Book Read Free

Mind the Line

Page 24

by Jennifer Domenico

  I twist around so that I’m facing her. “Are you going to see him later?”

  Her eyes narrow. “Are you jealous?”

  “You already know the answer to that. What did he give you? His phone number?”


  “Are you going to see him later?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Ellis. This is not the time or the place for one of your fits.”

  “I am fully aware of that, but if I am to move forward, I need to know.”

  “I can’t believe you. You have all the information you need to answer that question yourself.”

  “Perhaps you will. You’ll tell me we have to be seen with other people for the media’s consumption, but really you want to see him.”

  She laughs softly, sipping her scotch. “You have quite the imagination. Listen to yourself. Really stop and think about everything we’ve shared and talked about and then ask yourself again if you think I want to spend any time with Eric Harrington. I’ll wait while you sort it out.”

  Avery turns away from me, focusing her attention on the crowd, whilst I’m left stewing in my own envious juices. After a moment, I sigh, aware that I’m acting like a teenage girl. I’ve never behaved so ridiculously in my life. What the fuck is happening to me?


  She turns and smiles. “Yes?”

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happens to me sometimes. I just saw him with you, and you looked interested. I lost my head, and I’m quite ashamed of myself.”

  “Don’t be ashamed, just don’t get it twisted. I’m all about you, Ellis, one hundred percent, and you know that extends beyond our professional commitment. So please, pull yourself together. Eric is jealous of you, and he should be. This is one area that you have every right to be cocky. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Do you accept my apology?”

  “Of course. Let’s mingle a bit. You can introduce me to all the people you said you would.”

  I smile and nod. “Right. Let’s do that.”

  We spend the next hour or so chatting with various people. As usual, Avery commands the room, and everyone is very interested in her. You’d think no one in the room ever met an American before from the way they fawn all over her.

  Avery turns to me, pulling herself from the crowd. “I have to pop in the loo. I’ll be right back.”

  I smile. “I’ll be waiting right here.”

  “No. Go talk to some people. I’ll find you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She laughs as she walks off. I mingle around the room, and then spot Patrice Noble talking to a few society women. She would definitely be a good person to be seen with. From what I know of her, she goes through husbands like a change of clothes, but she’s altruistic, giving extensive time and money to causes she cares about. She’s also known for being sharp witted and deadly if crossed. No one dare utters a negative word about her. Perfect.

  I make my way over to her, inserting myself into the small group she’s with. When she sees me, she smiles, extending a long, graceful wrist in my direction. I take it, planting a kiss on her hand.

  “Hello, Mr. Worthington,” she says with a voice that sounds like a French kitten purring. “We finally meet.”

  “I’m honored you know my name, Ms. Noble.”

  “Please call me Patrice, and of course I know you. How could I not know a man so involved in cancer research for children. It is a subject near to my own heart.”

  I bow slightly, taking in her appearance. I always thought she was older, but I would venture she’s in her mid-forties. She’s beautiful, but in a stoic, porcelain doll way. There’s nothing natural about her, and although quite attractive, she couldn’t hold a candle to Avery.

  She moves closer to me, ignoring all the people around us. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a very long time, Mr. Worthington.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Oh yes. You’ve been on my list of men.”

  My eyebrow raises. “List?”

  “Yes. I want to create a coalition, so to speak, of professional men who are active in the charitable community. I have a proposition for you that I’d love to discuss, perhaps, over dinner at my place.”

  I smile, knowing her invitation extends beyond charitable coalitions. Under normal circumstances, I would happily take her up on her offer, but not now that I am on the cusp of things with Avery.

  Patrice moves closer running her manicured fingers down the lapel of my suit jacket. Smiling, she looks up at me with her long, obviously false lashes. “Perhaps you could stay for breakfast.”

  Thinking through my options, I decide that offending Patrice probably wouldn’t bode well. We both turn when her name is called to see the event photographer standing there. Perfect. My name in the paper beside Patrice. I slide my arm around her waist as she does the same, and we smile for the camera. Her hand slides down my back and she actually grabs my ass, causing my eyes to open wide momentarily, but I continue to smile. When the photographer leaves, Patrice looks up at me.

  “What do you say?”

  “I would love to hear more. Perhaps the next time I’m in Paris.”

  “But not tonight?”

  “I’m afraid I have already made plans for the weekend. Had I known of your invitation sooner, I would have rearranged.” I lift her hand to my lips and kiss it again. “I do hope you’ll accept my regret and allow me to reschedule.”

  She smiles, still leaning into me. “How could I not? You’re alone?”

  “I’m here with my publicist.”

  “Ah, so it’s a working weekend for you?”


  “Don’t forget to have a bit of fun, Ellis.”

  Oh I plan to. Just not with her.


  I freeze when I hear Avery’s lovely voice behind me. I turn to her and smile. “There you are.”

  “There was a long line at the ladies.” Her eyes shift to Patrice, clearly waiting for an introduction. It only takes seconds to pick up on the sudden tension between the two women. “Avery, this is Patrice Noble. Patrice, my publicist, Avery Kennedy.”

  Patrice extends a limp hand to Avery who shakes it, clearly forcing a smile to her face. “Pleased to meet you.”

  “You as well,” Patrice says, likely not meaning it at all from her aloof tone. “You have an interesting accent. Where are you from?”


  “Oh, how quaint.”

  “Quaint?” Avery’s eyes narrow. “How is California quaint?”

  “Well, America in general. I don’t like it there. It’s so…” She waves her hand around. “Uncivilized.”

  My eyes shift to Avery wondering what her response will be. I’m expecting her to handle it as she always does, but what I wasn’t expecting is the fire shooting from her eyes.

  “I beg your pardon? Did you just insinuate that I am uncivilized?”

  Patrice fingers the diamond necklace around her neck. “I don’t believe I insinuated at all. I was rather direct.”

  “Well at least we don’t rudely insult people the moment we meet them, so there’s that.”

  “You couldn’t insult me if you tried.”

  Avery moves closer. “Wanna bet?”

  I step between them. “Ladies, why don’t we talk about something else?”

  Patrice smiles, but it’s a deadly one, and I tense wondering what she’ll say next. “Good idea, Ellis. We should discuss our plans to meet up. I have a beautiful flat overlooking the best part of Paris. I’m certain you’ll find it quite comfortable there.” She leans towards Avery. “I’ve invited this delicious man for dinner which he graciously accepted.”

  “Good for you. I don’t care.”

  “No?” She tilts her head. “You certainly look like you care.”

  “Well I don’t. We’re just colleagues.”

  “Shame. I don’t know how Ellis has managed to stay unattached for so long, but I suppose that’s my good fortune.”<
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  “Yep.” Avery looks over at me. “I’m gonna grab another drink.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “Stay and talk to Patrice. I’m sure you need to finalize your plans.” Avery walks off before I can say another word. When I turn around, Patrice is smiling at me.

  “Did I anger your publicist?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “She’s jealous. Clearly she wishes your relationship was more than professional.”

  “No, she doesn’t. She hasn’t been feeling herself today. I should make sure she gets back to her hotel room to rest.”

  “But I’d rather you stay here with me.”

  My eyes search the room for Avery, and when I find her, she’s surrounded by media looking uncomfortable. Her eyes meet mine, and I notice how she barely shakes her head no, but it’s too late. The group twists around to me and quickly moves in my direction. I look up at Avery for help, but she just stands there. I’m so confused until I look to my left side to find Patrice sliding her arm around mine.

  “We’re so glad you’re here,” she says to the throng of journalists in front of us. “Mr. Worthington and I have plans for future collaborations, and we’re so excited…”

  Patrice’s voice trails off as my eyes focus on a pissed off Avery, but worse than being angry, I can see the hurt in her eyes.

  “Mr. Worthington, can you comment on the accusations aimed at you regarding your sexual harassment of employees?”

  When I look up again, Avery is gone. She left me here alone. I can’t fucking believe it. The one thing she said she wouldn’t do, she did.

  “Mr. Worthington?”

  My eyes shift back to the reporter in front of me. “No comment.”

  “Do you think it casts a shadow on your other accomplishments?” the journalist persists.

  I sigh, glancing at Patrice who smiles, then looks at the journalist. “Tell me, sir, did you come here to harass the attendees or did you come to cover the event?”

  “It’s not harassment, Ms. Noble,” he replies calmly. “It’s journalism.”

  “It’s gossip,” I assert, finding my confidence in this situation. “And this is not the time nor the place for gossip. I will not allow my personal challenges to overshadow the fine work being celebrated here this weekend. If you have specific questions you may direct them to my publicist, Avery Kennedy.”

  The man nods, signaling his acceptance of my response.

  Another man steps forward. “Mr. Worthington, congratulations on your nomination, sir. I have a question. Have you considered starting your own charitable organization?”

  “What is your name?”

  “Michael Saunders, sir.”

  I nod. “Interesting question, Michael. I have not considered it, although it’s been suggested to me in the past. I haven’t yet committed since Equis takes the majority of my time, but it is always a possibility.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Another person steps forward who looks vaguely familiar. “Hi, Mr. Worthington. I don’t know if you remember me, but my name is Willis. I met you at the Mercy Benefit Auction.”

  “Ah, that’s right. I thought you looked familiar.”

  He blushes the way a woman would, causing a smirk to pull at my lips. “I’m honored you remembered. May I ask where your Ms. Kennedy is?”

  My mind shifts to Avery. She’s probably somewhere thinking Patrice has managed to pull me away from her. “I believe she went to get some fresh air.”

  “Ah. I do find her so refreshingly different.”

  “Delightfully American, I believe you called her.”

  His eyes open wide. “You read my article?”

  “I did. I appreciate your kindness. May I shake your hand?”

  “Certainly, sir.” We shake hands as I pat his shoulder. “Congratulations on your nomination.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If I may ask…” He smiles coyly. “Would you have a special someone in your life?”

  “Are you asking for personal or professional reasons?”

  Willis laughs. “Purely professional reasons.” He winks. “But I am dying to know myself.”

  I smile, considering my response as Patrice hangs on my words, and the crowd of journalists waits for my answer. Do I have someone special in my life? I do. In fact, what the fuck am I doing here when she’s off thinking who knows what? Sudden clarity hits me. Avery lost her edge. She was so jealous of Patrice she chose to leave. The only reason a person gets jealous is if they feel something. I have to go see her.

  I glance back at Willis. “I’m afraid I must decline to answer. I’m fiercely protective of my private life.” I lean close so only Willis can here. “But stay tuned. You never know when there will be news.”

  Willis nods and smiles. “Thank you for your time, sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I look back at Patrice wondering how to get myself out of this situation as she clutches my arm, and then her assistant comes to my rescue.

  “Ms. Noble, you have your interviews starting in ten minutes.”

  Patrice turns to me. “Forgive me for running off.”

  “Of course.”

  “I do hope to see you again soon.”

  I nod and smile, then kiss her hand, knowing it will be captured and discussed. Avery would be proud I think. Once Patrice is escorted away and the journalists find someone else to pounce on, I pull my phone from my pocket I have to find her.

  Enough with this minding the line bullshit.

  Chapter 28 Avery

  Back inside my hotel room, I pace angrily back and forth in front of the bed, wishing I wasn’t completely filled with jealousy right now. I have no business reacting the way I did, and I was dangerously close to punching that bitch in the face and making a fool of myself in front of everyone. Topping it off, I left Ellis hanging with all the media lurking around him.

  My phone rings and I glare at my clutch knowing it’s probably him. I ignore it, still trying to get my thoughts under control. Today was perfect, too perfect, and I’m afraid it made me think things that can’t happen. So what if he’s talking to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, with her elegant French accent, and gorgeous gown. Maybe he’s so mad at me now he’ll take her to his room tonight. He’ll make love to her to spite me, and I’ll lie here wishing I was her. Running my fingers through my hair, I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should go back down and try to salvage the situation.

  The phone rings again.

  Shit. I couldn’t stand her rubbing my face in it that she caught his attention. That perfect French woman who looked at me like I was her servant. Shaking my head, I pour myself a scotch and drink it down quickly as my hands shake. I pour myself another one, but turn when I hear the knock on the door. I peer through the peephole and see Ellis standing there with a tense expression, and prepare for the fight I know is coming.

  Swinging the door open, I put my hand on my hip. “What do you want?”

  Ellis takes a step forward, then reaches behind me, gripping the back of my neck. As his lips comes down on mine, I’m hit with a mixture of shock and pure excitement. His hands twist in my hair as our bodies press together and his tongue invades my mouth. I’ve waited so long for this, and it’s finally happening. Ellis is finally kissing me.

  After several minutes of heavy kissing in my doorway, Ellis steps back and searches my eyes as his hand runs down my neck. I’m breathing heavy, waiting for him to say something, waiting for him to come in.

  “Finally.” He bows his head slightly. “Sleep well, Avery. I’ll see you at nine.”

  Without another word he turns and walks away, leaving me standing in the doorway with my mouth wide open. Did he really just kiss me and walk off? Did that just happen? Is this real life? When my brain finally kicks in, it’s too late. He’s gone. Now what? Tomorrow morning, I just go to our breakfast as if nothing happened?

  After clo
sing the door, I kick off my shoes and walk over to my bed plopping down on it. A minute later my phone buzzes, so I grab it from my clutch to see a text from Ellis.

  I’ve waited since the day I met you for that kiss. Thank you.

  As confused as I am, I can’t fight the smile on my lips as I respond.

  Why did you leave?

  A few minutes pass with no response, and I wonder why. I undress and climb into bed, keeping an eye on my phone. Another minute or so passes when it buzzes, and I grab it quickly.

  Your lips are as soft as I imagined. The passion in which you handle your work reflects also in your kiss.

  Grinning, I respond.

  Thank you, but why did you leave?

  You know what would happen if I stayed.

  That’s kind of the point.

  So…all you wanted was a kiss?

  Another minute passes and then the phone rings in my hand.


  “Avery…” He pauses. “I left because I had to.”

  “Had to?”

  “If I stayed, I would be in your bed right now, between your legs.”

  “And you don’t want that?”

  “More than anything, but we need to talk. What happened tonight—”

  “I fucked up. I know.”

  “Our feelings for each other are starting to cloud our judgment. That goes both ways.”


  “I think it’s best if we take tonight to think about what’s best going forward.”

  I ask my next question with a sinking feeling. “Are you thinking of letting me go?”

  “No,” he answers quickly. “In no way do I wish to let you go.”

  I let his response hang in the air for a moment. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Perhaps we’ll know in the morning.”


  “Good night.”

  He hangs up, but a moment later another text comes through.

  Sweet dreams, Avery. I know mine will be.

  As I stare at the message, I can’t help but wonder what’s happening. We finally kissed and it was amazing. Beyond amazing. Sighing, I stare at my phone. Now what? I’m so confused. I could handle this if lust was the only thing I was feeling, but it’s not. I was so jealous tonight, and I never get jealous. I wanted to tell that woman he was mine, but he’s not. I want things with him I’ve never wanted. Rubbing my forehead, I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. I want to talk to him about everything. I want to know what he thinks about a thousand topics. I want to take walks in romantic places and hold his hand and listen to his voice and stare at his face. When he laughs, god, it’s honestly the best sound I’ve ever heard. A smile settles on my lips as a new idea hits me. I’ve spent years convincing myself that I don’t want or need a relationship, but right now, I want one with him. Maybe… Ellis is for me. All this time I’ve spent wondering why love eluded me, maybe this is why. I was waiting for Ellis.


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