Book Read Free

Mind the Line

Page 28

by Jennifer Domenico

  “You already are. You always have been. That’s how this happened, I think.”

  I laugh softly. “Yes, that’s how this happened.” Pulling her close, I cradle her in my arms. “We should get a bit of sleep now. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

  She looks up at me and smiles. “Are we leaving this room?”




  The next time I open my eyes, the Paris sun is starting to stream in the windows since we neglected to close the drapes last night. Avery sleeps soundly against me, like she did that night on the couch not long ago and I knew I wanted that feeling again. Now, I plan to wake up with her every morning for as long as she’ll have me.

  Her eyes open and I see she wasn’t asleep at all. “Morning.”

  She smiles. “Hey.”

  “Have you been awake long?”

  “No, ten minutes maybe. I need to pee, but I didn’t want to wake you.”

  I laugh softly. “Go.”

  She climbs out of bed after kissing my cheek and disappears into the bathroom, whilst I lie back replaying everything that happened yesterday. Last night felt like a dream, but as I look around at the half empty glasses of scotch, the bedding in disarray, her gown tossed on the floor, and my obvious nakedness, I know it wasn’t. It was real.

  Avery comes out, her face scrubbed clean of makeup and her hair tamed slightly. She jumps in the bed and climbs back into my arms, nestling close as she drags her hand across my chest. I detect the scent of mint and soap as she looks up at me.

  “How ya feeling?” she says.

  “Bloody fantastic. You?”

  She laughs softly. “Bloody fantastic,” she repeats in a remarkably good accent. “Did I sound British enough?”

  “You did.” I brush her hair from her forehead. “I should pop over to my room and freshen up.”

  “Nooo.” Her brow creases. “I have everything you need. There’s a toothbrush the hotel provided on the counter. Let’s order breakfast and talk and do it again.”

  I laugh. “Okay, that’s a good plan.” I reluctantly pull myself away to go into the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash my face. I notice her package of birth control pills sitting on the vanity and it dawns on me we didn’t even discuss protection. It didn’t even cross my mind. Bloody hell, I must be in love.

  When I walk out again, Avery’s standing in front of the balcony doors, looking out at the morning light. The sun kisses her exposed body making her look like an illuminated piece of art. She turns to look at me and smiles.

  “Look at the Eiffel Tower this morning. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “It is, but not nearly as much as you are.” I wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. “You are spectacular.”

  “Same to you.” She twists in my arms so that she’s facing me and wraps her arms around my neck. “I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

  “I am. I have an idea. How about we order room service and then call David and Annabelle? After all, we owe them for bringing us together.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  I kiss her softly, knowing I could be happy if this is all I could do, but thankful it’s not. “After breakfast, we’ll take a nice bath, then we’ll spend the rest of the day in bed.”

  “I like it.”

  I pat her butt. “Go sit. I’ll order.”


  As she starts to walk away, I pull her wrist until she’s pressed against me again. “We didn’t use anything.”



  “Oh.” She half shrugs. “And?”

  “I didn’t want you to think that’s my usual behavior. I was just so caught up in you, I honestly didn’t even consider it.”

  Reaching up, she brushes her soft fingers over my cheek. “I didn’t think about it either, and I guess I know enough about you to know that you wouldn’t risk so much to have casual encounters, but I’m not a casual encounter.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re—” I stop abruptly when the words come to me, looking away for a moment to compose myself.

  “Ellis? Are you okay?”

  Nodding, I meet her curious gaze. “I am. I just wasn’t expecting to have such a strong reaction to you. It’s still a bit startling.”

  She smiles. “It is. We’ll get used to it. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Do you promise? You’ll stay in London with me?”

  “Of course. We need to talk about things now. I can’t be your publicist and your lover.”

  “You’re not my lover, Avery.”

  “What am I then?”

  I’m stunned as the thought hits me for the second time in just a few minutes, but decide to be brave this time and just say it. “I hope you’re the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Ellis…”

  “There are many publicists in the world, but only one you. I want you. We’ll figure out everything else.”

  She rises on her tip toes and kisses me softly. “Stop being all sexy. You’re gonna make me cry.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with crying. There’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable because you’re safe with me, Avery. You know that, yes?”

  “Yes. You know it too?”


  “That’s new. I’ve been let down so many times, I expect it, but…” She shakes her head. “I don’t feel that way with you. I trust you.”

  I pull her close and kiss the top of her head as she wraps her arms around me. “I trust you too. Do you know how it happened? I think I do.”

  “How?” She steps back and looks up at me.

  “Because we were friends first. We were tested many times and learned the other always had our back. Before our first touch, there was trust.”

  “Yeah.” She smiles. “That’s what happened.”

  “Now go back to bed. I’ll get us some food and tea.”

  “And coffee.”

  I laugh softly. “And coffee.” I pinch her chin. “What a beautiful day this is. I thought Friday was pretty good, and yesterday was nice, but today, waking up knowing what we have, it couldn’t get better.”

  “But I have a feeling it will.”

  “Then it must be true. Your instincts never fail us.”

  As she saunters back to bed I walk to the small desk and lift the receiver to call for room service, ordering a menagerie of breakfast items. When I look back at Avery, she sits on the edge of the bed, her back turned to me, gazing out into the morning light. Life is such a funny thing sometimes. She came to save my reputation, but ended up saving so much more.

  Chapter 34 Avery

  I gaze out the window with a smile on my face. The sun is out in all her glory. Ellis is right. It’s a beautiful day. I feel the bed shift and twist around to see Ellis climbing in behind me where he pulls my hair to the side and plants a soft kiss on the back of my neck. He’s got his dress pants on again, and he honestly looks amazing like that. Overnight, he’s grown a thick dark stubble on his cheeks, but it’s still soft as his chin grazes my shoulder. He hands me his dress shirt.

  “Cover up before room service comes, love. That body is only mine for viewing.”

  I smile, sliding the shirt on. “Not just for viewing.”

  “I know. Shall we call your sister and my best mate?”


  “Yes, we’ll put them on speaker phone. It’ll be ace.”

  I laugh softly. “Let’s do it.” Ellis grabs his phone, but I stop him. “Let me start. It’ll be more of a shock for Annabelle.”

  “As you wish.”

  I reach for my phone then dial her number. She answers full of enthusiasm as usual. “Morning, sis. How’s Paris?”

  I glance at Ellis. “Fantastic. Is David around?”

  “Right next to me why?”

  “Because Ellis wants to talk to him too. Can you put me on speaker?”
  “Um, sure. Where’s Ellis?”

  “Right next to me. We have something to tell you both.”

  “Okay. Hold on.” I hear her whisper as we both hold back laughter, then she comes back on the line. “We’re both here now.

  “Hey, mate,” David says.

  “Hey,” Ellis chimes in, then looks at me. “Do you want to tell them?”

  “No, you tell them.”

  “I think you should.”

  “Bloody hell,” Annabelle exclaims. “Tell us what?”

  Ellis grins at me and whispers. “Let’s say on my count three we’re in love, yes?”

  I nod. “Yes.”


  “We’re in love,” we announce simultaneously, then wait as we’re met with silence. Ellis and I look at each other, and then back at the phone.

  “Did you hear us?” I question.

  “We’re confused,” Annabelle finally says.

  “Let me help.” Ellis laughs. “You’ve both been helping us with advice, correct?”


  “Well, we finally followed it. Last night we both admitted our feelings for each other.”

  “Avery Michelle Kennedy,” Annabelle says with a stern tone. “You pick up this phone and talk to me right now. Ellis can call David on his own phone.”

  I look at Ellis with big eyes. “Well, I guess we have our marching orders.”

  Ellis laughs. “I’ll go on the balcony. Call you in a minute, mate.”

  After he leaves, I pick up the phone and turn the speaker phone off, but quickly notice Annabelle is crying.

  “What did I do? Why are you crying?”

  “You told him you’re in love with him?”


  “And he loves you back?”


  “I’m so happy for you, Avery. I’m so happy.”

  I smile and sigh. “I thought maybe you were mad at me for telling you together.”

  “No, I just couldn’t talk how I want to in front of them. I’ve wanted for so long for you to find yours, and I had this feeling it was Ellis, and now it’s true.” She sniffs. “Plus it means you’re happy, and you’re gonna stay in London. How did it happen?”

  “He told me first actually. We had a magical day. Magical. He surprised me and took me to the Palace of Versailles, and then—”

  “Wait. Versailles? Seriously?”

  “Yeah. I told him the story of how I felt about it when I saw it on TV as a kid, and he made it happen. We toured the whole palace, and he gave me a gift. Annabelle, he gave me a journal and told me it was time to write.”

  “Oh my god, that’s incredible. I’m really impressed you told him too.”

  “I trust him. I knew I could tell him and he would get it. I just didn’t expect him to encourage me like that.”

  “Whoa. What else happened?”

  “We went to the award ceremony, and he won in his category. He gave the most beautiful touching speech, and I just knew I had to tell him how I was feeling. We came up to my room, and he said he had something to tell me, so I let him go first. That’s when he told me he was in love with me.”

  “Aww. I love it.”

  “Then I told him I loved him, and then we got onto business.”

  “Business? What does that mean?”

  “Eggs, Annabelle. Lots and lots of eggs!”

  We both laugh like teenagers, and my eyes shift up to see Ellis on the balcony with no shirt and no shoes, just pacing back and forth in his dress pants talking to David. He looks like a fucking piece of art, he’s so beautiful. He’s gotta be cold, but I’m just enjoying the view.

  “How does it feel to understand it all now?”

  “Amazing. When I heard those words leave his lips, it stunned me, but it also felt so right, like yes, this is the man I’ve been waiting for. I was so confused, but in that moment, it was as clear as day I loved him too. It was easy to tell him.”

  “Love it. So…how were the eggs?”

  “The best. Absolute perfection. I don’t know if it was like this with you and David, but it was different somehow. It’s hard to explain. I mean, physically it was heaven, but it was deeper than that.”

  “I do know what you mean. There’s a connection that isn’t there without love. It takes sex to a whole new level.”

  “Yeah.” I smile. “That’s it. We’re really compatible, and he’s…well, he’s Ellis, so you know he’s incredible.”

  “Yeah. My beautiful, vibrant, tough-as-nails sister is finally in love. And Ellis. I always knew underneath all that cocky, British façade was a kind hearted soul.”

  “More than you even know. We’re staying another day in Paris, just hanging out and soaking up our new relationship.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you.”

  “None of it would be happening if you didn’t love me so much, so thank you.” I look up as Ellis enters the room again, running his hands over his arms to warm up. “I better go. Breakfast is coming soon.”

  “Okay. See you when you get back. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  As I end the call, Ellis walks over to me, smiling at me. “David says well done.”

  “To you or to me?”

  “Both of us. He said he’s been anticipating exactly when we would both finally get to shagging.”

  Laughing, I run my fingers through my hair. “I love that word.”


  “Yeah. It’s so English.”

  “I’m glad you like it because that’s how you’ll be spending your day. With someone who is so English.”

  “Just the way I like it.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Did you tell him I was amazing?”

  “No. I told him you were not of this earth.”

  “That’s way better.”

  “And true.” He leans down to kiss me, but we’re interrupted by the knock on the door. “Breakfast.”

  As Ellis excuses himself to answer the door, a smile spreads across my lips. It’s definitely a beautiful day.


  Later that evening, after a day of making love and talking about life, I look up at Ellis as I lay tucked in his arms.

  “We never talked about our working relationship.”

  “No. I don’t want to. I like everything as it is.”

  “Yeah, me too, but if we continue to work together, we’ll have to hide our romance. No one will believe me or take us seriously if we don’t.”

  “Right. Perhaps, we could just keep things as they are through the end of the year. Then in January, we can announce that we’re ending our professional ties. Then in February, we’ll go out publicly and let them think as they wish.”

  “They’ll talk about that. It’s too close.”

  He looks down at me. “I don’t bloody care. I’ve spent a lot of time caring about what these bastards think of me, too much time, and I’m nearing my threshold.”

  I nod, offering a slight smile. “I understand. I just don’t want to undo what we’ve accomplished. I know it’s tiring, but if we can just give it a little longer, it would be better.”


  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “Hide when I want to stand on top of the London Eye and scream to the world that you are mine? Hide when I want to scale the Eiffel Tower with joy that you love me? You want me to hide?”

  My heart flutters in my chest from his romantic words. “I feel the same as you do. It sucks to hide it. I want to walk down the street with my hand in yours. I want every woman in London to be jealous of me, so I get it, but I want you to be free even more. That was always my mission. It was always why I didn’t give in and kiss you sooner. You deserve that. We both do. Can you trust me with your brand for just a little longer?”

  A smile pulls at his lips. “I will trust you with my brand, with my heart, for much more than a little longer. I appreciate how you always see the bigger picture, and not get clouded
by immediate desires.”

  “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.”

  He laughs. “I have no idea what I’m paying you. I let David handle all of that.”

  “Well trust me, it’s a lot.”

  “Well deserved.” He kisses my nose. “You know…if we were to…” He pauses, chuckling softly. “I apologize. I’m getting well ahead of myself.”

  “It’s okay. What did you want to say?”

  “I really shouldn’t make such assumptions.”

  I half shrug, smiling. “How do you know they’re assumptions if you don’t tell me?”

  Ellis studies my eyes for a moment as a serious expression settles over his features. “After we part ways professionally…if you wanted…perhaps, if you decided…bollocks. I can’t get the words out.”

  I smile at my always sharp witted Ellis at a loss for words. “Take your time.”

  “I don’t want to offend you.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Right. I suppose I should just get on with it.” I nod as he exhales slowly. “If you wanted to take some time off to explore different things, perhaps your writing, I just wanted to say finances would never be a problem. I’m not suggesting you become some kept woman.” He laughs, making a staccato sound, revealing his nerves. “I just would never want you to be concerned about that, or make choices based on money, or do things you don’t wish to do like handle the scandals of bossy, arrogant Englishman.” My heart literally feels like it’s softening as he speaks. “You’ve had to take care of yourself for a long time, much longer than anyone should have to, and I know the load gets heavy. I told you before, and I will tell you again now. I can help carry it now. You can allow me to carry it for you. It doesn’t make you weak to rely on me, and it would make me indescribably happy to take care of you in all the ways that I can.”

  I swallow hard, blinking back the tears that threaten to fall. It takes me a moment to find my words, and when I do, I take a deep breath before speaking. “No one’s ever offered.”

  “I know.”

  “I know I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years, like you said. I know I can rise from the ashes of any fire that takes me down, but it’s nice to know that if I need to rest, if I need someone else to carry my sword, you will. You’ll walk through the dark woods with me.” I smile through glassy eyes. “Thank you.”


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