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Rutledge (Mayfair Model Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Claire Castle

  I really didn’t want to answer my brother, but at this point it was a good distraction. “Hello, Jasper.”

  “Wow, you’re awake.”

  What an idiot. I rolled my eyes. And Juliette expected me to give him a chance. I gritted my teeth and wanted to say that I do bust my ass and rehearse all kinds of hours for dancing. He should know, being a rock star. I was sure he thought I just fucked, drank, and slept off hangovers.

  “Yes, there’s a man whose name I don’t know still snoring in my bed, so that woke me up,” I said sarcastically.

  “I, ah, way too much information. I go back on tour tomorrow. So, uh, we can go for coffee this afternoon if you want. I’m not sure how long it’ll be ’til I’m back. Probably at least three months.”

  For a moment, and if it wasn’t him, I’d actually think the person on the other end of the phone cared. “Uh, I’m kind of busy.” I don’t know why I fed into it, but I continued. “Fucking guys, drinking … you know, the usual.”

  “Look, you don’t need to be rude.” Jasper’s voice was gruff.

  “Like you were ever nice to me without wanting something.” Ever since I’d told him I was gay, he’d become a different person: standoffish, distant. It grated on me. And when I did venture to ask once, he snapped at me. Since then, the rift just became deeper.

  “This isn’t about us,” he bit out. “Did you save a guy the other week? I think on Lemmington Road?”

  That caught me off guard. I let out a gasp. My initial reaction was to snap, wondering how he knew, but I chose not to. “Um, yes, I did. Why?” I had to admit that. I mean, why wouldn’t I? It seemed very specific.

  “Okay, well, the young man thought I was you. It’s a very long story. But anyway, we’ll meet at the Europa coffeehouse tomorrow. Say eleven a.m.?”

  “I’m not sure I follow. You want me to drop everything, when I could very well be busy, which, in fact, I am, to come see you? Or this guy.”

  “Well, both I guess. Don’t get like that with me, Ollie. I know we’ve had our differences, but I’m trying here. I am.”

  Wow that was as close to an apology he’d ever given. Ever. Something had changed, I supposed. “Well, okay. Maybe Juliette will come too.”

  “Oh yes, your girlfriend. I forgot she goes everywhere with you.” And just like that, he was back to being an arrogant prick.

  “I’m hanging up now, Jasper. Get yourself back to your celeb status where you belong.” Juliette would kill me but I couldn’t resist that last quip before I hung up. What a jerk.

  Through that whole call, I’d actually forgotten about whats-his-name still being here. I tiptoed over to my bedroom but the bed was empty, then I checked the bathroom—no one. He must have left. Okay, thank god for annoying brothers. I let out a dramatic sigh.

  Juliette had come home about an hour ago and I was on my laptop. While some of the day had gone to waste, I wouldn’t let all of it. I’d gone over the list of songs we’d been given for an upcoming performance by some younger students. As I listened, I became immersed in the beat. The new songs were hauntingly beautiful. I was excited about the opportunity I’d been given to choreograph for them and made a note to arrange an extra hour to go over it again with them at the school. I wanted it to be perfect.

  Right away, I told Juliette all about my brother calling and the surprise he had and how he almost sounded like he wanted to be friendly again.

  “I told you. He’s making an effort.”

  My eyes were wide open like the cat in Shrek as I looked pleadingly at her. “So will you come, please? I do need you.” I obviously wasn’t above begging at this point as I batted my eyelashes.

  “I’ll just get in the way. Though, I could keep you in line with your brother, and I do want to meet this mystery man.” She made a big show of tapping her hand on her nose, thinking. “Okay.” She patted my leg. “If you go in the kitchen and grab the ice cream and two spoons for us.” It was her turn to bat her eyelashes.

  I got up and came back with the ice cream, then we snuggled under the blanket and turned on some mindless television.



  I’d woken in the night in a cold sweat. My shoulders were hunched and I felt lost, like I was drifting at sea and no one could find me. Then the road was there again … wet pavement and wetness on the top of my lip, but it wasn’t water. And I didn’t get saved this time; instead, I was left for dead. Then I woke from the dream, well, more like a nightmare.

  I rubbed my face. I was meeting Oliver today, or “Ollie” as he was called. That had to be the reason for my vivid dream. It was haunting me as I’d been doing so well. While I didn’t walk alone anymore late at night, which was understandable given the circumstances, I was happy that I would be going back to work for Brenna later this week.

  I inhaled a deep breath, then got up and went into the bathroom and took a shower. It helped my dark thoughts drift away, as if they slid down the drain with the soap and water. Instead, I moved on to panic about what I’d say to Ollie after I’d thanked him. That would take a whole three minutes, or less. Social conversation and small talk was not my favourite pastime. Luckily, Marshall and Stuart would be there. I also decided that after my next modelling job away in Madrid for a week, I’d move back into my apartment again. I could do that. Stay home alone.

  I pulled on a black t-shirt and faded jeans and folded my bomber jacket over my arm; then, I checked the weather app on my phone and the day looked mild, which was good. Maybe I wouldn’t bother with the jacket.

  “Toast for you.” Stuart served me.

  “Your hospitality has been amazing. When I’m back from Madrid, I’m going to go home again.” I made sure to make my voice louder than it normally was and sound forceful.

  He turned to me and smiled. “Okay, but know you’re always welcome here.” The sincerity and kindness was almost too much to take. He wiped the lone tear from my cheek.

  I took a deep breath as Marshall held the door open for Stuart and me. “You got this,” Stuart said as he patted my back, practically shoving me through the door of the large, bustling café.

  I straightened my shoulders and scanned the area as families and business people chatted and waited for their order. No sign of Jasper or Ollie. The café seemed to twist around into smaller spaces, and the next thing I knew, Stuart had grabbed my wrist and I had no choice but to follow.

  When we rounded a section, there was a man standing to the side of a table by the booth in the corner who I recognized from the party. As we got closer, I saw Jasper and his almost identical twin. Their hairstyles were slightly different, but there was no mistaking the family resemblance. I was still running through my mind what I’d say to Ollie, when he jumped up from the table and came over to hug me. Any apprehension I had about this little reunion suddenly started to disappear.

  “Oh, Rutledge,” His hug felt warm and comforting, “I’m so glad you’re okay, and that you contacted me, well, you thinking that Jasper was me. Come and sit down. How are you feeling now?” He pulled me closer to him in the booth, and luckily, there was enough room for all of us.

  I couldn’t quite get my head around all that was happening, and I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks.

  “Oh, you are so adorable,” he said. “Take your time. I can make introductions first. This is my best friend, Juliette.” A beautiful girl with dark curls and a friendly face gave a little wave. I let his voice wash over me. “And you know my brother, uh, Jasper.” I thought I was good at reading people, and I definitely sensed some discord when he looked at him. “Now, who do we have here? I see you brought your own entourage.” He reached over and rubbed my arm. It was done in a friendly manner, but I wasn’t used to it. Then he gave Stuart and Marshall ridiculously big smiles.

  I had been so worried that I’d have to somehow lead the conversation, and when I didn’t, it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

  “I’m Stuart, and this is my boyfriend, Marshal
l.” They looked adoringly at each other and held hands. “Rutledge works with Marshall here. And we’re good friends too. Thank you for phoning Marshall and for coming to his rescue.”

  The knot in my gut unfurled and I let out a breath. Stuart was doing all the talking, but this, this was something I had to do, love it or hate it. Then I patted him and gave a nod. “Thanks, Stuart.”

  Turning towards Ollie, he smiled at me warmly with a sincere and approachable expression on his face, not closed off like Jasper had been. His eyes sparkled like the glittery eyeshadow he’d had on when I’d first seen him. This was more like the man who had taken care of me that night. “Oliver, Ollie, I just wanted to thank you for that night.” Suddenly I wanted to slide under the table and disappear. I’d much prefer to be doing this on our own and without an audience. I sensed many sets of eyes on us.

  I tried to focus and pretend only he was there. “It’s just … you saved me, and I can’t even imagine what could have happened if you hadn’t come along.”

  Ollie engulfed me in a big hug and the warmth enveloped me. “I simply couldn’t leave you there. I … you looked so small and I was scared too.”

  Looking up, I noticed his eyes had watered. He looked directly at me and I felt like he saw something in me that no one else ever had. Then, that expression changed back to his happy demeanour again. He wiped his eyes and Juliette patted his hand. “Right, let’s order something.”

  Jasper stood up and his bodyguard or security guard moved slightly to the side, never taking his eyes off him. “I’ll have to go, actually, but I’m glad we arranged this. Good to meet you again, Rutledge. Please stay with Ollie. You guys enjoy. Ollie, I’ll be in touch, okay?” The look of pleading in his eyes was palpable. Something intense was obviously going on there.

  Ollie waved, but it seemed forced. I’d only just met him but that was easy to spot, especially in Ollie, who gave the impression of being a life-of-the-party kind of guy. As the rest chatted again and discussed the menu, I couldn’t help but notice the distant look Ollie’s face as he watched his brother until he fully left the café.

  As quick as it happened, he turned to the group and began to chat, all smiles again. I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but it didn’t seem right. Instead, I looked at the menu and started to feel more relaxed.

  When Ollie elbowed me, it took me by surprise. “So, your turn,” he said.

  “Sorry, daydreaming.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.” He laughed, a sweet, uplifting sound. “Which song is best to play during sex?”

  I burst out laughing and looked at Marshall and then Stuart. Marshall looked about as clueless as I was, and Stuart was fully gleeful.

  “Wait, what?” I pointed at Stuart. “Was this your idea?”

  He put his hands up. “No, no, Ollie’s.”

  Juliette was laughing and covered my hand. “He’s just teasing you, as he’s prone to do. But you know what, it means he likes you. The real question was, ‘What is the best song to walk the runway to?’ Marshall was saying how you’d just started working with them at Mayfair Models.”

  “For me, so far, it was the Robyn song I walked to when I won the show.” I sat there happy and smiling, thinking about Juliette’s comment. Ollie likes me.



  Seeing the handsome man again who had picked up the guy I had helped was something else. He was tall and broad and had a brooding, sexy gait. If I had a fan, I would, indeed, fan myself.

  Jasper kicked me under the table. “Behave, will you.”

  I wanted to be offended, but I guess he did have a point. And then I saw him, the guy I hadn’t seen after that night, and my heart melted. I assessed his features. He looked okay since the other night, not as pale and no permanent damage to his face. With all that dark hair and striking features, he was stunning in his own right. He looked much younger than Marshall but still just as handsome. Possibly even more so.

  When Jasper wanted to leave, I couldn’t say I was surprised. But I had worked myself up, talking myself into being better this time. We needed to be civil, or even better, to try and be friendly again. Juliette was right. He had been trying too.

  As we chatted with the guys, I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Rutledge. He was quiet, but perhaps he just needed to get used to people and break out of his shell. I would never force him to do that. He was who he was—and he was perfect and adorable. The way heat flared in his cheeks when I teased him, I wanted to see that over and over again. At one point, when I looked into his eyes, I swore I saw a longing, a need of some sort—lust even.

  We got along like a house on fire and it was something that just clicked. Stuart was in the middle of telling a story about Marshall creeping out one morning, but I’d missed how they got onto that subject. So, I piped up how my conquest last night hadn’t left as if everyone knew that was the way it worked, and then poked Jules, making sure they knew it was all her fault. As I glanced at Rutledge during my story, he was fully focused and in awe even. Strange. His eyes didn’t leave me, and then he bit his lip. I almost swooned.

  When the food and drink arrived, the conversation was filled with plenty of fun and comfortable smalltalk about this and that. Stuart and Marshall were great and they seemed perfect for one another. “You guys make such a great couple.”

  “Thank you,” they said in unison while grinning at each other.

  As I took a sip of my drink, I noticed Rutledge watching my Adam’s apple when I gulped. I licked my lips and put the glass down. I rearranged my pants and sat straighter in our booth, then I closed my eyes for a second, trying to calm myself.

  When I opened them again, he was focused on his food, and I was wondering if I’d imagined it. Ridiculous. I needed to think fast. I couldn’t let Rutledge go a second time without getting his phone number or seeing him again. I stared at him admirably as he laughed to himself when Stuart and Marshall had a seemingly meaningless argument between themselves.

  The bill arrived and it was almost time to go. When everyone got up, I had a moment alone with Rutledge.

  “Off to meet your boyfriend now?” I was being nosy and I knew it.

  “No, I’m a virgin,” he blurted. “But I don’t plan to be for much longer.”

  I was sure the old couple in the next booth were enjoying this if they had their hearing aids in.

  I patted his hand. “Not exactly what I was asking, darling.” Then I leaned in closer. “But I could help you with that.” I winked at him and stood up when Juliette came over.

  “All right, guys. Enough secret discussions. Let’s go then. Oh, starting next week, we’ll be performing a run of shows for two weeks. Why don’t you guys come see us one night? I can leave tickets at the will call booth.”

  Oh. My. God. She was a genius. At least there was one in our friendship.

  Then Rutledge surprised me. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. “Okay. You better give me your number, just in case.” It seemed innocent. Of course it was sweet and innocent coming from him. So I took the phone and entered my info. Glancing over at Juliette, I saw she had an evil grin on her face. I’d have to speak to her later.

  We all stood up, and I hugged them and waved goodbye.

  Before we’d even walked a block away, I heard Juliette in a sing-song voice. “Somebody’s smitten.”

  “What? Marshall’s taken.”

  “Not Marshall, you idiot. I saw how you looked at Rutledge. Annnd … you’re welcome.”

  I side-eyed her. “Oh dear, wonderful genius,” I said sarcastically, “What is it I’m thanking you for exactly?”

  We walked side by side back towards our flat. “I got you his number. I sensed your panic when you thought about not seeing him again.”

  I rolled my eyes, even if she might be a little bit right. “Yeah, so. He’s very nice. As are his friends. I do want to hang out again—as friends. I am a social butterfly so it makes perfect sense.” And then we continued walking in silence.
/>   But my mind wandered to Rutledge—how he bit his lips, the physique that must be under those clothes—then I let out a sigh.

  My phone buzzed and I saw a message from … who? I glanced again. Rutledge—that quiet, handsome man. I grinned.

  Rutledge: I have a proposition for you. Are you busy?

  I laughed, looking at my makeup spread across my table.

  Me: Not right now.

  He wanted me to come over and gave me his address. I couldn’t get over there quick enough. Even if he wanted me to do hard labour, I’d take it. My curiosity was making me insane—and the anticipation. I clasped my hands together and tried not to get too excited or overthink it too much.

  Rutledge might not have even been thinking about my offhand suggestion. I hadn’t thought much of it. It was sort of a spur-of-the-moment retort, but maybe, just maybe, we’d get to enjoy each other’s bodies. At the same time, I wondered if he simply wanted to hang out or thank me again. And why was my cock hard just thinking of him?

  I knocked on the door, not knowing what to expect. I let out a big breath of air and felt a flutter in my belly. Nerves. I never felt nervous.

  “Come in, come in. Hope I didn’t disturb you.” He pointed to the couch.

  “Not really. Well, I was just looking at some makeup tutorials. Nothing important. But just to let you know, whatever you’re going to say, I don’t do hard labour.”

  His lips turned into a grin. “Just thought you’d be the perfect candidate to help me move some large and very heavy cement blocks from one end of the place to the other,” he said, completely dead pan.

  A laugh erupted from me. I hadn’t expected such wit. And I had no qualms with the dig at my lack of ability to do the heavy lifting. I was wearing black glittery nail polish for one thing. That was not going to get chipped.


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