to make you do that lil’ thing you do when you bite down on your lip real hard, so hard that it be about to bleed because of how intense that nut you be about to bust be.” He ran his tongue across his bottom lip in a way that used to turn me on but right now, I felt disgusted.

  “Nix, that is not what I am here to talk about. Can you just book the event so I can go please?” I asked of him, but he wasn’t trying to hear it.

  Instead, he rushed me and pinned my arms above my head as he began sucking on my neck.

  “Nix no, move. Stop that shit. That is not what I came here for,” I yelled as I tried to break from his embrace but his big hands and strength, easily kept me locked in place.

  “You weren’t saying that the last time we fucked. Stop playing hard to get and give me what you already gave me before.” He was aggressive, and he began to kiss me against my will.

  “Move Nix. Stop. Fucking stop,” I screamed so loudly that my throat began to hurt.

  “She said fucking stop.” Grey barged into his office and pushed Nix off of me, causing him to fall to the ground.

  I came crashing down to the floor as tears fell from my eyes.

  “You good?” Grey asked me, cupping my face as his eyes scanned me.

  “Yes, just get me out of here,” I begged.

  “Alright, hold on tho’.” He put a finger up and rose to his feet and turned to face Nix, who was still struggling to get off of the floor.

  Grey stood tall. He looked like a giant compared to Nix. He had his fist balled up and I had never seen him like this. It was like he had transformed into the Hulk.

  “When a female says to stop, you fucking stop,” he expressed to Nix.

  “Man, fuck that hoe,” Nix spat as he rose to his feet and stared as Grey.

  Seconds later, Grey had punched Nix so hard that he came crashing to the back wall. Grey began beating his ass so badly that I was beginning to see blood splatter every time his fist connected to his face.

  “Grey, stop. Let’s go before the cops show up.” I grabbed him by his arm, and he snatched away from me as he huffed up and down.

  He was like a mad man and the way he got angry and violent, scared me. I was lowkey ready to take his ass back to his car and go home.

  Grey was walking so fast, that I had to run just to catch up to him. When we got to my car, we both got in and he tossed me my phone into my lap, that I must have left in the car whenever I got out.

  “I swear to God, I wanted to kill him,” Grey roared as he punched my steering wheel making the sound of the horn go off.

  He was so angry, and I had no clue why. I mean yes, Nix had crossed the line, but I was ok, and it wasn’t that damn serious.

  “Grey, calm down, please,” I asked of him as he zoomed in and out of the traffic that was forming on the freeway.

  “Fuck man.” He rocked forward as he drove like a pro.

  I couldn’t even get mad at him for speeding because he drove so fucking well, but he was going to have to slow this bitch down because for one, I didn’t need him wrecking my shit.

  “Can you just pull over and let me drive?” I asked, and the look he shot me, made me want to shut my ass up and just let this man drive.

  Ugh, I thought as I snatched my seat belt and buckled it. All I could do was pray, and plus the studio was only about ten more minutes away. He could then get in his own car and drive how he wanted, and I could get in mine.

  “Ugh, where are we going?” I sat up and asked once I saw that he passed the exit to the studio.

  “Can you just chill out, shut up and let me drive? I’m not going to hurt you,” Grey replied calmly; however, the bass in his voice made me once again not say a word.

  Instead, I rolled my eyes and told myself once we got to where we were going, I was going to hop my ass over in the driver’s seat and burn out.

  Finally, we pulled up to a nice little house that gave me the feel of my grandma’s old house, except this one looked to be new. I also figured it couldn’t have been his because he told me he had just moved into a house over there by where we ran at.

  “What are we doing?” I asked him, and he side-eyed me before he cut the car off and got out of the car.

  Greyson put my keys in his pocket and began to walk towards the house, leaving me sitting in the car. He was acting so different and I wasn’t feeling it. I just wanted him to give me my keys so I could go home.

  Today had already been one for the books and I just needed to go home, soak in a hot bubble bath and sip on me some wine.

  I watched as Greyson entered the house, which left me outside by myself. The sun was setting, and it was slowly getting dark outside. Sighing, I got out the car and made my way to the front door.

  Peeking my head inside, I noticed that the house was fully furnished. It had a vanilla scent lingering in the air and when I walked farther inside, Greyson was sitting at a table with a drink in his hand as he stared at a picture of a woman.

  “You know what’s so crazy?” he randomly said as he sipped his drink and continued to look at the picture.

  “What?” I asked as I walked slowly over to him.

  “She wanted to leave him, and she had finally grown the courage to do so.” He exhaled heavily and downed the rest of his drink that was in his cup.

  “You know, that nigga used to beat my mom.” He placed the picture down and looked at me in my eyes.

  The sadness that he felt could be seen in his eyes, as they sat low.

  “I tried to kill his ass once, but she saved him. I had left after that, but now I regret it because I could have saved her from his punk ass,” he said with anger as he stood up and began to pace back and forth.

  “Fuck.” He picked the glass up and threw it against the wall. He then placed his hands on top of his head, and I felt the need to rush up to him and give him a hug. To wrap my arms around him and let him know that everything would be ok.

  “Grey, it’s going to be ok,” I let him know as he stood there silent.

  “Yeah, I’ve been telling myself that for years now, but it hasn’t gotten any better yet,” he replied. “That’s why I got so mad back there. I hate niggas that be trying to take advantage of women. I be ready to kill they ass,” he expressed.

  I pulled away from him and placed my hands on his sexy face. “Grey, I’m sorry that happened to your mom and I know it isn’t easy. I pray that one day, you can heal from it,” I spoke. “And thank you for protecting me today, I really appreciate that.” I placed a kiss on his lips.

  My one simple kiss turned into Grey forcing his tongue in my mouth and us swapping spit, as he tried to get me out the blouse I had on.

  I guess it wasn’t coming off fast enough because in swift motion, he ripped it. The once-whole shirt fell to the ground and was now two separate pieces, leaving my breasts out in the open, since I didn’t have on a bra.

  Greyson scooped me into his arms with ease and I wrapped my legs around him. He devoured my titties as he walked me over to the wooden table and sat me on top.

  Peeling away from me, he looked at me with so much lust and desire.

  “I really like you Merci,” he confessed, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “I really like you too.” I leaned back a little and replied as my hands held his face.

  “Good, but know I don’t play behind mine and I take this relationship shit serious. I am nothing like them other niggas,” he voiced.

  “And I’m nothing like them other bitches,” I let him know, which caused a sexy smirk to grace his handsome face.

  “Scoot back a little,” he directed.

  I did as he said. Grey then began to unbutton my shorts. I lifted up a little as he shimmied them from underneath me, down my legs and tossed them to the floor right along with the thong panties I had on.

  Just from the look his eyes and the firm grip he had on my body, I felt like he was about to please me in ways that I had never been before.

  He showed passion with every kiss he trailed alongside my neck then down my body until he reached my pussy. I watched with one eye open as Grey got on one knee like he was about to propose to the pussy.

  “Damn, she pretty,” he complimented right before he dived in and licked between my folds.

  My mouth fell wide open causing my throat to become very dry. The moans I wanted to let escape, kept getting caught in my throat as he licked, sucked and finger fucked my pussy.

  My body was shaking and jerking so bad that the table felt wobbly. With my eyes closed, all I could do was hope that he never stopped and wonder what that dick was going to be like since he was such an expert with his mouth.



  It had been a good month and a half since I had left Texas and I swear I was missing it more and more.

  However, Troy and I were doing better. I wouldn’t say that we were A1 because lately I had found myself getting so annoyed with him and always bitching at him for the smallest things but since he didn’t want me to leave, he would find himself brushing it off and basically kissing the ground that I walked on.

  “Hey babe, are you coming to the game I’m coaching tonight?” Troy asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Uhmm…I hadn’t planned on it, but it’s cool. I’ll come,” I answered him as I flipped the channel on the TV and stopped it on BET.

  There was a commercial going on but right after, BET News came on and they began doing their normal talk.

  “Rapper Saw, also known as Sawyer, seems to be the next big thing,” the lady stated as a picture of him flashed across the screen, and my heart began to beat rapidly and I was now flooded with our memories.

  The picture of him was a good one. He had a smile on his face, and he was dressed in a suit and tie. He was looking so damn good that it had me twirling in my seat.

  “I met his baby mama when I was in Texas,” Troy stated, causing me to snap out of lusting over a man that I once had, to give him my full attention.

  “And why are you just now telling me this?” I asked him.

  “It wasn’t important. Just like you never thought it was important to tell me who dropped you off that day, when I was waiting for you at your parents’ house,” he shot back and popped a grape in his mouth and walked out of the door as if the conversation was over.

  I got up and chased after him because I wanted to know more and to pick his brain to see what all did he know, if anything.

  “Troy, we are not done talking.” I stomped my foot and crossed my arms as he hit the unlock button on his keychain.

  “Yes, we are. It’s not a big deal. I got you back here and that’s all that matters. Now, I love you and I’ll see you when you get to the game. I have to head out early to make sure that my team is ready.” He blew me a kiss then got in his car.

  I watched as he backed out of the driveway before I headed back inside.

  When I entered back into the house, I went and plopped back down on the couch. I quickly snatched up the remote and turned off the TV. I didn’t want to be hit with anything else about Sawyer.

  Sighing, I picked up my phone and I wanted to call Merci and talk to her, but I had been avoiding her and not answering any of her calls, since the last time I talked to her and she hurt my feelings.

  With my phone in my hand, I came across Sawyer’s name and number. I hadn’t talked to him and I had blocked his number so that I couldn’t receive any of his calls. The last thing I needed was him calling now that I was back with Troy.

  Leaving me to have to explain to Troy who he was or explain to Sawyer why I left him. I didn’t have the courage to do either.

  I felt like crap right now and I was so deep in my feelings that I wanted to cry. I didn’t feel like going to a game either. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and go to sleep. But if I didn’t show up to the game and show my support for Troy, I would later be hearing about it.

  So, I got up and headed to the bedroom to find me something to wear, even though I desperately wanted to stay at home.

  When I reached the room, I walked over to the closet and searched for something to wear. I decided to keep it simple. A simple pair of blue jeans, a Nike shirt and a pair of Nike shoes. I even bru
shed my hair back into a ponytail. I didn’t even feel like putting on makeup, so a simple coat of clear lip gloss would do.

  Once I was finally ready, which turned into damn near two hours later, I looked down at my watch and realized I was running a little behind schedule.

  Shit, I thought as I quickly grabbed my purse and keys then headed out of the door.

  As I drove my car, I kept looking down at the time because I was so late and would probably miss a few seconds of the game.

  Hitting my steering wheel, I wanted to honk at the cars that were in front of me. I exhaled as I texted Troy to let him know that I was in a little traffic, but I was on my way. After texting him, all I could do was wait patiently in this fucking traffic until it picked up.

  Finally, the traffic had cleared up pretty quickly after everyone passed up the wreck between a taxi cab and some old lady. Everything after was pretty smooth.

  I quickly pulled into the parking lot of the school and got out. I was actually surprised at how packed it was in the parking lot.

  As I entered, I was greeted with waves and big smiles because a lot of the teachers knew me because of Troy. I also didn’t have to pay so I walked right on through.

  Rounding the corner, I stopped when I heard a woman sounding like she was in a heated argument.

  “You lucky I didn’t file charges on your ass, but I swear to God, you are not about to act like my son don’t exist,” she blasted the dude that she was talking to.

  Damn, I thought as I shook my head. I was so happy that I didn’t have that problem. I knew that I would never have to worry about Troy not claiming my child, if I ever blessed him with one.

  “Jadoré, this is not the time or the place,” I heard the voice of a man that I knew all too well.

  “The fuck you mean? You know what. Fuck this shit. I know what I’m going to do. Is she here?” the lady asked as she came rushing from around the corner, running right into me.

  Troy was reaching for her arm trying to stop her from, what I was assuming, coming to look for me.

  It was like my world had just came crashing down as I stared at the little boy in her arms. My stomach began to turn, and I could feel it knotting up as my eyes widened.


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