Dragon's Heart: A Dragondell Holiday Short

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Dragon's Heart: A Dragondell Holiday Short Page 3

by Dawn McGraw

  "She must rest. No excitement for at least a couple days. Feet up, on the couch." Furl placed the vile of her blood into the caddy and carried it to the door. "Set up a follow up with my nurse."

  "I will." Izzy hadn't wanted to be here, but you couldn't tell from her manner. She appeared as warm as ever.

  "I'll make sure she does." They needed to discuss this first, then he was getting his mate home where she'd be safe.

  "You deliberately defied my order."

  "I'm not your employee. You don't get to give me orders."

  "The MBM has operatives everywhere, you must stay safe. Hal's mate is dead and we do not understand what they did with the hatchling. Don't you want to keep ours safe, even if that restricts your movement?"

  "Furl said bed rest for a couple days then take it easy. He didn't say lay down and never move again."

  "You are a human." She was fragile and could be taken.

  "You say that like it's a bad thing."

  "Right now I'm not sure it isn't."

  Izzy gasped, shocked at the depth of pain a few words could inflict. She had been through enough today, with the baby scare. The last thing she needed was a pompous dragon insulting her humanity.

  "Get your things, we'll discuss this when we get home." His emotions were swirling around him in an angry cloud thick enough to choke on. She threw up a block, they would have to wait.

  "I'm not going home." Her best friend was safe, the first place she was going was to see her with her own eyes.

  "That's not open for debate. You need rest."

  "I can't rest till I've seen Sarah." Farryn would not dictate what she could and couldn't do. Not now, not ever. "Look, you can take me, or I can get a ride myself. The choice is yours." She stuffed her feet into her shoes and headed toward the door of the examination room.

  Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back to face him. "She needs time to heal, and so do you."

  Hissing at his touch, she ripped her arm out of his grasp. "I think you forget that I can help with that. Let's put this stupid talisman to good use."


  "Then my mother and I will head to her house for the evening." She took a step back.

  "You would put our hatchling in danger again? Don't you care about it at all?"

  His hateful words stabbed into her heart. Their inky blackness was a near match for the awfulness of this clinic. After the scare she'd had today, there was nothing left to say. She turned on her heels and fled out of the room. Someone would give her a ride, she wouldn't ask Farryn for a damn thing.

  Chapter 6

  When Izzy had disappeared into Sarah's room, Aggy motioned for Farryn to join him in his office, and handed him a file. "An address came up in the interrogations yesterday, I'd like you and your team to check it out. All we have on it is in there."

  "Hal and I will get on that right away. Thanks again for letting Izzy and Theresia stay here." he couldn't allow them to leave Dragondell. Not with the MBM watching for her.

  Aggy sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you think we caught the head today?"

  "I'm sorry to say so, but not a chance in hell. It was too easy."

  "My thoughts exactly." The frown wrinkling Aggy's brow didn't show the weight upon his shoulders, but Farryn could imagine. He'd been feeling that same weight pressing down on him since New Year's, when he was named head of his team.

  "I don't want to intrude,"

  The swirling blackness was back in force. "Then don't."

  "For the good of my team, I've got no choice. And don't think for a second that your new title removes you from my team." Aggy was a strict leader, but fair. Still, it took all his effort not to blow up at him on the heels of the blowout with Izzy.

  "I don't."

  "Give her time to cool off. Take Hal, investigate. Spend a night apart. Then get your ass back here and fix this. She's the best thing that ever happened to you."

  Farryn's skin crawled. He wasn't comfortable being told what to do about his own mate. It was bad enough Furl had interfered, he didn't want Aggy telling him what to do either. She'd defied him, putting herself and their hatchling at risk. She was only here to get the rest that Furl claimed she needed in a protected environment. "I'll take care of my mate."

  "Be sure you do. I'm positive Hal wishes he had the chance."

  Aggy's words hit him harder than any fist could, robbing the heat out of his anger. She was safe, and the hatchling was healthy. He should be ecstatic, yet there was something between them. A wall. He didn't know who placed the foundation, but they'd both been laying stones. Right now he couldn't find a way around it. "Keep her safe."

  "On my life." Aggy nodded and Farryn left to call Hal. They needed to hurry if they wanted any light this evening. A fresh snowfall dusted the roads already, and they projected this storm would drop a foot or more before Valentine's Day.

  A bitter ache pinched in his heart. He had many holidays without Izzy, why did it seem impossible to pass one without her now?

  Izzy had hoped to talk to Sarah alone, but Gregory would not leave her side. Furl promised that she and the baby were healthy, but Izzy could feel the distrust and fear swirling around her. Was she safe here if the MBM was looking for them?

  "I'm glad you're back." She hugged Sarah again and sent a soothing wave of peace around her like a blanket. Stuck with the consequences, she might as well use the benefits of this sacred stone talisman to its limits. If she could help her friend relax and have a peaceful night, it would be a blessing.


  "I'll get out of your hair, I just had to see you with my own eyes." Sarah smiled, but her eyes lacked the warmth they'd once contained. Izzy concentrated on infusing their room with peace and relaxation. She wasn't overriding anyones free will, just helping to boost their mood.

  She shut the door behind her and hoped again that the talisman would do its job. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for the next hard task. How did she explain any of this to her mother without causing another scene? With the MBM after dragon mates, Theresia would have to stay here, the risk was too great. Even if they were only after her, they could use her mother to get what they wanted.

  Izzy knocked on her mother's door. "Mom, do you have a minute?"

  Theresia shuffled across the floor and opened the door. "Come in."

  "I'm sorry you found out the way you did. I had a special evening planned where Farryn and I told you our good news together." Regret slid around her.

  Theresia pulled her over to the sitting area and offered her a chair. "I'm just glad you're okay."

  "Yes, the doctor said I need to take it easy. I'm hoping you'll stay for a while. It would help."

  "Oh honey, I don't want to get in between you and Farryn. You two need to work this out."

  Izzy wrinkled her nose. "I'm irritated with Farryn because he's being too demanding."

  "You were injured. I was scared. Can you imagine how worried he must have been?"

  Her irritation with Farryn was still a white hot lump of resentment. She didn't appreciate being told what to do like she was an employee or a servant. "Still doesn't give him the right to boss me around."

  "No, but it explains why he would try."

  She wasn't ready to forgive Farryn yet. He'd have to leave his bossy dragon side at home if he wanted to talk to her about their future. Until then, she would stay here.

  "No excuses mom."

  "He has rights as a father too. You need to respect that." Izzy closed her eyes and tried to think about her happy place. Unfortunately, that brought Farryn back to the center of her attention. She shouldn't get upset, but she was failing miserably.

  "I do."

  "Okay, enough lecture. Let's focus on the positive, I will be a grandma." Her grin was ear to ear and joy sparkled all around her. Izzy grabbed the edge of the emotion and wrapped it around her, letting it sink in. With Farryn gone, she could use a lot of joy right now.

  Chapter 7
r />   Farryn hopped into Hal's van. "Thanks for picking me up."

  "No problem. Where are we headed?"

  "Off highway 74 about a half dozen miles outside of town." He flipped through the papers as they headed to a new golf resort. "Everything looks in order, but someone pulled the building permit a few weeks ago."

  "Did they list why?"

  "It's not here." Farryn would check the county records himself tomorrow.

  They found the site down in a valley off the highway by about a mile. The sun was fading fast. "Looks deserted, but we should check the foreman's shed." Hal parked at the gates and handed Farryn a camera from the center console.

  The main structure was complete, but not the second floor. Farryn took pictures of the rooms. Then they went back to the main floor to see if they could find the crew's break area. Farryn was taking shots of the main guest greeting area when Hal called from down the hall. "I got pictures, but you need to see this."

  Farryn stared in disbelief at the finished kitchen. Either the crew had set it up for their own use, or someone had been out here. "You figure this is legit?"

  "Might be they set it up for the crew, but there's no record of inspection. Doubt anything works."

  "There's food in the fridge."

  "Is it on?" Farryn pulled open the door and a cold breeze swept across him. The smell coming from the few carry out containers ensured him no one had been in for at least a week. The walk-in pantry, however, was stocked.

  "This is strange."

  "Agreed. Might be an MBM facility, but why would they quit in the middle?"

  "Let's see what we can find in the office.

  It took a little searching, but they found some records in the foreman's office that pointed to lack of funding as the reason for the site closure. Power was on, and so was sewage which wasn't usual until the project was closer to end.

  "Got to keep our eye on this."

  "Yep. Something is not right."

  Farryn sat in the bedroom. Their house was empty. He'd won the battle, but it sure felt like he'd lost the war. He'd been so scared and angry he said things that weren't very nice. Now, alone in their room, with only her fading scent for company, he regretted letting his anger and fear get the better of him.

  Why did they keep fighting about the same things? Maybe their cupid made a mistake, and they shouldn't be together. His heart deflated in his chest, too weak to beat. So much was against them. They were different species. She was mortal, while he would live a very long life. He liked everything in its place, she liked a little chaos. He was controlling, she was determined. She was a thief. One who stole his heart.

  He flopped back on the bed and pulled her pillow under his head. If he kept her scent close, perhaps tonight would pass more quickly. He could hear the clock on the fireplace mantel ticking away so slowly. Every minute without her felt like an eternity.

  Was it better to be right or be together?

  How much heartache could one dragon take?

  Izzy's phone rang. She checked the caller identification and found it was Farryn. The last two days had been unbearable. She paced the room. Why had she been so mad at him? It wasn't his fault she'd had to see Furl. If anyone was to blame, it was her. Had she stayed home like he asked, the entire situation wouldn't have happened. They could have had a relaxing evening with her mother, sharing their news.


  "Are you talking to me yet?" His voice was rough and sexy like he just woke up from a nap. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of a nap with Farryn.

  "I answered the phone." The deep chuckle tugged at her heart. She missed him. Missed his smooth sandalwood scent and his large presence in her life.

  "I'll be over today, will I see you?"

  "Where have you been?" She hadn't expected to miss him so much. Every time she turned around, she was thinking of something to tell him.

  "Working on a project for Aggy. He'll tell everyone about it tonight. I'm sorry." Couldn't tell over the phone if he was sorry they fought, or about the project keeping him away.

  "Me too." She regretted they hadn't talked things out as soon as they got to Aggy's.

  "I think you should stay." Her heart squeezed extra tight. Was he done with her already?

  "Uhm, okay."

  "I'll bring our things. There's safety in numbers." Relief flooded her. He was just paranoid. After two days with the other dragons, she was getting a little paranoid herself. Everyone was on edge. Something wasn't adding up, and she thought it was Barlowe and Furl. With everything going on, she'd kept her thoughts to herself though. She'd discuss them with Farryn after the holiday. No need to cause another fight right before Valentine's Day.

  Chapter 8

  Izzy slid the tray of dirty cups over the counter. Getting out was what she'd needed and Psychic Grounds was the perfect spot to visit. A group of highschool kids were finishing up their drinks, then she and Redell would head home too. Well, back to Aggy's. "Go flip the sign." Redell called as she lowered the tray into the soapy water.

  As she flipped the sign, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. When she turned, someone was walking away. Izzy opened the door and a familiar flitting insecurity struck her. It was the lady from the forest.

  "Wait." Izzy called after her, stepping out onto the sidewalk. "Please come in."

  Viviana stopped, then turned around. "I thought you were closing."

  "We are, but please come in." Hope blossomed in Izzy's chest.

  They walked in and the kids were walking out. "Have a good evening." Izzy waited for them to leave, then locked the door and turned the sign.

  "What can I get you?" Redell asked.

  The woman studied the menu and selected an herbal tea.

  "I'm glad you came in. Go sit down, I'll be right over." Redell pointed at the tables.

  "What made you change your mind?" Izzy followed her.

  "Your mate." Izzy froze.

  "How does Farryn have anything to do with this?" Redell brought tea for all of them and sat down.

  "We don't help humans, can't be too careful. Figured I should check up on you and see if you were a threat." She blew on her tea and took a sip.

  "I don't understand, are you saying you investigated my husband." Was this lady after Farryn?

  "No. Imagine my surprise when a dragon showed up on my doorstep. They keep to themselves, so my mate thought he was there for me. Was a tense moment until he figured out the dragon was looking for a midwife for his pregnant mate."

  "Was your aunt the midwife? I've heard stories of her healing abilities." Redell asked.

  "No, I'm sorry I misled you. I'm the midwife." This woman looked so young, barely into her twenties. They'd been looking for a woman in her late eighties.

  "Farryn asked you to check on me?" She didn't know how to feel. She'd been so mad at him ignoring her, she'd never expected him to listen to her. He'd said he would help her find another solution, but she'd dismissed his words as a platitude. Sadness slipped through her system like an inky black dye. She'd put herself and the baby in danger, and caused a fight with Farryn, all because she hadn't trusted him. The only pompous person was her. Every time they faced a threat, Farryn protected her. Yet he trusted her. She'd never returned the respect. Why did she paint her husband with the same brush as all the men who had let her down before?

  She needed to apologize to Farryn. But words weren't enough. The best thing she could do was treat him like the supportive partner he was, not an adversary.

  "Is your mate a dragon too?" Redell asked.

  "No, a bear shifter."

  "Oh my gosh, that explains the marks on the door." The woman relaxed, her nervous energy dissipating. Talking about her mate calmed her down.

  She laughed, "He doesn't always shift before coming home."

  They spent the next hour talking about how they'd met their mates and how crazy they could be. About her healing abilities and how she supported the shifter communities Then about her preg
nancy and Sarah's. Izzy collected the cups and noticed the snow was falling again. "We need to head up to Aggy's soon, or Redell's car won't make it. I'm glad you came. We'll talk with our friend about coming to meet you."

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  Izzy had so much to make up for, Farryn had come through for her again. She needed to make this Valentine's Day extra special.

  Farryn checked the perimeter, the snow was already over a foot deep. No one would move around tonight. He slipped into the back of the room. Aggy's house was huge, but they were nearing maximum capacity. Elenor sat on the floor next to her mate as he displayed the shots Hal and he had taken at the golf resort yesterday. Becket leaned against the wall, studying the faces of the assembled dragons, mates and human allies. His eyes kept tracking Claire, who was weaving between the rescued women seated on the floor, delivering drinks.

  Gregory and Sarah snuggled on the couch. He hadn't let go of her yet, keeping a body part touching her at all times since her return. Farryn could only imagine the swirling mix of relief and dread that he must be feeling. Denise sat on her other side, not wanting to be far either.

  Redell had her legs curled up under her in the captain's chair. Eloi leaned against it at her feet. Ever watchful, Dyson sat next to him within easy arm reach.

  Camden sat on a chair he'd pulled in from the dining room. Hal was on the floor by the door, knees pulled up to his chin arms wrapped around his legs like he could somehow hold himself together if he concentrated hard enough.

  Farryn's eyes rested on his mate. Her skin glowed in the fire light. He crossed the room and sat down behind her sliding his legs on either side of hers and pulling her back to rest on him.


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