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Tracking Trisha

Page 10

by S. E. Smith

  "Hello again, Dola." Kelan said giving Morian a light kiss on her cheek. "I would have thought you would be making sure all the preparations for the dinner were completed."

  Morian gave Kelan a reproving look. "Of course, I made sure everything was prepared. I need to talk to you about your true mate." Morian said as she threaded her arm through Kelan's and began walking towards his living quarters with him.

  Kelan frowned. "What of her?" He asked suspiciously.

  "You must return her to her home world as soon as possible." Morian began.

  "NEVER!" The word exploded out of Kelan before he could even think to hold it back. His dragon came to life in a sudden fury. It would never let its mate go. Mine! She is mine! It snarled possessively. Calm, my friend, I will never let our mate go. Kelan reached inward to calm the swirling fire threatening to escape him. How could his mother even suggest he return his true mate? She knew that was impossible.

  Morian stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned to stand in front of Kelan. She continued gently but firmly. "You must return her to her home so she can bring her father back. There is much you do not know about your mate. She loves her father very much and he is her only living family. She is slowly tearing herself apart knowing the type of pain he is feeling at losing her." Morian paused when she saw the stubborn set to Kelan's jaw. "Kelan..." Morian waited until Kelan looked down into her eyes. "...remember the pain of your own father's loss. Now, imagine what it would have been like if you could have prevented it, or worse, never knew what happened to him. For a parent, it is even worse. When Zoran was taken and I did not know where he was or what was happening to him..." Morian's eyes filled with tears as she remembered the pain and despair she felt at the loss of her oldest son. " is unbearable. You cannot leave Trisha's father to spend the rest of his existance not knowing. You cannot sentence Trisha to live the rest of hers with the pain and regret of not being able to let him know she is safe and happy."

  Kelan's jaw worked back and forth. "Dola, I can not let her go." Kelan said in a strained voice. He and his dragon were terrified. Was he meant to lose his true mate before he ever had a chance to claim her? He wondered.

  "Take her back but return with both of them. Only then will your true mate know peace." Morian said softly.

  Chapter 8

  Kelan nodded distractedly to the guards stationed outside of his rooms. He entered quietly, not sure of the reception he would receive after talking with his mother. His mind was buzzing with all the possible outcomes. Ever since he met the human female his life was no longer his own. He could not believe how much it had changed in such a short time. He knew he would have to take Trisha back to Earth. He only hoped she would return with him, with or without her father.

  He was beginning to discover the human females did not feel the same complusion to mate as a Valdier female. A Valdier female would not care what happened to anyone other than her mate. The human females cared about others, often times above themselves.

  He often wondered what made his own mother different from the average Valdier female. Was it because of her royal blood that is said to come directly from the gods and goddesses? Was it because she never met her true mate? He knew she loved his father passionately but there was never the binding of souls with his father's dragon or his father’s symbiosis. When his father was killed in the hunting accident that took the life of his uncle as well, his father's symbiosis, which his father foolishly sent off on its own, returned to the hive. The location of the hive is known only by his older brother, Zoran, and his symbiosis. Should something happen to him, than the next royal blood’s symbiosis would guide the new king to it. Some think the symbioses are actually the blood of the gods and goddesses sent to protect the Valdier warriors. Those who do not live by the code of the Valdier warrior loose the right of the symbioses’ protection and healing powers and normally do not survive long.

  Kelan walked through the living area into his sleeping quarters. He was in the process of removing his shirt when he heard a soft gasp. Jerking the shirt the rest of the way over his head, he looked in stunned disbelief at the vision before him. All thoughts and doubts, as well as all of his blood flow, went south. Kelan let his shirt drop to the floor. He took a small step forward before he stopped, clenching his fists tightly and praying he could remain in control.

  Trisha looked at Kelan and wondered if she had made a tactical error. She should never, ever have let Ariel pick out and modify the design for a dress. She knew what Ariel was like. She liked to wear daring outfits that showed off all the curves. Ariel insisted on coming in and helping her get ready for the dinner tonight. Trisha sat through two hours of agonizing torture as Ariel braided and twisted Trisha’s hair up into an elaborate hair-do any movie star would envy. Then, she brought out the dress the dressmaker altered. It was a stunning gold and black sleeveless halter gown with a scooped neckline and no back to speak of. There was a slit running from her hip all the way down to the floor. Black sandals with glittering gold gems peeked out from under the hem. Bio made sure Trisha had plenty of jewels. There were delicate wraps of gold threading through her hair. Thin ribbons of gold hung from her ears and a delicate chain with a tiny dragon in the shape and color of Kelan hung from her neck. Bio decided to finish off the accessories with twin gold armbands around Trisha’s forearms. Each one was of a dragon, one of Kelan and one of a female intertwined. Ariel only applied a small amount of makeup to Trisha’s face. She said all Trisha really needed to do was enhance her already dark eyes. The outlining Ariel did around Trisha’s eyes gave her an exotic look and brought out the dark, chocolate brown in them.

  Trisha ran her hands down over her stomach and along her hips. She gave Kelan an uncertain smile. “Do you like?”

  Trisha knew she liked what she was seeing, lots of bare chest and muscles. She hoped he didn’t cover up any time soon. She wouldn’t mind doing a little exploring before they left for the dinner. Hell, she wouldn’t mind if they ended up missing the dinner at this point in time.

  Kelan stood there devouring Trisha with his eyes. His hands clenched and unclenched as he fought for control. His dragon was panting and drooling at his mate. Beautiful. My mate is beautiful. Bite now!

  Kelan nodded his head silently. He didn’t know if he was telling Trisha he liked what he was seeing or agreeing with his dragon about biting her now. He drew in a deep breath. Oh, Gods and Goddesses. Kelan thought with despair. She smells good enough to eat!

  Trisha watched as Kelan seemed to start to pant. A wicked smile curved her lips. Maybe she hadn’t made a bad choice after all. If he liked the front, she wondered what kind of reaction she would get when he saw the back – or lack of it. Feeling incredible beautiful and more than a little bit horny and daring, Trisha decided she wanted to find out just how much control he really had.

  “What do you think of the back? Ariel modified the design. She thought the guys here might like to see what Earth women wear.” Trisha said with an innocent smile just before she turned her back to Kelan and looked over her bare shoulder.

  A low, deep growl burst from Kelan’s throat. His dragon refused to be denied any longer. The idea of other males seeing his mate like this almost drove Kelan insane. Normally, Valdier men and women were not shy about their bodies or their desires but for some reason, the thought of other males gazing upon his mate in something so sexy, so arousing was more than he could stand. He did not want to share Trisha with any other males. Kelan’s golden eyes darkened as the need to claim her pour through him. He would not be denied any longer. With a low growl, he moved on silent feet towards Trisha. He heard her swift intake of breath and smelled her arousal at his approach.

  He stopped directly behind her, daring her to resist him. “You are mine, Trisha Grove. I claim you as my true mate. No other may have you. I will live to protect you. You are mine, mi elila…forever." Kelan whispered against the sensitive skin behind her ear.

  Kelan let the tips of his fingers run up t
he length of Trisha’s bare back. A deep groan escaped him at the feel of her silky skin. Leaning forward, Kelan ran his lips lightly across the top of Trisha’s shoulder enjoying how she leaned back against him. Trisha didn't even try to contain the moan that escaped her at the feel of Kelan’s lips against her overheated skin. She tilted her head to the side to give him better access thankful that she had let Ariel talk her into putting it up. She wanted, needed, to feel his lips all over her.

  “No dinner tonight?” Trisha panted out the plea for agreement.

  Kelan ran his hands down over the front of Trisha’s dress gripping her hips and pulling her back against his hard shaft. “No dinner. The only thing I am going to be eating is you.” Kelan replied hoarsely.

  Kelan drew Trisha back against his bare chest. The feel of her skin against his ignited a raging fire deep inside of him. They would be lucky if they made it to the bed tonight, Kelan thought. Kelan leaned forward so he could stroke his tongue along the curve of Trisha’s neck once, then twice. He felt his teeth elongate as his dragon came to the surface part way. Now, my friend, now we claim our mate. On the third pass over the delicate curve between Trisha’s neck and shoulder, Kelan bit down hard, locking Trisha to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her when she would have jerked away, trapping her against his hard length. When he felt her shudder of surrender, he began breathing the dragon’s fire into her blood stream. He not only felt his dragon’s roar of triumph but felt its possessive claim on its mate. Tonight, if the gods and goddesses will it, a new dragon would be born. Kelan let the dragon’s fire pour from him in wave after wave of hot need. He was afraid of the intensity of the fire pouring out of him and into Trisha. He was afraid he had waited too long to claim her. He wanted to draw back but it seemed to continue to build until he heard Trisha’s soft moans turn to whimpers of pain as the fire swept through her body.

  “Kelan!” Trisha wiled as her body reacted to the surge of dragon fire sweeping through it.

  She tried to clamp her thighs shut as a flood of hot desire swept down to her feminine core soaking her panties with need. The pain from Kelan biting down on her was nothing compared to the pain of need she felt rolling through her body. Her nipples swelled to tight round pebbles, throbbing and aching. Kelan continued to hold her still against his body. He pressed one of his legs against the back of hers forcing her to open for him. The slit in her dress fell to one side leaving a long length of pale skin open for Kelan’s hand to slid down and around until he pressed up against the throbbing ache between her legs. Trisha threw her head back and screamed as she came hard and fast.

  Trisha's body was on fire. Never in her life could she remember being this aroused. It was almost like her body belonged to someone else. She needed Kelan fiercely. Trisha moved against Kelan, rubbing her body against his and arching her back so her ass was pressed against his hard shaft. She was startled when she felt him clamp down onto her neck. The pain that flashed through her at the first bite was nothing compared to the pain of arousal she was experiencing now. She could actually feel her pussy pulsing, begging for relief. Whatever Kelan was doing to her was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. As his grip about her waist tightened, drawing her closer, she whimpered. The feel of his bare skin against her bare back made her crave even more. It was so bad, even her clothes were beginning to hurt where it touched her swollen breasts. Kelan must have understood the need and her growing discomfort because he pushed aside the long length of fabric where the slit was exposing her bare leg to his touch. Trisha could feel the pressure building as he slowly worked his way under the fabric to her overheated core. The moment his fingers slipped between the material covering her mound and her pulsing pussy she felt a hot wave wash over her center and she came hard and fast just as he sank his fingers deep inside her. Trisha couldn't contain the scream that broke from her. Her vaginal walls clamped down tightly on Kelan's fingers as she pulsed around him. Trisha threw her head back as the wave of the climax crested, falling into the furious tide of heat washing through her. As she started to come down from the heaven of release, she became aware of Kelan gently lapping at her neck. She moaned as he turned her towards him. The feel of his broad chest brushing against the fabric of her dress caused her nipples to tighten to aching peaks.

  Trisha leaned her head against Kelan's chest as he pulled her close. He was running one of his hands up and down the heated surface of her bare back while the other forced her impossibly closer to his hard rod. He continued to lap at her neck. The feel of his rough tongue was beginning to arouse her again. She closed her eyes as a sweet, but fierce shaft of pain swelled up from her pussy and radiated outwards. Trisha couldn't help the restless movement of her body against his.

  “Kelan, what have you done to me?” Trisha moaned softly as the restlessness grew.

  Kelan reluctantly pulled away from the dragon's mark on Trisha's neck. Both he and his dragon agreed they had never seen a more beautiful sight. Kelan shuddered as he felt the stirring of the dragon's fire in his mate. The next few hours would be the most exhilarating and the most terrifying of his life. If Trisha was not strong enough...NO, Kelan thought, he would not think of the danger to her. He would only focus on the joy of watching his true mate being born. He refused to believe anything else could happen.

  “It is the dragon fire mating. It has begun.” Kelan whispered against Trisha's hair.

  He began to gently undo the long, curly strands. He wanted to be able to wrap his fists around it as he took her. He wanted to see it spread out around her as he drove into her over and over. The gold threads of the symbiosis dissolved pouring down around Trisha's neck. His symbiosis would monitor Trisha and heal her if he accidentally hurt her during the mating. He could already feel the pressure building inside his body as the first waves of heat and the heady scent of his and his dragon's mate began the process of the transformation. Kelan finished undoing Trisha's hair and watched as it fell like a fragrant curtain down her back almost to her hips. He let one finger lengthen and change until a long, razor sharp claw protuded from the end. Bending down to seal his lips over Trisha's, Kelan sliced through the top of the halter holding Trisha's gown on. It fell in a glittering wave around her ankles leaving her in nothing but a pair of black panties and her black and gold high-heeled sandals. Kelan groaned when he pulled back to look at the hard pebbles that were pressing against his chest. The pain of his erection reminded him he was still partially dressed. He smiled when he heard Trisha's whimper of protest as he pulled further away so he could remove his boots and pants.

  Trisha stood still as she watched Kelan step away from her. She wasn't in the least bit shy or embarrassed about standing naked in front of him. She was beyond that. Trisha closed her eyes and let her head fall back as a burning wave of need exploded over her suddenly. It was so strong she could feel the liquid of her arousal as it coated her already damp panties. What did Kelan say? Something about a dragon fire mating. If it was anything like a real fire she would have to admit it was doing a great job at working her towards self-combustion. A whimper escaped her as another shaft of painful need swept through her. Trisha opened eyes so dark with desire they appeared black.

  “Kelan.” Trisha panted out through clenched teeth. “Kelan....I...need you.” She struggled to get the words out as another wave built, stronger this time.

  Kelan quickly kicked off his boots and sliced through the ties holding his pants when they became tangled. He stepped out of them as soon as they hit the floor. Moving quickly, he swept Trisha up in his arms and carried her over to the bed placing her on her back. He let a claw extend briefly so he could slice through the sides of her panties. Trisha lifted her hips just far enough so he could pull them out from under her and toss them onto the floor near his pants. Kelan gripped Trisha's hips tightly in his hands keeping her slightly raised off the bed and looked down into her passion-filled face. His face tightened with need as he aligned his throbbing cock with her moist entrance. Never again wo
uld he and his dragon feel the gnawing, never-ending hunger. Never again would they be eaten alive with loneliness.

  “You are mine forever, Trisha.” Kelan growled in a deep voice as he and his dragon surged forward claiming their mate for eternity.

  Trisha gasped as she felt the thick length of Kelan stretch her tight canal, filling her until she didn't know where she ended and he began. She cried out at the fullness. It was only the fact she was drenched that allowed his thick, long length a smooth entrance to her hot core. The further Kelan filled her, the hotter the wave of desire built until Trisha was frantically gripping Kelan's forearms, panting.

  “Please!” Trisha begged. She didn't know for sure what she was begging him for, all she knew was if the pressure building inside her wasn't released soon she would explode into a million little pieces.

  Kelan moaned as he seated himself fully inside Trisha. He held still for a moment, trying to get a better hold on his control. He was very close to loosing it and he was afraid of what would happen to Trisha if he did. Kelan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth at the pain of holding back. His dragon was growling and pacing furiously. It could feel its fire burning inside of Trisha. It wanted to see its mate born. Kelan was fighting for control with his dragon when a sharp pain on his neck jerked him back to awareness. A deafening roar erupted from Kelan as Trisha sank her teeth into his neck. Kelan's fragile control disintegrated as his and his dragon's hold on their need to claim their mate overwhelmed them. Kelan's eyes popped open and he glazed down at the top of Trisha's head. She was sucking on his neck and biting it in a desperate attempt to find relief from the building waves of heat coursing through her. Kelan wrapped one arm around her waist, splaying his hand over her back to pull her closer while his other hand held both of them up. Trisha's legs were wrapped around Kelan's upper thighs forcing him deeper into her as she tried to rock against him. Kelan pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into Trisha's heat. He held her tightly against him so each thrust would go deeper and deeper. He wanted to bury his scent so far into her essence there would never be any doubt as to who she belonged too.


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