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Mr. Big Jerk: A Forbidden Second Chance Romance (Kinda Cocky Series Book 3)

Page 16

by J. P. Comeau

  “Clint, I don’t know if we’re going to get there on time,” I said through my tears.

  “Keep breathing and hollow out your back. It’s going to help with your hip pain, remember?”

  Kelly stuck her head up front. “You went to all of the Lamaze classes?”

  Clint shrugged. “Yeah, why not?”

  I looked at her with wide eyes. “Not important right no-aaaaah!”

  Everything passed in a blur. One minute, Clint was racing down the road, and the next minute I was on a gurney. I wanted Kelly to call my labor coach, but I honestly wasn’t sure if she’d get here in time. The pain was dizzying. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My yoga pants were soaked, my breasts ached unlike anything I’d ever felt before, and it felt like my spine was about to crack in two.

  “Shit, I have to poop,” I hissed.

  I heard an unfamiliar voice pipe up. “All right, let me get you leaned back and check for you--.”

  My head snapped up. “Who are you? You aren’t my doctor? Where’s my doctor!”

  Clint pressed his lips to my ear again. “Our baby’s coming, and he’s coming quickly. This is the on-call doctor. Just listen to him, okay? I promise you’re in great hands.”

  Tears streaked my cheeks. “But, he’s not my doctor.”

  The nameless doctor pulled up a chair. “I know you’re scared right now, but I need you to lean back. Dad, you want to come hold--.”

  Clint shot back at the doctor. “We need to get her out of this bed and let gravity do the work. She doesn’t need to be lying down.”

  The doctor shook his head. “I’m afraid we can’t do that, sir.”

  Clint worked me back out of bed. “I don’t give a shit what you think. Come on, Roxy. Move with me.”

  “Aaaaahhhhh, Clint! It hurts!”

  “I know it does. Lean against me. That’s it. Let me hold you up.”

  “Fuck! Why the fuck is this happening!?”

  He kissed the back of my head. “Let gravity do its work. You just push when your body feels ready.”

  The doctor tried to butt in. “Sir, we really need to get her back into--.”

  I snapped at him. “Shut up, or help. But, I’m not lying in that bed. I know it’s bad for delivery. That’s what my lam-aaaaaaaah!”

  Clint’s arms held me up tightly. “You’re doing great. When you feel the need, push again. And I’m going to be right here.”

  Sweat dripped down the nape of my neck. I watched nurses get onto the floor as they started piling sheets and towels beneath me. I felt tired. I felt sore. I felt angry, and I felt pain. I tried to fight against it with each contraction that washed over me like an ocean trying to swallow me whole.

  Then, Clint whispered in my ear.

  “Let it take you under, beautiful. Pain isn’t your enemy. Not in a situation like this.”

  My eyes rolled back as the doctor’s voice finally sounded. Though, it sounded far off. I let the pain wash over me just like Clint told me, and for some reason, that made things more bearable. It felt like my insides were trying to claw their way out. I’d never felt pressure or pain like this before. The ugly euphoria made me sick to my stomach, but it also made me feel fierce. Proud. Strong.

  Just like Clint had always seen me.

  “There you go. There it is. Just like that, Roxy. You're doing great,” he whispered.

  The doctor called up from the floor. “One more push and the baby’s here. You’re doing fantastic, Mama.”

  “Do this for our boy, beautiful. Do it for him.”

  And as I gritted my teeth, I heard Kelly and Karina squealing with delight at the doorway as the pressure finally relieved itself.

  Everything went silent as I collapsed into Clint’s arms. I felt nurses helping me back into bed as my head fell off to the side. I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt someone taking my hands as my eyes fluttered open. I gazed up into the face of the man I loved, watching him while he watched the doctors handling our baby.

  And when I heard that ear-splitting cry for the very first time, all sound came whooshing back into place.

  “Congratulations, Mom and Dad,” the doctor said.

  I kept watching Clint’s face as his jaw dropped open, and his eyes watered with tears.

  “What, honey? What is it?” I asked weakly.

  But, when I saw the doctor offer Clint a rolled-up blue blanket, I knew. In my heart of hearts, I knew I’d been right.

  It’s a boy.

  Clint laughed with delight. “He’s beautiful, Roxy. My God, you’re perfect. You and he are absolutely perfect.”

  I held up my arms. “Let me see him. Please.”

  I felt someone opening my gown. “Skin to skin is best. Clint, unwrap him and settle him against Roxy’s chest.”

  I felt someone cleaning between my legs before a sheet was ripped from beneath me. I didn’t care, though. The only thing I focused on was that naked baby boy being settled against my chest.

  And when I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes he had inherited from his father, tears rolled down my cheeks.

  “I love you so much,” I whispered.

  Then, I heard machines beeping out of control before my world faded into darkness.



  “Roxy?” I asked.

  I heard the machines beeping erratically as her arms went limp.

  “Roxy!” I roared.

  The baby started crying as Kelly rushed to her side.

  “Roxy, what’s going on? Roxy, can you hear me!?”

  Karina scooped up our son. “Doctor!”

  Nurses pushed me off to the side as they gathered around Roxy. I watched her body go limp as her face paled before I heard something splashing against the floor. My head whipped over toward the sound, and I saw red fluid gushing all over the floor. Right from between Roxy’s legs.

  My entire world froze.

  No. Not again.

  “Roxy!” I roared.

  “Sir, you have to calm down,” the nurse said.

  “Roxy! Wake up, damn it!”

  I felt hands against my chest. “Sir, you have to stay here. You can’t go with her. Sir!”

  “Clint!” Karina shrieked.

  I felt something soft settle into my arms before I looked down at my sweet baby boy.

  Then, I heard Karina’s voice again. “Let’s get him his first bath.”

  I slowly rose my gaze. “What just happened? What happened to my Roxy?”

  Her eyes watered. “Trust the doctors to do what they do best. But, in the meantime? Your son needs you.”

  My eyes slowly lifted to the doorway, and I saw Zane and Brenden standing there. They rushed to my side and ushered me over to the washing trough where all of us stood around, taking turns washing up my son. My son, who still didn’t have a name because I’d left that to Roxy. My son, who had already been robbed of his mother’s touch because I was forever cursed to lose those I loved around me.

  “Have faith, Clint,” Zane said.

  Brenden nodded. “You’re in the best hospital this city has to offer. Whatever’s wrong, they’ll fix it.”

  I started trembling. “There was--so much blood. There--there was--.”

  Kelly cupped my cheeks. “Focus on your son. Roxy needs that from you right now.”

  Every second seemed like an eternity. Every minute that passed felt more and more hopeless. Why hadn’t someone come in to tell me anything yet? What the fuck had happened to Roxy?

  What if she dies?

  “Mr. Hearthstone?”

  I jerked my head up from feeding my baby boy. “Yes?”

  He crouched down beside me. “Miss Crown suffered from what we call a uterine rupture. Unmedicated labor was a bit too hard on her body, and when the uterus was trying to push out the placenta, it split just that quickly.”

  My heart leaped into my throat. “Please tell me she’s all right.”

  The doctor sighed. “These next few hours are crucial. But, all she can t
alk about is seeing the two of you. Come with me.”

  I sure as hell didn’t have to be told twice.

  I marched down the hallway, in tandem with the doctor, before he led me into a recovery room that had more beeping machines and more tubes than when we first came in. Seeing Roxy so pale and so fragile broke my heart. But, she was alive, and that showed me exactly the kind of fighter she was. Her eyes slowly opened, and her head turned toward the door, and even from beyond the worry and the pain and the sorrow behind her eyes, her face lit up with joy.

  “There are my boys,” she said weakly.

  I rushed to her side. “Want to give this skin to skin thing another try?”

  Her eyes watered. “Would I ever.”

  I helped get her gown undone before I settled our son against her skin. And when their two bodies met, I watched color flush back into Roxy’s face. I watched our little boy nuzzle between her leaking breasts, so I pulled up a chair and softly guided our son’s lips to her bosom.

  Before he latched on and started sucking.

  Roxy giggled. “Looks like he won’t have an issue eating.”

  I smiled. “Gets that from you.”

  She glared at me. “You think you’re cute, but sometimes you’re annoying.”

  I kissed her forehead. “I’ll take it any day of the week.”

  I sat back down in the chair. “So, do you have a name for our little guy?”

  Her head fell back to her pillow as our son continued to nurse. “How does Bryce sound?”

  I blinked. “What?”

  Her head lobbed over to face me. “Bryce Clinton Hearthstone. Has a bit of a ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  I felt a tear streak my cheek. “Are you being serious right now?”

  She nodded. “That way, you and Bryce will always be together. In him.”

  I drew in a broken breath. “Marry me.”

  She furrowed her brow. “What?”

  I held my breath before I let out a snicker and took her left hand in my own.

  “I know that’s not the most romantic proposal, and I certainly don’t have the ring with me. I, uh, planned on proposing once we got home and got settled in. So, it’s there, in my underwear drawer. But, I can’t wait a second longer. I can’t wait one more millisecond to ask. Roxy Crown, I love you more than life itself. You’ve given me my son. My namesake. And it sure as hell wouldn't be fair if you didn’t bear our last name, either. I love you from the bottom of my soul. To the moon and back. Forever, and back again. Roxy Crown, will you marry me?”

  She let out a soft sob. “Of course, I’ll marry you, Clint. And I promise never to tell anyone that you really can cry like me.”

  I barked with laughter. “You and that sarcastic wit of yours.”

  “Come here and give me a kiss.”

  And as I raised up, pressing my lips against her own, I knew that was the first of many commands I’d obey for the rest of my life.

  So long as Roxy and Bryce were always at my side.



  A Few Months Later

  The ocean breeze blew in from the Hawaiian coast as our private cabana hut sat just behind us. With the sun setting over the water and our family and friends gathered along the sand, I gazed up into Clint’s eyes. I watched the sunset wash over the sky in the reflection of his gaze as the officiant smiled between us.

  And as sand squished between my toes, I heard those glorious words fall from the officiant’s mouth.

  “With the power invested in me by the state of Hawaii and this beautiful country of ours, I now pronounce you man and wife. Clint?”

  He grinned. “Yes, sir?”

  “Kiss your bride and get out of here.”

  Kelly whistled at the top of her lungs, and Karina whooped like she was at a basketball game, as Clint took me into his arms. The last of the sun shone across the horizon, igniting the ocean into watery flames of desire. Our lips pressed together, sealing our union that had been months in the making. And when I heard Bryce cooing behind me in the arms of my maid of honor--none other than my own sister--tears rushed my eyes.

  Everyone gathered around us to give handshakes, hugs, and kisses. Even the officiant congratulated us before we invited him to stay for our small reception. It was simple, really: a long, sprawling picnic table with a bonfire cooking our stuffed pig to perfection. And as the sun finally sank beneath the undulating waves that would wake Clint and myself up every morning for the next two weeks, I gazed up at the stars.

  As tiki torches were lit to keep the party going.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he said.

  I smiled. “I never knew white linen pants could look so good on someone. Have you been working out?”

  He chuckled. “If you call midnight bottle feedings and carrying our son around a workout.”

  “Hey, anyone in our position would call that a workout. Especially with the slack you picked up in the beginning.”

  He wrapped his arms around me. “I’m just glad you’re alive and safe. With a clean bill of health, I might add.”

  I grinned. “Just in time for our honeymoon.”

  He growled lowly. “Perfect timing, indeed.”

  I stood to my tiptoes and kissed the lips of my husband before Daddy walked up behind me. He tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around before he enveloped me in a massive hug. I was so thankful for the help my parents had provided for us. Mom came to stay with us at the house for the first two months of Bryce’s life so I could recuperate from my surgery, and Daddy took time off work to come play chef. And Clint’s parents had been a godsend once mine returned back home. But, while I was thankful for their help, I was excited to have the next two weeks all to myself.

  With no one but Clint at my side.

  “You guys sure you don’t want to stay an extra week? It’s on me,” Daddy said.

  I leaned my head against Clint’s chest. “I’m sure.”

  Daddy rubbed my back. “Well, if you change your mind? All you have to do is give me a call. And until then, Bryce will be well taken care of.”

  Clint shook his hand. “Thanks for doing this at our place back in Vegas. We just thought Bryce would cope better with us gone if he was in his own surroundings.”

  Daddy chuckled. “We raised two of them. So, trust me, we get it. We’re happy to help in any way we can. You two just make sure to enjoy yourselves.”

  I wrapped my arms around Clint. “We will. I’ve already got us booked for surfing lessons.”

  Clint paused. “Surfing lessons? Shouldn't we take it a bit easier than that?”

  I looked up into his face. “A clean bill of health, remember?”

  He gazed into my eyes. “I almost lost you, Roxy. I’m going to be a bit testy for a while when it comes to things.”

  I nodded. “I know. And I love you all the more for it.”

  Daddy smiled brightly. “If I waste any more time, your mother’s going to get hangry. And we all know what happens when she gets hangry.”

  I giggled. “Go get that woman some food. We’ll come find you guys in a second.”

  I watched as my father shook Clint’s hand one last time. Then, he trotted off towards the sprawling table of food. I drew in a deep breath as I turned toward the ocean, feeling Clint slip his arms around my waist. I gazed out over the darkened waters. I watched the night sky reflect itself aimlessly off the surface. But, once I felt Clint kiss my cheek, my focus turned elsewhere.

  “Wanting to get things started early?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “We’ll have plenty of alone time for that the next two weeks.”

  “Mmmm, and I can’t wait.”

  “Are you happy, Roxy?”

  I furrowed my brow. “What kind of question is that?”

  “Just answer it for me. Are you happy?”

  I turned around in his arms. “Are you worried I’m not?”

  He pinned me with a stern look. “Humor me.”

  I nodded. “
Okay. Well, I’ve just married the man of my dreams, I’m alive and healthy, I’ve got a beautiful baby boy, and I live in a pseudo-mansion on a sprawling fifteen acres. I’ve got a supportive husband who loves me. I’ve got family and friends that want to be part of my life.”

  He smiled. “So, are you happy, Roxy?”

  I shook my head. “I’m happier than I could have ever dreamt in my wildest dreams.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  He cupped the back of my head and brought my lips to his in a soft kiss. And as we stood there on the beach, only a quarter of a mile away from our private honeymoon cabana, I finally understood the true definition of ‘perfection.’ I had Clint, I had Bryce, I had my family and my health. I had a career waiting for me back at the security company once I felt well enough to start back working, and until then, I had the full support of the security teams I’d been managing beneath Clint ever since he gave me that promotion. I had more than I deserved. I had more than I had ever imagined in my wildest concoctions.

  And when I looked over at the table of family and friends already eating without us, I realized something.

  I realized we all got our happy endings.

  “Ready to go eat?” Clint murmured.

  I nodded. “Yeah. You?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “I could always eat.”

  I snickered. “Don’t I know it.”

  He kissed the shell of my ear. “You just wait for dessert, though. I’ve cooked up something nice for you.”

  My eyes fluttered up to his. “Oh? Does this have anything to do with the present you won’t let me open?”

  He chuckled. “Let’s just say there are more surprises to come tonight. You know, once everyone clears out.”

  I purred softly. “Then, I’m looking forward to it. As much of it as I can stand.”

  I’m looking forward to the rest of my life with you, Clint.

  And I knew that would never change, so long as I was alive.


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