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The Guild Master's Harem

Page 6

by Alexis Ward

  “You don’t say?” I said as we all sat down in the common area of the guild hall.

  “Oh, but I do say. If you ever wanted to be a caravan guard for a week, or a bandit, I suppose, there is no time like the present.” Enam said.

  Yasmina took a long drink of water. “I will not condone joining the bandits in their illicit trade.” she said.

  I nodded. “Agreed, if we’re going to establish a reputation in this community that is positive, then I think our next job has fallen into our laps.” I said.

  Zemma pushed up against me and bit me lightly on the neck. “I know a job I can do in your lap!” she said enthusiastically.

  She purred as I scratched her behind one of her ears. “Do you ever calm down?” I asked.

  “Nope!” she said as she continued to nuzzle against me.

  We spent the balance of the afternoon interviewing with traders and merchants going to north toward Pengi. As there weren’t many options for the merchants to choose from when it came to warriors and guardsmen, we were able to come to a very favorable arrangement with an elven merchant named Leflen. We agreed to meet him at the edge of town on the north road tomorrow afternoon to begin our journey.

  On our way back to the guild hall Yasmina excused herself, said she was going to buy a warhorse, if she could find one. This left Zemma and I alone once we returned to the guild hall. We found a note from Enam on one of the tables, he had stocked the pantry for us and returned back to his food stand while we were out for the day.

  Zemma had taken the initiative the whole time we were travelling, so I decided I would turn the tables on her. She yelped as I swept her off of the floor and into my arms, then I gave her a deep kiss. As our tongues met she melted against me and started to purr.

  After I withdrew I carried her toward one of the tables. “Did I do good during our trip?” she asked.

  “I think you made the journey very pleasant for me, at least.” I said as I laid her down on the table and hiked her skirt up around her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties. I slid my pants down around my knees, pulled her hips close to the edge of the table and then buried my cock deep inside her.

  A short while later, I lay atop her, my seed leaking out from between her legs. She had her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I breathed out a sigh of utter contentment. “You know master, I’m flattered by the attention you’re giving me, but I think I should stay behind for the caravan trip.” she purred.

  “And why is that?” I whispered.

  “Because I think Yassy could use some personal attention from you and I suspect she finds me intimidating, which I think is why she hasn’t made a move yet.” Zemma explained as her tail curled around my ankle and brushed across the bottoms of my feet.

  I disentangled from Zemma as fast as I could and stood up. “Hey, that tickles!” I said.

  “Oh, I learned something new about you today then!” Zemma said as she sat up and adjusted her skirt back to its proper position.

  “Hmm. I’m not opposed to some personal time with Yas, but what are you going to do while we are gone for a week or so?” I asked.

  Zemma chuckled. “Easy! I’m going to pay some contractors to clean this place up, maybe rebuild some of the wall outside. While they do that, I’m going to eat lots of fish at Enam’s stand and take naps!” she purred.

  I sighed. A vacation for her and a gritty potentially deadly job for Yasmina and I. Should I have expected anything better from a girl that had the personality of a cat? “And you’ll work on finding our next job and maybe recruit us some new members while you’re at it?” I asked.

  Zemma yawned and looked at the ceiling as she sat on the edge of the table. “I suppose I can try and add that to my busy to-do list.” she said. I pulled my pants back up and buttoned them.

  I turned as the front door opened and Yasmina entered. “Horse acquired! I put her in the stable behind the building Marcus.” she proclaimed.

  I looked at Zemma. “We have a stable?” I asked.

  “Guess so. But horses and I don’t get along-nya.” she shrugged.

  Later that night instead of the usual routine where Zemma stripped and crawled into bed with me, she instead tucked the covers around me. “Hah, you’re trapped!” she declared.

  I wiggled and freed one of my arms. “Not really. You joining me tonight?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Nope! All part of my secret plan!” she said as she slipped out the door into the hallway.

  The door had been left cracked open in her wake. I heard her pound on another door elsewhere in the hall. “Yasmina, to arms, to arms! Master is in trouble and needs you!” I heard Zemma yell. Oh no. I had a faint idea that her secret plan involved getting Yasmina into bed with me. On second thought, oh yes.

  I wrapped a blanket around my naked body and moved to sit up on the edge of the bed. Moments later Yasmina shouldered her way past the door to my room and stood before me in nothing but her thin nightgown, sword in her hands. Her eyes darted to every corner of the room, as she tried to locate the nonexistent danger.

  Zemma peered around the doorway and winked at me, “I meant get into his arms dummy!” she said. As Yasmina whirled around to face her, Zemma shut the door. Her footfalls receded as she ran down the hall. Which left Yasmina alone with me.

  Yasmina set her sword down on my study table, next to the Book of Practical Magic and smiled faintly at me. “I hate to admit it, but this is a pleasant deception, if it allows me to be alone with you, Marcus.” she said softly.

  I admired her pale form for a moment. “So would you come into my arms then?” I patted a spot on the bed next to me. She hesitated for a moment and bit her lower lip. In the moment it was the cutest, most arousing thing I’d ever seen her do, at least in this context.

  “I--” she stood up, walked quietly over to me and sat down where I had indicated. “Yes.” she whispered.

  I put one arm around her shoulders and twirled a finger under the shoulder strap of her nightgown. “And you want to lay with me, like when we were on the road then?” I asked.

  She sighed and slid a little closer to me on the bed. “Well, yes. But also no. I want you to use me like you do Zemma.” she whispered.

  I shook my head. “You realize that most of the time it feels like her using me right? She is the initiator most of the time.” I said.

  Her mouth turned into a slight frown. “Oh. I-- I’m not very good at that. Initiating. Could you..” her voice trailed off into silence.

  “Could I? Could I what? Speak your mind please. It’s okay.” I said.

  “Could you tell me what to do? What you want? I’m very good at following orders.” she whispered as she blushed.

  I reached up and took a strand of her blonde hair in my hand. Unbraided, her hair practically reached to her waist. “I think I can do that Yas. You can leave your clothes on my chair over there. When we’re home, nobody wears clothes in this bed, okay?” I said as I pointed to the chair near my desk.

  Yas stood up slowly and slid out of her nightgown. She was tall and slim, muscles hardened from years of training, with a slight hourglass curve to her waist. She folded her nightgown neatly and draped it over the back of the chair. Then she turned to face me, her hands clasped behind her back, feet slightly apart. “Does that mean you want me in your bed then? Master? Oh-- can I call you that like Zemma does? Please?” she shifted nervously back and forth on her feet.

  I nodded and beckoned her closer with one hand. “Yes, you may. Yes to both things.” I said.

  She moved onto the bed. I took a moment to admire her graceful motions and her hips as she crawled past me and slipped under the covers. I got in next to her and pulled her close against me. Slowly, I explored her body with my hands. She quivered under my touch, I couldn’t tell whether it was arousal, nervousness, or a mixture of both. “For a warrior, you aren’t very damaged or scarred. Not what I expected. But not a bad thing, mind you.” I whispered.

  “We have not needed
it yet, but I can heal myself and others to a limited degree. Surface injuries. Only an extreme wound would leave a permanent mark on me.” she whispered.

  Her heat against me and her soft, sweet voice was enough to make my cock hard. I moved my hand down her arm and held her hand. “You know, you are allowed to touch me too.” I said.

  Her icy blue eyes met mine for a moment, then she looked away. “Is that an order?” she asked.

  It was hard to tell if she was playing with me, or just genuinely unsure of how to proceed. “I’ll make it easy for you. Play with this.” I grabbed her hand and wrapped her fingers around my cock.

  She worked her hand up and down slowly. “Better.” I commented as little shivers of pleasure wove through my body.

  “Yes master.” she whispered. I slid my arm under her head and pulled her into a deep kiss. For a moment she pulled back against me, then she gave in and our lips met. I wasted no time on subtlety and pushed my tongue into her mouth. She tasted like peppermints. Yas’s response when my tongue met hers was to kiss me back in kind, even more forcefully. My cock pulsed and swelled against the grip of her hand. After a while, she didn’t let up on the kisses, so I knotted my fingers in her hair and pulled her back. “Pent up passions, Yas dear?” I asked.

  She panted and nodded her head, but didn’t elaborate any further. I ran my hand down her side and around her hip, then found the moist opening I was looking for, her pussy. She gasped as I slipped two fingers a little ways into her. She parted her legs a bit, as if to welcome me to go deeper.

  As my fingers slid inside her up to the last knuckle she shuddered with pleasure and bit down on her lower lip. “Oh yes..” she whispered so faintly that I barely heard her.

  I leaned my face close to hers then bit into her shoulder, hard. I wanted to leave a mark. Or three. She moaned as I moved up to her neck and repeated the process. I withdrew my teeth for a moment. “You okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. Please. Anything you want. It didn’t feel bad, I mean, it hurts, but it’s a good kind of pain.” she whispered. I took a deep breath as she gave the base of my cock a hard squeeze that sent a wave of pleasure mixed with primal need rolling through my body.

  I wrapped my fingers in her hair again and brought her eyes level with mine. “I want everyone to see those marks tomorrow so they know what you’ve done. Understood?”

  She tried to nod, but my grip on her hair kept her in place. “Y-yes master. P-proudly.” she stammered.

  I released her hair and rolled onto my back. “Now mount me Yas, ride me till I tell you to stop. That’s an order.” I said.

  “Yes master.” she whispered as she swung her leg over and lined up her pussy atop my cock. She used a hand to guide herself down and then took my entire length into herself in one smooth slide. She was incredibly wet. With her eyes closed she put her hands on my chest and remained still for a moment, then she began to rock her hips, grinding herself against me.

  The heat of her core was amazing pleasurable as her increased the pace of her movements. I pushed my hips against hers in time with her motion as a slow almost painful pressure built at the base of my cock, and crawled up toward my tip.

  Moments later we spasmed frantically against one another as we both were rocked by a mutual orgasm. I felt the special delight of my seed as it pumped into her and filled her up on the inside. As the intensity of my orgasm faded and my senses returned to me, I realized she was still gasping and moving atop me, trying to continue to move, despite being exhausted.

  “Yas, sit still.” I said. She slowed down and rested on me, my cock still buried in her dripping pussy. I felt our combined juices trail out of her and wash warm over my thighs.

  Yasmina, her hands still on my chest heaved heavy breaths as her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. “Was-- was I acceptable master? This was my first time doing it this way. With you.” she whispered.

  I held her waist with my hands and pulled her forward till she lay atop me, then wrapped her in a hug. “Yas, you were perfect.” I whispered in her ear. The marks on her neck and shoulder looked nice and dark too.

  She exhaled. “Oh thank goodness.” she said.

  I heard the door to the room open. As I turned my head to look, Yasmina sprang off the bed, rolled to her feet, and grabbed her sword off of my desk. She sprinted and arrived at the door just as Zemma peered around it. She almost poked Zemma’s nose with the tip of her blade. “Eeeeek!” Zemma squealed as she jumped backwards away from the entryway.

  Yasmina lowered her sword, but didn’t relax her posture. “What are you doing snooping around master’s room cat?” she demanded.

  Zemma rubbed her eyes. “It was too lonely for me in the spare room.” she pouted.

  Yasmina didn’t move from the doorway, nor did Zemma. Yasmina had her backside to me, and a fine backside it was, but I could see Zemma’s face in the moonlight and she looked like she was about to cry.

  I sighed. “Yas, put your sword back on the table and come to bed. Zemma, clothes off, then get in here too.” I said.

  Yasmina whirled around and looked like she was about to protest. “That’s an order.” I said.

  She hesitated for a moment then did as I had asked. She got back into bed and snuggled up against me on my left side, Zemma followed promptly after her, her large breasts swaying as she crawled in and lay down with her head on my right shoulder.

  Zemma quickly lapsed into a deep sleep. I touched Yasmina on the chin and she met my gaze. “Love does not live with suspicion or jealousy, Yas. The only way for this to work is if you both share and make an effort to get along. Make a schedule for bedtime if you have to, but give Zemma this. She isn’t coming with us to Pengi tomorrow, so it’ll just be you for that time. Understand?” I asked.

  Yasmina’s eyes softened and she nodded. “Just us alone at night? For a week?” she asked.

  “Yep. Unless another girl joins the guild and I want to bed her, I suppose.” I said.

  Yas frowned. “I will obey your wishes, but I hope I can keep your attention and keep you satisfied enough to not need another.” she sighed.

  In a way, her protectiveness and jealousy was endearing. I ran my fingers through her hair till she fell asleep, then drifted off into unconsciousness myself.

  Chapter 13

  When I woke the next morning Yasmina wasn’t beside me, and her sword and nightgown were absent from where they were placed last night as well. Zemma, as always, snored and lay half atop me. Careful not to wake her, I slid out from under her, then tucked the blanket around her. I scratched her behind her ears gently for good measure, which earned me a deep purr. I’d wake her up to say goodbye later.

  I threw on my clothes. I probably should get some more clothing options sometime. I only had the two sets of identical pants and shirts, after all. When I went downstairs, Yasmina was there with both of our backpacks. Looked like she had already packed both of them for the trip. “Good morning master.” she curtsied as I came down the stairs.

  She had her sword and shield next to the table, but wasn’t wearing her heavy plate armor. I stepped closer and kissed her cheek, pleased to see that she had worn a low collared shirt that showed off the love bites from last night. “I see you’ve got everything ready to go?” I asked.

  “Only partially. It occured to me that you’ll need a horse as well and I’d like to go look for lighter armor for myself. You should consider some as well, even if it’s minimal.” Yasmina suggested.

  I nodded. “Good idea. Let’s go shopping?” I said.

  A few hours of wandering through the market district later Yasmina had managed to find a full set of leather armor for herself, a leather breastplate and a metal helmet for me, along with a riding horse. It was at this point that she learned I’d never ridden a horse before, and I spent an hour learning horseback riding from her in the small fields that surrounded my guild hall. Zemma was awake by the time we got back, she sat on the steps to the front door and laughed whenever I made a
mistake or fell off.

  Around noon we said our goodbyes to Zemma and went to find Leflen’s caravan at the north side of town. They found him exactly where he said he’d be. Three wagons with drivers, counting Leflen himself, no other warriors or guard types to be seen. I rode up to him, still unsteady in the saddle. “Leflen, are we all the muscle you hired for this trip?” I asked.

  Leflen tugged on one of the small golden earrings he wore. “Ah-- the others didn’t show. I’ll double your pay if you’ll stay on, seeing as they won’t be getting paid. Sound good?” he said.

  Even with the meager gear we had purchased my purse was practically empty again. I looked at Yasmina, atop her armored warhorse. “Any thoughts?” I asked her.

  She frowned slightly. “The odds are not in our favor, although the payout would be greatly appreciated. Regardless, I will follow you to the end, master.” she said.


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