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Try and Catch Me: A Young Adult Fiction

Page 13

by Sarah Kirchner

  Aspen came up beside me and wrapped his hand around my waist. “Want to get out of here?” he whispered into my ear.

  I shook my head and headed for the path alone. “I want to go home.”

  Chapter 21

  Lucky Charm

  It was a miracle. I felt blessed.

  Finally, something good happened to me. The sky ultimately opened up above me and sprinkled down little pieces of heaven. Angel kisses littered my body. Nothing in the entire world could’ve made me happier. It was as if God himself came down and blessed me and me only.

  We lost divisions.

  I know. I should’ve been hysterical. I should’ve locked myself in my room, crying or skipped school for a couple of days because of the devastating news. Maddie did. But that was her. Me? I wasn’t devastated. This was the best news I had heard since Aspen asked me out.

  Speaking of Aspen...

  “I’m so sorry you lost,” Aspen had said to me over the phone. He couldn’t have been there for the game anyway, which I was slightly happy about. It was embarrassing to have him come to all my games and only watch me on the bench. Seriously, every time he came, I wanted to claw my eyes out and hide beneath the ground with Satan himself. Anything would have been better than seeing the disappointment on his face when I didn’t get called in.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Can I actually tell you a secret?” I asked him in a hushed voice.

  “Of course.”

  Sitting on my plush office chair, I looked outside at the front yard. The streetlights were all slowly turning on. Soon, the sprinklers would sputter to life as they did every Friday night. I didn’t even understand why we had sprinklers. It always rained at least once a day in Florida. The rain showers only last five minutes, but it still watered the ground.

  “I prayed that we would lose. I wished on every star, and I even wished when the clock hit 11:11,” I confessed. “Anything to get out of another stupid game.”

  “Branson,” he said slowly. My heart sped up and my stomach did many flips as if it was on a rollercoaster. But then, Aspen said the unimaginable. “I totally understand.”

  “You do?” I swore I had hearing damage from Maddison practically biting off my ear every soccer game.

  “I do.” Aspen confirmed. “I wished I had the guts to want to lose so badly. But if the guys found out I wanted us to lose, they would kill me.” I laughed. “No, I’m serious Branson. You wouldn’t see me at school the next day, and then, when you’d go out and look for me, you’ll find me in the dumpster behind the gymnasium, dead as a doornail.”

  “That’s harsh.”

  “I speak the truth.”

  “Were divisions really that awful?” I asked.

  “That’s correct,” he said, sighing.

  “That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Once you go to states, it isn’t all that bad. You get to room with your buds and eat loads of food for free,” he said it with such excitement in his voice. I knew that he was smiling, and that made me smile. He said he hated soccer, but I didn’t think that was true. Deep down, he loved all the attention he got from the game, and he wished that I’ll love that attention too. If I loved it, then we would have been a power couple out there.

  “Good luck at states,” I finally said, escaping my thoughts.

  “Thanks. I wish you could come.”

  Aspen had asked me to go with him that weekend up to Orlando, where states was being held. They were having it at the Disney ESPN stadium and he said that on Sunday, we could even go to Disney. It sounded nice especially that Aspen really wanted to go with me. When he asked me, his eyes wouldn’t stop shining, and his teeth were sparkling as he smiled through the entire conversation.

  So, when I said no, it really took a lot in me. The look on his face when I said that was awful. It was as if the entire life was sucked out of him. The truth was, I didn’t feel comfortable going with Aspen away for the weekend. He was the man of my dreams, but in reality, I was frightened. He made me nervous when he looked at me. Whenever his eyes landed on me, I got so insecure. It was like whenever he looked at me I was naked and he was seeing every inch of my creased-up body.

  “So do I,” I said. “But my parents are making me take an SAT course on Saturday.” I lied. It was the best I could come up with.

  “Yeah, I understand. I hated the SATs, too.” He groaned. I agreed with him. Studying for the test was awful enough. I didn’t even want to imagine the actual test itself.

  “Have fun this weekend. Send me pics,” I said when the phone call finally grew to an end.

  “I will,” he purred. It made me laugh.

  “Did you remember to bring my bracelet?” I asked.

  Before he’d leave for the weekend, I had given him a black rubber bracelet that I had bought at my first soccer tournament. My team ended up winning all the games there. After that, I declared that bracelet lucky and wore it every day, especially when I had a soccer game. Once I became a sophomore though, I decided to retire the bracelet. That was the year I realized how much I disliked the sport. It was also the year I began praying for the loss of our games. I was a horrible teammate.

  “I haven’t taken it off since you gave it to me,” he said. My heart just melted.

  I smiled. “Good. Now go kick some ass tomorrow!”

  “Will you be there to kiss it when I get home?”

  I chuckled. “In your dreams, Carder.”

  “You’re right. Definitely in my dreams.” His voice was seductive over the phone. It made me love him, and hate him a little more.

  “Bye, Aspen,” I said, totally and utterly swept off my feet. He was the best thing that had happened to me in so long, and it was crazy how much I was in love with him, despite us only being together for a month.

  “Goodbye, Branson.”

  Hanging up, I spun around in my chair and headed to my desk holding my computer. Becca wanted me to Skype her because apparently, she had more information about Tristan. She didn’t even tell me if the news was good or bad, only that I needed to talk to her immediately after I got off the phone with Aspen.

  I was about to hit ‘Call’ when shivers began to creep along my back as I heard a high-pitched snicker next to me.

  “Can I help you?” I said to the coldhearted figure. My fingers tapped the laptop to emphasize my anger toward the Wicked Witch of the West.

  “Lying to Aspen, are we?” Sam asked, her lips twisted in a smirk that you only saw snakes do. Voldemort may have smiled like her once in his life, but he was basically part snake, so it made sense.

  My seat turned toward her, and, shaking, I stood up.

  “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stuttered. I should’ve known not to have a private conversation with Aspen inside my own home. That was so stupid on my part. Sam always found out how to listen to my conversations, even when my doors were closed. I couldn’t have her telling Aspen though that I was lying. It was a small lie, but it still felt like it could shake my relationship with Aspen, it being new and fresh.

  “Sam, I’m begging you. Please don’t tell Aspen,” I pleaded.

  Sam laughed. “Why shouldn’t I? This is such a perfect way to break you guys up.”

  My heart sank. That was her plan all along: listen to everything I said until I screw it all up so she could go tattle to Aspen.

  “Why do you even want that? You’re dating James,” I retorted. I always had to point out the fact that she had her own boyfriend, but for some reason that never seemed to matter to her.

  Sam tossed her hand in the air to pass along my statement. “Please, he’s only a toy puppy.”

  I frowned. “That’s sad, Samantha. Don’t you want an actual relationship? Somebody who truly loves you?”

  She scoffed. “James loves me.”

  I shook my head. “Not the way you want him to.” She narrowed her eyes a little more at me. She was annoying me so much. My body felt like it would explode at a
ny moment. Living with her was a challenge, and talking to her was even worse. However, I was trying my best to show compassion towards her. “Sam, you can find someone.” I reached out my hand to grab hers.

  Her expression froze for a second. It appeared as if I was actually getting through to the soul-eating demon. But then she returned back to her soul-sucking ways. “Get away from me!” she snapped at me and hit my hand away from her. She flipped her golden hair over her shoulder and sashayed out of my room, leaving a gust of wind in her wake.

  I prayed that I did get through to her. That somehow, she saw that I was trying to reach out to her. Sam didn’t have a heart, but sometimes, I thought she tried to have one, and I hoped that that was one of those moments.

  Trying to forget the incident, I called Becca finally.

  She accepted my Skype call within seconds, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Becca was there. With Tristan. Together, they were sucking one another’s lips right off their faces. It didn’t escape my notice that Becca’s hot pink bra strap had fallen to her shoulder.

  “Hey... Ella...,” she managed to say between kisses when she finally noticed me. I squinted and tried to cover Tristan’s face on the screen with my fist. This was not something I wanted to see, especially not now.

  I raised an eyebrow. “So… you guys made up?”

  Tristan stopped attacking Becca’s face and looked at me. “You bet we did.” He winked at me and then went back to devouring Becca. Gross.

  “Okay, as much fun as I’m having watching this, I’m gonna log off,” I said and tried so hard to look away, but it was like Tristan had engulfed all of Becca with his lips. It didn’t seem possible what they were doing, but yet, they were doing it.

  “Okay! I’ll tell you everything tomorrow!” she yelled seconds before I hit the ‘End’ button.

  I shivered. That was something I could never unsee.

  Chapter 22

  I Love You

  “Let’s toast.” Aspen smiled. His chocolate eyes twinkled. His tan hand rose into the air along with his glass of water.

  “To states,” I declared. I raised my hand. This was the happiest moment for him. Actually, the second he won states was the happiest moment. Him celebrating with me was just an even better moment, for me at least. Aspen was beaming the entire time. I figured that meant this was an equally great day for him as it was for me.

  “No, no, no.” Aspen shook his head. “That isn’t what this dinner is for.”

  I sat in shock. It wasn’t? It was Sunday night. He had gotten home from the trip to Orlando an hour ago. It only seemed appropriate that this was a celebration for their win. When he picked me up, he looked adorable. He was wearing a black button up top and jeans which hung on his long legs. If I hadn’t looked closer, it would’ve just appeared as if he was wearing normal date clothes. He had grabbed my waist and kissed me, and when he let go, I noticed what was different about this attire.

  On his right hand was a gold-and-red state ring. It glimmered on his finger, and made his hand look tiny. The ring was practically the size of my face. He showed me the inside of the ring which had an inscription of the year and his name. After I saw that, I covered him in kisses and told him just how proud I was of him.

  “It isn’t?” I said with my eyes narrowed. I had dressed up for this. The dress I wore was a red skater dress in honor of our school colors.

  “Can’t a guy just take out his amazing girlfriend?” Aspen asked, his voice husky. It made my stomach act like a circus. His eyes darkened just a bit. All of a sudden, he was serious, his lips pursed in a straight line.

  “Is everything all right, Aspen?” I asked and peered closer at him. Was he sweating?

  Aspen nodded and I could see him gulp. His lips parted, and then he said something. It was something that I never imagined I would hear. In fact, it made my heart stop. Never did I imagine hearing those three little words.

  “I love you.”

  “W-what?” I stuttered.

  There was just no way he had actually just said those words.

  Seeing my shocked face, Aspen placed his glass on the clothed table. His hands shot out and clutched onto mine.

  “I know. It’s really soon to be saying this. It’s only been two months, but Ella, I mean it. I love you, and I don’t know what I would do without you. It’s like before you, I’ve been sleeping and somehow you woke me up. I have been feeling things that I’ve never felt before. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has made me feel the way you have.”

  He was babbling. Honestly, it was super cute. I couldn’t believe he was saying these things. It was a complete shock that he felt just as in love as I was. His eyes were watching me as he expressed his love, searching for an answer, waiting for a reaction. But I only sat there, stunned.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. I mean, sure I love you and everything, but maybe our relationship wasn’t ready for that to be said. If it were up to me, I would have told you that I loved you after our first date, but this is all on you. You hold all the cards here.” He nodded and shrugged back into his velvet seat. His eyes looked everywhere but at me. His palms rubbed his thigh nervously. “The ball’s in your court now.”

  It made me laugh at how nervous he was. Saying the words “I love you” was a big thing. Him confessing this made me think that I should’ve told him that I loved him a long time ago, too because apparently, he would have said it back.

  “Aspen.” I began and his eyes darted back to mine. He held my gaze, and I could see the anxiety in his eyes. He had no idea what I was about to say. I called his name with my voice so low, so much like a whisper that it sounded as if I could have told him anything. Waiting for my response, he sat up, straightened himself a little and tugged on his shirt. Then, he waited.

  “I love you too,” I whispered with a shy smile.

  “Really?” he exclaimed immediately. He was now standing.

  I nodded.

  “Oh, God. I’m so happy you said that,” he gushed and ran over to me. Quickly, I stood up and met his arms wrapping around me and his lips entering my world.


  After the date and when Aspen dropped me off at home (that is, after a quick make out session in his car), I ran right to Quinn’s house. She only lived a couple streets down. Normally I would have driven Sam’s and my car, but Sam was out, so driving was out of the question. I could’ve called Quinn, but this news should be told in person. She had to hear for herself what Aspen had said.

  Just as I figured, she freaked out.

  Quinn actually didn’t even say any words. She just screamed as I stood on the porch.

  “Quinn! Please stop screaming!” My arms reached out for her shoulders, and I shook her frantically. “Stop!”

  Finally, after a good two minutes, she stopped. “Okay, sorry,” she said and flattened out her hair and dress. “I was just very taken aback.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, obviously.”

  “I mean, this is huge!” She spread her arms out to show how big of a moment it was which made me laugh.

  “I know, Quinn. That’s why I came over here to tell you.”

  “Well I’m glad you did, because I actually want to talk to you about something.” With that, she grabbed my hand, and we rushed up to her room.

  Framed pictures of her and her family hung on the stairwell leading up to her room. She had one older brother, Brian, who was now a freshman in college. My thoughts drifted back to the past when he and Becca used to date, which I found actually strange. We all begged her not to because that would totally just ruin her friendship with Quinn, but she was convinced that Brian was her soul mate.

  It didn’t help that they see each other all the time when Brian was still in our school. They both were in all the advance classes together and in the same after-school activities. But once Brian reached college, he dumped her. He said that he needed a “more sophisticated” woman. If you asked me, he was a nerdy jerk. Even Quinn had to yell at him for being such an
ass. We actually haven’t seen him since he left for college. He went to Stanford, so it was kind of a good thing. Nobody wanted to see him.

  Once in Quinn’s room, I jumped onto her bed and snuggled under her blankets.

  “So, what’s the stitch?” I asked and peered at her.

  “Well, as you know Tristan and Becca are back together,” Quinn said. I nodded. Nothing could erase what I saw on Skype the other night. “Okay, well.” She clapped her hands together, ready to tell everything. She began to pace. “Tristan told her that he changed his mind and was now going to college. Because of this sudden change of interest, I decided to get my buddy Aaron, from my chemistry class, to find out what was going on. Aaron found out that Tristan had found out that Becca comes from a very wealthy family.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Wait, seriously?”

  Quinn nodded. “Seriously. Apparently, he’s just using her for sex and money.” She frowned.

  “What is he expecting to get from Becca? It’s not like she runs around giving away money.” I pointed out. Sure, Becca was loaded, but she hated to flaunt that around. Honestly, so would I.

  “That is precisely what I was thinking, so Aaron did more research. Apparently, his birthday is coming up.”

  My mouth practically hit the floor. “Seriously? He just wants presents? I’m sorry, but this, by far, is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Quinn continued to nod like crazy. “I know, and so I figured we had to tell Becca, right? I mean, what kind of friends would we be if we just let her keep dating that jackass?” I nodded. “I told Aaron that I needed to tell Becca, and you know what? He told me, ‘Oh, she already knows.’ Now, how messed up is that?!” She was screaming now and I began to worry for her parents below us.


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