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Priceless (Finding Love Book 5)

Page 13

by Paris Hansen

Braeden tugged on the bill of his hat. They already seemed to have so much stacked against them. He hated to think that his rivalry with Price was going to add to the mix and make things worse. He didn’t want anything to stand in their way, but it wasn’t only up to him. There was a good chance Andi was going to decide he carried around too much baggage. If that happened, he wasn’t sure there was anything he could do to change her mind.

  “I don’t know why Price takes everything to the next level. Sure, being a senior partner would give me more leeway. It would put me in a better position to make decisions, but I would never go to the lengths he’s gone to. Sometimes, it scares me to think about how far he might be willing to go. I don’t know what his motivation is which makes him extremely unpredictable. I never would’ve expected him to go after you, not in a million years.”

  “He didn’t go after me exactly. I just happened to be a bonus find while he was out looking for arm candy to show off to the clients.”

  “Jeezus. I’m sorry you had to hear him talk about you like that. Hell, I’m sorry you heard any of that garbage. I wonder if Richard knows what they’re up to and the lengths they’re willing to go to get that partner seat. Richard’s ruthless, but he doesn’t play games. I’m not sure how Quinn could say he’s gone soft. He’s changed a hell of a lot since he and Gabriel started to mend things between them, but I would never say he’d gone soft, at least not as far as the firm goes.”

  “I think you need to let him know what I heard. It sounds like they’re into some shady shit and if they get that seat, it’s only going to get worse. They could end up bringing down the entire firm. I’m not a huge fan of the man, but I would hate to see him lose everything he’s worked his entire life for.”

  Braeden contemplated Andi’s suggestion and knew he had to tell his boss what she overheard. There were a lot of people depending on the firm and if Quinn and Price got their hands on things, who knew what kind of damage they’d end up doing.

  “I’ll talk to him after the first of the year when we’re back in the office. The vote isn’t until February, so there’s time to decide what to do about them.”

  “I’ll do whatever you need me to. If you want me to talk to Richard, I will or if you want me to keep dating Matthew until you get things figured out, I will.”

  “Absolutely not. You’re done with that guy as of right now,” Braeden demanded.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Andi asked, the tone of her voice alerting Braeden to his mistake.

  “Shit. I would prefer that you say goodbye to that jackass, but of course, it’s completely up to you.”

  “Much better,” Andi said, a smile pulling at her lips. “I would love to be rid of that asshole. How about I send him a nice breakup text in an hour or so.”

  “You’re going to break up with him over text message? Dang Andi. That’s kinda harsh,” Braeden joked.

  “Oh shut up. It’s the safest way for me to end it at this point. If I saw him in person, I’d probably haul off and punch him. If I talk to him on the phone, I’m likely to go off on him. It’s better I send a text then block his number in my phone.”

  “I like that plan a lot. So, now that he’s out of the way, can we talk about us? I want to move forward with you, Andi. I want us to finally be together.”

  Dropping her gaze into her lap, Andi let out a long sigh. “I want that too, but what if it’s not the same? What if we’ve waited too long? What if what we had is long gone?”

  “Who cares about what-ifs? We’ve got to forget about that stuff and focus on what we know. We’ve still got ridiculous chemistry. If you hadn’t stopped us the other night, we would have spent the rest of that party christening every inch of my office. I know I still love you with everything I’ve got. You’re still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I’m sure there are things we don’t know about each other anymore, but it will be fun to learn all about them. It’ll be like dating someone new, while also enjoying the benefits of a shared history. I’m ready for this adventure, are you?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared. I can’t stop thinking about the what-ifs no matter how hard I try.”

  “What can I do to take away your fear? I can promise you, I’m in this for the long haul. It’s our turn for happiness, Andi. I’ve waited eighteen years for this moment. I’m not going to stop until we get this right.”

  “Yeah, sure. If by waiting you mean you spent the last eighteen years running around like a giant manwhore, then totally.”

  Braeden tried to hide the hurt her words caused. He knew what everyone thought of him. It was exactly what he’d worked hard to portray, but it wasn’t who he really was. Even if he’d slept around as much as everyone assumed, he hated that it made them all look down on him a little. It made him feel like he was a terrible person for looking for a physical connection. Part of him wanted to stand up for the manwhores of the world, but that was a crusade he could pick up once he convinced Andi that they should be together.

  “I may not have become a born again virgin or spent every day pining away for you, but neither did you. No matter what I did, I never stopped loving you. I never allowed myself to even consider falling in love with someone else. And I can guarantee you that my number is nowhere near as high as everyone thinks it is. Looks can be deceiving you know,” he paused realizing that his words could have easily been misconstrued.

  She scowled at him, proving that he was correct in guessing she’d think he was talking about Price’s deception, but he didn’t care enough to correct her. Instead of apologizing like he knew she expected, he continued with his point.

  “I spent the last eighteen years living a lie because I knew deep down that we were meant to be together. So no, I didn’t become a monk after you broke my heart, but I didn’t become what everyone thinks I did either. My law school education didn’t just teach me how to argue a point. It taught me how to shape the evidence and you know I’m damn good at my job.”

  “How do I know you aren’t shaping the evidence now? How do I know that I’m going to be enough? How do I know you won’t hurt me again?”

  “It’s called trust, Andi. How do I know you aren’t going to hurt me again? I don’t, but I’m deciding to put my trust in you, in us. I was about to propose to you, and you broke up with me. You ripped my heart out and stomped on it, not once, but twice. Yet, here I am nearly on my knees, begging you to give us another chance. If things don’t work out, I’ll be devastated, but I’m willing to take that chance because I love you.”

  When Andi finally looked up at him again, her eyes filled with unshed tears. He couldn’t read the look on her face no matter how hard he tried. Was she finally on the same page as him or did she still think they were a bad idea?

  “At the party, you said more than anything you wanted to be with me too. Did you change your mind?” Braeden asked even though he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer.

  “No. I just wish I knew everything was going to work out. I can’t bear the thought of either of us getting hurt again.”

  “Then let’s do everything we can to make sure we don’t hurt each other. To be honest though, even if I walk away from you with another broken heart, at least I’ll know we tried. The not knowing if ours is one of those epic, once-in-a-lifetime loves would eat away at me if we didn’t at least give it a shot.”

  “No wonder you tend to win all of your cases. You’re very persuasive.”

  “That I am. So what do you say? Can we give it a shot?”

  Silence surrounded them as he waited for her to answer. He tried to get a read on her again, but her face gave nothing away. It was frustrating and exhilarating at the same time. His stomach was in knots, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Her answer would change his life, hopefully for the better.

  Her gaze met his, a tear slipping free to travel slowly down her cheek. The damn thing mocked him because he had no idea if it was a happy tear or one of sadness. As a few more fell, he wanted to scream. The littl
e fuckers were taunting him now, fraying his nerves, and making him feel like a crazy person.

  After what felt like a million years, but was only a minute, Andi started to nod her head, a smile forming on her lips.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  “Gee, you make it sound like we’re about to go tackle cleaning out a hoarder’s house. Could you try to sound a little more enthusiastic? I’m pouring my heart out here.”

  “Just shut up and kiss me,” Andi demanded.

  Braeden didn’t hesitate to fulfill her request. Leaning over, he captured her lips with his, as he brushed a hand against her cheek. Remembering where they were, he kept the kiss as chaste as he could muster. It took everything in him not to pick her up and carry her out of the room and down to his car so he could take her back to his place. He had to remember it wasn’t their time; it was Brooklyn and Declan’s. Patience had never been his strong suit, except for when it came to Andi. He’d waited this long to have her back in his arms, in his bed. What were a few more hours?

  In the end, he knew it would be more than worth the wait.



  “I can’t believe how freaking cute my baby brothers are. I didn’t want to let them go.”

  “You were that cute once.”

  “Are you saying I’m not cute now?” Erin asked, laughter tinting her voice.

  “Brat, you know what I mean. We have to enjoy them now while they’re adorable and little. Eventually, they’ll grow up and become giant pains in the ass.”

  They both laughed knowingly. Even though Erin wasn’t as acutely familiar with the pain men became, Andi knew she dealt with her fair share, including her father. Someday, Erin would know the true joy of how much turmoil a man could bring to her life. Andi just hoped Erin would have an easier time of it than she did.

  Silence filled the car for the remainder of the drive to Declan’s house where Erin was staying while she was in town. Her niece was rarely quiet, and Andi doubted she changed that much since she left for college. Every once in awhile Andi would sneak a peek at the young girl. Each time she was staring out the passenger side window a contemplative look on her face.

  As they pulled up in front of the house, Erin sighed. Once parked, Andi turned to face her niece, leaving the car running so they wouldn’t freeze.

  “What’s wrong kiddo?”

  Erin sighed again as she turned to look at her. “I don’t know. I’m probably just tired, but I keep thinking about how much I’m going to miss them and dad and Brooklyn and you when I head back to school. Maybe being so far away isn’t the best idea anymore. Maybe I should move home and change schools.”

  Andi had no idea what to say. This was a much heavier conversation than she’d expected to have after having gotten less than four hours of sleep in the last day and a half.

  “Is something going on at school? Do you not like it in North Carolina?” Andi asked, wondering if there was some other underlying issue that was making her question her decision.

  “No. I love school, and North Carolina is amazing. I’ve got a great job and great friends. I don’t want to leave. I just wonder if I should. Dad and Brooklyn are going to need help with the twins. You’re going to need help with the business. I shouldn’t be on the other side of the country while you guys need me.”

  “Oh, Erin. The last thing any of us want is for you to sacrifice your dreams to help us. We can make it work. I know I can speak for your dad when I say that we would all love to have you home, but only if it’s where you want to be and not because you think you should be.”

  “But I feel like I’m letting you guys down.”

  “That is the furthest thing from the truth, honey. We are so damn proud of you. Not many people can say they took control of their dream then made it happen.”

  “I’m not a vet yet.”

  “No, but there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that you will be someday. The fact you decided as a child that you wanted to be a veterinarian and now you’re doing just that, is amazing. You’ve worked so damn hard to get where you are, don’t give it up because you feel some kind of obligation that doesn’t exist. I know from experience that you’ll regret giving it up if you do.”

  “Do you regret not going to college so you could stay with me?” Erin asked uncertainty filling her eyes.

  “Absolutely not. I never for one second regretted my choice to take care of you. Staying home with you has been the highlight of my life so far. To be completely honest though, I used you as an excuse after a while instead of going after what I wanted. I realize now that I could’ve had it all if I would’ve worked for it.”

  “Lots of people go to college and have families these days.”

  “It wasn’t college that I missed out on. I wasn’t all that interested in it anyway and was only gonna go cause it was expected of me.”

  “Okay, but if not college, what else was there?”

  “The day of graduation, my boyfriend was going to propose. I knew it was coming, but instead of letting him go through with it, I broke things off with him. Not a day has gone by over the last eighteen years that I haven’t regretted that decision. I threw love away instead of fighting for it. I thought I was being selfless, but really I was being selfish, and it cost me far too much,” Andi admitted. “I’m just glad I’m getting a second chance to make things right.”

  “Is this when you tell me that you’re finally going to make Uncle Braeden my actual uncle?”

  Andi felt her cheeks warm as embarrassment flooded her. “What? How did you know?”

  “I might have come back to the waiting room while you guys were kissing. Also, I noticed years ago the tension between you two. Total romance novel level stuff right there.”

  Shaking her head, Andi smiled. “I never should have gotten you hooked on those books.”

  “My love for those books has helped out a lot of people. I give great advice because of those books. Did dad tell you that I told him to read one and he bought one at the airport on his way home?”

  “Ummm…no, he failed to mention that tidbit.”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t too happy about the sex, but he said he learned something that ended up helping him with Brooklyn, so all in all, it worked out.”

  “Oh my gosh, I’m surprised he didn’t get on my case about getting you hooked on sex books or something ridiculous like that. I can imagine how red his face got while he was reading that on the plane.”

  Andi laughed as she pictured just how embarrassed her brother probably was. She needed to know which book he picked up. If she knew her niece, she probably recommended he grab a Kristen Proby book or maybe even a Samantha Young book. Both were terrific authors, and both had some very spicy scenes in their books. Andi would have to remember to ask Declan about his new reading habits when she saw him next.

  “I’m glad you’re giving Uncle Braeden another chance, Aunt Dee Dee.”

  “We’ve got a lot of baggage to work through, but I’m glad we’re giving each other another chance too. I hope like hell it works out.”

  “The way he looks at you when you’re not looking and the way you look at him when he’s not looking? It’s gonna work out. It won’t be easy, but I know it’ll be worth it. You guys were made to be together.”

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  Erin shrugged. “What can I say? I’m very observant.”

  Andi stuck her tongue out at her niece causing them both to laugh. It felt good to talk about what was happening with her and Braeden and to admit she’d been wrong all those years ago. Of course, she hadn’t admitted that to Braeden yet, but she would.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Andi asked after a minute. Although she felt better about life, the conversation hadn’t been about her. Andi didn’t want Erin to make the same mistakes she did.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I think I’m just overtired and excited. I promise I won’t be making any kind of huge life decisions any time soon.”

  “Good. Please promise me that if you do think this is a decision you want to make that you’ll talk to one of us first. Not so we can talk you out of it, but so we can make sure it’s what you really want instead of what you think you should do.”

  “Pinky swear,” Erin said as she held her pinky out.

  Andi wrapped her pinky around her niece’s. “Good. Now let’s go inside and get some sleep so we can head back to the hospital later and see those adorable brothers of yours.”

  Erin smiled at her before they both got out of the car to head up to the house. Despite her exhaustion, Erin bounced with every step she took. She seemed lighter and more sure of herself, which made Andi’s heart double in size. Her niece was the sweetest, smartest, most thoughtful young woman she knew. Hopefully, life wouldn’t change her too much.

  “Hey Aunt Dee Dee, thank you for talking to me about all of this,” Erin said as she stopped in front of her.

  Before she could react, Erin was wrapping her up in a hug. Wrapping her arms around her niece, Andi felt her heart constrict. No matter what happened, she’d never regret giving everything up to be there for Erin. Even knowing how things would work out, she’d do it all over again if given the chance. Andi hoped that being older and wiser would work out in her favor and make the relationship she and Braeden were working toward stronger and better than it ever could have been when they were kids.

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter 8


  “So, wait...let me get this straight. You want our first date to be on Christmas day at Oliver’s parent's house?” Andi asked.

  He could hear the uncertainty in her voice. It made him smile. It felt like years since he’d seen her last when it was truly only a few days. Since the babies were born, she’d been busy helping Erin get the house ready while the twins were still in the hospital. Braeden had offered to help, but she’d wanted to spend time with Erin before she went back to school. Then he ended up getting wrapped up in helping Oliver and his dad get things ready for Christmas.


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