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Dragon's Heart: A Dragondell Holiday Short

Page 2

by Dawn McGraw

  "No, you won't. If you're dead set on this, you'll wait for me."

  How dare Farryn give her a command then breeze out the door like she had no other option but to follow it? Izzy stomped back toward the fireplace. He had another thing coming if he thought she'd put up with that kind of thing.

  First, she'd tell her mom about the baby. Then she'd get her busy looking for a doula. After the search engrossed her, she'd tell her everything. Keeping so many secrets was killing her.

  If she thought about the risk, it was only to better plan what to say. She refused to allow one more lie to pass her lips when it came to her mother.

  She was so engrossed in wearing a path through the living room floor, that she didn't recognize the sound of the doorbell at first. Great, she could start her plan.

  Rushing to the door, she flung it open, "Hi M-" startled, she stared at Redell.

  "Izzy." She held her hands clasped in front of her. "they sent me to keep you in line. I suggest we thwart their plan."

  The irritation that had been building since Farryn ordered her around so carelessly was pushed out by the giggle that bubbled up her throat. "Come in. I think we will get along just great."

  Could she trust Redell well enough to tell her what was going on? She was Sarah's cousin, and they had spent a fair amount of time at her coffee shop, Psychic Grounds. But dragons had never come up. Was she a woman in the know? Izzy figured it was best to err on the cautious side. It was bad enough that she would share the truth with her mother. "Who sent you?"

  She chuckled, her comforting strength a balm on Izzy's frayed nerves. Her energy always felt so confident and determined. "The dragons of course."

  Relief flooded through Izzy, "Oh thank heaven, you know."

  "I'm just discovering how difficult this can be. Why didn't you tell me? Are you on the same page with Sarah, the secret wasn't yours to tell?" A bright hot spike of sadness stabbed around the room at the mention of Sarah.

  "I miss her so much." There was no point in pretending or offering false apologies. If she was half as perceptive as Sarah claimed, she would see right through the platitudes.

  "Me too." Sadness threatened to pull them both down.

  "I feel strange asking you this, but can I get you anything? Tea? Water?"

  "I suppose with your allergy to caffeine, coffee, or cocoa are off the menu?"

  "Most definitely." Redell had saved Izzy's life when she had a bad reaction in her coffee shop. Her quick thinking had gotten her treatment when Farryn had forgotten to mention the caffeine allergy she would inherit as a mate.

  "I gave Sarah my recipe for Dragon's Chai. If you don't mind me invading your kitchen, I can make some while we decide how best to foil the men's plans."

  "Please, make yourself at home."

  Chapter 4

  Well that hadn't gone how he'd hoped. Ordering Izzy around was not the best method for dealing with her. Horrible images of her torturing him by leaving a million things lying around the house ran through his head. If Aggy hadn't sent Redell to visit, she'd be halfway to the town's edge. The fire burning in her eyes had brought images of fire sprites to mind. Wait, they weren't so different.

  Farryn steadied his gun, trying not to get seasick as the van sped through the canyon weaving around the switchbacks. He needed a new plan. Izzy wouldn't be willing to sit back and do nothing when her best friend was out there in the clutches of the MBM. It wasn't part of her makeup to be passive.

  They exited the canyon and sped toward the facility. "We're there in five. Lock and load. We're the second wave." Farryn spoke as Hal drove. Gregory was in the back. He'd wanted to be in the first wave regardless of his status as a bound dragon. His irritation stamped a bitter scowl on his face. With any luck, this nightmare would be behind him soon. The harsh set of Hal's jaw reminded Farryn the outcome wasn't determined.

  "Remember, our priority is to find and liberate any humans. The MBM has magic weapons, so keep your eyes open. Deadly force is authorized, but information is the goal. We need to root this threat out at the base." Their van arrived right as the first wave breached the outer wall of the facility. They filed out and pressed forward in tight formation.

  Farryn lifted a quick prayer to the Fates, please let them find Sarah alive.

  Izzy took the steaming mug of chai that Redell had made and they sat at the kitchen table. She'd pulled out a snack of meats and cheeses, but couldn't bring herself to eat any. Waiting for news was impossible. She wanted to be right in the thick of things. That was so much better than sitting at home wondering what was happening. Was the intel good? Did they find Sarah? Her mind was a swirling bundle of energy rolling about, incapable of settling.

  "I understand about the dragons now, but what aren't you telling me?"

  Sarah hadn't been wrong, her cousin was very perceptive. Would she be a dragon's mate too? Each one Izzy met had some kind of psychic power. Some small and underdeveloped, some huge like Sarah's. How much could she trust Redell?

  "I don't want to see the dragon's doctor. He gives me the heebie-jeebies."

  "Do you mean Dr. Furl?"

  "One and the same."

  "Sarah didn't like him either, but Gregory insisted. We discussed finding her someone who specializes in gynecology, but then she disappeared." Izzy reached across the table and placed her hand on Redell's, calming her fidgeting.

  "Sarah never mentioned her dislike of Furl to me."

  "She said you didn't trust him and that was reason enough to find another."

  "I don't want him anywhere near Sarah when she gets back."

  "I kept looking, even though Gregory didn't want me too. Now I get it though. She couldn't see a human doctor while she was pregnant with a dragon hybrid."

  Izzy wanted to tell her she too was pregnant with a hybrid, but couldn't spit the words out. She'd only told Farryn. A bitter fear had swirled around each time she thought of mentioning it to anyone else. Like the Fates might change their mind and take away this blessing. She noticed a minute too late that she'd been rubbing her belly while she thought.

  "You're pregnant too, right?"

  Withholding was one thing, but outright lying was another. "Yes." She cleared her throat. That timid voice was not hers. She refused to be meek. "Yes I am. And, I'm not letting Furl anywhere near my child."

  "I think I can help."

  The doorbell rang. Izzy shot out of her chair. "God, my mother, she doesn't know about any of this."

  "I'll keep your secret. Go let her in its freezing out there." Redell shooed her towards the door as the bell rang again.

  Izzy plastered a smile on her face. One she hoped didn't look guilty and flung open the door. "Mom, I'm so glad you made it." Why had she invited this complication into things? Farryn was right. This wasn't the time to bring her mom up to speed on everything. Not until they had a plan. At least concerning the baby.

  Her mom pulled her into a tight squeeze, just like when she was a little kid. "Where's that husband of yours? Do we have any time to ourselves?"

  Redell chose that moment to step out of the kitchen. "Hi, it's just us girls."

  "Let me take your bag mom, and Redell can get you some chai." Izzy shot her a desperate glance over her mother's shoulder. "We were just sitting down."

  "I love chai." Theresia headed back to the kitchen with Redell. Izzy resisted the urge to run. Had she just brought her mother into danger? If people were watching for her, would they take Theresia instead?

  Trusting people could be risky, and now she was traipsing through the woods looking for a legend. If the psychic and magic community was right, there was a powerful healer living here. Izzy believed they were wrong. Theresia had declined the invitation to join them, claiming she needed a nap, not a hike in the snow. She wouldn't appreciate this sloppy mess any more than Izzy did.

  A quick stitch pinched low in her belly and she rubbed the base of her palm against it. One second she was upright, stepping from rock to rock to avoid the runoff from uphill
. The next she was blinking and wiping the slush from her eyes as the icy water was wicking through her pants. Ouch.

  "Are you okay?" Redell rushed back down the trail and Izzy jumped up, brushing the slushy trail muck from her pants.

  "Yes, just wet." She'd avoided the rocks and land right in the muddy slush puddle. A full body shiver ran up her spine. Good thing her jacket hung down low. The back of her pants were soaked through.

  They needed to find this person and get back to her house before Farryn got home, or she'd never hear the end of his whining. They'd taken precautions when they left Dragondell, no one was the wiser that she hadn't stayed at home with her mother. But, they hadn't planned a change of clothes.

  "Do you want to go back?" Redell scraped at the remaining clumps of slush.

  She took a few tentative steps and since nothing hurt, decided they should continue. It wasn't likely she'd get another chance to come out here soon. "I think it will be okay, my coat covers it."

  "Okay, I think it's just past the next switchback." Redell started down the trail again and Izzy followed. She should have been more careful. If they didn't get there within the next few minutes, she would have to turn around. The chill from her pants was worse than she'd expected.

  When she topped the hill, Redell was staring at a fallen tree. It crossed the path, branches sticking out here and there. She pointed to a sparsely covered area. "Think we can make it?"

  "We came this far, might as well try." Redell scrambled over the branches as Izzy held them down, then turned to help Izzy across. She found a spot to place her boot and hoisted herself up and over. She was sliding toward the ground on the other side, when she felt the branches shift beneath her. With a sharp snap, she slipped down, scraping her jacket along the tree. Her feet settled on the ground, and she brushed the underside of her arm and side. Her skin stung, that would leave a mark.

  "Everything still intact?"

  There was a small tear in the lining of her jacket under her arm. "Yep, everything but my pride."

  Farryn's heart raced as he stepped over the remnants of the wall and entered the hallway. He motioned for his team to follow and took a defensive stance on his end while Hal took the other. A blur shot past him. Damn. He shouldn't have allowed Gregory to be on a team. He was taking unnecessary risks that wouldn't help anyone.

  The report claimed they held multiple women here. Somehow Elenor had gotten tied up with them too. A cold knot settled in the middle of Farryn's chest. Izzy was fine. She was smart enough to stay put when people were hunting her. Besides, there were bigger problems to contend with, like a visit from his mother-in-law. A soft tap on his left flank signaled they were clear to head out, so he refocused on his breathing. In... Out... Focused. Calm and controlled. A man ran around the corner, and Farryn dropped him. The blue orb he'd held burst, taking down a wall beside him. Regrets would have to come later. Now it was time for battle.

  The young woman stood with the door half open. Her nervous energy bussed and flitted around them like a hummingbird too scared to take a sip, but curious nonetheless. "I'm sorry, I think you're looking for my aunt, but she died a few years ago. Who did you say you were?" She fiddled with the end of her thick braid. Izzy's stomach dropped to her feet. This entire outing had been a fiasco from the start. She wouldn't have gone on such a fools errand if she wasn't so desperate. Another stitch pulled deep inside, and she nearly doubled over. They would have to take it easy on the way home.

  "I'm sorry for your loss." Redell held out her business card. "I'm Redell, the owner of Psychic Grounds, the coffee shop in Dragondell. This is my friend Izzy. We heard about your aunt's healing abilities and were hoping to talk to her."

  The woman wiped her hand on her apron and took the card. But the swirling mix of distrust that washed over Izzy didn't bode well. "Thank you. I'm Vivianna" She tucked it into the back pocket of her jeans.

  "Next time you're in Dragondell, I'd love to hear stories about your aunt. I collect the history of the area and the prominent women who've made it a great place to live. The coffee and brownies are on me."

  "Not sure I'll be over that way any time soon, but thanks." The woman closed the door, but her distrust lingered. Swirling around them. Redell turned and walked down the steps, but Izzy stared at the scratches on the door. Were those made by bear claws? She shivered. The last thing she needed was to meet a bear while traipsing through the forest on a fool's errand.

  "Come on Iz. We need to get back." Redell called. She was already halfway up the driveway. Izzy picked up her feet and scrambled down the stairs after her.

  When she caught up, Redell whispered as they walked back down the trail. "I'm not sure what's up, but she was hiding something."

  "I could feel her distrust flitting around us. This was a waste of time." Izzy added. A cramp cut into her side. As soon as she got back, she would see the doctor and make sure everything was okay with the pregnancy. Instead of traipsing around the forest, she should have been to see Furl already. Would Farryn forgive her if he found out and something bad had happened to the baby?

  They hadn't made it back to the fallen tree yet when another cramp pinched low in her belly and she bent over, clutching her stomach. Fear rushed through her. She was out in the middle of the forest. How was she supposed to get back without more exertion? Please let nothing happen to the baby.

  "Oh, are you okay?" Redell caught her arm as she nearly toppled over.

  "Just need to sit down for a minute." A scream of panic bubbled up her throat as she noticed a wetness between her legs, but she swallowed it back down. Please... Please... Please not the baby.

  Something was up with Furl, but he had always treated her well. And he was the head dragon doctor for a reason. It wasn't like he would cut her up and look at her insides. Besides, Farryn wouldn't let anything happen to her.

  If she didn't get off the snow, she would get frostbite on her butt cheeks. "Let's go. I think I've had a long enough rest."

  "Are you sure? Maybe I should call a ride for us."

  "No, I think I can make it. Just help me up." She stood and brushed the snow from her pants, then wobbled to the side.

  "Let's sit you down again." Redell ripped off her jacket and tossed it onto the ground sitting Izzy on it. "That should help keep you warm."

  "No, you need your jacket."

  "Hush, it's only for a couple minutes and I'm wearing layers." Her concern raced around them mixing with Izzy's. She had her phone up by her ear in half a second. "Hello, this is Redell. Yeah, hi Bob. I'm out on highway eight with my friend Izzy and we need a ride. Yep, Farryn's wife."

  Ugh, small town living. A thumping ache started low in the base of her neck and radiated up her skull. There was no way out of this now, Farryn would find out about this tromp through the woods. Since she needed help, everyone would know.

  A cramp ripped through her belly. Did she hurt the baby with her stupid stubborn pride? She couldn't bite back the groan that ached out of her. She was rocking back and forth to ease the pain and pressure.

  "A ride straight to Furl's clinic." Redell paused, watching Izzy. "Can you send someone over to their house to get her mom?"

  This would go over like a ton of bricks.

  Chapter 5

  Redell sat in the back with her. "You need to take care of yourself. This isn't just about you any longer."

  "I know, Farryn will be crazy." The cramping had stopped long before the sheriff arrived with his ATV. But he'd still insisted on the ambulance ride from the trail head.

  "He has every right to worry, it's his child too."

  Izzy felt like such an idiot, Redell was right but she'd ignored all of his concerns. Her desire to avoid Furl had been the only thing that mattered. Now she was in her second ambulance since moving to Dragondell. It had only been a few months, and she'd already needed two rescues. She was getting a reputation as a hot mess of trouble. Farryn would kill her when he got back, and there was no way to keep this from her mother now. He wou
ld be furious that she hadn't listened on any front. Now both his wishes were mute. At least they weren't in any danger from those watching the town since the sheriff was their escort.

  Theresia met her at the door of the clinic. Izzy felt the stretcher ride was a little overkill, but no one was taking any chances.

  Her mom walked down the hallway next to the stretcher. "Oh thank goodness. You scared me to death. They wouldn't tell me anything." Her mom burst into tears.

  "Can you stay with her?" Redell nodded holding Theresia back while the paramedics led Izzy through the double doors.

  She could hear Redell explaining as the doors closed. "They'll come get us as soon as she's seen the doctor."

  Dread filled her. This was what she'd been trying to avoid. Now Furl and Barlowe would know she was pregnant. The inky blackness of the clinic washed over her. Dread drained her mouth of saliva.

  Farryn rushed through the doors of the clinic. The call had come through as they were clearing out the last of the people from the facility. He'd dropped everything and headed straight here mindless of his other responsibilities. Had someone gotten to her, he shouldn't have left her.

  "Where's Izzy?" He demanded as he pressed his way into the back of the clinic. She had to be safe. He couldn't stand being without her.

  Furl leaned out of a doorway. "Farryn, this way."

  He flung himself down the hallway and pressed into the room. His heart beat again when he saw her whole and upright on the bed. "What happened?"

  "Your mate over did things. She needs to take it easy for a few days, but all is well." Furl marked something on his clipboard and then set it on the counter. "I'm taking a blood sample just to check how things are going. Then she's free to go."

  Farryn scooted a chair next to the bed, threaded his fingers between hers, and kissed the back of her hand. "It worried me sick. They said something about bleeding and I panicked." His heart was slowing with every beat, almost back to normal.


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