by Adams, Max;
John (brother of Anna Comnena) 95
John, Duc de Berry 157 and note, 187
Johnson family 1
Johnson, Samuel 247
Joseph (Genesis) 11
Judith, Empress 90
Judith (Old Testament) 121 and note, 229, 230–2, 233
Judith (widow) 139
Julian of Norwich 176
The Revelation of Divine Love 130
Juliana 121
Jutland 105
Kabasa 196
Kecharitomene 95
Kela, Thomas 192n
Kempe, Margery 14, 175–80
The Book of Margery Kempe 175 and note
Kievan Rus 128 and note
Kildare 32
Kingsley, Charles 26
Klimt, Gustav 231
Kongo, kingdom of 195
!Kung people 213
La Calle, Ana de 221–6
La Cruz, María de 223
La Señora de Cao 51–4, 125, 220
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy 163n
Lagleize, Otho 167
landowners 73, 138–40
L’Anse aux Meadows (Newfoundland) 102 and note
Las Casas, Bartolomé de 203–4
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 207–8
Latin 32n, 86, 92, 110, 135, 146, 163, 176
Laugarbrekka (Iceland) 99
Law of Innocents 56
and chambre des dames 142
of King Ælfred 108
Spanish 220
for women 54–9
Leicester 81
Leif Eiriksson 100, 101–2, 103
Leizu (goddess of silk) 41
Lent 14
Leofgeat 139
Lex Innocentium 57
Li Hong 40
libraries, books 22, 73, 83, 217
Liège 171, 172
Lienü Zhuan (Biographies of Exemplary Women) 42
Life of Christina of Markyate 132–3, 134–5
Life of St Brigit 59
Lilla 65
Lincoln, Earl of 216
Lindisfarne 44, 59
Locke, John 242, 249
Lollardy 175–6 and note
London 79, 81, 230, 246
Los Reyes, Baltasar de 224
Louis the Pious 90, 91
Low Countries 170
Luanda 195, 196
Lubna 83–4 and note
Lucar, Elizabeth 249
Lullingstone (Kent) 19, 35
Luttrell, Agnes 160
Luttrell, Elizabeth 159
Luttrell III, Sir Geoffrey 159, 160
Luttrell Psalter 158–60
Lyme Regis (Dorset) 254
Lyusfjord (Greenland) 101
Macaulay, Catherine 259
McLeod, Enid, The Order of the Rose 180
McNulty, J.B. 137
McQueen, Steve 160
magic 100, 106, 115, 168–9
Maine 102
Makin, Bathsua 250
Malintzin ‘La Malinche’ 201–3, 220
Malton (East Riding) 256
Marcella 18–19
Margaret of Constantinople 175n
Margaret (sister of Christina of Markyate) 134
María Isabel (slave-woman) 224
Marie de France 111
Markyate 134–5
Mary (Duc de Berry’s daughter) 187
Mary II 241, 251
Mary Magdalene 157n
Mary of Modena 240
Massachusetts Bay Company 216
Matheolus (Mathieu of Boulogne), Lamentations 183
matrilocal society 212–13 and note
Maxentius 11
medicines see folk remedies
Meet the Ancestors (TV series) 16
Mercia 44–5, 78, 79, 81
Mersey, River 81
Michelangelo Buonarroti 230, 234
Middle English 176
midwifery 28, 53, 108, 115–16, 234, 240–1
Mill, John Stuart 249
Milton, John, Paradise Lost 244
Milvian Bridge, battle of (312 CE) 11–12
miracles 27–8
Mitchell, Warren 213n
Moche culture 51–3
Moche River 221
Mochica stirrup vessel 114–16, 220
Moctezuma II 202
Montagu, Elizabeth 243n
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 248–9
Montaillou 163 and note, 164, 234
The Morale Proverbes of Cristyne (1487) 187
More, Sir Thomas 249
Moreton Pinkney (Northants) 1
Mortimer, Sir Roger 160
Mount of Olives 12
Mount Sinai 8, 9–10
Mount Tai 41
Andean 51–3
Egyptian 16–17
Murasaki Shikibu, Tale of Genji 144n
Museion 23
Museum of London 15
The Name of the Rose 180
Naples 230
Napoleon Bonaparte 259
National Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh) 17
Nature Communications 211
Navajo Anasazi 209
Nazca lines (Peru) 52
Ndongo 195
Ndongo and Matamba 196, 198, 200
Nebuchadnezzar, King 121
Neoplatonism 23
Netherlandish Proverbs (1559) 161
Netherlands 90, 175
New Mexico 209, 210
Newcastle upon Tyne 242, 243, 252
Newfoundland 102
Newgate prison 236
Newton Tony (Wiltshire) 251
Ngola Mbande 196
Nicephorus Bryennios the Younger 95
Nichols, Dandy 213n
Nile delta 11, 24
Nîmes 88
Nitria 24
Njál’s Saga 121–3, 138, 141
Njinga Mbande (Ana de Sousa) 195–200, 208
Norman Conquest 136, 138, 139
Normans 130, 138
Norris, John 243, 246
Norse myths 106, 121–3, 125
North Africa 49
North Gate scholars 41–2
Northumbria 43, 78
Norton, Caroline 193 and note, 259
Oates, Titus 236, 238
Odin the One-Eyed 106, 125
Odo of Bayeux, Bishop 137–8
On Treatments for Women (De curis mulierum) 111, 112
Opus Anglicanum 138
Orderic Vitalis 111
Orestes, governor of Alexandria 24–5
Orizaba (Veracruz) 203
Orm 99
Orpheus 32 and note
Oseberg ship burial 74–8, 125, 127
Oslofjord 74
Osthryth of the Mercians 44, 45
Oswald, King 45, 80
Oswiu of Northumbria 43
O’Toole, Rachel 226
Ovando, Nicolás de 207–8
Owen, Gale 71
Owen, Robert 249
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) 251
Padua University 259
Paine, Thomas 249
paintings, illuminations 156–61, 187, 228–9
Pakenham (Suffolk) 46
Paraclete 149
Paston, Elizabeth 190–1
Paston, John I 188
Paston, John II 188, 189
Paston, John III 189–90, 191–3
Paston letters 188–93
Paston, Margaret Mautby 188, 190
Paston, Margery 189–90
Paston, William 190
patronage 74, 82
Paula 19
Paumer, Roger le 153
peace-weaver 44, 60, 79, 118
Pegges, Alice 153
Penda, King 45
People’s Crusade (1096) 93
Perry, Ruth 248
Peru 51–4, 220
Peter the Hermit 93
Philip II 215
Phos 31
Pierantonio, Prudentia 230
pilgrims, pilgrimage 8–11, 12–14, 63, 1
04, 178
Pippin II 91
Piscopia, Elena 259
Plain of Birr 55
Planisoles, Béatrice de 162–70, 234
Plato 83
Ploutos 31
Poetic Edda 106, 126
poetry 26, 32 and note, 39–40, 83, 106, 117–18, 126, 181, 214–15, 217, 218–19, 231, 233
Popish Plot (1678–81) 234, 237–8
post-natal depression 176–7
Pouveste, Isabella 153
Poynings, Edward 191
Poynings, Sir Robert 191
Practical Medicine According to Trota (Practica secundum Trotam) 110–11
Prades 164, 166
prisons, prisoners 52, 121, 133, 169, 217, 230, 236–7, 239
Prochet, Christina 153
Procopius 42
Prokope 31
property rights 139–40
Ptolemais 23
Ptolemy 23
Pueblo Bonito (Chaco Canyon) 209
Qissama 199
Quiet Woman inn (Halstock) 33
Qur’an 84
Rædwald of East Anglia 119–20
Ragnarök 106
rape 165, 229–30, 233
Ravensden (Bedfordshire) 151
Redfern, Rebecca 15
Reformation 175n, 219, 247
Reiser, Laurie 209
Reynines (Skagafjord) 104
Richard III 191
Richards, Julian 16
Ripa, Cesare, Iconologia 228–9
Roger, Earl 139
Roger the hermit 134
Roman Empire 7–14, 11, 16, 21, 42, 47
Rome 104, 178, 230
Roper, Margaret 249
Roquefort, Bérenger de 164
Roussel, Raimond 164–5
Royal College of Midwives 235, 240
Rugby School 1, 2
Runcorn 80
rural life 154–5, 156–8, 164
Saavedra, Agustin de 222
Sæthryth 61
Saga of the Greenlanders 99, 103
saga poets 99, 117–23
St Æthelthryth 59–63, 254
St Alban (person) 131
St Albans (place) 131, 132, 133, 134
St Albans Psalter 135
St Albans, second Battle of (1461) 191
St Alpaix 155
St Audrey 63
St Augustine 138
St Beuno 34
St Brigit of Kildare 26–31, 48
St Catherine 22 and note
St Cecilia of Trastevere 34–5, 229
St Columba (or Colm Cille) 27, 30
St Cuthbert 35, 44, 48–9, 59
St Denis of Paris 35
St Francis, monastery of (Trujillo) 221
St Gwenffrewi 34
St Helena 120–1
St Hild 43–4
St Jerome 18–19
St Juthware 33–6
St Laisre 30
St Liutbirg 143, 144
St Nicholas’s Cathedral (Newcastle upon Tyne) 246
St Olga 128 and note
St Oswald of Northumbria 35
St Patrick 26, 27, 28, 30
St Paul 59–60, 65, 176
St Winifred 34
Salerno 110, 111
Salic Law 214–15
Salisbury, Earl of 181
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 246
Santiago de Compostela 104
Schurman, Anna Maria van 250
scribes 84
Scrope, Sir Stephen 190–1
Seaxburh 61
Second World War 2
seeresses 100, 105–9, 116, 117, 125, 169
Segama, Pasqual de 221, 222
Septimania province 88
servants 69–70, 155, 223
sex 115, 142, 159, 159–60, 166–7, 167, 220–1
Shaftesbury, Earl of 238
shaman 53, 125
Shamsie, Kamila 83–4, 85
Shan 41
Shawmut Peninsula 216
Shelley, Mary 247n, 259
Sherborne Abbey (Dorset) 33–4
ship burials 74–8, 119–20, 125, 127
Sigebert, King 43
Silesia 1
Silva, Juana de 224, 226
Sinai 8
skeletons 15 and note, 123–4, 125, 126, 127
slaves, slavery 69–70, 73, 84, 140, 194, 195, 196, 199, 220–1, 223
Smith, Adam 249
Snorri 102, 104, 203n
Socrates Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History 24–6
Somerville, Mary 259
South America 49
South Gyrwe 60
Spain 19, 82, 83, 203, 215
Sperling, Isabella 153
Spitalfields Christ Church 14, 63
Spitalfields sarcophagus 14–17
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde (Berlin) 115n
Staël, Germaine de 259
Stafford 80
Stafford, Henry 191
Stafford, Pauline 139
Stiattesi, Pierantonio 230
Stubbs, Una 213n
surnames 70
Susanna (Old Testament) 233–4
Sutton Hoo (Suffolk) 120
Swallowcliffe Down (Wiltshire) 64
Synesius 23
Synod of Birr (697) 56
Taizong, Emperor 39
Tamworth 80, 81
Tang dynasty 38, 42
Taoists 41
Taos pueblo 210
tapestries 72, 73, 77, 136–8
Tarragona 19
Tassi, Agostino 229–30, 233
tawdry 63
Teisseyre, Arnaud 167
Teisseyre, Sibille 167
Ten Wijngaerde (Bruges) 175 and note
Tenochtitlán (now Mexico City) 202, 203
tents 70–1, 76
Terrice, Christina 153
Tertullian 19–20
textiles 5, 76–7, 84, 85, 210
Thebaid (Egypt) 11
Theodora, Empress 42
Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury 109
Theodosius the Great 12n
Theon of Alexandria 23, 24
Thiébaux, Marcelle 92
Thomas, Charles 21
The Thomas Crown Affair (film, 1968) 160
Thomas de Pizan 180–1
Thomas of Ellerker 159
Thorbjorn (farmer) 99, 101
Thorbrand Snorrason 103
Thorfinn Karlsefni 101–2, 103, 104
Thorir 100
Thorkel 99
Thorstein 100–1
Thorvard 103
Till Death Us Do Part (TV series) 213n
Tilleda (Germany) 143
Tondberht 60
Trastevere 34–5
Très riches heures 156–8
Trota 110–14 and note, 227
Trotula 110, 111, 113
Troyes 149
Trujillo (Peru) 51, 221
Trumpington bed burial 63–6
Tucson 209
Tunbridge Wells 252
Tuzia 230
Upper Rhine 142
urban life 155–6, 158, 161
Uzès 88
Valerius of Bierzo 8
Valhalla 121–2, 125
Valkyries 108, 121, 122, 125, 126
Vallayer-Coster, Anne 259
Venice 178, 180, 230
Vidaurre, Don Faustíno 224
Viking warrior women 123–8
Vikings 41, 82, 102, 105, 121
Vinland 101–4, 123
Vinland Sagas 99
Virgin Mary 18, 33, 134, 155, 157n, 216
Vitry, James de 171–2
Viventia 18
Walesby (Lincolnshire) 21
Wallada Bint al-Mustakfi 85–6
Waltheof, Earl 139
Walton Rogers, Penelope, Cloth and Clothing in Early Anglo-Saxon England 49–51
war-spinners 117–23, 137
Wars of the Roses (1455–85) 191
Warwick 80
Water Newton hoard (Cambridgeshire) 18
Watling S
treet 41 and note, 80, 134
Wealhtheow, Queen 118–19
Wear, River 43
weavers, weaving 45–51, 54, 69–70, 71–2, 73, 76–7, 85, 101, 105, 122–3, 126, 131, 138, 141
Wessex 65, 78
West Indies 204
West Stow (Suffolk) 45–51
Whitby 43, 44
widows, widowhood 5, 21, 43, 60, 73–4, 82, 101, 102, 127, 129, 139, 143–4, 159, 165–6, 169, 171
Wilfrid, Bishop 60, 61
Wilkin, Richard 246
William I 130, 136, 137
William II 132
William III 241, 251
William (son of Dhuoda) 88, 91
Willoughby see Dangerfield, Thomas
Ana de la Calle’s 221–6
Wynflæd’s 68–74, 223
see also inheritance
Winthrop, John 216
Wirral 79
Wollstonecraft, Mary 148, 247n, 249, 259
male view 57–8
rights of 54–6
travellers 250–7
trials and tribulations 151–6
in virtual landscapes 156–61
Woodbridge, Rev. John 217–18
Woolf, Virginia, A Room of One’s Own 162
Woolley, Hannah 250
Woolston (Shropshire) 34
workshops 140–5
Wu Shiyue 38
Wu Zhao, Empress 38–42, 195
Wulfflæd 72
Wulfgyth 70
Wulfwaru 70
Wycliffe, John 175–6n
Wynflæd 67, 68–74, 76, 220, 223, 226
Xaraguá 204, 207
Yang, Empress 40
York (Eboracum) 11, 18, 81
York University 209
Yorke, Dorothy 216
Yoruba people 221
Zeus 31
Zhongzong, Emperor 42
Zuni 210
About Max Adams
MAX ADAMS studied archaeology at York University and has excavated widely in Britain and abroad, publishing more than thirty papers in academic and popular journals as well as several monographs. He has made a number of television programmes as the ‘Landscape Detective’ and co-convenes the Bernician Studies Group in Newcastle upon Tyne where he teaches in the Explore Lifelong Learning programme. His active research interests include the monastic geography of County Donegal in Ireland and the Dark Age landscapes of the North of England. He is the author of The Prometheans (2009), which was a Guardian Book of the Week, the bestselling The King in the North (2013) and The Wisdom of Trees (2014).
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