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Matchmaker Backfire: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants Book 226)

Page 11

by Flora Ferrari

  But no.

  It’s been awkward enough so far. I want us both somewhere comfortable and alone.

  Someplace I know we won’t be disturbed either.

  Back on the road, it’s not long before I hear her phone start to chirp, followed closely by my own.

  We’re back in range now and it sounds like we’re both getting all her dad’s messages and missed calls.

  I puff air out of my cheeks, feeling it again, that one thing left to get through before I know Serena and I can be together in peace.

  And none of it can really happen while her dad’s in the dark about how we feel about each other.

  “I should call him,” she offers and I agree.

  “Tell him we’re nearly home now and your ankles better.” I hear myself say aloud, sounding like a robot, which makes Serena chuckle before she dials her dad’s number.

  “It’ll all work out, remember?” she reminds me.

  And I nod. “Of course it will.”

  I just have to stab my best friend in the heart to make sure I can keep his daughter’s… no problem.



  My call goes to dad’s voicemail, which is kind of a relief. I leave a message, telling him what Carter suggested, and let him know I’ll try again once we get home.

  Checking through his messages I can tell dad’s busy.

  And concerned.

  The cold snap we just left in Vermont has spread across a lot of the northern states, seeing a huge demand for the supply of the company’s products.

  I know dad will be in his element, loving the challenge though.

  But I also know where he’d rather be. It was supposed to be our holiday after all.

  I don’t say much to Carter deliberately. I can feel his desire for me but also the wedge of my dad between us, something I know I’ll have to face sooner rather than later if I’m to be Carter’s forever.

  I’ll just sit dad down and explain things, tell him how much we love each other and that’ll be that.

  We both relax a little once the freeway becomes familiar suburbs and in no time we’re right back where I started just a couple of days ago, wondering how so much could have happened so quickly.

  “Well, here we are,” I announce, not wanting to move suddenly once we pull into the driveway, feeling like it’s the end of a date or something.

  Like if I open the car door I’ll break the spell.

  “Here we are,” Carter parrots, looking up at the house and then back to me.

  I look up at the house too. The top floor windows like eyes looking down at us both as we sit like nervous kids in my dad’s SUV.

  “Aren’t you gonna invite me in?” Carter says bashfully, hamming it up for my benefit as we both try to dispel this uneasy feeling now that we’re finally here alone.

  I didn’t think coming back to my dad’s place would be awkward. It’s home to me, but I can tell it’s having an unwanted effect on Carter on so many levels.

  Until he leans over and kisses me that is, then it all makes sense again.

  It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing, as long as we’re together.

  As soon as he touches me I feel myself wanting him more than ever.

  Needing him inside me again.

  Unbuckling myself I’m in his arms, not having to lean over too far because he practically fills the whole truck.

  Our mouths lock, and his hands move over me, cupping my chest until I moan before one of them moves between my legs and makes me gasp loudly.

  His own body catches the steering wheel, setting off the horn which makes us both giggle until I gasp again.

  Louder this time, a stifled scream really.

  There’s a face pressed against the glass on the driver’s side of the truck, followed by a rapping of knuckles on the glass.

  It takes a split second for it to register, but I recognize our elderly neighbor, Mark Shultz.

  Sensing my embarrassment, Carter lets go of me and winds the window down on his side, none too happy for the interruption as I feel my own arousal disappear as quickly as it came on.

  “Oh, hi Serena,” he says suspiciously. “I was expecting to see your dad. Everything alright?” he asks, taking a step back from the truck once he senses how unhappy Carter is for his interruption.

  “Can I help you?” is all he manages, almost snarling at the old man before I butt in.

  “Mr. Shultz, this is Carter, you remember Carter, dad’s oldest friend; don’t you?” I ask him, pressing my hand onto Carter’s arm to signal him to let me do the talking.


  “Ah, so it is,” he announces, peering into the car again, noting with his eyes just how close Carter and I still are.

  Dad would’ve asked him to keep an eye on the place while we’re away, so it’s only natural he’d come out and meet us once we got back, especially since we’re five days early.

  “Everything alright?” he asks, peering over his thick glasses and giving me a very stern look.

  “Fine, thanks,” I squeak. “Daddy got called back to work and I sprained my ankle in the snow. Carter’s been looking after me,” I hear myself babble, sounding more guilty by the second.

  “So I saw,” the old man remarks. “Anyway, just saw you pull up and came to give you some mail,” he adds, which Carter takes from him.

  “Would you like to come in for some coffee?” I ask, sounding desperate now.

  Fighting to sound normal, knowing the old buzzard will tell my dad everything he saw the first chance he gets.

  And I just know how much he saw from the amount of fog he’d left on the window.

  “No, no. I’ll leave you two to it. Just thought it was your dad home with you is all,” he drawls, turning to shuffle off but making sure he gives me one final glance that lets me know that he knows everything.

  “Nice to see you again, Carter,” he calls over his shoulder. “Let me know when your dad gets back, Serena,” he adds, shaking his head to himself before disappearing behind the hedge at the bottom of the driveway.

  Carter groans to himself as he rolls the window up.

  “He’s old,” I stammer. “I could just say…” But it’s no use. We both know we’re on borrowed time before my dad has to know.

  Before we both break his heart because we’ve found our own joined together.

  Carter smiles and pats my leg. “You up to walking without being carried? I wouldn’t want to be seen ravishing you in the driveway again. You have any other nosy neighbors?” he quips, making me think of Mrs. Peterson on the other side, and the Cunningham’s behind us.

  Come to think of it, all our neighbors are pretty inquisitive. Something I never minded until just now.

  It always made my dad feel safer leaving me alone if he had to and especially when I was away at college, the house being empty most of the time.

  “Don’t forget those dishes,” I remind Carter, trying to lighten the mood again, knowing we have to go inside at some point and at some point too, I’m gonna need him to do me in almost every room of my house to satisfy my fantasies.

  Proving to me that all of this is real and not just a dream.

  He chuckles to himself, commenting that he did ask me to remind him, although dishes aren’t the first thing he had in mind once we got home.

  Hearing him say home again, makes me feel something warm inside like no matter what happens from now on and even if it’s not here, I’ll always be home as long as I’m with Carter.

  “What?” he asks, noting my stare.

  “I just like it when you say home and it includes me,” I confess, feeling myself getting a little flushed again, that arousal slowly but surely making a comeback.

  “I am home with you, Serena, no matter where we are,” he says, reading my mind and kissing me again.

  Neighbors be damned.

  I want to tell him it doesn’t just always have to be us. That one day I’d like us to be more than ju
st two people.

  Like having a family.

  Being our own family, not just me and my dad.

  But I don’t want to spring the idea on Carter too soon, he’s only just claimed me as his.

  Letting me hobble as far as the door to let us in is all Carter lets me do, making sure he brings in all the gear that needs washing up from the cabin and setting to work to clean it once he’s started my bath running at a slow trickle.

  “I told you,” he reminds me. “A hot bath, something to eat… and then…” he adds with a devilish grin.

  I’m glad I’m sitting down when he says that because I feel myself go weak at the thought of his huge naked body pressed against mine again.

  “Let me do something,” I pretend to complain.

  “Strip,” he says jokingly with a smile as he half turns from the sink scrubbing some cast iron pots and rinsing our plates before he turns his back again fully, smiling to himself still.

  I know we’re alone now and the shutters outside are closed. The whole house sealed up for our time away.

  It’s unlike me, especially unlike me, but I want to give Carter at least one thing after everything he’s done so far today.

  It hurts a little on my foot as I shimmy out of my jeans, but I make the effort, feeling an intense thrill as I undress for him without him even knowing.

  My bra’s the last thing to come off and biting my lip I wonder if this is just stupid until he catches my reflection in the kitchen window in front of him.

  His low growl drowns out the splash of his dish brush and in the two steps it takes for him to reach me, I can see his own arousal springing to life before he reaches me.



  I was gonna wait, get her in the bath and cook us some early dinner… But seeing her like that.

  I can’t help myself.

  Everything I’ve held back the whole trip home is screaming to be inside her all over again, to take her right here. Right now.

  My dick feels like it’ll burst as it strains against my jeans. Feeling her smooth, soft curves against my own hardness as I kiss her hard it’s almost too much to contemplate.

  Mindful of her ankle, I grip her by those sweet hips and hoist her up, showing concern when she winces, but her head shaking along with the low whimper she lets out tells me she’s more than okay.

  Her legs wrap around me and I can feel the heat of her mound against my already insane stiffness as she thrusts hard against me, making us both groan.

  I can hear the bath running upstairs, but it’s slow and I know we both need each other right fucking now.

  There are no time limits anymore. She’s all mine, and I have all day and all night to show her just how special she is to me.

  How much pleasure I have to give her.

  “I need it again, Carter. I need you so bad,” she mews in my ear. The clatter of everything on the kitchen table hitting the floor is drowned out by our own animal sounds as I tear at my sweater, unable to get naked quick enough while she frees my dick from my jeans which I kick off after slipping my boots off in seconds.

  Shoving chairs to one side with my feet and easing her onto the table, I curse loudly once I feel the heat from my throbbing head meet her hot hole.

  There’s no easing it in now, no need to pretend anything.

  We both want one thing, her body gliding towards mine, my thick fat cock sliding into her perfectly drenched pussy as if it never left her.

  Where it belongs.

  She feels better than our first time if that’s even possible and her eyes roll back as those claws of hers set to work on gripping my back as I start to move inside her.

  The closeness of her soft body as my flexed torso and legs grinding against her is something I want to feel every day from now on.

  Several times a day.

  All day.

  Every day.

  My Serena.

  I groan the words in her ear, telling her I love her as my hands work hard to take in as much of her as I can, her own climax building in time with my own.

  “Set me down,” she whispers hoarsely. “Do me from behind over the table… like I always imagined you would,” she gasps.

  I don’t need any further instruction.

  Favoring her ankle good ankle, she rests the other up on the table and I use my own legs to support her as I take a moment to survey her fine ass, spread wide for me with her slick, sweet pussy resting on the polished wood.

  Waiting for my own arousal to join it.

  “God, I love you,” I groan again, feeling her pushing herself back into me as I take her from behind for the first time.

  It’s a magical feeling, and instantly hitting her sweetest spot deep inside once I get my full length inside her.

  She almost shouts as she swears, then purrs as my fat dick meets her perfect place and we both know we haven’t got long.

  But it’s perfect. I want to feel her coming on my thick, fat cock and I tell her so, prompting her own pre-orgasmic ripples as her whole body starts to shiver and my balls rise up, feeling more of what I want inside her about to be delivered.

  “Uh. Fuck me, Carter,” she begs, struggling to pound herself back against my rod quick enough to satisfy her need, but I’m already on it.

  My own legs tremble and shudder as I grip her meaty hips from behind, watching her ass move in time with each of my thrusts, building up such a pace I’m amazed either of us can hold on a second longer before we climax.

  Balls deep inside my beautiful woman, I feel her shudder under my own climax as she quivers against my cock, gasping my name and trying to tell me to keep fucking her still.

  “Fuck me, Carter… Keep fucking me…” she begs me, and I do. I make love to her from behind and facing me. On the bench, the table, and finally the stairs as I try to get her to her bath, which I suspect is overflowing by now.

  But I don’t care.

  Finally, I know she’s spent, and I know I’ve given my girl everything I can and more. She’s come for me, on me and with me.

  I’m the happiest man alive as I pick her up, carrying her upstairs for her bath as promised.

  It has overflowed, but the drain catches it, making the water just right after our lovemaking.

  I let a little water out of the tub and tell Serena to soak while I clean up and get some dinner ready, which she readily agrees to.

  But another sudden sound makes us both freeze on the spot.

  Brings a fearful look into her eyes and makes me close my own for a moment.

  Realizing it had to happen sooner or later.

  I almost half hope it’s that damned neighbor again, but no.

  “Serena? Honey?”

  The sound of the front door unlocking and closing followed by Greg’s cautious voice tells us both that the one thing we’d hoped to put off has come to meet us head on instead.

  I hear Greg curse once he sees the kitchen, everything swiped off it as he calls out for his only daughter again.

  Serena shivers, terrified as we both hear her dad going from room to room downstairs, probably fearing something far worse than he’s about to discover.

  Or maybe not.

  I grab a robe off the back of the bathroom door, one of Greg’s by the size but I’d rather that than nothing.

  “What are we gonna do?” Serena hisses, covering herself as I kneel down beside the bath.

  “Tell me you’ll marry me?” I ask her, knowing it’s all that matters to me now.

  To have her forever, not just for a day or two.

  “Tell me you’ll be the mother of our children; that I can take you away from this and give you everything we’ve had in two days everyday… for the rest of our lives.”

  Her eyes are wide with a new kind of excitement.

  Suddenly unafraid, I feel us both reaching out for one another on the only level we’d be happy with.

  “I love you, Serena. And I want you to be my wife,” I tell her again, hea
ring her squeak with emotion before she can reply.

  Before the sound of her dad pounding on the bathroom door interrupts us.

  I kiss her, begging her with my eyes to hold that thought as I slip into her room through the other door in the bathroom.

  “I’m in the bath dad,” she calls out, making some deliberate splashing sounds as I close her bedroom door behind me, determined to take care of this whole situation man to man.

  “Honey?” Greg says again, louder, his voice trembling with a new element I understand better once I come out of Serena’s room and meet him on the landing in front of the bathroom.

  He’s mad as hell.

  His hands are fists and he barely looks me up and down once before coming at me swinging.

  I let him have one good, solid hit before I use my own strength to slow him down, holding his arms like he’s a child as he starts to moan and bawl, crying and calling me every name under the sun.

  “Easy, Greg. Easy,” I try and tell him, but he’s so wound up it takes a while for him to yield to my hands over his.

  I can hear Serena shrieking from the bathroom, leaping from the tub, and crying out in pain as she no doubt hurts her ankle all over again, but I have to deal with her dad first.

  My oldest, my one true friend.

  “The Lodge called me… then our neighbor when I was about to land,” he sobs, wiping his nose with his hand before trying to come at me again.

  “How could you! You fuckin’ bastard. We’re like brothers, a lifetime of trust and this is how you repay me!” he screams, calling out for Serena again.

  I don’t have the words for him, not yet.

  But I do feel his pain. The trouble is it’s nothing compared to the love I feel for his only daughter.

  The woman I’ve claimed and asked to marry me.

  I hold him back until he collapses into my arms, weeping and sobbing, still calling me the worst names but admitting he knew it himself.

  It was so obvious once he saw Serena and me together.

  Almost like it was destined to happen.

  Because I believe it was too. We all do.



  We all knew it was coming, I just wish…


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