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The Seeking Series Box Set

Page 18

by D. R. Grady

  When they were alone, Raene’s focus snapped to Vidar. As usual.

  He assisted her to her feet and then steered her, not toward their offices, but up the stairs instead.

  They followed the passages that led to their suite. He ushered her inside and then shut and locked the door. As soon as this was accomplished, he snapped her into his arms, and held her tight. So tight her lungs constricted.

  “We will not repeat this morning ever again.” His voice held dire consequences. “There was a holy man in his army.”

  Her heart dropped. “So he intended to force me to marry him this morning.”

  “Oh yes. Aern would have taken exception however.”

  “I would have taken exception.” Her stomach protested breakfast. “If you hadn’t been there this morning, I’d have been married to someone I loathe.”

  “You would have run him through with Driies before the month was out.” Vidar rubbed his jaw before transferring his hand to her waist. He tugged her further into the haven of his arms. “You’re shaking.”

  “I don’t want to marry anyone but you.”

  His smile was so warm she paused.

  “I’m the only man you’re ever going to marry.”

  The heat spread. Her marriage would never replace her mother. It would never replace the longings for her parents. The emptiness came because there were important people now missing from her life.

  This man tempered the emptiness. The surge of emotion through her made him blink.

  She felt his heart leap. “I never thought to marry. Now I’m wed to the woman I love.”

  Her heart jolted at his statement. “Love? You love me?”

  That quickly, the surging emotions within her made sense.

  “It took me a while to figure out that’s what this is. But yes, Raene of Montequirst, I love you.”

  “And I love you.” She blinked as everything within her righted again. “I love you, Vidar.”

  His lips descended, hers rose, and they joined in a kiss that held so much of the amazing emotion her heart wept.

  “We are so fortunate.” She slid her finger along his mouth.

  “Yes, we are. Not many people who marry like we did end up loving each other. But that’s what this is.” His eyes were intense.

  “Never let me go.”

  “You have my solemn and most sincere vow that I will never let you go.”

  She smiled at him, aware her heart likely showed in her gaze. It was okay. This man loved her. And she loved him.

  “I will never let you go, either.”

  The promise in his beloved silver eyes sealed their agreement.

  Chapter 26

  “Look, just because you’re my bodyguard does not mean you need to follow me to the water closet.” Stefana’s cheeks heated. It was so intimate.

  “I’m here to make certain there are no surprises inside, and then I shall wait for you outside.” Lajos’ tone offered no give.

  While not the type to stomp her foot, Stefana now understood those who were. “I’m perfectly capable.”

  “In matters of this kingdom, certainly. In keeping your person out of the hands of those who would marry you for your place, doubtful.” The amusement on his face made her contemplate those who kicked people, too.

  It would be most satisfying.

  “Again, I’ve been walking to the restroom myself for twenty years.”

  “You weren’t the princess then.” He indicated she should precede him out of the library. Since Vidar and Raene hadn’t returned from the battle yet, or had something else to do, she and Lajos had the space to themselves. Stefana would have appreciated Raene’s support.

  She stepped through the doorway and into the hallway. It bustled with people. Men, mostly. Swallowing, she edged closer to Lajos, who tucked her against him, and gripped his sword hilt. His cold, hard eyes pierced any man who veered too close.

  Heart pounding and with a nasty taste on her tongue, hackles raised to maximum level, Stefana stopped protesting his presence for a mundane visit to relieve nature’s call. She didn’t have a weapon like Raene did. “I need a sword.”

  “Yes, you do. But for now, you must rely on mine.”

  “You do know how to use yours.”

  He pursed his lips. “There is something to be said for a true novice attempting to wield a sword. You never know what they’re about.”

  “You mean I’ll be as deadly as you since I have no idea how to fight?” This notion appealed, but also appalled her.

  “Perhaps not as deadly as me, but frightening in your own right.”

  “Maybe I should learn only enough to be scary.” They rounded a corner to the powder room she sought. Additional men, most of them warriors, milled about. But the room was empty.

  She scowled at those nearest the door. They skittered out of her way. “If this hall isn’t clear by the time I’m finished, heads are going to roll.” Stefana used the same tones she had heard Margina employ during tense situations.

  This was ridiculous. To add credence to her decree, Lajos unsheathed his sword and grinned. Many of the warriors paled, and before she ever entered the water closet, exited through the nearest doors.

  She clapped the door shut, muttering under her breath. Once Raene produced a daughter, there would be a new princess. Stefana wouldn’t remain the princess, at least not the ruling princess. Heartily sick of the politics already, she scooped her skirts out of the way to enable her to empty her bladder.

  Too bad she couldn’t empty the rest of the unwanted things from her life so easily.

  The image of the hard-eyed warrior on the other side of the barrier reassured her though.

  Yet she’d never be safe from the predators out there until she wed.

  Her stomach roiled.


  Three years later

  “Today we welcome the future queen. Meet Princess Vivian Margina, beloved daughter of Queen Raene and King Vidar.”

  The Duke of Lockwillow held up the tiny bundle of sleeping baby to show those on the ground. Stepping closer to the balcony edge he allowed her subjects to view her sleeping face.

  “Queen Raene? Is she doing well?” Someone near the balcony asked. The crowd leaned forward.

  Vidar joined him on the balcony, taking his daughter to cuddle her close. “The queen is fine. She is pleased to welcome our daughter.”

  Stefana appeared at the edge of the balcony then, cradling another bundle. “Welcome her brother, Prince Rainier Viktor. The beloved son of Queen Raene and King Vidar.”

  A gasp swept through the spectators. “Twins?” This question echoed in waves throughout the assembly.

  Adjusting his daughter, Vidar then took his son. His chest couldn’t expand more. To be a husband and now a father was more than most Aasguards experienced. Holding his wiggling children as the cheers went up for these, the future of Montequirst, his happiness couldn’t be greater.

  It hadn’t taken long for those nations surrounding them to hear the new king was an Aasguard Warrior, and his brother now resided here as well. Then their sister, another Aasguard, had arrived. Her dragon had chosen to pass into the next life, so she had journeyed to her family.

  Raene and Stefana had heartily welcomed Ari. She helped Lajos protect Stefana and healed from losing her companion. Additional Aasguards made their way to Montequirst while assessing their options. No longer were they confined to treasuries and work as bodyguards, but Vidar’s marriage showed them their infinite range of options.

  The dragons, Aasguards, and extensive training for females initiated by Raene, quelled any further attacks on their land. Living in peace and harmony, the nation prospered.

  They continued to train and to take measures to protect themselves.

  Life proved to be wonderful for a man who had been only living a half life.

  Gazing at his children, he met his brother’s then his sister’s eyes. Both of whom had come out on the balcony and promptly stole his children. Th
eir adoring expressions reminded him that he and Raene would need to take measures to keep the twins from being too spoiled.

  “Thank you for your interest in our children. We are blessed to have them and will update you as to their health and happiness.”

  “Thank you for being the best king we’ve ever had in this nation,” Lockwillow stated for his ears only.

  Vidar started. “I’m not the best.”

  “You are.” The duke’s gaze grew speculative. “Did I hear we are expecting dragon babies as well?”

  “They’ve already arrived,” his sister stated. “We have three beautiful new dragons.”

  “Fricassa is okay?”

  Lajos sniggered. “She is doing well. Aern, on the other hand, is a mess. You’d think he was the one tasked with birthing them.”

  “Once Raene has recovered, we’ll take the babies to see them.”

  “So sometime this evening?” Stefana’s expression turned knowing.

  “Hopefully she’ll rest that long.”

  They all knew better.

  His sister’s eyes lit up. “Aern will be happy to see you and to show off his babies.”

  “And he’ll want to coo over yours.” Stefana exchanged a look with him.

  Yes, the dragon was a real sap now that he had mated and became a father. Vidar grinned.

  Life was good. Very, very good.

  A Special Request

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  Seeking: Maiden Queen

  Princess Stefana of Montequirst has one fear: being forced to marry a man she did not choose. So when she’s kidnapped by an insane neighboring king who intends to constrain her to do exactly that, she begins to rethink the entire princess thing.

  Lajos the Swift, Aasguard warrior, and Stefana’s bodyguard, has set plenty of safeguards in place to protect her. But he’s starting to question his motives. After she’s kidnapped, he sets off with Montequirst’s clumsy dragon to retrieve her.

  No one expects the consequences of this successful rescue. Soon Stefana and Lajos’ control of their lives are abruptly torn from their grasps. They are thrust into a life neither envisioned, but that they must accept, or others will die.

  Chapter 1

  Hanging onto a galloping horse while limited by the confines of a full gown proved challenging. Attempting to do so while bound hand and foot was harder still. Especially in light of her poor horsewoman skills.

  Stefana, Princess of Montequirst, had never established herself in this realm. Much to her own chagrin and that of her family, all of whom were superior horse people, she had failed to shine on horseback.

  Her heart gyrated with each pounding hoofbeat of the stallion carrying her far away from her own country. Sweat pooled at the base of her spine. And if honest, everywhere.

  The nervous, sticky variety that now coated her body in an unbecoming way.

  Her new bodyguard had been appointed to her because the new queen and king suspected Stefana was in danger. Her bodyguard’s duty was to prevent this sort of thing from happening. His sole purpose—to keep her safe.

  Yet here she was, trying desperately to be left behind, but her captors had bound her to the saddle. Of course they had.

  She couldn’t even scream, since they had also gagged her. Bound on her side, on a galloping horse, wasn’t how she had envisioned spending the rest of this evening. Stefana had never heard of anyone dumping someone on a horse on their side, and she concurred. It was a terrible idea…

  The only glimmer of hope in this unfortunate situation was that her absence during the evening’s mandatory ball, given by the parents of a friend whose wedding loomed, would rouse people’s attention. The bride intended on soon marrying the man of Stefana’s dreams. No one other than her best friend Raene was aware of Stefana’s feelings toward the intended groom, including the groom.

  In hindsight, Stefana probably shouldn’t have stalled in getting dressed this evening.

  Being carried off by someone she had yet to identify did not rank as better than presenting a false smile at tonight’s ball. She entertained a few suspicions as to her captor’s identity, but these did not ease her discomfort or anxiety.

  The horses were of the capable variety. Someone had evidently planned out her abduction to maximum efficiency. The horse she “rode” appeared to know the way back to the stable and intended to reach it as soon as possible.

  Another unexpected jolt jarred her entire left side.

  The smelly blindfold twisted and now dug into her left eye. The tossing to and fro from the cantering animal, paired with her inability to see and speak, caused enough horrors. Being tossed hither and thither made her grit her teeth as an acute case of nausea made itself known. Stefana counted herself lucky that she had not eaten this eve.

  Otherwise, her stomach abruptly dispelling its contents likely would have killed her. Provided the ride itself didn’t. Her left shoulder jammed continuously into the not-made-for-laying-on-one’s-side saddle horn. The bruising along her left hip would be colorful, and she prayed it soon turned numb, as her hands had long since done.

  Not to mention her feet, as her ankles were also bound, and attached to her bound wrists. At least one bloody gash oozed on her upper chest where a tree branch had scraped her. Her voluminous skirts provided no cushioning because her captors had left them hanging any which way, so she also periodically endured blasts of cold air.

  After long hours of the teeth-rattling gait, the scent of decay and neglect grew stronger the longer they hurtled from Montequirst. It slapped her gag reflex. Clearly not the fresh, clean air she was used to at home.

  So they must have passed into unknown territory.

  The horse beneath her had to be well trained and used to long travel, because his pace didn’t abate. From the way he ran, it seemed he understood the need to pace himself, because the stallion’s gait remained steady and sure.

  With this realization, her stomach muscles cramped. Or the stomach squelches might have to do with her awkward position. At least they could have sat her astride. Despite the court dress she still wore.

  They had not bothered to wrap a cloak around her, and as the nervous sweat cooled, shivers chattered her teeth. All too soon though, the blasts of cold air grew increasingly furious. She thankfully had lost feeling in her limbs, and especially her left side, where the saddle horn seemed intent on piercing her.

  What were the stages of hypothermia again?

  Stefana winced as the horse carrying her tripped. It jammed her already sore shoulder and hip against the rounded part of the saddle. And probably increased the size of her bruise. Since she had passed the point of feeling, it merely made her clench her teeth, but didn’t hurt too much. She’d rue the pain later.

  Stefana longed to cry out at the indecency of her situation.

  While she hadn’t been the acting princess very long, she already hated the position. Not the work, but the politics.

  She had willingly taken on the princess undertakings at the behest of her best friend and the new queen, Raene of Montequirst, once her best friend’s mother abruptly took ill and died. Stefana had spent enough time with Raene and their late queen to accomplish all necessary monarch responsibilities.

  This is why she had recently become the acting princess. With only Raene left of her line, and her mother’s abrupt death, someone had needed to step into Raene’s former role. Stefana had been only too happy to assist.

  Now she seriously considered resigning.

  This is why Vidar and Raene insisted she be plagued with a bodyguard, but he hadn’t done her an ounce of good in this instance.

  Her rooms sh
ould have been secure. The powerful safeguards in place should have ensured this, so that led her to believe someone had given safe passage to her abductors. The very thought of a traitor in their midst made her stomach muscles seize.

  If she ever got out of this situation, she might fire her Aasguard warrior bodyguard. Only this wasn’t his fault, and she knew it, deep down. He had taken drastic measures to secure her bedchamber and suite of rooms immediately upon accepting this post.

  How had someone circumvented those safeguards? Lajos’ measures should have hindered anyone not permitted within her private domain. The unsavory men waiting for her, in her own bedchamber, ranked among that number.

  Another jolt to her hip created a wave of pain so intense it blinded her. Nausea roiled in response to the agony in her hip. Squeezing her eyes shut, she rode out the pain, stifling the urge to vomit, because that was unladylike, but also because the gag would make it quite impossible, if not lethal.

  She swallowed, but stomach acid clawed up her throat. A terrible sound emerged from her traitorous throat as more of the bile surged upward. Shuddering, Stefana fought harder, but still she retched.

  Someone yelled and the gag was yanked from her mouth as she vomited. Spasms racked her as she struggled not to sob. More pain ratcheted from her entire trembling body, and that shouldn’t be.

  The agony became so intense she finally welcomed the blackness that claimed her.

  The scents of several men assaulted Lajos the Swift the moment he raced into Stefana’s rooms.

  Her maid stood in the center of the space, wringing her hands. “I can’t find her, sir.” Near rabid eyes swept over the room again and again, as though the woman expected Stefana to pop out of the plastered stone walls.


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