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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

Page 28

by Heather MacKinnon

  So as the hours passed and the tears finally dried, I decided I knew only one thing for sure.

  I wiped my face with the back of my hand and crawled out of my bed to throw some clothes on. When I was dressed, I crept out of my room and over to Remy’s. When I knocked and heard a muffled reply, I cracked it open and slipped inside.



  The words lodged in my throat, the fear choking me. I stood there, staring at my bare feet as I tried to get my tongue to move. To form the words I’d come here to say.

  Finally, he sighed. “Come here.”

  I let out a deep breath and hurried over, crawling onto his mattress and settling in beside him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against his bare chest. Pulling until I could feel the heat of his body. Until I could hear the beat of his heart.

  He took a deep breath and my frayed nerves soothed the smallest bit.

  “I’m sorry,” I finally said into the quiet, dark room.

  “It’s okay, beautiful. I’m not mad.”

  “You should be.”

  He shook his head and pulled me closer. “But I’m not.”

  I rested my forehead against the smooth skin of his chest and breathed him in for a minute as I tried to untangle what I wanted to say next. “I’m not sure what I can give you, Remy.”

  “I’ve never asked for anything.”

  My heart clenched as I realized he was right. He hadn’t ever asked me for anything. At every turn, he’d just accepted what I gave him, no matter how small or insignificant.

  “You deserve more though,” I mumbled against his warm skin.

  He reached up and cupped the back of my head, threading his fingers through my hair. “I’ll take what I can get. You’re worth it.”

  My chest ached and my eyes began to sting with tears again. I pulled back far enough that I could meet his dark eyes in the darker room. “Why?” I asked softly.

  He kissed the tip of my nose and pulled me against his chest again. “I already told you. You’re worth it.”

  This time a tear did fall, but thankfully, my face was buried in his chest and he didn’t see it. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself. Tried to wrap my head around this conversation and what it all meant.

  “I do have one request, though.”

  I swallowed once. “Okay.”

  He pulled away to look in my eyes again. “No more other men. While you’re sleeping with me, you’re only with me. No more dates, no more random assholes. Just me.”

  I almost laughed. His condition was easier than I deserved. There was absolutely no one else I wanted. No one that held an ounce of my attention or made me feel anything close to what this man made me feel.



  I nodded, my lips curling with a small smile. “Yeah. Just you. No one else.”

  His eyes scanned my face for a long moment before he smiled, the sight so fucking beautiful I found it hard to look at. He pulled me close and pressed his lips against mine as he shifted in the bed until he was hovering over me.

  He spent the night worshipping every inch of my body. Proving over and over that he meant what he’d said. That I was worth it. That he’d wait. That he’d take what he could get and not push me further.

  And I spent the night wondering what I’d ever done to deserve the affection of a man like Remy while simultaneously hoping I didn’t do anything to fuck it up.

  Chapter 32


  “Have a good lunch, Mr. MacAlister.”

  I turned to my secretary with a dumbass smile on my face. “Thanks, Helen. You too.”

  Her sharp white brows furrowed slightly, but I just widened my grin and turned toward the elevators. By this point, she was probably worried she’d have to call HR to give me a mental evaluation, but I hardly cared. I was on my way to have lunch with Belle and that always put me in a good mood.

  It had been a few weeks since the Beatles show and things between us were great. She still refused to call us a couple, wouldn’t sleep in my bed the whole night through, and made sure we acted platonic in public, but again, I really didn’t care. Because as soon as I got her behind closed doors, it was a totally different story.

  When it was just the two of us, those walls of hers were lowered. Not gone completely but retracted enough that I could usually just step over them. She was open and honest and so sweet she made my chest ache. Not being able to kiss her in public was a small price to pay for everything I got from her when we were alone.

  I pulled out of the parking garage just as my phone rang. I hit the button to send it to the Bluetooth in my car and answered. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Rem. What are you up to?”

  My smile dimmed the smallest bit as I realized I’d have to bend the truth to my own brother. “Headed out for lunch right now, what about you?”

  “You mean headed to Belle’s for lunch?”

  I scowled out the windshield. “How the hell would you know that?”

  “I’ve got an inside man.”

  “You’ve got a Bailey is what you’ve got.”

  He chuckled. “Yep, and she’s convinced you two are still bangin’ like bunnies.”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “And that’s basically a confession.”

  I sighed. “Did you just call to irritate me, or did you actually have something to say?”

  He laughed again, and I wished he were closer so I could knock the stupid smile off his face. “I’m calling to let you know the tuxes for the wedding have been all set up. You can head over there and get fitted for one whenever you want.”

  I mentally reviewed my schedule and found it as full as ever. “Okay, I’ll try to figure something out this week.”

  “Don’t forget, the wedding’s in like three weeks, bro.”

  “I got it, dickhead. I’ll get there.”

  “No need to be testy with me, I’m just reminding you.”

  “Yeah and you were the asshole that insisted on planning a wedding in only two months. I said I’d get over there this week and I will.”

  “Jeez. Maybe you aren’t fucking Belle. You’d probably be in a better mood if you were.”

  I growled and gripped the wheel tighter. “Was there anything else you needed before I hang up on your ass?”

  He laughed again and my hands squeezed tighter. “What are you so busy with, anyway?”

  I sighed. “Between my hours at work and going to Gramps’ every night, my time is limited. But you wouldn’t know anything about that.”

  I knew it was a cheap shot, but he was getting under my skin and it just slipped out.

  “Hey, I’m busy too, man.”

  “Too busy to see one of your only living relatives?”

  Ryder was quiet for a while before speaking again. “You know it’s not that simple, Rem.”

  I sighed again. “I know that, Ryder. Really, I do. But Gramps is sorry. He would apologize to your face if you’d give him a chance.” I paused for a moment while dark thoughts crowded my mind. I didn’t want to think them, much less say them out loud, but Ryder needed to hear the truth. It was something we all had to come to terms with. “He won’t be around forever, Ry.”

  He let out a deep breath on the other end of the phone line. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been meaning to stop by, actually.”

  My heart lightened. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  “That’s great, Ry! Why don’t you and Bailey come over this Sunday? I can make a lasagna for us.”

  Ryder snorted. “Sure thing, Betty Crocker. Hey, where’d you find an apron to fit those hips of yours?”

  “Fuck off.” He laughed hard and my lips pulled into a reluctant grin. “You’re a shithead, you know that?” I asked.

  “Yeah, yeah. Don’t get your tits in a twist.”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  Ryder laughed again. “Okay, I’m done. And yeah, I’ll
talk to Bailey and see if we can swing by on Sunday.” He paused for a moment and I had a feeling he was building up to something I didn’t want to talk about. “Will Belle be there too?”

  I pursed my lips. “She comes with me every Sunday.”

  Ryder snorted. “And you two aren’t fucking. Okay,” he said sarcastically.

  I shook my head, my finger hovering over the button to disconnect the call. “Are we done here, dickhead?”

  “Sure, sure. I’ll talk to you later and I’ll see you on Sunday. Don’t forget to get your tux!”

  I shook my head. “Got it, asshole. Bye.”

  He hung up, and I released a deep breath, glad to be off the phone with the fucking relationship gestapo. Although it was annoying to have him keep questioning what was going on between Belle and me, I couldn’t deny I was thrilled to hear he was coming to Gramps’ on Sunday. And I knew Gramps would be even more excited. I couldn’t wait to tell him the news later when I stopped by.

  I found a parking spot about a block away from Belle’s gallery and stepped out of my cool car into the sticky August heat. Grabbing the cold subs I’d had delivered to my office before I left, I took off down the street, dodging Brown students as I walked.

  When I got to the gallery, the lights were off, and the door was locked. I pulled out my phone to text Belle when Sonia rushed to the door and opened it for me.

  “Hey, Remy!”

  I held back an eyeroll. This woman was really too obvious. Thankfully, she still thought I played for the other team.

  “Afternoon, Sonia. Is Belle in her office?”

  “Yep, she’s been back there all morning. I’m heading out, have a good day!”

  I didn’t miss the extra perusal she gave me but ignored it. Belle was the only woman I was here to see.

  I made my way back to her office, picking up a pair of voices as I got closer. When I stepped into the open doorway, there was a large man with sandy blond hair leaning over Belle, his meaty hand gripping the back of her chair.

  I cleared my throat, eyes fixed on the asshole who was clearly unfamiliar with personal space. Belle glanced up, her eyes going soft for a second before she glanced at the douche bag next to her and scooted away from him.

  The big guy stood up straight, a scowl on his pudgy face. “Gallery’s closed, pal. You’ve gotta leave.”

  I raised my brows at him, my hands clenching the paper bag I was holding. Belle hopped up from her seat and scurried around her desk. “Nick, I don’t need your help. You can go now, and we can finish this up tomorrow.”

  Nick’s eyes narrowed at me. “Why don’t we finish it now? This guy can wait for us to be done.”

  Belle rolled her eyes as she walked toward me. “We’re finished for the day, Nick. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  His frown deepened as he shuffled around her desk and approached me and Belle. I moved a few inches out of the doorway so he could pass, but he still walked entirely too close to me. My eyes stayed laser focused on his as he ambled by. Just as he was passing, I gave him a little smirk and stepped inside Belle’s office, slamming the door closed behind me.

  When I turned to Belle, she had a small smile on her face.

  “What?” I asked irritably.

  Her smile only grew. “You’re early.”

  I shrugged and walked past her to take a seat at her desk. “So?”

  She chuckled. “So, I would’ve sent Nick away before you got here if I knew you were on your way.”

  “Well, if you need more time with Nick, I can wait in the gallery.”

  She rolled her eyes and crossed the room to stand in front of me. “I’d rather spend my time with you than with Nick.”

  I grunted, and she laughed again. She placed her hands on my shoulders before climbing onto my lap, her legs straddling mine. My dick was instantly hard as my hands moved to grip her waist. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against my neck as my heart started to race in my chest.

  “I can’t stand Nick,” she murmured against me. “I’m forced to work with him, but I’d rather not. There’s no reason to be jealous of him.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not jealous.”

  She giggled, the sound soothing my ire. “You are and it’s kinda hot, but unnecessary.”

  I pulled back so I could see her face. “You think me being jealous is hot?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “Like that night at the Beatles show. When you stormed over and pulled me away from that guy, I wanted to tear your shirt off and climb you like a tree.”

  I chuckled, my hands tightening on her waist. “Is that right?”

  She nodded, as her fingers began unbuttoning my shirt. “Yep. So hot.”

  “I’ll have to remember that.”

  She shook her head and slid off my lap onto her knees between my legs. My eyes widened as she reached for my belt. “What are you doing?”

  “I would think that’d be fairly obvious, Mr. MacAlister.”

  I groaned as she reached in my boxers and pulled out my aching dick. “Don’t call me Mr. MacAlister. It makes me want to fuck you right here.”

  She laughed, her breath blowing against the tip of my dick. “I’ll have to remember that,” she said, echoing my words before she opened her mouth, and I almost lost consciousness.

  I threaded my fingers into her long hair as she bobbed up and down, moaning and sucking like a fucking goddess. I held off as long as I could, but sooner than I’d like to admit, my balls tightened, and I knew I was going to come.

  “You better stop.”

  She pulled her mouth off me with a smile. “Why?”

  “Because I’d rather come with you riding my cock than sucking it.”

  I watched her body shake with a shiver before she stood up and slipped out of her skirt. The sex didn’t last long that afternoon, both of us reaching our climaxes in just a matter of minutes. I’d have been embarrassed about my performance if I hadn’t seen the hazy look of content on Belle’s face. If she was satisfied, I was happy.

  Once we’d pulled ourselves back together, we sat down to eat lunch, me in her office chair and her on my lap. Which was quickly becoming my favorite way to enjoy a meal.

  “Think you’ll be home at your usual time tonight?”

  My stomach flipped deep inside me. It didn’t matter how many times she asked a question like that, it still had the power to affect me. “Yeah, and I’ll make sure to bring you home some leftovers.”

  “Yay!” she said as she bounced in my lap.

  I grabbed her hips to stop her. “You better quit that or we’re not getting back to work on time today.”

  She leaned against my chest and turned her head so she could kiss my cheek. “I wouldn’t be mad about that.”

  I tapped her hip. “Behave.”

  She sighed and sat back up to finish her sandwich. When she was done, we packed up our trash as I got ready to leave.

  “You know, you should just come with me to Gramps’ instead of waiting to eat when I get home.”

  She turned to me with a frown. “Yeah?”

  I shrugged. “Why not?”

  She looked down at the sandwich paper she was holding. “I dunno. Think Gramps would be okay with that?”

  I snorted and her eyes darted to mine. “Are you kidding? He asks about you every single day. I think he’s already written you into his will. If I brought you with me more than once a week, he’d be ecstatic.”

  The smile was soft across her pretty face and I couldn’t help closing the distance between us and kissing her. When I pulled away, she was breathless, an even wider smile on her face.

  “Okay, I’ll come with you.”


  She nodded.

  “Okay, great! I’ll pick you up after work then.” I leaned down to kiss her again, unable to help myself.

  Not only did she make me happy, she made my gramps happy, and that was something I’d forever be grateful for.

  When I finally gained enough contro
l to pull away, her cheeks were rosy, her eyes dazed, and I decided that was my favorite look on her.

  “I have to get going, beautiful, but I’ll see you in a little while.”

  She smiled and led me to the door. “Okay. Have a good rest of your day.”

  I shook my head. “It won’t be a good day until I see you again.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed me toward the door. “Okay, Casanova. Get going.”

  I shot her a grin and left her office, a bigger spring in my step and a stupider smile on my face than when I got here.

  When I made it back to the office, I had to push thoughts of Belle aside as I raced through my work, determined to be done with enough time to pick her up and get to Gramps’ at a decent time. Thankfully, the load was light, so I was able to finish by five and left my office like it was on fire.

  When I picked Belle up at her gallery, she had a smile on her face that I knew was just for me and I ached to kiss it off her face. With all the willpower I possessed, I refrained, knowing she wasn’t there yet. I knew she would be one day and probably soon, but I wasn’t in any hurry to rush her. I was happy with all the pieces she’d given me so far.

  We’d just hopped onto the highway headed north when her phone rang. She pulled it out, and I glanced over to find a small frown on her face.

  “Sorry, Rem. I have to get this.”

  “Go ahead.”

  She sighed and swiped her finger across her phone screen. “Hi, Mom.”

  My ears perked up, not like that was necessary when she was only six inches away from me. Belle hadn’t talked about her mom at all since that night she broke down in front of me and I’d been curious ever since. I didn’t know what kind of relationship they had now that Belle was grown, and was too chicken shit to bring it up in case it upset her.

  “I’m good, how are you?”

  They exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes as I navigated rush hour traffic. When Belle’s voice changed from bored to tense, I tuned back in.

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’m busy… I realize I haven’t been up there in a while, but I have a lot of shit going on down here… sorry, stuff.”

  I held back a chuckle at Belle getting reprimanded for her language. She really did have a foul mouth, but I found it entertaining.


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