by Adams, Max;
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Bold type indicates individuals and themes that form the principal subject-matter of sub-sections within the chapters.
Aachen 90
Abélard, Peter 146–51
abortion 28
Academia delle Arti del Disegno 230
accidents 152–3
Adamnán 54–6, 59, 123
Life of St Columba 54
Adams, Thelma Croft 2–3
Adams, Warwick 2
Adelina (a jester) 139
Adrian IV, Pope 135
Æbbe 61
Æffa 70
Ælfflæd 44
Ælfgifu 131, 132
Ælfgyva of Northampton 136–7
Ælfhere 71
Ælfred the Great 78, 79, 108
Ælfswith 70
Ælfwine 44
Ælfwold 70
Ælfwynn 79, 81
Æthelburh of Kent 43, 65
Æthelflæd (daughter of Ealhhelm) 71
Æthelflæd (daughter of Wynflæd) 69, 73
Æthelflæd ‘Lady of the Mercians’ 67, 78–82, 128
Æthelflæd the White 72
Æthelgifu 70, 72
Æthelred, Ealdorman 79
Æthelred of Mercia 44, 45
Æthelstan, King 79, 81, 108
Agincourt (1415) 185
Al-Andalus 82–7
al-Hakam II, Caliph 83, 84
Abu al-Hassan Ibn Bassam 86
Abd al-Rahman II 91
Abd al-Rahman III 84
Alamanni 142
Albigensian Crusade (1209–29) 163
Aldfrith, King 44
Alexander Severus, Emperor 35
Alexandria 22–3
Alexius I of Constantinople 93
Alfanus, archbishop 110
Allen, Hope Emily 175n
Ambaca 197
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan 12n
Amiens, siege of (1597) 217
Amilhac, Barthélemy 169
Anacaona 204–8
Anasazi 211
Andean culture 51–4
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 80
Anglo-Saxons 43–6, 61, 64–6, 68–74, 81–2, 98, 107, 108, 121, 130, 136, 223
Angola 195–200
Anna Comnena, Alexiad 92–7
Anna of East Anglia 60
Annals of Ulster 56
Anne, Queen 243, 248
Anselm of Canterbury 147
Arabia 11
Arbella (ship) 216
Archimedes 83
Arete 31
Arezzo 8
Argenteuil 149
Aristotle 83
Arizona 210
Armagh 27
Arnarstapi farm 99
Artois 174
Asa of Lowthorpe 139
Asia Minor 8, 93
Astell, Mary 38, 148, 242–50, 252
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest 246–7
Astell, Ralph 246
Astralabe 147
astrolabe 23
Athelney (Somerset) 78
Aud Ketilsdóttir ‘the Deep-Minded’ 104
Austen, Jane
Persuasion 89
Pride and Prejudice 193n
Auti 131
Bacchus 16
Bad Gandersheim 87
Baghdad 49
Ballard, George, Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain 249–50
Bandiagara (Mali) 210
baptism 21 and note
Barbara, Doña 198, 200
Bardney (Lincolnshire) 45, 80
Barford 152
Bath 252
Bayeux Tapestry 123, 136–8
Beatrix 131
bed burials 64–6
Beda 70
Bede the Venerable 60, 61, 77
Ecclesiastical History of the English People 44, 50, 119
Bedell, Isabel 151
Bedell, Matilda 151
Bedell, Walter 151
bedlinen 72, 75, 225
Beeton, Isabella 250
beguines 171 and note, 172–5, 184, 246
Behechio 204–7
Behn, Aphra 250
Belamy, Amice 153
Belamy, Robert 153
Belgium 90, 174
Benedict XII, Pope 163n
Benna 33
Bentham, Jeremy 249
Beorhtred 139
Beowulf 117–19, 121
Berkhamsted School (Herts) 2
Bernard, Count 87, 88, 90–1
Berry, Agnes 190–1
Bethlehem 8, 19
Church of the Nativity 12
the Bible 9, 18–19
Book of Daniel 233–4
Book of Genesis 11
Book of Judith 230–1
Book of Numbers 157n
Bica 70
Bidford-on-Avon (Warwickshire) 107
Birka (Sweden) 123–4
birth 115–16, 176–7
Bitel, Lisa, The Land of Women 57–8
Blanche, Beatrice 152
Blanche, Muriel 152
Blanche, William 152
Bloodmoor Hill (Suffolk) 64
bluestockings 243 and note
Bohemond I, Count 93, 94–5
Bolingtone, Matilda de 153
Bonchevaler, Sibyl 153
Booth, Tony 213n
Boston (Massachusetts) 216
Bradstreet, Anne Dudley 214–19, 235
In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth 214–15, 217
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America 217–19
Bradstreet, Simon 216
Brattahlid 100, 101
Breughel, Pieter the Elder 161
Breughel, Pieter the Younger 161
brewing 152–3, 177–8
Brews, Dame Elizabeth 192
Brews, Margery 191–3
Brews, Sir Thomas 191–2
Bridport (Dorset) 255
Brig (or Brigid) (Irish goddess) 26
Brigantia 26
Brihtsige 70
Brihtwyn 73
Britannia 11
Broicsech 27
Brontë, Anne, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 193n
Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre 193n
Brown, Michelle, The World of the Luttrell Psalter 159–60
Browne, Mary 191
Browne, Sir George 191
Brunhild of Austrasia 43
Brycheiniog 80–1
Buddhists 41
burials 15–17
Ana de la Calle 222
bed burials 63–6
female Viking warrior 123–8
hybrid 105–6
pagan vs Christian 77–8
Puebloan 210, 211–12
ship burials 74–8, 119–20, 125, 127
Bury St Edmunds 45
Butler-Bowdon, William 175n
Byzantium 32
Cabuco 199
Caedmon 43–4
Cáin Adomnáin 56–9, 128
Cairo 16
Calle, Ana de la 74
Calle, Richard 188–90
Calvary 12
Calvinism 174
Cambrensis, Giraldus 31
Cambridge (Massachusetts) 216
Canterbury 138
Capgrave, John, Nova Legenda Angliae 33
Capitulare de Villis 142
Caradoc 34
Caravaggio 229, 231
Carcassonne 169
Cardoso, Bento Banha 197
Casa Buonarroti (Florence) 230
Cathars 163, 164–5, 167, 168, 173, 234
Catholics 169, 214, 216, 219, 220, 221, 234–7, 241
Caunterbrigge, Johanna de 153
Caxton, William 187
female 23, 60, 140, 171
male 37, 57
Cellier, E
lizabeth 234–41, 248
Malice Defeated 239
The Matchless Picaro 239
Cellier, Pierre 236
Central America 200–8
Ceolthryth 72
Ceolwyn 72
cephalophore (head-carrying saint) 33–5, 45, 55 and note, 229
ceramics 52, 54, 114–16, 210–11, 212, 220
Chaco Canyon 209–13
chambre des dames 141–5, 174
Chang’an (Wei River) 38
Charlemagne the Great 90
Charles the Bald 90
Charles I 216, 217, 219, 230
Charles II 240
Charles River 216
Charles V 180
Château de Saumur (Loire Valley) 157
Châtelet, Émilie du 259
Chaucer, Geoffrey 176
Chelsea 247–8
Chester 80, 139
Chicago, Judy 188n
Dinner Party 30n, 87n, 114n
children 27 and note, 137, 152, 155, 161, 176, 193n, 204n
Chilperic I 42
China 38–42, 49, 213
Chrétien de Troyes, Yvain: The Knight with the Lion 144–5, 184
Christians, Christianity 18–22, 65, 68, 76, 77, 109, 121, 128n, 134
Christina of Markyate 131–5, 139, 174
Christine de Pizan 157n, 180–8 and note, 227, 233, 247
‘The Book of Mutability of Fortune’ 182
‘The Book of the Path of Long Study’ 182
‘Christine’s Vision’ 182
Le Livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V 182
‘Song of Jeanne d’Arc’ 185–6, 233
The Book of the City of Ladies 158, 182–5
Civil War (1642–51) 235, 244, 245
Clergue, Pierre 166, 167
Clergue, Raimond 165, 166
Clergues family 165 and note, 167
cloth production 47–51, 141, 156, 174
clothing 71–2, 105, 107, 141, 157 and note, 158, 169, 206–7, 225, 228
Cnut, King 137
Cogitosus, Vita 28
coins 68 and note
Coleshill 69, 70
Collins, Wilkie, No Name 193n
Colón, Bartolomé 204–7
Colorado Plateau 209
Columbus, Christopher (Cristóbal Colón) 204
commercial fraud 153
Confucians 38, 41
Conleth, bishop 28
Constantine the Great 11–12, 18, 120
Constantinople 8, 24, 93
Constantius, Emperor 11
convents 172, 181
Corday, Charlotte 259
Córdoba 82–7, 89
Coroners’ Rolls 152, 156, 161
Cortés, Hernán 201, 202–3
Cortés, Martín 203
Council of Nicæa (325 CE) 12
Coventry 2
Coyoacán 203
Crick (Northants) 1, 3
crime 151, 151–2
Croft, Constance Alexandra Corinna Johnson 1, 3
Croft, Kathleen 1
Croft, ‘Little’ Anne 2
Croft, Walter 1
Crofts, Harry Charles 1, 3
Cromwell, Oliver 219
Cuanza River 195, 196, 199
Cuba 203
cunning-women 107–9, 169
Cynelufu 73
Cynewulf 120, 121
Cyril, bishop of Alexandria 24, 26
Daedalus 144 and note
Danelaw 41, 80
Dangerfield, Thomas (‘Willoughby’) 237–8, 239
death 151–2
Defoe, Daniel 247, 252
Derby 81
Dhuoda 87–92
Dias de Novais, Paulo 195–6
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, True History of the Conquest of New Spain 201–2
Dickens, Charles, Hard Times 145
Dickinson, Dr Tania 108
Diocletian, Emperor 18, 121
Dioscorides 83
Dissolution of the Monasteries (1536–41) 247
Dogon 210
Domesday survey 130, 138–40
Dominican Republic 204
Dorrud 121–2, 123
Doukakis, Constantine 95
Drake, Judith, ‘An essay in defence of the female sex’ 249
Drevlians 128n
drinking horns 70, 71
druids 27, 108–9
Dubthach 27
Dudley, Thomas 217
Dumbarton Oaks (Washington D.C.) 31
Dunaway, Faye 160
Durham Cathedral 49
Eadburg 72
Eadgar, King 68
Eadgifu (daughter of Wynflæd) 69, 72
Eadgifu (weaver) 70
Eadmær 69, 73
Eadwold 69, 73
Ealhswith 78
Eanflæd of Northumbria 43, 44, 65–6
Early Medieval period 27, 36, 45, 47–51, 57–9, 68, 73, 114, 116, 128, 141, 212
East Anglia 64, 78, 119–20, 252
Easter 8, 12, 14, 65, 151
Ebbesborne 69
Ecgfrith of Northumbria 44, 60, 61
Edict of Milan (313 CE) 12
Edington, battle of (878) 78
Edith, Queen 136
education 84, 181, 184–5, 235, 243, 246–8, 250, 259
Eduvigia (slave girl) 224
Edward the Confessor 136
Edward the Elder 78, 79–80, 81
Edward II 160
Edward, King 73
Edwin of Northumbria 43, 65, 119, 120
Egeria the pilgrim 7–14, 19, 21, 24, 120, 178, 179, 227, 252
Egypt 8, 16–17
Eirik the Red 102
Eirik the Red’s Saga 99, 100, 103, 106
Elene see St Helena
Elizabeth I 214–16, 219
Elstob, Elizabeth 243, 248
Ely (East Anglia) 60, 61, 62, 252–3
Enlightenment, Age of 4, 38, 227, 259
Ermine Street 131
Étienne du Castel 181
Euclid 23, 83
Elements 22
Eulogia 31
Euochia 31
Euphrosyne 31
Faccombe 69
Fayum portraits 16–17, 19, 31
female deacons 21
Feng 41
Ferdinand, King 204, 206
Fiennes, Celia 14, 250–7
First Crusade (1095–9) 93
First World War 1
Five Boroughs 80, 81
Flambard, Ranulf, Bishop of Durham 132
Flamstead 133–4
Florence 230, 232n
Foix, Comte de 164
folk remedies 110–14
fonts (baptismal ‘tanks’) 20–1
Forster, E. M., Howards End 193n
fosterage (fostering) 27 and note, 99
Foting, Godieyva 153
Foting, Sarra 153
Fournier, Jacques, bishop of Pamiers 163 and note
Francia 90
Freawaru 118
Fredegunda, Queen 42–3
Freja (goddess) 106
Freydis 102–3, 123
Fulbert, canon 147, 149
Fyrkat (Jutland) 105
Galen 111
Galicia 8
Gamurrini, J. F. 8
Gandersheim (Lower Saxony) 86
Gaozong, Emperor 40, 41
Gaozu, Emperor 38
Garrard, Mary 228
Gaul 8
Gentileschi, Artemisia 187, 227, 228–34
Judith and her Maidservant 232
Judith Slaying Holofernes 229
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting 228 and note, 229
Susanna and the Elders 229, 233
Gentileschi, Orazio 229
Gentileschi, Prudentia 229
Geoffrey, abbot of St Albans 134–5
Germany 175, 176
Gibbons, Edward 26
Gisla (widow) 143–4
Glaumbaer (Iceland) 104
Gloucester 80
Gloucester, Sir Walter 159
oys, Sir James 189
Godwin, William 249
Goldington (Bedfordshire) 152
Goneril 33
Grantchester 62
grave-goods see burials
Great Ouse, River 13
Green, Monica 112–13
Greenland 99, 101
‘Greenlandic Lay of Atli’ 126
Gregory of Tours 42
Grendel 117, 118, 119
Groot Begijnhof (Leuven) 175
Gudrid Thorbjarnardóttir 14, 98, 99–105, 106, 203n, 212–13, 227
Gulf of Suez 11
Gurhann 70
Gytha Thorkelsdóttir 139
Hadrian, Emperor 12
Halldis 99
Halstock (Dorset) 33–4
Han Dynasty 42
handmaids of God 18–22
Hari (puppet king) 196
Harold, King 136, 137
Hartlepool 43
Harvard University 216
Hastings, Battle of (1066) 130, 137
Hawara 17
Hedenstierna-Jonson, Charlotte 125
Helena, Empress 11, 12
Héloïse 146–51
Henry III 151
Henry V 185
Herlihy, David 155
Opera Muliebria: Women and Work in Medieval Europe 51, 141, 142–3
hermits 134, 172 and note
heroic queens 117–23
Hestia Polyolbus (hearth-goddess) 17, 31–3
Hexham 61
Hispaniola (now Haiti) 204
Hobbes, Thomas 249
Hobro (Jutland) 105
Holofernes (Old Testament) 121, 229, 230–2
Holy Land 8, 12, 93, 120, 178
Holy Roman Empire 90, 173
Holywell (Flintshire) 34
Honduras 203
Hopi 210
horses 73, 178
Hospital of St Cross (Rugby) 1, 2
Hrothgar, King 117
Hrotsvitha 86–7 and note
Huaca Cao Viejo (Peru) 51
Humilitate movement 175 and note
Huntingdon 131
Hutchinson, Anne 216–17
hydrometer 23
Hygd, Queen 117
Hygelac, King 117
Hypatia of Alexandria 22–6
Iamcilla 18
Ibn Zaydún 85–6
Iceland 99–105
Igor, King 128n
illuminations see paintings, illuminations
Inglesham 69
inheritance 35–6, 59, 61, 69–70, 85, 139, 190, 212, 222–3
see also wills
Innocentia 18
Inquisition 163, 165, 166, 169, 170
Iona 27, 43n
Ireland 54–9, 128
Irish Sea 81
Isabella, Queen 160, 204, 206
Italy 8, 110, 175, 230
Jacobites 245
Jaga 196, 199
James VII & II 235, 236, 240, 248
Jeanne d’Arc 185–6, 233
Jebel Musa 9
Jerusalem 8, 11, 120, 178
Anastasis shrine 12, 13
Golgotha 8, 12, 13
Holy Sepulchre 178–9
Martyrium 12
Jesch, Judith, Women in the Viking Age 126–7
Jesus Christ 8, 10, 12
jewellery 17, 31, 48, 53, 64, 69, 72, 76, 105, 107, 211–12, 225, 228, 232