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Neanderthal Next Door: Enemies to Lovers, Mountain Man Next-Door, Halloween Romance

Page 17

by K. C. Crowne

  He wrapped his arms around my legs, pulling me close. I let out a surprised little squeal as he did it, loving how he so effortlessly handled me.

  He leaned in and kissed my inner thighs, moving from one to the other as he made his way closer and closer where I wanted him. It was strange – even though he was the one pleasuring me, there was no feeling he wasn’t in control every second of the process.

  When his lips touched my clit the pressure of his mouth and the bristle of his beard worked together to drive me wild. I sighed and moaned, throwing my head back as he spread me open with his fingers and tunneled inside my opening with his tongue.

  My right hand dove into the thick waves of his hair, the other gripped onto the back of the couch as if I might fly off at any moment.

  He pressed his tongue against me, switching back and forth between slow licks and hard presses. And when he slipped a pair of fingers inside of me, curling them up to hit my G-spot, I couldn’t have held back the orgasm even if I’d wanted to.

  I took full advantage of us being in the middle of nowhere, letting the moans and screams pour out of my mouth.

  When the orgasm faded he rose up, his hulking, muscular body towering over me, his mouth glistening with my juices. He wiped his mouth with the back of my hand before opening up his jeans and pulling them down along with his boxer-briefs, his cock springing out, hard and dripping.

  “Come here,” he said. But he didn’t give me a choice in the matter. He scooped up my right leg with his arms and spread me open, leaning forward and driving his cock into me with such speed and power all I could do was bite down my lower lip as he shoved all of his inches in me, splitting me in two.

  “Hunter!” I shouted, as if surprised at his aggression, the intensity with which he took me, claimed me, made me his.

  But I loved it. I was surprised, but I craved it all the same. He wrapped both arms around my leg, holding it against his chest, the other draped over the couch. From this position, he hammered me relentlessly, mercilessly, each deep pounding bringing me closer and closer to a second orgasm.

  His handsome face, now sheened with sweat, was in an expression of aggressive concentration, his eyes fixed on mine, guiding me to come again without saying a word. I grabbed onto my breasts as they shook back and forth with each crashing of his body against mine, my nipples hard against my palms.

  I came again, the second orgasm more powerful than the first, overwhelming enough to make my arms drop to my sides as Hunter laid into me with an unrelenting series of thrusts.

  “Please,” I moaned, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. “Please-don’t-stop.” The word came out as one, the syllables shaking as he drove inside.

  The second orgasm faded, and as he slowed his thrusting I could see in his eyes that he was in control, that he was the one calling the shots.

  He reached forward and put his hands on my hips, kneading the soft flesh of my curves before rolling me over onto my belly. I knew what he wanted, and I was ready to give it to him. Still in a daze from the back-to-back orgasms, my vision was bleary as I climbed up onto all fours, his hand on my belly as he guided me.

  Once I was up, I cast my glance backward, taking in the sight of him mounting me from behind. I felt the pressure of the stiff, curved head of his cock against my wet lips, followed by him pushing into me again.

  I swore I might melt. My head fell onto the back of the couch as my walls gripped him, accommodating his massive size, his hands clapping down onto my ass with the perfect amount of sting.

  His hands moved up and down my body as he drove into me, his thick, long cock causing the stirrings of a third orgasm, one I knew would be the end of me.

  “Just-like-that,” I said, his pace steady, lulling me into a trace of total pleasure. “Just-like-that.”

  I wanted him to come, I wanted him to drain inside of me, for my orgasm to accompany his, for us both to reach the peak of ecstasy at the exact same time.

  Right as he pushed into me one last time, letting out a hard grunt as he did, I knew I’d get my wish. He erupted inside of me, his cock pulsing as he drained every last drop into me. The sensation of his prick twitching between my walls pushed me over the edge, made my eyes roll into the back of my head as a third orgasm ripped through my body.

  I collapsed, his cock still throbbing, the pleasure rendering me speechless aside from the silted moans flowing from my mouth.

  Then he was done, and so was I. Hunter had taken me, made me his. I hadn’t said a word, but he’d known what I’d wanted.

  And it didn’t stop with the sex. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing my body next to him on the couch. He big his thick arm around my shoulders, holding me close as we watched the flames dance.

  “Mind if I stay over?” he asked, his voice low and sensual.

  “I’d be pissed if you didn’t.”

  He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his taste lingering, his touch like nothing I’d ever known before.

  I was becoming his, and he was becoming mine.

  There was nothing I could do, even if I wanted to. And I didn’t want to do a damn thing.


  I was pissed when the alarm went off, my eyes still closed as I fumbled on the nightstand for my phone.

  But right away I realized something was off, that there was something different about my room.

  That’s when I remembered I wasn’t in my room at all. I opened my eyes, wiping away the bleariness to get a sense of my surroundings.

  I was in another bedroom, alright – Mandy’s bedroom.

  I rolled over onto my side and was greeted with just about the most beautiful sight I could’ve hoped to open up my eyes to first thing in the morning. Mandy was there curled up next to me, her chest rising and falling, total peace on her face.

  I said nothing, did nothing, simply watching her sleep. Finally, after God-knows-how-long passed, she opened her eyes.

  “Hey,” she said, a smile on her face, her voice still sleepy.


  We moved closer to one another, close enough to kiss, our lips grazing for several moments before finally locking, our mouths opening and tongues seeking one another’s.

  I took her breast into my hand, squeezing it gently, rubbing her nipple enough to make it hard. My other hand went down, down between her legs, the heat radiating from her pussy a sure sign she was thinking the same thing as me.

  But that was as far as we got. Mandy’s phone went off next to mine, the buzzing harsh and unpleasant enough to snap us both out of our spell.

  “There’s only one person who that could be,” Mandy said before planting one last kiss on my lips and rolling over to grab her phone. She checked the screen and nodded. “Yep.”

  Before I had a chance to say anything, she put the phone to her ear and let her head fall back onto the pillow. The voice on the other end belonged to a woman, and whatever she was talking about, the words were coming out at a mile a minute.

  “Uh huh,” Mandy said. “Alright. Sure, sure.”

  She hung up and let out a sigh as the hand holding the phone dropped to her side.

  “Let me guess,” I said. “You’ve got to go into work.”

  Mandy nodded. “She’s getting Parker ready for school and he’s acting up.” She shook her head. “God, I don’t get it – usually Lizzie’s the only person who can get him to behave. Aside from you, that is.”

  As much as I wanted to continue with what we’d started, it sounded like that wasn’t going to be the case. “Well,” I said, sitting up and stretching out my arms. “We didn’t really talk about it last night, but I’m still down to spend some time with Parker, if you’re still cool with it.”

  She shook her head, running her hand through her hair. “I don’t know. I mean, I’m fine with you seeing him. It’s more that I don’t know if it’s right to ask you to handle him. He’s in a really tough spot right now, lashing out at everyone. I know you’ve got enough to deal with already wit
hout adding a temperamental six-year-old on top of it all.”

  “Maybe you’re right. But let me give it a shot. How about this – I pick him up from school after my shift. It’ll give you the afternoon off, and I’ll put him to work doing something constructive with his hands.”

  “What about his homework?”

  “We’ll take care of that, too. Go take a spa day or something, relax.”

  A faint, but genuine smile formed on her lips.

  “I might just get some errands done, but it’s a nice thought. Alright, he’s all yours for the afternoon. I’ll text you the address of his school and let them know someone other than me will be coming to pick him up.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be looking forward to it.” To my own surprise, I meant it.

  She sighed again. “Shoot, I don’t even know if I’ll have time for a shower.”

  With that, we got out of bed and dressed. When we stepped out into the living room the fire had long died down, only a few orange embers remaining. I put the fire out and shut the grill, the two of us stepped out onto the porch.

  “Last night was…nice,” she said. “And thanks for coming clean with me. I’m sure that’s a hard subject for you to talk about.”

  “It is. But not with you.” The words came out of my mouth before I’d even considered them.

  But they were right – I’d meant them. There was something about Mandy that made me want to take down all of my walls, to let her inside in a way I’d never done with anyone.

  She smiled, leaning up on her toes and planting a kiss on my lips.

  “See you tonight, OK? I’ll make some dinner.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  I stepped off the porch and hopped into my truck, starting up the engine.

  “What the hell have you gotten yourself into, buddy?” I asked out loud as I grabbed my keys. “Fucking mess is what this is.”

  But in spite of my words I was looking forward to the day.

  It was a feeling I hadn’t known in a long, long time. I’d gotten so used to life being a burden, each new day another ordeal to get through. But having Mandy and Parker in my life was different. I was…happy.

  I went into work, putting in a full morning shift. About an hour before taking my lunch break, I got a text from Hugh letting me know he was in town and asking if I wanted to grab something to eat.

  It was strange – what the hell was he doing in town so often?

  “It’s a woman,” he said over burgers at the Red Kettle, the slightest hint of a grin on his face. “What?” I about damn near fell out of my seat. “You found a woman here in Silver Pines?”

  He smirked. “That so hard to believe? What’re you trying to say, bud – that I can’t get a date?”

  I grabbed a French fry off my plate and whipped it in his direction. “Now, you know that’s not what I mean, dumbass. More that you’re dating some woman in town. And that you’re managing to squeeze it in with how busy work is. Not to mention with you checking in on my like you’re my damn nanny.” I offered a small smirk at these last words, letting him know I wasn’t being totally serious.

  “You can make time for important stuff,” he said, popping the fry I’d tossed into his mouth. “I mean, that’s what you’re doing, right?”

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “With this neighbor. You came up here to be all alone like some hermit, and now you’re making all sorts of time for her. I’m starting to think you have a little crush, bud.”

  “There’s something else.”

  “What’s that?” His expression turned serious.

  “Someone let her know about my history in LA.”

  “Wait, what? Someone went around digging into your past?” He glanced away, checking himself as he shook his head. I’ve got a feeling I know who it was.”

  “That right?” Hugh asked as he smacked onto the back of a bottle of ketchup, red globs plopping onto the plate. “Who?”

  “This friend of hers, some rich prick who’s taken it upon himself to be her guardian angel or some shit. Guy like him’s got all the money and resources to pull something like that off.”

  “And what happened? You tell her the whole story?”

  I nodded. “I did, and she seemed OK with it.”

  “Good. But that gets me wondering.”


  “About this rich prick. In my experience, men like him…when they want something, they don’t stop until they get it. You might want to watch your back – this poking around into your past might be just the beginning.”

  I said nothing, my eyes focused on the blood-red pool of ketchup on his plate.

  Hugh and I finished up lunch, and I ran a few more errands in town before it came time to pick up Parker from school

  I was there twenty minutes before the bell rang, and the strangest damn thing happened as I waited, leaning against my truck.

  I got nervous.

  I never got nervous.

  Before I could puzzle out the cause of it, the bell rang and the kids poured out of the school doors. The place was a total mess of Halloween decorations, making me keenly aware we were about to be in the middle of the most kid-centric holiday of the year.

  Then I spotted him. Mandy must’ve told Parker to be on the lookout for my truck, because the kid made a beeline to it – and me. His face broke out into a big, happy smile, and the sight moved me.

  I knew why. Back when I’d thought I was going to be a dad, picking up my little boy or girl from school was an image I’d found myself thinking about more than a few times. Being there, waiting for them to come out, having them see that Daddy was there waiting for them, ready to take them never failed to make my heart feel a way it never had before.

  That was taken from me, of course – taken when I’d learned my ex had done what she did.

  “Mr. Anderson!” shouted Parker as he rushed up to me, throwing his arms around my legs.

  “Hey…hey there, kid!” I hadn’t been ready for that kind of affection. Not sure what else to do, I mussed his hair. “Let’s get moving, bud.”

  “What are we going to do?” he asked.

  I opened the door and prepared to help him in. But before I had a chance to give him a boost, he turned to me with a determined look in his eyes.

  “I can do it!” he said, plopping his arms onto the seat and hoisting himself up.

  “Alright, then.” I backed up and watched him crawl onto the seat. It took some doing, but he managed to get situated in the booster that Mandy had lent to me.

  “Got it!” He grinned, clearly proud of himself.

  “You sure do. Now, buckle yourself up.”

  He did, and I shut the door.

  The kid had a spine to him – liked doing stuff for himself. I liked that.

  Reminded me of myself.

  I climbed into the car and we were off, Parker spending the trip telling me all about what he’d done at school, making himself the star of the show in every story he told, of course.

  “What’re we going to do?” he asked again.

  “We’re going to do some work,” I said.

  “Aww. Can’t we play video games instead?”

  “Nope, we’re going to do some real-life stuff, help your mama out.”


  I grinned. “It’s a surprise. But first, we got to pick up some gear. Consider this a top-secret mission.”

  He was clearly into the idea of doing some secret stuff, the smirk on his face suggesting I’d let him in on a job for his eyes only.

  We stopped by the supply store to pick up the shipment I’d ordered.

  “What’s that?” Parked asked as I helped the guys there get the boxes loaded into the back of my truck.

  “You know what ‘need-to-know’ means?” I asked, the two of us hopping back into the truck, Parker more deftly climbing onto his seat this time.

  “What is it?”

  I started the engine and we were off.
  “It’s something they say in the military. It means you know stuff when you need to know it.”

  He thought the matter over for a moment as I drove.

  “You were in the military?”

  “Sure was – Army.”

  Now this got his interest. “That’s so cool. Did you ever kill anyone?”

  The question was so tactless in only the way kids could ask that I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “That’s some more need-to-know information.”

  We drove the rest of the way, Parker grilling me for every bit of information I had about life in the service. There was no sign of Mandy when we reached the house, which was what I’d been hoping for – I had a surprise in mind.

  “Alright,” I said. “Here’s the game plan. You get in there and start on your schoolwork. I’m going to unload all these boxes and get us set up for our job. How does that sound?”

  “Do I have to do school stuff first?”

  “You sure do – if you want to help with the top secret job, that is.”

  This got his little butt in gear. Parker rushed into the house bag in hand, and through the window I watched as he sat down at the table inside and got started.

  I went to work on the boxes, pulling them down and opening them up. The gear was inside, all looking in order. After double-checking my tools and putting everything where it needed to be, about a half-hour had passed.

  “Done!” Parker said, a triumphant tone to his voice.

  “Is that right?” I asked. “All set and good to go?”

  “Yep! Mom can check when she gets back.” Then his attention went to the gear. “What’s this stuff?”

  “Solar panels and parts,” I said, putting my hands on my hips. “You know how your power’s always been going off and on?”

  “Yeah! It’s really annoying. And it always happens during cloudy days.”

  “That’s because these panels need to be replaced. Solar panels work by using these things -” I picked up one of the panels, “-called photovoltaic cells. They suck up the sunlight, let you store it for later.”


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