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Priceless (Finding Love Book 5)

Page 15

by Paris Hansen

  “I know,” he said before lining himself up with her entrance. “That just means I’d get to stay down there forever.”

  Laughing, Andi shook her head. “That would be pretty awkward when our friends wanted to hang out or when we have to go to work.”

  “Who says we’re ever leaving this house again?” he asked as he entered her with one hurried thrust. “Oh fuck. Don’t move.”

  Heaven. He was in fucking heaven and he was never, ever leaving.

  Neither of them moved for a long moment. He didn’t want it to end too soon which it certainly would if either of them started to move. Her pussy was so damn tight, so damn wet. It was perfect. She was perfect.

  And all his.

  “Baby...I need you to move...please,” Andi begged her legs tightening around his waist.

  Looking down into her beautiful green eyes, he couldn’t deny her. Hell, he couldn’t deny them both. He needed to feel her clench around him as they found their release together.

  Starting off slowly, he began to slide in and out of her. He pushed one of her legs back, her knee nearly touching her shoulder, so he could drive in deeper. She met him thrust for thrust, her moans of pleasure filling the room. His balls tightened, he was so fucking close, but he couldn’t go over until she did.

  Reaching between them, he circled her clit with his thumb, losing his rhythm as her body pulsated around him. He rode out her orgasm, plunging into her harder, deeper until his body tensed and his cock jerked inside of her. Her walls contracted around him, milking every last ounce of pleasure out of him.

  Spent, he rolled off of her, not wanting to crush her underneath him. His limbs felt like jello and his vision was blurred around the edges. It hadn’t lasted long, but he’d never come so hard in his life. It was fucking glorious and he couldn’t wait to do it again.


  Rolling onto his side took a lot of effort, but he needed to look at her. “Wow. That’s all you got.”

  Andi rolled her head to the side so she could look at him. For a moment he wondered why he didn’t think of that, it would have been a hell of a lot easier then moving his whole body.

  “That’s all I got. You fucked my brains out and now words are hard.”

  “I’ll tell you what else is hard,” he joked, knowing full well it would be awhile before he was ready to go again.

  “Whatever,” she scoffed. “Give me thirty minutes and I’ll see what I can do to make that true.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  Smiling at her, Braeden reached out and pulled her against him. He knew he needed to get up and get rid of the condom, but since his legs wouldn’t work, he figured he could spend his time wisely by cuddling with Andi. His heart raced from the orgasm and the possibilities of what was yet to come that night and for the rest of their lives. He wasn’t going to let her go until they were both exhausted in the best possible way and even then he’d beg her to stay.

  Chapter 9


  “Is this weird for you?” Braeden asked the man standing next to him.

  He didn’t turn to face Declan, but he could tell that Declan never took his eyes off of what was in front of them. For nearly fifteen minutes, they’d been standing in the kitchen watching their women dote on the less than two-week-old twins. It felt ridiculously good to be able to call Andi his woman. He’d waited far too long to have the pleasure. Now he couldn’t stop using it all the time.

  “Is what weird? You and my sister?”

  “Yeah. Is it weird seeing us together?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Declan’s shoulders raise in a shrug. Braeden knew he should turn to look at his friend since they were about to have a conversation, but he couldn’t tear his eyes off of Andi. He loved looking at her, but that wasn’t the only reason he didn’t want her out of his sight. Part of him expected her to disappear like she was a figment of his imagination. It didn’t matter that Declan and Brooklyn could see her or that they were in her brother’s house. He still expected to turn around only to find Andi not there.

  Every time he thought about losing her, it scared the shit out of him.

  “Weird, not really. Gross, yes. I mean you guys haven’t even been dating for two weeks, isn’t it too soon for you to be so hot and heavy?”

  Braeden laughed. “We’re just making up for lost time. You do realize we were each other’s firsts right? It’s not like we haven’t done all of this before...and more.”

  “Damn it, Braeden. That is not a visual I needed. I gave you my blessing, but I don’t need to know any more than that. In my mind, you guys are just buddies that hang out and play video games together, just like back when we were kids.”

  Braeden laughed again. If only his friend knew exactly how their video game playing changed when they’d become a couple. Of course, he couldn’t say anything since it would likely result in him getting his ass kicked. Instead he let their conversation lapse into silence as they watched the girls. Erin sat on the couch holding one of the boys, while Andi sat next to her cooing down at her nephew. Brooklyn sat in Declan’s recliner, feet up, with the other baby nestled against her chest, a blanket covering her and the baby she was feeding. The three of them were over the moon, smiles plastered on their faces, love shining in their eyes.

  “I’m happy for you, Declan. I was worried for a while that you were going to shut yourself off forever. I’m glad you finally found the love and family you deserve.”

  He could feel Declan’s eyes on him, but he kept watching the girls, not wanting to add to the emotion of the moment.

  “You’ve acted like a jackass for so long, I’ve forgotten how insightful you can be,” Declan joked. “I can’t picture my life without them. Like an idiot, I almost threw it all away for nothing. If you love my sister even a fraction of how much I love Brooklyn, I don’t know how you could have stayed away from her as long as you did.”

  “It wasn’t really my choice. You know how your sister is. When she gets something set in her head, it’s nearly impossible to get her to change her mind. I hate that we lost so many years, but I’m just glad we’re getting a second chance.”

  He watched as Erin handed the baby off to Andi and she pulled him in close, sniffing his little head. The first time he saw her do that, he told her she was weird. She smiled at him, insisting that babies had an enchanting smell. He still thought she was weird, but watching her love on her nephew made all sorts of thoughts race through his head.

  Instead of her nephew, Andi was holding their baby, a beautiful little blend of the two of them. A ring glistening on her finger as she ran a hand over their child’s head. It amazed Braeden how much he wanted the vision to become a reality. When they were younger, that was the life he’d always envisioned for them; a beautiful house, two or three kids, a dog and maybe even a cat. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it to happen, and soon.

  He still had the ring he’d bought for Andi in a drawer in his bedroom. After she broke up with him, he couldn’t bear to get rid of it. He knew someday they’d end up back together and when that time came, he wanted her to have the ring he spent months saving for and months picking out. Now that they were adults, the ring was a bit chintzy, but he had plans to take care of that before he popped the question.

  “You know, being a father is the most amazing thing in the world. There’s nothing like it, except maybe finding someone to spend the rest of your life with; someone you love more than anything except your kids.”

  “I’ve got the someone to love part. I’m hoping we can have the kids part at some point. That is if she’s still interested in having kids. We haven’t talked about it yet, but once upon a time kids were a part of our plan.”

  “Well, it wouldn’t suck to have a few more kids running around calling me Uncle Declan. And I’m sure the boys would love to have more cousins to grow up with.”

  “Weren’t you just telling me a minute ago we were moving too fast? Now you h
ave us popping out kids, so yours have cousins to play with? Make up your mind, Declan,” Braeden said jokingly. “If it were up to me, we’d have had the conversation already. I’d be able to tell you how many kids we were going to have and when we were going to finally tie the knot. But your sister still feels like a bit of a flight risk to me, so I’m moving slower than I’d like. She’s skittish, and I don’t want to spook her if I can help it.”

  “Probably a smart move. I’m not sure Andi knows how to think about her own happiness anymore. Force her to live in the moment and enjoy what you guys have. Eventually, she’ll get used to it again. You won’t have to worry about her running at the drop of a hat.”

  “I hope you’re right. A couple of nights ago, we were out on a date, and we ran into a woman I went on a date with years ago. After she stopped by our table, Andi pretty much shut down. I never even slept with her, but Andi didn’t seem to believe me. She muttered something about a list and then barely said anything the rest of the night. I don’t know what to do if she can’t get over my past.”

  Declan sighed, making Braeden brace for a lecture about his formerly promiscuous ways. Although most of his friends said they believed he hadn’t been sleeping around as much as they thought he had, he could tell they were just trying to placate him. He almost wanted to parade his past dates in front of his friends so they could ask them point blank if they ever slept together. Maybe hearing it from their mouths would help his friends believe what he kept trying to tell them.

  “I don’t know why Andi is so hung up on what you did while you guys were apart. Unfortunately, I know for a fact that she wasn’t celibate over the last eighteen years. I’m not sure why she would have expected you to be. Especially when she’s the one who broke up with you.”

  Braeden was taken aback by the support Declan was showing him, especially given the fact that his sister was involved.

  “I guess I kind of understand why it bothers her. Hearing you say she was with other men while we were broken up, felt terrible. I would never hold it against her though. But that’s exactly how she made me feel the other night like she was holding my past against me.”

  “She’ll get over it eventually. Andi just has to work through things on her own time,” Declan reminded him.

  “I know. I plan on giving her whatever she needs because I don’t want her to give up on us this time.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m happy for you guys. I have no doubt you’ll make it work.”

  “Wait, can you say that again so I can get it on video?” Braeden joked.


  “I’m just kidding. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

  “Are we done with the feelings and stuff now? It’s making me feel weird.”

  Braeden laughed. “Yeah, we’re done. Let’s go see if we can wrangle those babies away from the womenfolk. I need to figure out what this smell is that Andi keeps telling me about.”

  “You are not going to sniff my kids.”

  “It’s purely for scientific purposes. Why do babies smell so good to women?” Braeden asked as he followed Declan into the living room. “I just don’t get it.”

  “Hey babe, you should sniff Wyatt first.”

  Braeden smiled at Andi’s use of a pet name as he walked over to where she sat on the couch. She held the baby out so he could grab him. The minute little Wyatt was in his arms, Andi started to giggle, followed by Erin. Quickly their giggles turned into deep belly laughs, both of them falling over onto the couch.

  It only took a second for Braeden to realize why they were laughing so hard.

  “Holy shit, what the hell is that smell?”

  “Braeden, language,” Brooklyn scolded between peals of laughter.

  “Whatever, they’re not even two weeks old, they don’t understand what I’m saying. Seriously though, is something wrong with him? How does something so small produce a smell like that? My eyes are starting to burn.”

  “Guess you should probably stop messing around and go upstairs to change him then,” Declan suggested, earning a glare from Braeden.

  “Okay, okay...I’m sorry. Let’s go up and change him together. I don’t want either of you to end up traumatized,” Andi said as she stood up from the couch.

  He looked at her and forgot all about the smell emanating from the infant in his arms. Following closely behind her, Braeden let Andi lead him up the stairs to the nursery next to the master bedroom. Wyatt slept pressed against his chest wrapped up like a burrito in a colorful blanket Brooklyn’s mom had knitted for him. Once inside the nursery, he hesitated to let the baby go. Even though he smelled like he was rotting from the inside out, it felt right to have a baby in his arms. Plus, he didn’t want to disturb the little dude.

  “Do you want to do this or would you prefer I handle this one while you watch?”

  Braeden thought about it for a moment. “How about we do it together?”

  Andi smiled up at him, obviously pleased by his response. “Okay, hold on to him while I get everything we need.”

  He watched as Andi pulled out a diaper and moved the container of wipes to the changing table. She grabbed a few other items before reaching out for the sleeping baby in his arms. Reluctantly, he handed Wyatt over to her so she could unwrap the burrito. Wyatt squirmed as she set him down on the table. The minute Andi started to unsnap the little onesie he was wearing the baby let out a howl that could wake the dead.

  “Hey, little dude. It’s okay. We’re just going to take care of the little problem you’ve got here. No need to cry,” Braeden said softly trying to comfort the baby and save his hearing.

  “Uh oh, this is going to be a bit more work than I thought,” Andi said as she peeled off the diaper. She held Wyatt’s legs in the air which allowed Braeden to catch a glimpse underneath the crying baby.

  “ it supposed to look like that? How the hell did it end up all the way up his back?”

  Andi laughed as she started to wipe the baby off. “It happens far more often than you’d think. At least he didn’t get it in his hair.”

  “What? They get poop in their hair? How is that even possible?” Braeden asked as he tried not to gag.

  Instead of focusing on what Andi was doing, he reached out and ran a finger over Wyatt’s cheek. The little guy was screaming his little head off, but stopped the minute Braeden touched him, so he did it again and again while Andi did the hard part.

  As soon as he was wiped down, Braeden helped Andi remove the soiled onesie being extra careful not to smear poop all over the baby. While Andi took care of the outfit, Braeden held the naked baby in his arms, unsure of what to do next. He was pretty sure they needed to get the diaper on him, but he had no idea how to do it. He knew he probably should have practiced on Gabriel’s daughter when he’d been given the chance.

  “Okay, let’s get this little guy dressed and bundled back up,” Andi said as she walked back into the room.

  Instead of handing Wyatt over, he walked over to the changing table so he could finish the job they’d started. Andi had already dealt with the gross part; the rest had to be a cakewalk compared to that. Before he could set the baby down, he felt something warm and wet against his chest.

  “Please tell me it’s just drool or something,” he pleaded as he looked over at Andi.

  “Oh...oh no...dang it. Ummm…” Andi started, but before she could finish what she was saying, she doubled over laughing.

  “Did this baby just pee on me?” Braeden asked.

  He wasn’t surprised when Andi didn’t answer. She was too busy laughing to pay any attention to him. He’d have to figure out the diaper thing on his own. He’d seen Gabriel change quite a few since Ryan was born and he was a smart guy. There was no reason he couldn’t do this on his own.

  Braeden set Wyatt down on the changing table, thankful when the baby didn’t scream. Instead, he cooed up at him like they’d just had a bonding moment or something. He tried not to think about his wet shirt as
he wiped the baby down one more time and checked him for diaper rash. Everything looked good, so Braeden grabbed the diaper that Andi had set out and opened it up.

  He was pretty sure the tabs should be in the back so they could attach to the front. Once he had that arranged, he picked Wyatt’s legs up and slid the diaper underneath him and folded the front up over the baby. Nibbling on his bottom lip, Braeden pulled on the tab on the right side and affixed it to the front of the diaper. He made sure it was tight enough not to fall off, but not so tight that it would hurt the baby. After doing the same thing on the left side, he triumphantly held Wyatt out in front of him like baby Simba. He’d mastered the art of the diaper change and was pretty damn proud of himself.

  “You sure know how to show a girl a good time on a date. First Christmas with the family of a close friend and now New Years eve changing poopy diapers,” Andi said as she handed Braeden a new outfit to put the baby in.

  Redressing Wyatt proved to be a bit more complicated than putting a new diaper on him had been. He flailed his little arms about and kicked his little legs. He was obviously not interested in putting on clothes, which Braeden couldn’t blame him for. Clothes were overrated.

  “I’m just getting you ready for what the future’s gonna look like with me. I could wine you and dine you, but this is what forever looks like. I think that’s far more impressive than any fancy date I could take you on.”

  “Forever, huh? Do you think we’re ready for that kind of talk?”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been ready for that kind of talk for over two decades. I’ll wait for you to catch up if you need me to, but I won’t stop bringing it up,” Braeden said as he once again felt the thrill of triumph course through him.

  Wyatt was changed and finally in a new clean outfit. He watched Andi wrap him back up tight in the colorful blanket that she’d checked thoroughly for evidence of his blowout. Once she was finished, she handed the burrito baby back to Braeden.


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