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Poltergeist Party Girls

Page 10

by M J Waverly

  “Come with me.” Jason grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwining as I inhaled. Whoosh! We were back in our bodies inside the abandoned room of the sorority. I wiggled my blurred fingers and toes and studied them as my vision cleared.

  It took a few seconds to regulate my breathing. We were back to the old abandoned sorority house.

  In the corner of the room, the three poltergeist party girls hovered in midair dressed in the same clothes they’d worn at the party. Not long after the party, the killer took their lives.

  “We’ll help you, but show me who did this to you."

  Each of them clasped their necks with their hands.

  "I don't understand."

  As the poltergeist party girls transformed into three orbs of light, a photo floated down from the ceiling. I reached for it when it hit the floor. I turned it over. It was a photograph of the nineteen eighty-two freshman Delta Beta Alpha Nu sisters, including Kara, Mary, and Jeannie. Outside the sound of sirens erupted all around us.

  Jason went to the window. "Several patrol cars are here. We need to clear out, or we're going to be in major trouble."

  “Let’s go.” I certainly didn’t want to speak to Detective Longwood.

  I turned the photo around and on the back was written: Help us.


  I was late for class because I had to run by the gas station and grab a sandwich and water. Laney would be appalled at my food options.

  I'd left the sorority photograph with Jason, so that he could study it along with Todd and Cyrus.

  I rushed into the Cloverville College language arts building. It would be faster to take the stairs than wait for the super slow elevator. I dashed up the steps, and I hoped for a subtle entrance as I carefully opened the door.

  Dr. Hawthorne was in front of the class talking about a screenplay's beginning.

  Everyone turned and looked, when I entered.

  “Glad you could make it, Miss Latimer,” Dr. Hawthorne said.

  "Sorry." I finger-waved and plunked down in my seat and open my messenger bag.

  Dr. Hawthorne continued with his lecture. I'd never noticed how pale his complexion was in the light of the classroom. Retracting fangs. Pale skin. Only stayed out at night. To anyone outside of Cloverville, they would think it's all coincidental, and that Dr. Hawthorne led a secret Gothic lifestyle.

  Since I dealt with ghosts, vampires shouldn’t be a surprise. Did this make Dracula real?

  “Tonight, we’re going to watch a classic horror movie, Curse of the Vampire Hunters. Dr. Hawthorne adjusted his projector connected to another laptop.

  After you watch this movie, I want you to write a scene from your villain’s point-of-view, and next class we’ll discuss what you discovered. You will uncover more layers to your character than you thought, possible.

  I had written my premise from the point-of-view of my villain, tapping into my anger at Camden.

  The movie began, and I wanted popcorn. The twist was the vampire couple living in the castles were the ones trying to save the human village from the hunters, who carried the plague.

  At the beginning of the movie, the hunters' goal of stopping the vampire plague seemed the right thing to do. As the video went along, the hunters refused to work with Count Von Zander and his wife, Tara to protect the villagers.

  The vampires were working on a cure in their lab. The hunters’ wanted to destroy them and everyone living in the village. A trusted servant in the vampires’ castle betrayed them, and the hunters killed him.

  I squirmed in my seat. Could I be looking at the wrong suspect in the sorority sisters’ murders? One of the sisters’ could have been a villain. I had viewed them as the victim. Kara had stolen Alice’s boyfriend, but even though it led to a broken heart, would it be enough to murder three people. Did this involve the coven? I tapped my pencil, and then I opened my notebook.

  I drew a mind map on my paper. I wrote coven at the top. In one circle, I put sorority sisters/coven issues. In circle two, sorority sisters know coven member.

  Dr. Smith said someone used a spell so that individual members wouldn't reveal the name of the other coven members. Circle three: a spell used to keep members anonymous. Circle four: Alice knew about Ingrid.

  The movie ended. The villagers were saved, but Count Von Zander and his wife walked together in the morning sun and ended their lives.

  Dr. Hawthorne stood up from behind his podium. “Would someone flick on the lights?”

  A guy next to the door jumped up and hit the light switch. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

  "Sorry, class ran over. Remember to write about your villain as the hero. Two pages due by class."

  Mumbles erupted from other students as they packed up and exited the room.

  “Miss Latimer, if you would allow me to walk you out. I wish to discuss your homework assignment.”


  Dr. Hawthorne met at the door and gestured. “Ladies, first.”

  “Have you read it?” I asked

  “Yes, I think you should continue. I might suggest you do the opposite of the class assignment and write from your main character’s point-of-view. The intended victim of the murderer. You might find it insightful.”

  “I will.” I would write it from one of the sorority sisters’ point-of-view. I’d decide on which one later.”

  Dr. Hawthorne walked me to my truck. “Be careful on your way home. The darkness conceals evil.” He held my gaze.

  “Are you . . .”

  He held up his hand. "Certain things are not discussed in Cloverville. He flashed a fangy smile. Go straight home, and then inside your house. You will be safe."

  I jumped into my truck, turned on the ignition and backed out of my parking spot. In my rearview mirror, I saw a burst of light in my rearview mirror. “Dr. Hawthorne.”

  I looked over my shoulder. Gone.

  Dr. Hawthorne was definitely a vampire.

  It had been a tense ride home when I parked next to my sister’s food truck. I ran inside and locked the door behind me. Visions of the vampire movie I’d seen in class had played out in my mind as my overactive imagination cast me in the lead role as I ran from the hunters.

  I slid the key into the lock and turned. I slipped inside and closed the front door and leaned against it. My chest heaving. Get a grip.

  Laney strolled into the living room with a cup of tea in her hand. “What’s up?”


  She narrowed her eyes. “Did you see a ghost?”

  I couldn’t say vampire without freaking my sister out. “Dealing with levels of creepiness I never knew existed. I need to find a way to deal.”

  Laney’s head jerked back. “What are you going to do?”

  "Locate Nana's Book of Shadows to find protective spells or something to bring back the balance."

  “I don’t have to be at the industrial park until noon. I have all my food prepped. We’ll search do Operation Sneak-Into-Nana’s house tomorrow morning. Do you want to do it around seven-thirty in the morning?” My sister straightened. “I’ll give Ava a call.”

  “It’s a good idea. We need practical solutions to supernatural problems.”

  I’d text Jason. I hated to miss work, but I’d make it up to him in the afternoon. He would understand.

  Laney held out her cup of tea. “Want some. It’s peppermint.”

  “No. Thanks. I’m going to research before I go to bed.”

  “Try and get some sleep.” Laney pursed her lips.

  “You, too.”

  In my room, I texted Jason. Need to search Nana’s house in the morning her Book of Shadows. Sorry to be late. I’ll be in as soon as I can.

  Jason texted back. No worries. Do you need help?

  I think I'm okay. My sisters will be with me.

  Call if you need me. Jason was so sweet and caring. I hadn’t felt like this about a guy since I started dating Camden.

  “He is recovering from a brok
en engagement. He’s my boss. Don’t get involved,” I told myself.

  I yawned and glanced at the time on my alarm clock. One o’clock. I needed sleep since we were searching Nana’s house early in the morning.

  I pulled back my quilt, removed my clothes except for my bra and underwear and slipped beneath the covers.

  Immediately, I floated into the dream world and onto the astral plane. The setting was the castle laboratory from The Curse of the Vampire Hunter’s movie I’d seen in class.

  Dressed in a flowing, slim-fitting gothic black dress with long flowing bell sleeves, I opened a drawer and frantically searched through it. "It has to be here. The Book of Shadows has to be here."

  I opened another drawer, nothing but parchment. Panic crawled up my spine like a slow-moving tarantula.

  What did Nana’s Book of Shadows look like? I imagined a leather bound book with a lock.

  A fog drifted into the room followed by a soul-sucking cold. I took in a sharp breath.

  A black, billowing cloak glided through the fog and stopped. Red-eyes glowed from beneath the hood. “What do you seek, Sidney Latimer?” A disembodied voice boomed like vocal thunder.

  Frozen, I couldn't move. I tried to wake up, unable to move, enthralled with fear, I stared at the undulating cloak.

  “Who are you?” Amazed, my tongue could form words.

  “I am called the Blood Collector.” The entity spoke in a deep, gravelly voice.

  “I’ve never heard of you. Are you a ghost?” I backed up.

  The cloak surged back several inches as if I had smacked him. “You’ve never heard of me?”


  “Truly, Elizabeth didn’t prepare you to take over her duties.” He chuckled. “This makes things easier.”

  “Sidney.” A surprised Jason materialized next to me.

  “Young Mr. Hunsinger. It seems you have inherited your mother’s power.” The Blood Collector’s eyes glowed brighter and redder from beneath the folds of the hood.

  Stunned, I turned to Jason. “Is this one of those astral plane visions?”

  “I think so.” He nodded. “I don’t understand the laboratory in a castle setting with the vampire décor.”

  “It’s from a movie I saw in class, tonight.”

  The Blood Collector glided closer. He smelled like a cold, musty grave.

  "Stay back," Jason said in a forceful voice and held out his hand as if he could wield the Force.

  I held out my hand, hoping my telekinesis kicked in.

  The Blood Collector laughed, sounding as if in life he had been a four-pack-a-day smoker. “You won’t be able to stop me. Your abilities are weak, and you don’t have the Book of Shadows, and I grow stronger with every passing hour, every day, and every night as my followers gain strength.”

  Three mirror balled orbs bobbed next to Jason and me. They transformed into their human form. Decayed corpses, lanky dry hunks of hair clung to their skulls, and tattered clothes draped over their bones.

  The Blood Collector laughed. “You can’t stop me, and you will never be free from the responsibilities placed upon your family. We were always meant to be enemies. We will meet again, soon.” He disappeared, but his evil laugh lingered.

  Stunned, I wasn’t sure how to react. The Blood Collector? Nana never mentioned him. Or it.

  I turned, and Kara Ross pointed at a desk in the main room. I strode over and touched the middle drawer. She nodded. I opened it. Inside was a photo of the historical society meeting at the sorority house.

  Jason lingered over my shoulder. “I’ll check out the historical society in the morning, while you search for your grandmother’s Book of Shadows because time is running out for them.” He pointed at the three floating corpses.

  The sorority sisters nodded, reforming into their mirror ball orbs and disappeared.

  “See you tomorrow,” Jason smiled as he looked down at me and faded away.

  Cold air brushed against my skin. No longer dressed in my vampire bell-sleeved dress. I was in my bra and underwear.

  With a whoosh, I woke up and gasped for air back in my own bed. Looking down, I clutched the historical society photo.

  The next morning at seven o’clock I drove to Nana’s while Laney followed in her food truck. We were running late because she had to put her pinto beans into the crock pot for her lunch time gig.

  The sun’s orange and red rays painted the sky with promises of a new day. I hadn’t driven these roads since I’d returned from Florida. Sadness filled me. An aching need for my grandmother hit me my heart like a sledge hammer. I blinked back tears, thinking of the kind, gentle way she had. Always encouraging. Nana had been the one person, who understood me. I pounded the steering wheel in an attempt to get a grip on emotions and focus on the job.

  I had to protect myself and my family from the Blood Collector. He’d said last night. “You can’t stop me, and you will never be free from the responsibilities placed upon your family. We were always meant to be enemies.”

  I pulled into Nana’s driveway my truck tires crunched over the gravel. A familiar sight greeted us, a single-story white house with red shutters surrounded by overflowing flower bed.

  A midnight black dog sat in the front yard, his pink tongue lolling to the side. He resembled the cemetery gate dog I encountered a few nights, ago. Shivers erupted through me.

  Honking her loud horn, Laney drove up and parked her food truck next to me, and the black dog ran up the road.

  “Did you see that black dog?” I pointed.

  She nodded. “He has to belong to someone around here.”

  Relieved that someone other than me saw the dog, I walked up to the front porch. A wooden swing and several potted plants gave it a homey feel. I swallowed, forcing tears back as I recalled sitting with Nana on the swing, talking to her, listening to stories, and just feeling loved.

  Laney followed. “Ava can’t make it. She had an emergency meeting this morning with a client. She didn’t elaborate, but said proceed and report in with what we find.”

  I looked under the welcome mat, but there was no key.

  Turning to Laney, I pointed down at the mat. “Do you have a key?”

  “No. I bet Mom or Uncle Joe might have it.”

  “See if it might be under the plants,” I said.

  Laney peeked underneath a dried up potted plant, and then another.

  “Not here. How are we going to get in?” Laney placed her hands on her hips.

  Guided by a physical urge to tap into my telekinesis, I held my hand in front of the doorknob. A pulse of energy shot from my hand and the doorknob turned, and the door slowly creaked open.

  “Dang.” I held my hand up.

  “That is like spooky and creepy, but rad,” Laney had an awed expression.

  I couldn’t help but feel a little smug. “This could come in handy.”

  "When did your abilities get so strong?" She asked. "I know mine has increased, too. It's like I have this universal plug-in to spice and food knowledge. People have been blown away by the culinary concoctions I have been creating, lately."

  "Wow. I'll have to come by and eat in the next day or two if I'm not busy dealing with ghosts."

  I pushed the door further open, and glanced back, almost expecting to see the Blood Collector.

  Laney peeked around her shoulder. “What’s keeping you?”

  We slowly walked through the door when we saw the destruction.

  Chairs overturned. Books scattered everywhere. Vases and lamps overturned. So, many cherished and happy memories in this house. Someone broke into Nana's house and destroyed her belongings. Destroyed her sanctuary.

  I thought I would vomit. I placed my hand on my stomach to ease the queasiness. Seeing the wreckage inside didn't bode well for Nana's survival.

  “Don’t touch anything?” I whispered as Laney snuck past me, but I blocked her way with my arm.

  “What happened?” Her voice choked. “Why did they do this?”
/>   “Someone broke in. We have to call Uncle Joe.”

  “Who would do this? Why?” She searched my face for answers.

  “I don’t know.”

  Laney and I returned to the food truck, where we called Uncle Joe. I texted Jason to let him know what was happening.

  “Do you need me?” He texted back.

  “No, I’m with my sister. Uncle Joe will be here soon.”

  Laney made two cups of tea and sat one in front of me. The peppermint from the mug soothed my stomach.

  “We’re going to need it.” She motioned for me to drink up

  Uncle Joe arrived fifteen minutes later. “What’s going on?”

  “You need to check out the inside,” I said.

  He entered the house, and then immediately came back outside and returned to the food truck.

  "Someone has been here since she went missing." He turned to me. "Did you girls touch anything?"

  “No,” we answered in unison.

  "Good." Uncle Joe reached for his cell phone. "Hey, Jim. I need you over at my mother's house."

  Laney and I exchanged worried glances.

  "Someone broke into and ransacked the house."

  My sister nudged me with her elbow. “You need to tell Uncle Joe about the Book of Shadows.”

  Uncle Joe hung up. He motioned for us to go back outside, so we followed him.

  "How did you get in?" He asked.

  Laney wiggled her fingers "Sidney’s magical way."

  I glowered at my sister, and then faced Uncle Joe. “It’s a telekinetic ability I’m developing in reaction to the ghosts. Uncle Joe, I need to find Nana’s Book of Shadows.”

  He grimaced. "What's happening?"

  I didn't want to worry my family, but I’d always sworn especially after my Dad’s drama I would always tell the truth. I twisted my hands. “I sort of met a very bad ghost-spirit-entity last night. He claimed his name is the Blood Collector."

  Uncle Joe sucked in his breath.

  Laney’s face grew tight. "Who is the Blood Collector?"

  "He’s not a nice ghost.” Uncle Joe removed his hat and wiped his forehead with his arm. "Sidney, you are in trouble."


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