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Obsessive Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 17

by Peyton Banks

  “With our fathers and your uncle downstairs?” She quirked a brow in amusement but seemed slightly uncomfortable.

  “Listen, mate,” I growled low, “I think they understand our attraction and need for one another. Besides, I’m fairly certain my uncle will drag them out of here soon, so we have enough privacy.”

  As if to punctuate my point a loud slam could be heard as three slightly drunken voices drifted up from below. Becca ran to the window and giggled as my uncle, Jedd, and my father made their way toward the local bar. It would be hours before they returned. Her fingers dropped the curtain she had peeked through as our eyes met.

  “See? Now you can make as much noise as you want.” My wolf howled with excitement as I crossed the room to my mate and slipped my arms around her, turning her slowly as I leaned in and kissed her thoroughly. She was breathless when I pulled back.

  “I don’t know if I’m carrying a cub or not, but I know I want to, Theo. We’ve wasted so much time. I want to see your arms full of children.”

  “How many little ones do you suggest, my mate?” I loved the excitement that shone in her eyes. It was contagious.

  “As many as you’re willing to give me.”

  My wolf staggered with that knowledge, overwhelmed with the love that we would share. Neither of us thought we would get to experience this after Becca rejected us. I realized now that she needed time to make these decisions on her own. Nothing was sweeter than knowing she chose me of her own free will and made it clear to her entire family. Hell, even the entire clan knew.

  Tugging her toward the bed, I pressed her back against the sheets and removed the last of her clothing. Mine quickly followed. Crawling between her thighs, I leaned in and inhaled. Her scent was an instant aphrodisiac.

  “I love how you’re always so wet and ready for me,” I murmured huskily as I pressed warm kisses against her mound and then set to work with my tongue as I lapped at the full length of her pussy from top to bottom, pushing through her lower lips in need of her natural honey. Nibbling on her clit I felt her body jolt as my hands kept her hips anchored in place.


  “Do you like that, my love?”

  Gasping, she nodded as her fingers slid into my hair.

  “I’m going to make you come on my tongue.”

  I devoured her, dragging my tongue up and down, sucking and flicking, and alternating as I plunged inside her again and again. My cock grew uncomfortably hard, but my only focus was the woman in my arms. Switching my attention to her clit, I teased and suckled the little nub until she writhed in my arms.

  “Theo, I’m so close.”

  “Come, baby,” I ordered as she cried out, gripping my hair and shoulders as her release exploded and I lapped up her juices until every drop was gone. Moaning, she thrashed her head side to side as the pleasure pulsed throughout her sexy body. The louder she became the more I growled against her mound and extended her ecstasy. Pure bliss radiated from her beautiful face.

  I pulled back and licked my lips as her arms extended. No invitation was needed. I rose up and thrust inside my mate in one swift stroke as both of us sighed with mutual satisfaction. Driving myself to the hilt, I buried my cock so deep she would never doubt the extent of my devotion, love, and commitment. Long, slow strokes built the need between us as I drove her toward another orgasm.

  Becca came again with my name on her lips as I surrendered to my own release. Pumping a few more times I tilted my head back and howled my climax, shouting her name as I claimed her with every single thunderous beat of my heart.

  “I love you, Theo,” she whispered, her eyes fluttering.

  The sight of her spent and sated was the most satisfying and wondrous of my life. My wolf lay down and tittered as he smugly lay his head on his paws. We had never been so happy or fulfilled.

  I pulled Becca close as she fell asleep on my chest and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “As I love you, my mate.”



  “I don’t think I can do this, Theo.”

  We were standing close to the edge of the creek an hour after breakfast the following morning. He insisted we try to reach my wolf. She still hadn’t surfaced much since the trauma of my kidnapping. I wasn’t sure if she was afraid, angry, or just hurt beyond the ability to cope.

  “You have to try, Bec. Your wolf is part of who you are. It’s our true nature.” He cupped my cheek with his palm and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. “Our cubs will want to see the strong proud wolf of their mama.”

  My hand rested over my lower stomach and I nodded, taking a deep breath before I closed my eyes. Searching inside myself, I looked for signs that my wolf was close. A barren wasteland existed where a lush forest used to cover the ground in rich thick grass of evergreen and numerous trees. A hot burning sun beat down as I whimpered, afraid she left me forever. No breeze carried her scent. It was as if she never existed.

  My lower lip trembled as my eyes shot open and I stifled a sob. My chest ached. “She’s gone,” I whispered in agony. There’s nothing. Just a big empty wasteland of nothing but dirt.”

  Theo sucked in a breath and tugged me into his chest. “I don’t believe that. I can’t. She must be far away or hidden. That’s all. We’ll find her, Becca. I promise. No matter how long it takes.”

  Branches snapped behind us as Theo snarled and turned away, running forward as he shifted into his wolf. Snapping his massive jaws, he positioned himself in front of me as the presence of humans could be felt long before they walked from between the tall trees.

  I recognized Hall as he stepped in front of the others, his sickening smile prominent on his face. Theo also knew as he crouched down and prepared for attack. Hall laughed as at least a dozen men with rifles and dart guns spread out around us.

  “We have unfinished business, little wolf. You could make this a lot easier by coming with me and preventing any additional bloodshed.”

  “Do you honestly think I believe you’re only after me?” I snorted without humor. “There’s no way you’ll leave here without trying to capture or kill us all. You hate shifters. I haven’t forgotten what you said . . . or what you did.”

  A small whimper filled my head as my wolf reacted to his words. Shocked to feel her presence I fought back tears.

  Hall shrugged, fingering the trigger of his gun as if he was about ready to shoot. “You’re all an abomination. You shouldn’t exist. The Society will eradicate every one of you until your species no longer exists.”

  Theo’s wolf growled as the men began to move forward.

  “I wouldn’t come closer,” I advised. “You won’t survive.”

  Hall didn’t listen. He shouted at the others as he pulled the trigger and a bullet hit Theo’s left flank. I screamed as Theo’s wolf bolted forward and headed straight for Hall to eliminate the biggest threat. The other humans began shooting on cue as I dropped to the ground flattened. Bullets pinged off the rocks next to my head as I rolled, and my wolf sprang to life with a vicious snarl. In less than three seconds I had shifted and was out for revenge.

  Theo hadn’t noticed yet as he fought for control over Hall’s weapon, his teeth tugging it from his hands and flinging it into the deep water of the lake. Bloodlust filled his deep blue eyes as I howled and prevented him from stealing my kill. His head swung to the right as he lifted his snout and roared a primal sound that shook the ground beneath our feet.

  I was a survivor. I could do this on my own. Theo didn't fit into my perfect plan of revenge. He wasn’t there. No one else experienced the level of suffering and torment that I had to endure. This was my moment to take back control of my wolf, my life, and overcome the trauma that had plagued me since the moment I had been kidnapped.

  Theo could save me, I knew this, but I had to seek vengeance on my own. As our eyes locked onto one another I knew he saw my determination and his head lowered, offering the respect and encouragement I needed to finish this once and for all. He turned his
back in my direction – the ultimate show of trust for a wolf – and lunged toward our enemy. The sounds of battle faded away as I crouched low and began to move toward the single man that held up his hands in mock surrender.

  Destroy your prey.

  My wolf’s voice was an extension of my thoughts. I could taste her thirst for retribution and my mouth began to salivate as my tongue slid across my sharp teeth. Fear permeated the air as I lifted my snout and inhaled, growling low in my chest. My animal form was ready.

  Hall would pay for his crimes this day and suffer for every shifter he had harmed.

  I saw the resignation in his eyes. He knew his death was coming. Reaching behind his back he pulled out a small gun and aimed it at my head. Did he honestly think I wasn’t fast enough to rip it from his fingers? He fired off a quick shot that hit the ground next to me and I snarled.

  “Stay back. If you come any closer, I’ll aim this right between your eyes.” His empty threat did nothing for me but riled the anger of my beast.

  His arm lifted to shoot again as I attacked. My teeth bit straight through the soft flesh and hard bone of his wrist. His severed hand landed on the ground with the gun as Hall screamed and fell backward on his ass, his other hand clutching the stump to his chest.

  “Go away! I’m sorry!”

  His words were too little and too late.

  Take him piece by piece.

  Slashing with one of my claws I sliced through one of his thighs, careful not to sever a main artery. I didn’t want him to bleed out before I had a chance to finish. My wolf was enjoying this entirely too much but after our ordeal I knew she needed the closure as much as I did. He deserved everything I was doing and more.

  Behind me I could sense Theo and some of my pack members as they eliminated the remaining threat.

  “You won’t get away with this. There are many more of us. Killing everyone here won’t stop the hell that’s coming for you. The Society has members in every city, in every single state. We’ll hunt you down and kill you like the dogs you are,” he spat. Hall’s free hand was inching along his leg to a hidden blade I had already spotted long before he attempted to retrieve it. The metal gleamed in the sunlight as he groaned and rose to his feet.

  My wolf delighted in the thrill of this kill. The enemy was ruthless and conniving. A liar, murderer, and thief who wanted nothing more than to kidnap innocents and spread a message of hate. I knew he wasn’t the one in charge and there were more of the humans coming but at least I could end the pitiful existence of this deranged individual before he could warn his superiors. I fully planned to go back to that warehouse tonight and find as much Intel as possible before I burned the place to the ground.

  Hall lunged forward with the knife at the same moment I bit into his other wrist and snapped it off with a sickening crunch. The blade clattered to the rocks below as I twisted his body around and slammed him down, my front paws landing on his chest. Hall screamed in agony as my claws penetrated his skin and tore into the flesh. With two mangled stumps for hands he was no longer a threat.

  My wolf whimpered and I realized that she didn’t want to tear his head off. She wanted me to finish him with a permanent mark that would be a warning to the other Society members. The humans would know that the wolves were no longer ignoring their disgusting plan of genocide.

  I shifted back into human form and rose from the ground. The gun was close, and I picked it up, flicking away his hand that had stiffened around the trigger. My thoughts were calm as I walked forward and aimed it at Hall’s forehead.

  “You stupid shifter bitch –”

  I didn’t wait for him to finish. His last words or feelings were irrelevant. The gun fired and hit the intended target as I dropped it on his chest and turned toward my mate. Theo’s arms surrounded me quickly as he picked me up and snuggled his body to mine. We left the carnage behind us and didn’t look back. Not once.



  “You want to do what?” I asked, holding my mate to my chest and blinking in disbelief.

  “I need to go back, Theo. We need to find out The Society’s plans. Maybe we’ll get lucky and no one will realize Hall and his men are dead before we return.”

  “I get that you wanted revenge. Hall is gone. He can’t harm anyone else ever again. That warehouse is dangerous, baby. Who knows what surveillance they have? Maybe security has been improved. We’d be going in blind and I don’t like that.”

  “I know, but this is important. Other shifter communities are at risk. This isn’t just about Cedar Creek and Timber Mountain. These humans will hunt us down. They aren’t going to stop.” She placed a small hand against my cheek as my hold tightened. “Do you want them to return once our child is born?”

  A feral growl launched from my throat and I shook my head, my lips crashing down on hers with the thought of anyone harming my family. “No, never.”

  “Then we have to eliminate the threat. This is our only chance to gain some valuable information before it’s discovered by someone else.”

  She was right.

  “We must protect our own. We can’t allow any more kidnappings or deaths, Bec.”

  After we had showered and dressed, I led her downstairs to eat something before we left. Rinnick was fully on board with our plans and met us outside a half hour later.

  “You’re sure about this, Becca?”

  She nodded, slipping her fingers into mine. “We can’t allow those humans to return. They might come in greater numbers next time and Elena and Briar are both pregnant. We have too much to risk right now.”

  “Including you and our cub,” I added as I turned to Rinnick. “Let’s go. The faster we leave the better. I have no idea what we’ll find. I want to be long gone before darkness falls.”

  Cole and Dane joined Rinnick in the back of Theo’s truck as we drove to The Society’s warehouse. I parked close to the same spot as last time as we all shifted. Rinnick thought our chances of being ambushed were higher if we could use our enhanced senses. He was right but we didn’t find anything close to what we expected.

  The stench of rotten flesh and blood filled my sense long before we stumbled upon the bodies. I shifted back to human form and turned to the others who followed my lead. “There’s no humans left alive.”

  Rinnick whistled low. “Did the two of you leave all these bodies behind?”

  “No,” Becca snapped, placing her hands on her hips. “We left over a week and a half ago. These are fresh kills. Someone beat us here.”

  Rinnick’s smile faded. “Let’s find out who it was.”

  Our alpha led the way across the property as we walked through a minefield of scattered body parts, slashed organs and limbs, and puddles of blood. The inside was worse than outdoors. No humans could ever create such a horrific scene no matter how deprived. Only shifters tore into bodies and flesh this way. It was instinctual, a base and feral response that only an animal could accomplish.

  “All of the cameras and surveillance equipment has been destroyed.” Rinnick shook his head. “This look like the bears. Theo?”

  “Yeah, I’d say that the Black brothers have some explaining to do.”

  “Cole? Dane? What does it look like to the two of you?”

  “I’d say either werecats or the bears,” Cole agreed.

  “Bears for sure,” Dane answered thoughtfully. “I’ve seen all the fresh kills after Yarl Black went on his murderous rampage. All of the bodies had similar slash and claw marks. I’d put money on the fact that bears are responsible.”

  “Which means the Black brothers are hiding something,” I added. “We need to pay Rory Black a visit. Now.”

  “There’s definitely more going on than we’ve been led to believe,” Rinnick surmised, his voice so low it sounded almost guttural. “I intend to find out exactly how much Rory knows about The Society and my brother’s death. It’s time we had a nice long discussion.”

  “We’re coming with you,” Cole insisted as Rinn
ick smirked. “I’ve got my own reasons.”

  Yarl Black was responsible for two attempts on Briar’s life and nearly succeeded. He was also the same rogue shifter that terrorized our clan for weeks before Cole stopped him. He murdered over a half dozen wolves and a fellow bear shifter. His true identity was revealed along with the truth. Yarl had murdered Cole’s first mate and Briar’s older sister Renleigh as well as Cole and Rinnick’s brother Seth.

  “I suspect all of you feel the same way.”

  We piled into the truck without further discussion, each of us alert. Rory Black was the alpha, but his brothers Cull and Vinton were equally large and powerful bears. Their clan was the largest bear shifter community in the area. It was also the reason they opened the lodge to humans and kept their true identity secret.

  I drove to the base of Timber Mountain and Black Bear Lodge with a sense of trepidation. Rory Black wasn’t the friendliest toward wolves. He was prideful and angry, and the loss of his brother left his clan on the verge of breaking the peace treaty between the shifter clans. Yarl had already broken the treaty once and met with Rinnick when Cole killed Yarl to stop the murders. The peace agreement between the clans was held together by a thin thread.

  I wasn’t sure what we would find when we arrived.

  Rory Black was already waiting for us at the entrance to the lodge. His arrogance was obvious as we piled from the truck and his gaze swept over the group.

  “What do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Rinnick?” His tone was barely civil. Cull and Vinton stood to his left and right as movement from the corners of the lodge proved there were numerous bears within the vicinity. If a fight broke out this would be a slaughter.

  I grabbed Becca’s hand, tugging her close against my side. She seemed to understand because she slipped her arms around my waist and held tight. Rubbing her back, I tried to soothe her as best I could. Bears were unpredictable with foul tempers and explosive anger. Wolves kept their distance since we were natural enemies.


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